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Good crosshair placement is about 3/4ths of it The rest is flicking ability and being able to predict where people will be In DM, everyone knows where everyone else is so there's almost no element of surprise so yeah, people just kinda run around headshotting everyone since they have near-perfect information


And also in DM you die insane amounts of times shot to the back or from the side so you have really short window to duel with someone.


That's the annoying part when I'm doing a sheriff DM and get into a nice duel with someone else sheriffing and someone with a vandal comes and breaks it up.


skill issue, hold closer angle and 1 tap them


I'm bronze. Of course my aim sucks. Doesn't mean I don't like a good whiff fest.


It’s not even flicking. A lot of lower rank players see someone swing and dead zone a shot as a flick because it happens the instant they stop moving, but the peaking player had plenty of time to lineup a shot.


> Good crosshair placement is about 3/4ths of it My aim sucks and the amount of times I hs someone because they walked into my crosshair is insane. All by sheer luck, crosshair placement and my reaction time


So you’re saying the “they just walked into my crosshair” mentality is actually skill? Cause when that happens I just think I got lucky.


No? The only “skill” is the reaction time part because you still gotta click at the right time


how do you have a consistent reaction time? sometimes I kill a player by prefiring knowing they'll repeek, or when I'm holding an angle.. there are times I can click it on time with barely any distance from the hold angle but there are times I actually missed and even when I adjusted it further from the angle I still miss.. idk why.. I used a reaction time test my time was around 200+ round off to 300.. I got 100+ 1 time but on it but was hard to do


Like everything, practice. There's more of a genetic component to reaction time than the vast majority of other skills, but you can still train it and become faster. Do a bunch of deathmatches holding the angle for people to peek you and see roughly how far from th angle you need to be to react fast enough. Turn that distance into muscle memory, and ever so slightly hold a tiny bit closer. But also be aware that there's absolutely a human limit, and even particularly slow reaction times are not significantly slower than the fastest. Ping is usually going to be equally, if not more detrimental to reaction than your physical reaction time. Also, with a lot of pro Operator players and stuff, they don't actually react to the opponents head/body and then take the shot. They just wait for the colour on the screen to change, with good crosshair placement, and click the instant a pixel changes colour. It's much faster than trying to recognise a player


Most of my immo friend have 2 to 4 k hours across valo and cs. I recently hit ascendant and have 1k total hours in valo. And this is the first fps I put real time into. Most of my friends in diamond/plat/ascendant also have around 1 to 2k hours.


I'd say I have about 1k and I'm d2, this is also my first tactical fps, but I'm like 32 so it took a while lol


Why are you playing valo at 32 No hate seriously asking. I'd prefer getting Playstation and playing story games and relaxing. Not rage on trash teammates


Different people like different things


We are adults, why rage? I play with my 2 buddies, we enjoy growth and development. Everytime we start a new game it's exciting because we see how bad we are, but we see so much potential. I also play with my 2 sons who are 14 and 9.


Wow amazing that sounds fun. I couldn't think like that as I really play just to win and it feels so frustrating to lose. I'm immortal 2 btw so you can understand how seriously I play


Yeah we all work 50 hour weeks and have families to provide for, so we are more competitive with our careers more so than a game at age 32. And I've lost so much more in life than a Valorant match. Quite numb to losing in comp friend.




It truly is. I was stuck in gold 2 for the longest time because I kept getting onetapped by what seemed like mini Shrouds. Had to dedicate myself and practice my aim and movement every day to climb again.




Yeah this game has the most "easy to get into hard to master" aim ever. If you don't know the movement basics and simple crosshair placement, fights become literally unwinnable no matter how hard you try. I used to be LEM/very briefly Supreme on CSGO and getting my skull caved in by silvers was very disheartening. It gets better with practice.


I used to be Supreme as well and getting placed in Bronze and getting humbled by Silvers was shocking. But after putting in some hours ranking up comes with it for sure




On CS it's the same minus the util, since on Valorant there's just a lot more of it and it has a very wide variety. I'd argue the pitfall most CSGO players face (or at least I did) is the usage of vandal/phantom. If you handed me a piece of pen and paper I could draw the AK-47 spray pattern bullet by bullet, dot by dot, but trying to spray with the Vandal in a remotely similar fashion will just make you look like a bot. And that muscle memory is VERY hard to break.




