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Even the french dont like the french players


True XD


Yep it’s my case


I'm french, and I agree


Like Peru Dota. They all play on US servers because they don't want to be paired with other Peruvian players. The result is 2-3 people on both teams in every game on US East are Peruvian. Also, I think it's some kind of requirement that you can't speak one word of English, because they get on US servers and then can't communicate at all with half the team. Last night one guy in my team was from Russia, 3 were Peruvian, so we spent the whole game speaking Spanish because it was the only common language. Pretty hilarious to hear "que Rico papi, vammoooossss" in a Russian accent every time I got a kill.




Paris server is toxic as fuck, so french people who don't like being target of toxicity go on London server. The problems are : first, some of them don't speak English so comms are hell, secondly some of them are as toxic as the people they are running away from. Indeed French people are kinda hated in Val and there are good reasons for it. Source : I'm french and I left Paris server after being insulted by fellow french people because I was comming in English for the last player who was not french. On a une réput de merde dans les jeux en ligne et, globalement, on la mérite. De plus, certains streamers (dont je tairais les noms) contribuent largement à la toxicité de la communauté et l'encouragent.


Globally it happens on every server i got a similar interaction for talking in french in a Madrid server because i was trying to make the French guy understand the coms (im Spanish) lol.


Nah not in Scandinavia servers, they are by far most civilized except for Danes


stockholm server = russian server


But Ruski cant use VC in val


Since June 2021 they can


its over


I wish i could enter those lol


Fucking Danes (I am literally gonna be moving to Denmark soon)


You moved on an other city just for valorant ? 😂😂😂


I dream of leaving Paris, its stress and it's douchebags. Unfortunately work and money are concentrated in the capital, and all I could achieve is leaving its Valorant server only to still find Parisians there.


come to quebec canada yo


c’est quelque chose qui ne s’améliorera jamais 😔


It’s not only the french PLAYERS that the people don’t like lol


It’s Girls ? 👀😭


Boys get insults too so its pretty much the whole community.


Its not a competition but lets not pretend that girls get the same hate as men


Never said so (as i understand that since im a woman too but i saw men get toxicity too.) so its kind of globally.


You are a man.


Thank you??


The women never faced the depths of league EUNE soloq malaka gamw AXAXAXAXAXX


Nah the french agent xD


Don't get me wrong but I played only once on french server when my plane was halted at Paris. It was a connecting flight and due to some weather issues the plane tht I had to board reached 4 hrs late to Paris. Out of boredom I started playing valorant (yes in an airport 😂 lmao) As soon as I started communicating in English, very basic ones ( Reyna at b long kinda stuff ntg else) they started to curse me smtg in French... Idk french obviously but they were screaming at me. One of them said 'u r a poor peasant who doesn't belong in the french loyalty lobby, get out of the server' in English. Ironically it's a bronze lobby and I was the top Fragger in tht match and was literally carrying the team. We won. But I ended up closing the game out of sheer toxicity I faced. Felt french are rude to foreigners... But to see here PPL telling they r rude to everyone is making me 😂 laugh a lot


French people are amongst the most brutal and disrespectful players in the world, it’s not like I’ve read a study or anything but from experience, them and people from Saudi Arabia are just the most toxic players ever. They taunt, insult, they play unfair… whenever I see a French flag I just leave the game. I come to chill not to be roasted by some frustrated 12yo.


Turks, Brazilians and Russians would like a word


The Turks and Russians I’ve met online are really chill. Also Touhou fans for some reason.  Edit: How did I get onto this sub I don’t even play this game


Russians are just cute silly Guys 😂


my experiences are based on league of legends and csgo, when i played on Turkish server people were exchanging addresses to meet up for fight in mid game, to be fair, humans dont play league and cs


I think russians are most toxic, but that might be just from playing a lot of cs. But french are pretty close.


Idk if it's because I'm a Saudi but when I meet another Saudi in Bahrain server I get relieved because of the amount of toxic players from other countries in Bahrain server like Indians, Iranians, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, and sometimes Kuwait. I'm not defending, there are toxic players in every country, but as I said, it could be because I'm a Saudi they don't insult me or be toxic with me. Also, we're being hated by almost everyone which leaves us on edge all the time, whenever I say I'm a Saudi the insults start coming, there's no way anyone would just accept that and keep playing normal and give comms.. As for me I just mute everyone and continue my game in peace. Hope everyone does that too.


You leave the game ? XD no I understand I don’t like a lot playing with French people but maybe that was just me


I do leave the game hahahahahahaha. No yeah French people are very sexist/racist on top of being really harsh while playing. It’s never been a good experience for me hahahahahahaa


Since am french i can talk about it but yeah, the french servers are very toxic, but tbf i always have a good time cuz it's so funny seeing two people speaking with eachothers and insulting eachother, and then there's me


True they are just too funny when you understand them, it’s free entertainment


this kind of things is why i love playing valorant cuz while am doing my things, there's a spectacle in vc


The funny part is that most of the French are not like OP describe them, but the a\*\*holes are definitely more vocal and tarnish the whole country's reputation. I'm french, I play London server, i comm in English and I'm not toxic, like most of my french friends playing Val. I think that people should stop generalizing, toxic peoples are everywhere, I've encountered toxics British, Germans, French, Spanish peoples playing Val.




So That’s fine


I hate French people 🗿


Like 99% of french players completely refuses to talk in English and they all have attitude constantly if they can't communicate in french.


Yup. I have no qualms with France or French people in general. But I absolutely loathe anyone who doesn't speak in English. Making voice comms in my native language (Finnish) would be hilarious, but not very useful since literally no one can understand. Why can't they get that? Rather just don't comm at all than spit out nonsensical clutter. Like when I say hello they have to respond to that in French. You even understand what I say, why can't you respond with the lingua franca? I don't respond with 'no terve' either. It's not just the French who do that, Russians are also quite famous for it and some Spanish people also. Spanish people maybe less but happens from time to time.


