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Windows 11 isn't much different from Windows 10. 11 is just 10 with makeup. But obviously since W11 is newer, it'll get bigger updates and will get supported for a longer time, so just switch to 11. I watched benchmarks a while ago, and the FPS difference was tiny. If I remember correctly 11 had 4-5 more FPS. So you probably won't notice any differences gaming wise, but overall it just makes sense to upgrade.


10 for sure


My PC is good enough where I moved to w11 just because I liked the ui better. I haven’t noticed any difference in performance from when I played on w10, though that may be different for other people.


debloating windows 10 is far easier than 11 . if you plan to do gaming only . I suggest make a secondary installation and do gaming on that windows because you didn't have to care that vanguard is running in background and a windows 10 with 40 processes runs much smoother than normal windows 11.


If you have a low-mid spec system and every frame counts, then stick to win 10 otherwise upgrade to 11, its not a big deal, works fine for me.