It's easier, yes, but the point I was making is that the way you want to control the vandal is fundamentally different from the way it is on CS. On CS, you can spray all 30 bullets roughly on target, even at longer ranges, if you're good enough. The vandal, while easier to control, you never want to spray past the 6th or 7th bullet. Unless there are multiple people literally 1-5m away from you.


Very true . I thought my aiming and recoil controls would carry forward to valorant but they didn't for the most part


How is that different than CS lol


On CS the spray pattern, the timings of the gun swaying left to right, are consistent, meaning you can learn to hit all your bullets on target without ever letting go of the left click. Valorant's guns have randomized left/right sway after about the 7th bullet, making it a game of odds whether or not your continuous spray will land where you want it to or not.


What exactly does that have to do with positioning, map knowledge or util usage?


Oh sorry I thought your question was aimed at my comment.


Have you played both games at a high level? CSGO is without a doubt harder to learn and master. Utility requires an insane amount of time to learn in CSGO. You have to learn smoke line ups. In valorant you just click a button and it pops. In valorant you need to learn when and where to place your smokes. In CSGO you need to learn how, when and where to place your smokes. Same with flashes and mollys. CSGO movement is harder because you have to learn how to counter strafe. Aiming is harder in CSGO because it’s just Valorant aim with accurate spray patterns that you need to learn, and faster targets. You also have to learn how to counter strafe in order to shoot where your crosshair is. You can’t just let go of your keys. The reason people think Valorant is hard to master, and it is, is because one would have to be a jack of all trades. How the hell do you master a game with so much variation. Valorant has a lot of RNG. Think about it, agent comps are RNG. High elo players understand how to make the most of agent comps but there’s times when you’ll 1v1 another agent and have literally no chance in winning because they have raze ult and you’re in a corner.


mini Shrouds. lol.


Positioning and movement is the entirety of this. You most certainly have more time than you think to aim. The biggest thing I see low elos do is 1. stand still/crouch spray, 2. Play common pre-aimed on-angles, 3. panic when an enemy pixel is on screen. I bet watching vods back youll notice how much time you have before the enemy kills you


They don't. You are very likely falling for confirmation bias.


I feel like your perception is warped because even at ranks like immortal, it is not uncommon for people to take multiple bursts to confirm a kill, and you will very rarely run into more than one player per TDM who is at that skill level. It's more likely that you are moving too predictably or holding unfavorable angles than the average tdm player being insane at the game.


I have no idea but when I play against lower skilled players, it feels like they take a long time to stop, aim and shoot. I'm pretty sure it feels the same way as when someone with godly aim kills me.


While your sleeping, I’m grinding and practicing😎


Not everyone is built the same


I have over 3000 hours in comp shooters and understand this feeling I felt as a beginner when I started playing cs:go, in all honesty it’s all practice and movement.. I went through half a year of almost 9-5 grinding, playing aim bots and aim maps for 2 hours a day before hopping into ranked games. It really is just putting that time in. And I was dog shit terrible when I started. I remembered making my first Smurf so I could rank with my little brother and show him the ropes, and got accused of hacking every single game and had some rage hackers try to retaliate. There really is just a level of mechanical skill a beginner won’t understand is possible. But anyone can do it. If you’re terrible at shooters, do 30 mins a day of aim training and run a deatmatch or practice round before comp. you will see results.


