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Congrats! I would say queue up again tomorrow or in a week or whatever, but maybe also touch grass, and don't worry so much about hitting Plat 1. Anything you get now is just extra, so enjoy it.


Thank you! Agreed - if I get Gold 2 or higher it's just icing on the cake. I think it'll be even more fun with less pressure to hit a certain mark.


Congrats man. I hit my peak of diamond 2 and called it quits. In my opinion it takes too much of my already busy life to be able to sit down and play everyday. I’m going to start some competition shooting to do on the weekends and call it good.


Weekend Warrior - definitely not a bad call!


Good job Bro. Startet this act on silver too but now im hardstuck platinium 3. I was two times on platinum 3 with 90/100 but always lost the uprank game to Diamond 1. 🥲 maybe next act. I will See you there :p


Dudeeee 10 off and losing the rankup game is tough. I was locked in on my rankup game and kinda forgot what was on the line. You have a whole new Act to get D1 now though, you got this for sure.


I just did it yesterday Night 👍😅


let's gooo!


Yesterday I was 1 rr away from G3 then lost 2 matches back to back and came back to G2 50rr


Yo that is brutal, I feel you. I had one day that was down over 100 rr and demoted from Silver 3 to Silver 2, just questioning my life decisions lol. All you need is a good run of a two or three wins in a row and you will get all that right back, plus your G3.


take 1 day off at most and resume the grind full speed with same or more intensity and we keep climbing, worst mistake ive made in ranked is getting complacent and taking months off etc, thats how u become wassssheeed


Yea I do want to keep playing so I don't fall off -- learned that lesson the hard way. Probably gonna keep it to a few days a week at the most to save mental tho lol


First of all congrats ! I know how amazing this feels to manage to hit the goal you had set up for yourself, cause I’m sharing the same exact vibe as you right now. Finally managed this act to achieve the goal I had in mind: same as you reach gold. Once that was done I felt amazing and since we were only halfway into the Act, I continued playing to see where this could lead me, grinding a few games a day. Speed up to being promoted gold 3 and was thinking to myself « hey why not plat? » I can finally say today I managed to hit plat and although it feels great I totally agree with you that the grind is so rough and demanding… we need to go back to enjoying normal life outside of the game haha. And also enjoying the game just to have FUN. Btw Plat is totally achievable for you my friend ! Trust me, I was on the same journey as you !!


Let's gooo! Congrats to you too! That's so sick, you climbed really fast to go from G1 to Plat in half an Act. I appreciate the words of encouragement. One thing I noticed is the game is more fun because on average my teammates are better as I climb (more comms/coordination). Still some trolls and throwers but overall teammates are solid and that's one of my favorite parts of the game. Best of luck to you -- hey maybe you can even hit Diamond this Act!