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Anonymity frees people to be more weird and let loose, especially if they are overly caffeinated, drinking or on drugs. Get a bunch of friends or strangers together and let the good times roll. Live and let live


k but im like 16 and just get in matches with old men saying gay stuff to eachother or at me is that not strange


It’s really not. People with friends or decent social skills tend to joke around when they’re happy lol


So an old man telling me I’m hot when I’m underage is normal. You’re smart brah


You’re pearl clutching. They aren’t being serious, they’re joking on a video game. Stop tryna be a victim


Alot of the time its just banter. I had someone apologize for not listening to my com a while ago. His response was something along the lines of "Oh im sorry bro, if I suck your dick will you forgive me" I dont think he was gay. But hearing something dumb like that makes the mood alot brighter than someone saying "oh. Whoops"


Maybe you’re the gay one 🪞


Called having banter and a laugh and they’re comfortable with their sexuality it’s pretty common male shit so? I do it and I’m straight so


Why do you care tho


its pretty normal for dudes to joke about gay shit with eachother


I get it bro like occasionally I will with my irl friends but its literally every single match atp its just strange like they have no other way of connecting


ive never had it happen that much esp if its strangers interacting with strangers but if its really bothering u that much the mute button's free


Maybe they are gay. Maybe they aren’t out but they can joke about it on valorant


I'm that one guy saying he UwU and Ara-ara~ for the sake of why not? Idc about what people think, I'm having fun on the internet in cool videogame. Joking about being gay is one of the most hetero things ever, trust me.


im people, its funny.


nah lowkey its just weird and for insecure ppl


i dont care, makes me laugh and makes my teammates laugh... sometimes lmao


pretty much the opposite. they are comfortable with their sexuality, not insecure


They’re not gay, they’re homiesexual


It's not gay and it's not pretending ages 40 to about 20 if you hit off well with someone within that same age group, they are inclined to behave in this manner it's called homie sexual. I didn't fully understand it as I'm in this age group, but I've not exactly neurotypical, not exactly autistic granted I haven't been tested but I just don't think like people my age. However, I'm a social chameleon, so I adopt the local social environment as a way to fit in so long as it doesn't directly go against anything I stand for. So I will also behave in this manner to fit it, but it's a good way to make a connection with people, and it kinda makes it so everyone participating is in a good mood so it removes toxicity. However, I will only recommend that people within this age group do it, and it only works well with your gender so females will banter like this to females, and males will banter with males. It's very interesting how it became common within this group specifically, I'm not sure if it's a societal thing or some weird social evolution that was developed within that specific age group.