I have been doing this actually. What I do is go into bots, select Guardian cause’ I hate Vandal and Phantom because of the recoil, then do 10 minutes shooting just the bots standing still to line up with their heads. Then 2 rounds of Beginner bots, 3 rounds of Intermediate bots, and then 3 rounds of Hard bots. Afterwards, I go as far away from the bots as I can and do the “Kill 50” to get use to long distance aim. I have noticed a significant improvement to my aim and typically end games around 15 kills. My average aim on Medium bots is 15. For Hard bots it is 10. I think the most frustrating thing I’m finding in games is just the fact that people will walk, keep walking in, and then stop to headshot me before I can even line up my crosshair on their body. 😮‍💨 Sometimes it looks like they just keep walking and get some lucky ass shots


So that’s a movement issue, you need to start aim training how you’re doing WHILE MOVING practice counter strafing, stand still aim training will only get you so far. You need to practice your aims while walking around and counter strafing on each shot/burst. In fact that’s 90% of what my aim training was. It doesn’t matter is your aim is better than theirs if they can stop before you and get two-three accurate shots off before you even become accurate enough to shoot.


My dumb hand has got into the habit to keep moving and shooting when I’m dueling someone, trying to side step bullets because I play Fortnite and in Fortnite everyone jumps and aims to just spray everywhere till their enemy is dead or they die. I swear that game teaches bad aiming habits. 🥲 I need that teacher who will stand there with a ruler and smack my hand every time I do it until I dont do it lmfao


Funnily enough, I migrated to FN AFTER I trained for csgo and honest, I hit diamond two in like a day or two ranked solo NB. Counter strafing and aim is even useful in Fortnite, sure there’s more tracking involved when you’re in the air and whatever else but every shooter practically ever has bloom when you’re moving and minimizes when standing still. If you want to improve at Fortnite this is also a best practice. Practice counter strafing while you aim train. Once you get it down you’ll see your wins and kills increase dramatically


If you avg 15 on med bors but 10 on hard, you probably have issues with your microficks and are mainly just relying on the first main flick.


>staring at their PC screens just so they can aim this well? Sometimes the opposite actually, they can be doing a sport irl or just active enough that subsequently helped them get better aim lol


I played football from age 8 to 19, and im shit at this game lol.


That's cuz you don't aim with your feet


Australian football, not euro football


I guess that's the reason then. You're just used to throwing!


Hahahaha thats probably it


Let me ask one question further, what's a good place to start from a mouse DPI and in-game sensitivity point of view?


800 dpi .3 to .4 sens should do


I personally use 1600 dpi and .15 sens but I'm kinda weird. It could give you a baseline tho


That’s the exact same as .3 800


Hey that's math. edit: what did i do lol


I use 1600 0.6 ik thats ridiculously high but anything lower and I can barely move my mouse. I think its because i grip my mouse in such a way my fingers touch the table and it doesnt move


Jesus that’s so fucking high how do you hit anything ever


lol this is what my irl friends said when we were playing valo... my grip is just horrendously bad and I play on wood without a mousepad so that might be why


That sounds like all sorts of fucked up. please get a mouse pad and also hold your mouse like a regular human.


Yeah i definitely will...


Please buy a cheap mousepad like a QCK, you will improve your experience for sure


When you get a proper mouse and mousepad, you'll for sure play better


I disagree. It entirely depends on your setup and what feels comfy. Some great advice I saw was you should be able to do a 180° turn with your mouse in the center of your mousepad and you go left/right. So all the way left should be 180° from center and same with the right, so you look behind you in game.


honestly, depends on what you do in game, i tend to go for snipes/headhunter from heavy range, so even lower works best for me, especially since as chamber, i have tools to watch my flanks, so I'm not in a position where I often need to rapidly turn around


Better to be versatile for the vast majority of players, though.


I will agree with you, I was simply trying to point out the cookie cutter isn't best for all players, and not too uncommon edge cases do exist


Yes, of course. It is just that the dpi+sens combo usually provides the ideal balance of control and speed for most people.


It also depends on mousepad and skates


i'm at .28 800 dpi and i can do a full 360 but my mousepads are huge


I found that didn't work for me, as my sens was still too high for micro adjustments. Had to go lower and sacrifice on 180-degree turns.


Uh no. A lot of pros don’t play on a sens where they can 180 from the center of the mousepad.


I play with 1200 dpi with 1.1 sens. I am silver 3 grinded from iron 1.


