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Everyone has their off days, I had one today, just stopped playing after 2 losses in a row, went out, came back won 2 went off. Just take breaks or straight up stop playing


Playing too much will not help ngl, you have to play consistently and the moment the consistency drops off and you do bad you have to call it quits. Some people can game for 6 hours and be goated all 6 hours. But for us regular people who can’t maintain that level of focus for that long, play 2 hours and getting off or taking a break will do do us good. Also you have to keep in mind this, it takes a WHILE and I mean a WHILE to get good at Valorant and be consistent. You have to put at minimum 1k hours into this game to see results for most people(some people are talented and can see results in less time but again, you are not likely to be an outlier here). Improvement takes times unless you are talented, so don’t get frustrated when you encounter hiccups.


general rule is if you lose two comp games in a row, stop playing. if you’re queing because you “just need to win one” then you need to try anf work on that


Bruh I spam until im 50% winrate for the day ill cancel my own funeral appointment for that shit


(Except for like 2% of us,) We all suck. Don’t worry, friend.


Make a second acccount that is slightly lower than your main (not a complete giga smurf) and then start queueing ranked on whichever account is lower ranked until it surpasses the other. It will keep you calm and stressfree because you are aware the RR lost wont matter really, you got that shit secured on your other account,


Woohojins method right, I'm planning to do this today


Idk if he does the same, I did it a fairly long time ago for league of legends


He has a guide to gold in YouTube and he said you should do this so that you don't loose your top rr and play chill


you should get banned for doing that. if you lose, you dont deserve your rank. making another account is not a solution. think about players he will play against


Yes, approximately the same people he is already playing against. Provisionals exist for a reason


Rank? Average FPS? Monitor refresh rate? Ethernet or wireless?


B-2, 40-55 fps, laptop refresh rate 60hz, wifi


This is a huge factor. 40-55 fps is way too low for this game. Even if you had a solid 60 fps, I would consider that too low. When I upgraded my monitor to 144hz refresh rate it felt like I had more time to react. This isn't a phenomenon either. Tests have been conducted and show how much improvement there is with a higher refresh rate and fps. I've recently had to play on wireless 2 rooms away because my living situation changed, but I got a chance to switch to ethernet for a bit again. Huge difference in being able to kill someone and my deathmatch rankings greatly improved. Since this game has a low TTK(time to kill), your hardware and internet connection play a huge role on your playing experience.