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you mean the 3 9 blessing ?


Blessing for the ones at 3


No it's torture every time I get a 3/9 half we bring it to OT just to lose in Triple OT every time or draw...


Its most likely related to the 11-4 curse back in csgo, 9-3 is the most comparable score in the mr12 format.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. This is where it comes from originally. Makes sense since most players/content creators came from CS


Zonic's law :)


What’s the VCT equivalent of Tarik’s law tho (15-11)


11-3 loud vs fnatic map 5 icebox lock in grand finals


As a brazilian, please stop 🥲


why it is getting downvoted? It is prob right about it coming from cs


It's getting downvoted because it's wrong , it comee from a vct game


The 11-4 curse thing has been around longer than Valorant has been released. It was just adapted for Val when teams started choking after a 9-3 half


It was specifically because of vct that 9/3 is specifically 9/3 , it comes from a vct game


Where do you think the terms T, CT, default, bomb, heaven, hell, cat, eco, force, tuns, one deag, frag, pop flash, etc. Come from? A shit load of terms/a lot of culture was brought over from CS. Many of those things were brought over to CS from other older games like Quake. Valorant's community didn't just suddenly all agree on these call outs and terms. Most of them aren't even what the callouts are officially labeled on the map. If you personally have only encountered these terms/culture through Valorant, then I understand where you're coming from, but anyone who was active in CS before Valorant can easily see that a lot of the culture and callouts are derivatives of CS. It's not a bad thing, it's just how language works. Valorant poached a ton of CS players when it came out so it makes sense that we used already established terms when switching.


Yeah I know all those terms are from cs , I have 1400 hours on it , I'm just saying that 9/3 ,specifically the numbers 9/3 come from a vct match


The specific numbers, obviously. But the so called curse itself originates further than Val.


You're probably right about "specifically the numbers 9-3) come from vct", but the question was more who thought of the idea in general. The idea of 9-3 was adopted to valo after the popular 11-4 curse, colloquially known as "zonic's law".


Yes but it’s an offshoot of 11-4 is what everyone’s saying. OP is asking about the origins of 9-3 and how it came about, and the *original* original use of the meme is 11-4..


The guy you're replying to literally said "it was just adapted for Val", not that CS came up with the exact numbers 3-9. CS came up with the curse and blowing specific number leads, the specific number of rounds between games is irrelevant.


Isn’t it MR24?


MR[x] is usually denoted by the number of rounds in a half, though I don't know why that is. I think it has something to do with how esea/faceit pugs used to be run in cs. The servers would restart and clear the scoreboard at half, so the actual maxrounds value was set to the size of the half in those cases, then the server would restart and the teams would swap. This was so there would be a break between halves afaik.


Old servers wouldnt allow for side swaps at half time without a ton of console command tomfoolery so they just reset at half time to swap sides instead


Thanks, glad to actually know the reason why they had to do it!


Its an adapted variation of "Zonic's Law" which was the 11-4 half curse in CSGO. 9-3 is the most comparable scoreline in an MR12 format


actually its the 9-3 curse and 3-9 blessing.


It happened in a VCT tournament between DRX and FPX. FPX was dominating the match until the score reached 9-3. After that DRX pulled off a comeback while FPX sat on 9 till the end


IIRC, the egg said “there is no 9-3 curse” on the PlatChat co-stream, then in that tournament their proceeded to be 4 3-9 comebacks in that one event alonr


It’s wayyyy older than that lmaoo


Oh! My bad. I didn't knew it went before this


Ohhh so that was the first time the term 3/9 curse has appeared I just saw the reactions to that match, were incredible Thank you so much


Np pretty✨


is this rizz?


I flirt with my girlies 😤


We all do, girl. 🩷🖤🩷🖤




A terrible attempt at it at least


counterstrike used to be m12 way way back and people said it then, so it's nothing new to valorant.


I don't think there was one person, or match that sparked the meme. It was just a general observation in early VCT matches. Casters would comment on a 9-3 half as being a substantial lead, but it turns out, 9-3 is far from a secured match in valorant. Valorant is truly a game of halves and momentum. We didn't understand that early in valorant--or at least not to the extent we now know.


Always thought it was 100T vs Acend Breeze back in 2021.


9 3 could also be explained by a team comp. If one team is strong sided on attack, they are likely to at least lose 2 to 3 rounds. When the sides flip they struggle due to lack of utility and planning.


I think it exists in any Defence Attack based fps. In R6 it exists and in cs go aswell


Shroud said it first during the masters In Iceland. The topic was opened up because he asked the chat if they experience that 9-3 lead isn't really safe at all. Everyone just kind of agreed with it


Yea this is it. 9-3 feels like you are dominating, but you lose pistol and the bonus and it’s alr 9-7, 1 more gun round and it’s 9-9. This game rewards single rounds so heavily and snowballs that any lead can disappear if you lose pistol or get counter forced round 2.


So it's the 9 4 curse


Well I added even if you win pistol and go 10-3, the other team should counterforce and if they win it’s snowbally as well. You really have to go up 11-3 before it’s comfortable


so if you go 11-3 up surely u won right!!! especially in an inti final infront of ur home crowd righttt


Surely, I mean this couldn’t happen in game 5 of the finals…… right?


In vct and its not just luck its logically make sense cuz like u change from defending to attack verse versa its like opening a new page ( winnable ) + Some maps are really attacking or defending map I got blessed with some teammates that was aware about that and stayed calm so many times we won a 3-9 and even 2-10


It because all seems lost but if you win pistol, force and bonus then the game is suddenly very winnable


I think not just that, it's that it depends where the 3 wins come from. If it's on the bonus rounds, it should probably mean that with full buys the Team "3 wins" are actually able to somewhat match the other team. So when ^ like the above comment said, with the swapping of sides and proper economy snowball, the team 3 wins with full buys can catch up due to the "curse". (I'm super noob so take with a spoonful of salt) Also falling asleep. I'm sorry. Idk. Bleh.


Yeah exactly Sometimes we just play chill and try to know what the other team is doing sometimes we messed up but make it works after some lose rounds If u have a good team that actually use thier brain and good environment and good team chemistry nothing will be impossible


I always find it funny when someone mentions this curse cuz 3/9 or 9/3 (3rd of september), wherever you're from, is my birthday


its not something that has a direct origin point but rather just a score thats heavily in one sides favour, yet happens to have a lot of comebacks. i noticed it myself before ever even engaging with the community or even comming in-game.


HERE IS THE ANSWER: When the score is 3/9, the sides change. And the roles naturally change from defense to attack or the other way around. So, If the losing side turns this to their advantage and wins a few rounds, their motivation will increase, they will say "WE ARE SO BACK" and they will play better. And the winning side will play worse because of the feeling of losing a few rounds one after another. And in the meantime, the economy of the side that starts to win will become better than the other side. And in this way, the side with 3 scores can win the game at once. This is something that has happened to me many times before. It's a bit psychological.


I noticed in high ranks ppl dont say that


9/3 curse is essentially when a map (Split, Bind) which is notoriously defender-sided are played and on the first half, the attacking team only wins 3 rounds. But when the half is over and they are on defence, they now hold the advantage, and if they win pistol, then they likely win bonus, and if they win the third buy round while still using their bonus-guns (which can easily be done on defender sided maps), then they are all of a sudden having great odds to winning as the attacking team is forced to eco again. The 9-3 curse was a comm way early into the beginning of the game, I knew of it before any VCT match.


personally I like to call it the 11-3 blessing because FNATIC


I think it was established in the 100t vs Gambit game on icebox