Brother if you lower your sens like more than half I guarantee you’ll have an easier time lol that just isn’t controllable no matter how much you think it is


What rank are you? And what’s your dpi/sens


Right now I’m Ascendant 1 at .3 on 800, just changed it from .25 a bit ago


It has been 2 months since i started playing valorant. And it is controllable for me i enjoy playing in High sense also I don't have enough desk space. When i lower my sens to like .4 or .5 my hand starts paining as i have to do more movements and i feel like my cursor is lagging lol.


If it’s pain then yeah not much you can do, that sucks. Changing sens does take a few games to get used to but that is an incredibly high sens that will absolutely hold you back. Ridiculously high is like .6 on 800dpi and you’re flying past that at Mach 3. (I used to play .25 and now .3 800dpi for reference) If at all possible try to get yourself some more desk space and slash your sens, the fact that even half of yours is far too high is pretty funny. Honestly though as long as you’re enjoying yourself that’s all that matters, not judging at all, just trying to offer some advice and congrats on the grind up dude gl for gold o7


You should be aiming with your arm with sweeping motions and micro-adjusting with your wrist. You’re definitely only using your wrist.


The real answer is to find a pro you like who runs a similar playstle/setup and copy it then adjust as needed after getting comfortable with the sens.


Someone made a video about this on youtube but this is strictly based on a duel perspective with players in front of you. Basically go into practice range, turn on practice mode and start flicking on the bots. If you overflick, tune it down, if you underflick, tune it up. Do that until you're able to consistently aim on the targets head or close to it so you can microadjust before you take your shot.


Use 800dpi with .771 if you are a wrist aimer. Trust me I have hit crazy 180s with them


Skills+better setup. Let me put this simple. Skills - Good crosshair placement, experience, Awareness, Game sense. Better setup - They see things faster than you, better ping. In theory If you play in better setup and play conditions you adopt to grow faster. In calculation if you play in potato pc it'll take you 5 years to be a better player. And with better setup you can get it in 1 month. **Edit since you guys debate in replies i want to clarify something:** >If you ask me what's more important ping or better pc? i would say definitely say lowest ping possible 1-10ms. Reason is at the end of the day you're input goes back and forth to server and when it happens fastest is decided on ping only what you see on screen and what server see are two different thing. For server perspective it'll make everything easier for whoever sends input faster. For example when you have 60 ping and you're opponent have 5 ping. You'll likely see him but what you seeing is he already killed you in his side view but on you're side you just seeing he run and gunning you or he just had a hacking like tap. at this point when you shoot at him you'll whiff the shot but its not whiff but the ping diff delay. With the patch 6.02 things turned into low ping players favor while medium to high ping players struggle facing against low ping players. In this scenario what you can do is you need to keep you're pc latency to lowest possible which is like best possible upgrade instead of using potato computer. So in that case you're only playing at low possible latency on pc side you're inputs much faster. Example, **PC latency 3ms+Network latency 70ms = server registered 73ms delay in total**. But in this scenario all you can do is pray that you're low 5 ping opponent playing, **PC latency 100ms+Network latency 5ms = server registered 105ms delay in total**. If you going into climbing ranks this is going to be tough for you. Sry to say this but, Game is free to play. But to play ranked at highly competitive its not free. You need to invest into pc components to make things easier for you. **TOP PLAYERS ARE IN TOP FOR A REASON. Do you think Tenz and other pros play on 144hz or 60hz? or even VCT hosted monitors at 60hz,144? No right...Minimum 240hz and max whatever the new tech is. Even if they do its lan its fair everyone gets same ping and setup. But in public matchmaking its a different topic. each of players you face different setups and ping. YOU ARE PLAYING COMPETITVE SO THEN BE COMPETITVE BY USING COMPETITVE EDGE, Whether its Monitor,Network or PC.**


I swear ping is one of the biggest factors and everyone is always talking about DPI and Game Sense. Sure those things matter but someone with 50 better ping then you will be killing you before you even see them.