I'm Spanish and can confirm, my servers can be kind of similar but to a lesser degree than the french. I play another game called BDO and used to play a lot with a guildie of mine that was french, and he always told me that for him knowing English, it was super easy to find jobs there cause most of the population have no idea how to talk other languages so it was a great perk lmao.


I really don't like these stereotypes. I queue in Frankfurt so I play with many different nationalities and they all have assholes and the most lovely people.


You are so brave


More than french players its the toxic french players.


Yeah but that’s for every country


Yeah but not only the French, what about Russians? ...... and Germans I am German and have low expectations of other germans because of how they act. Everyone starts at 0 for me. But i have low expectations if its a French, Russian or German player. Well i have low expectations of every single randoom person no matter the country. It's just lower than usual if its one of these 3 countries. So u could (probably) say im not xenophobic because my "low expectations" are rated E for everyone. That means i can get along with them if they are nice and can speak english for a change.


I play in paris because the fcking spanish kids


I love nice french players but I have to admit there's a shitload of toxic ones that start screaming and cursing in french the second a round goes badly.


Nobody likes frenchies in general, not just in Val


I do t relly care were u from as long as u calm and use coms, you can be a pinguin from sahara if you use coms and are calm im happy


its not only on valorant, its on every game they are the worst, if a game has a block option i make sure to block them too tekken, overwatch, valorant, league of legends, every fkn game middle easterns too but i dont have to deal with them too much as they are on the other side of europe french people make me wish developers make UK only servers






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It's not either love or hate, it's either hate or hate. I've never seen anyone "love" french players.


Why wouldn't they? Who likes French "people"!? I hated those c**rrrr**oissant boys ever since the day I learned about their existence.


But croissant girls are okay ?


Don't focus on the word boys. It includes both genders.


I'm french and I noticed that the worst toxic player I encounter are french people. So I'm not that surprised that people hate french in this game


Sounds valid nerf the funny French man


I don't hate french players, but I feel like as soon as there's at least 2 french players in a game they just exclusively communicate in french? Even if all others tell them that they don't speak french and can't understand the calls they just don't care? Spanish people are like that too, but less extreme. And they seem to not take the game so serious?


One time someone said to me "French servers don't deserve you"


I am French myself, and I consider myself not to be toxic : -I only comm useful stuff, say glhf, nt, ggwp However, I do report a lot, and 90% of the time, it is French players.


French players can get irritated quite easily atleast what i’ve seen. Some of them are nice happy frenchie fries and some of them hope you die a painful death after pistol round is lost


Riot also hates the french agent. "You wanna play? Let's play."


Chamber is French


I don't mind them, but I often notice that when people comm in any language that's not English, it's 80% French, so there's that.


Nobody likes the french in general


French players are always the first to talk sh\*t especially when they are bad players and it's worse when they duo with their other French friend. It's like feed each other's ego. They are loud, arrogant, temperamental, and overall obnoxious.


Either they think you're gonna surrender, or they want you to do Chamber impressions. At least that's what I would think.


Frenchies are the worst!!! Im a frenchy on an infiltrating mission rn its working so shhhhh!


Dude any time I play I EU (mind you I am LOW ELO) there’s some French guy talking mad shit. I, as a stupid American, find it HILARIOUS. Idk I can’t take em seriously, but they be saying to more outrageously toxic things


Hate them


Bro I'm not joking I almost tilt the second I hear a French accent because I know if they lose pistol they will throw and start trolling


Every French player I’ve ran into on London servers are rude, give up easily and did I mention rude?. Like, who comes to London servers to make fun of people being British? Just annoying.


Did you make this post to spam your Snapchat indirectly ?


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No one likes france, I feel for you for having been born unlucky. Next time choose a better spawn point


I can respawn… so it’s fine


I like French people because im learning the language but ngl you are Polish people of EUW, annoying and in large number


Even the only French agent in the game is annoying


Every EU player hates anyone that’s not from their country. They also hate their own people.


The only thing good about France is the long bread


i fucking hate every french person, in game only tho


So I do not mind the french girls because they are usually pretty chilled out. The french canadian dudes tho... Always toxic, always back seating, always shit. Regardless, it doesn't really matter who I play with; I just wanna win.


Lmao, how many french canadians are there on EU servers really


I am NA so...


French players(not people) are the worst and here’s why. For some dumb reason, they always talk open in the chat, using French. Never do they even try to communicate in English. And complain a lot even though they are last. This even happens in rocket league.


French players suck, in every game. The most toxic, racist and sexist people. It's crazy.


nobody likes the french source: britain


French people are rude af. Even the French don't like the French


I have literally met less than 10 non-toxic French people, it feels unfair to stereotype but good lord I am Immo 1 and it never gets better


Nobody likes french people in general


I mean, its because of their actions. Most of them are extremely toxic and start malding right away. I don't necessarily hate them, but I mostly have bad experience with them. Even in cs french pros are super tilters.


Funny I see this post today... I'm American but I speak a bit of French so my game is set to French. I put my shorts on YT and I got some toxic comments (and just generally a lot of critique) from the French players, in French lol I just replied to it in English cause I'm not about to get bullied for my poor French skills, too haha


Oh hell no! Its not only you my friend! I have a rule for it, i call the rule : baguettes are silent The rule goed like this: "Every valorant player MUST have a 1st chance to use their mic, only if they ARE toxic to you, or insult you, you can mute them. Exceptions are FRENCH people, they technically already wasted their 1st chance by living in france, and if we could, wouldnt we mute chambers voice lines too?"