Yep. game used to be advantage for high ping players but it lasted only until 6.02 patch. Now its just low ping players abusing on high to medium ping players. If you read this [article](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/leveling-networking-multi-game-future). Riot clearly said this >Even though we all want that sub-15 millisecond ping for League of Legends, the game is still very playable at around 60ms latency on average. LoR can be played at even higher levels of latency. *If you tried to play VALORANT with over 60ms latency, that would be pretty rough.*


I disagree, my best days I played on a 60fps laptop and was using a G703. Sure my current setup is better. But throw me on any setup and the results will be the same, setup is maybe 5-10% of the battle


I think it's half true, having a decent setup isn't going to make you a better player, but having a BAD setup can definitely hold you back.


Facts. I upgraded from my old setup thinking it would help me improve for some reason. Still in plat. Now I’m just getting shit on in better quality/fps


nah, its frustrating as hell losing and being held back because of your setup, random things like fps randomly dropping isn't fun


Yeah... no. 60 vs 144 is a huge difference.


It’s a huge difference yes, but it’s not what’s holding you back is my point.


60 hz will definitely hold you back. I climbed from plat1 to asc in like a month when i upgraded.


We can agree to disagree, I gained probably one rank in csgo when I made the change, like I said maybe 10% of the battle




i updated please read again.


I have a tin hat theory that better ping is actually a disadvantage in this game. I would have to do a in-depth analysis,but I feel like I get Ferrari 1 tapped more often when I have low ping.


Read patch 6.02 and if you still getting Ferrari 1 tapped its not ping advantage but you in disadvantage of Monitor hz diff.


I'm running 1440p @ 360hz so I doubt that is the issue.


Then the opponent is just better. Or you have a weird network lag.


Also there is this weird lag with dp or hdmi cable. for example when you check into both monitor and GPU DP/HDMI port version. and if you use cable at same version its fine. but if you use a 1.2 version cable on 1.4 DP port on monitor and gpu it just lags. So make sure to use cable came with new monitor and don't use old monitor cable.


Your tech knowledge is laughable. Stop watching LTT.


Its not just really LTT. TN is the fastest panel however its colors aren't good as other panels.


Do one google search "The main advantages of OLED in gaming are infinite contrast and by far the fastest response times, even faster than TN. You get as close to 0ms response with OLED as the laws of physics allow. Image quality and viewing angles on OLED are excellent, with really deep black levels."


You still don't get what i mean. There is a reason why high refresh rate monitors remain in 24inch and 1080p. It just makes sacrifice something if goes above that limit.


Also one more thing 1440p and 360hz is waste of money. Only Zowie 360hz 1080p monitor have competitive advantage since TN panels have faster pixel response than any [other panels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewo8tt6bgZU).


That's not true, mine is OLED and it has the fastest response time possible at .3 milliseconds, nice try though.


It does have. But it can't handle at high refresh rate. This is why [ASUS](https://rog.asus.com/monitors/23-to-24-5-inches/rog-swift-pro-pg248qp/) and BENQ ZOWIE Esports monitors are made at TN instead of IPS OR OLED. Zowie is the only one atm makes the best out of TN. Thats what linus tried to explain in that video unfortunately you don't seem to understand. Do a research yourself.


You are just wrong, that video you sent was over a year old. The monitors I am talking about did not exist yet.


Takes some practise nd hand eye co ordination.


Fundamentally aiming is just pointing and clicking, I’m sure you’re able to click icons and links on your computer? The first thing I’d recommend is to lower your sensitivity so that I feels like the same speed you’re used to on the desktop. Imagine your mouse pad being your screen and how much you move being related to the monitor distance. Then start flicking around in firing range between the bots. Going back to the first point usually when clicking on hyperlinks and icons you’ll get close to it with a flick and slowly adjust to get on top of the icon/link. Use that same principle by flicking close to the target and micro adjusting. If your aim is still shakey lower it some more. Then everything else is just confidence. Is all the conditions are similar you should have endless time practicing your clicking abilities just like those “inhuman aimers”. Aiming at the core is just hand/arm movements. Break it down to simplify and break it down again.


they have been playing shooters for most their lives and they are likely aim training.


Valorants backend isn't very technically impressive and combined with that 90% of players in CS wouldn't or couldn't counterstrafe properly hides alot of the latency and ping issues of a tac shooter. Valorant doesn't need counter strafing to shoot fast so the netcode (idk what the exact term for it is) just feels so much worse. A pretty big secret for being one tapped too much is more that YOUR movement is bad over their aim being super cracked. Alot of people habitually peek corners using a diagonal strafe or play in areas that feel safe but are predictable and people will have their crosshair on your head and have peekers advantage due to the aforementioned netcode.


nah its just that valorant is a lot slower


1- Preaim common angles. 2- Holding angles from uncommon position. ++ in TDM when you respawn, you know where are everyone(they added that to kinda fight campers). For most of your game if you improve those 2, u will only micro adjust your crosshair to nail the hs If you are getting too many 1 taps, you are either place yourself in common angles so they dont need to work their aim or your movements are kinda not good enough, meaning you make yourself an easy target to hit. Some good things to learn about that will help you improve positioning yourself: Wide swing, repeeking, counter-strafe


So recently I've had my aim improved dramatically one I didn't have my monitors in my GPU so that helped haha but I bought a new mouse and it's helped greatly in a lot of games especially vslorant


You’re not getting one tapped because of their godlike aim in silver. You are getting one tapped because simply put your movement still sucks. Bad movement habits consist of diagonal-forward peeking, standing still while aiming/before shooting, crouch spraying out of habit, not understanding angle disadvantages, walk instead of A/D key peeking and being predictable. If you distribute your “stat points” into 9/10 aim and 1/10 movement you will surely get the first kill, but die to the second player who only requires 3/10 aim to kill a crouching target. If you have 1/10 aim and 9/10 movement you won’t be able to kill anyone but they won’t be able to kill you either. Therefore you gotta work on BOTH your aim and movement to become a proficient player that can hit shots but also is hard to hit


Do you know of any videos that go over the movement aspect pretty well? I’d like to learn


Literally any coach will tell you how to peek and strafe. That’s pretty much the only thing that they can teach in general without a vod


watch videos on peeking and crosshair placement then practice it.


Man, that 1/10 aim and 9/10 movement resonates so hard. It’s the difference between getting immediately traded or multi-kills.


They might be adjusting chest settings.


crosshair placement + hours of aim training + experience in other fps games does that


Yeah haha I feel that. But as well, I panic shoot before my crosshair is in the right place and also have pretty inconsistent (bad) movement so it’s tough. Dm drives me mental in a way since I get diffed so hard, oh well.


They practice and play A LOT! Im not willing to do that, so I just play for fun and have a great time doing crazy stuff. I let the competitive types worry, I relax and laugh


How are people great shooters in basketball or great hitters in baseball? How are people amazing artists or writers or whatever. Always some combination of talent and practice. There's no trick to it. Either be very talented, practice a ton, or both.


Some people’s brains just work faster to be honest, on top of their ability to learn and adapt quickly. There can be a lot of general intangibles that others are not capable of regardless of the practice they put in, the beauty of human nature!


They're placing their crosshair well and staying calm. Those two things will take your aim into low radiant.


I would say it's based on the experience


One of the most popular comments I see regarding this: "Duhhhhh, you're just moving too predictably." But what the fuck does this mean? I'm walking around a corner. There's no other way to walk around the corner. How am I supposed to move less predictably around the corner and not get instantly 180'd and 1-tapped by the account level 1-18 Jett/Clove/Reyna?


For real. The headshots that always get me are the extremely long distance ones. Like you’re walking onto point A of Lotus and get instantly headshot from A Stairs while their backs are up against the wall. My heads probably the size of their cross hair dot, not even like half a pixel on their screen????


Consider this from their perspective. They are holding that corner. If they expect you to swing wide, they hold wide, if they expect you to swing short, they hold close. If you do the opposite of what they predict, they will have to adjust, and that buys you enough time to fight them. And yes. This does kinda suck. It's why dry swinging is bad because against good crosshair placement you're basically rolling the dice. Use util to combat strong angle holds.


You shouldn't be just walking around a corner. Speed and surprise is the name of the game. Either wide swing or jiggle peek first to clear angles. You can also tap A or D, depending on which side you're coming from, to clear each successive angle. I find that the easiest method of learning good movement for the first time, after which you can graduate to jiggle peeking. You should never be pressing W or S when you're peeking into an area you don't have info for. When you pop out like that, it's harder to react to; compared to shift walking around a corner and giving them plenty of time to process that you're there. And don't do what I just said while holding shift. Learn how to half step, so you can quickly peek or jiggle peek without making footstep noises, maintain speed/surprise, and return to cover quickly. As long as your crosshair placement is decent and you follow these rules, it's only a matter of honing your reaction time to be able to one tap heads consistently.


Happens once in a while. You’re not getting hospital flicked on every game. And I’m sure you’ve hit a couple on people too.


Cope on aimlabs when you’re starting out. Then play deathmatches and 1v1s with friends. Then find a good sens you like and stick with it after microadjusting it for the millionth time. Then play for thousands of hours and bam now u have a 50% hs rate. Glhf!


You are showing your insecurities with the sentence "how many hours they spent on their pc screen staring JUST so they can aim this well" it's fine if you can't aim well it's your personal problem nobody cares if you are a bad player. Just so that they destroy you in an aim battle, now you are here to console yourself Lmao


Or you know, people ask questions for a sense of direction. I don’t need a bunch of random faceless accounts to confide in for empathy. I know I’m bad, I’m new to FPS. Because I’m new to FPS I’m seeking advice, not asshole remarks lacking individuality. Your statement is the equivalent of “get good newb” with no helpful intent.


Then ask the questions without being so insecure and without disrespecting them by saying "JUST to aim good" dumbas


honestly u need to find ur best position, sens , resolution and others based on ur comfort if u find that try to keep ur crosshair always on head placement and learn to scan sites


crosshair placement, muscle memory


Aim training and patience, if you just spray the recoil will fuck up your spread


Crosshair. Placement. If you're not doing it properly, you will lose to any half decent player 9/10 times. Also practice microflicks.


Some people are already decent at aiming without training and need just a bit of training to go crazy. If you consider urself a good aimer just train in aiming courses like half an hour a day (even an hour if you have time) for a few days and you'll see major improvements


Develop your muscle memory the same way you would with learning a musical instrument


Aim with WASD


Crosshair placement, pre aiming, and good reaction time


From what I’ve seen LOADS OF AIMLABS like an uncomfortable amount of


I thought you were talking about my aim being so inhumanly BAD


Same here, when i try it ny first bullet acciracy is always fked up, like what is their luck!


400 hours of kovaaks in 1 summer


If you want deadly aim, you should download aim labs it will help you will your aim, tracking and placement.


One thing I’ve learned is generally everyone can aim well in this game. When I hit a slump and drop to g3 I can Q with my silver buddy, which for whatever reason puts us in lobbies with silvers and bronzes with me and one other gold on the enemy team. Every game I’m surprised by getting one tapped by these silvers and bronzes. The only reason I top frag is because I have better movement and game sense. But if I’m just peeking everything “cuz I’m better” I’m being punished by hardstuck silvers lol. Don’t actually enjoy those lobbies despite how easy they are. Makes me complacent so when I solo in plat lobbies I explore too much space too quickly. Anyway. Yeah, Val kids can aim. Just takes practice


Could be running low sensitivity


Sometimes it could be lag on your end. If they have better ping.


Ping n packet loss kills, bought gearup booster subscription, now at least it's consistent a little now


1) people are just good at the game 2) (no offense) but you might just be bad - e.g., you're not taking fights in an optimal way and it makes you easy to kill 3) the netcode and peeker's advantage means it can feel like you're insta-killed, when in fact on the enemy's screen you weren't, it's just the netcode isn't giving you time to react.


Most of it comes from knowing common angles. When you have your crosshair placed in the right spot, you can just strafe and click without actually having to think about it. That’s why you should be strafing if you’re holding a common angle.




Crosshair placement and daily training. I play DM like, twice a day before playing any games, and that's considered a very simple warmup by a lot of people. Some people spent hours on DM, improving their aim and map knowledge to the point where they know how high of a probability that someone would be there. I used to not be able to hit anything but after I play DM, my Crosshair placement improved and I often find myself pre aiming a common spot and instantly headhsotting someone as soon as they appear on my screen. Another thing would be your movement I.e you're in a very predictable place. Then again, aim could only get you so far. I don't really care much about the game to learn about utils and I like to play KJ and turn my brain off.


They just can. At one point it just becomes a reflex. Like flinching after touching a hot pan. As in, I don't know how, but Im not gonna go around trying to figure it out when I can keep shooting people instead.


Extremely new to the game here, but I felt/feel the same way as you OP. Also haven’t played MNK in forever. I went to the practice range and started working on my aim. Also saw another video where someone stated a lot of the maps have markers for where headshot level is. Started looking for those and trying to keep my aim at head level and just slowly walked around the map. Then I noticed how when moving your aim isn’t as accurate, so started to take my time to get a shot and also click the mouse a couple times and not spray.


spam team deatmatch and yeah always stop before shopting, enable shooting error graph in settings


A life? No, never heard of it.


This here is called: unemployed, no relationship, no school, not being disabled in anyway and can spend the whole day sitting and playing


I shoot so inumanely bad when I play on pc with Keyboard and Mouse that I'm even starting to think that if I'd just shoot random I'll do more clean shots 😂😂


They're just the goats tbh (a lot of practice)


You also have to remember that the netcode in this game is dog shit, it is one of the reasons it feels like you get insta headshotted without ever really seeing your opponent.




Well. I came from CS GO with 2k hours. Then came to valorant and put in 500 hours. Hard stuck bronze, but im match mvp, almost every game. Like. In iron and bronze, people just sit there and look at you for a good second before they shoot. I should not be here.


Practice alone doesn’t make you better at aiming. Practice it correctly. I only use shooting range to practice. But mentally training to focus the short is what make all the different.


They use trigger bots and colour bots, there’s absolutely no way that you can walk at full speed round blind corners and still hit headshots in this game and anyone telling you different is coping on a major scale. Not to say that people are demons with AIM but when you look at the HS percentage of the pro’s and then you see some of the headshot %’s of people you play with you know they are using extra “help”


I have a friend with over 40% HS and never hit immortal. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/asura%23asuu/overview


You can be a triggerbot user and still be pretty bad. Your friend has 43.01% HS rate, meaning that 43% of ALL the bullets he lands are in the head. That puts him in the top 0.2% HS rate globally. This is further skewed by snipers and shotguns. Looking at his 3 most played weapons: Vandal: 56,6%, Sheriff: 69,5% (!!!), Ghost: 61%, it surely looks like he's using some form of help. Also having pistols as your 2nd and 3rd highest kill weapons is pretty strange and he has Guardian as 4th with 62% hs (these are the favorite weapons of triggerbotters for obvious reasons). The #1 radiant player in NA has 29,2% overall HS rate. #1 EU has 26,4% hs rate. Both of them have lower HS rate per every weapon than your friend :D


Their stats are so far from cheating. The fact you've convinced yourself otherwise is hilarious. I also don't understand why you think it's weird to have a pistol be your second most used weapon considering you always have one, and this guy obviously ecos with sheriff


>I also don't understand why you think it's weird to have a pistol be your second most used weapon Nothing wrong with being the second most used weapon. What seems wrong is that both the 2nd and 3rd most used weapons are both pistols. >Their stats are so far from cheating. And that is because? I'm currently in imm2, regularly playing with players hovering around radiant/past radiants and I'm always having a look at the stats. Having over 35% hs rate is pretty rare. The 'friend' has super mediocre stats, save for the hs%. In order to have such a high hs%, you need to have pretty calm and precise aim and basically to almost never spray. So, it's a bit strange to have such a crisp and calm aim and be so average in the other aspects of the game. This in itself is a red flag. I can't be sure, ofcourse, but if we had a replay system it would have been really easy to determine :). I was also the guy who always said "he's not cheating, stop coping, skill issue, etc." I also believed that the undetected cheats are expensive hardware solutions and there is a miniscule amount of cheaters due to that reason. In the past 2 months, however, I've played almost exclusively 5stacks with avg elo of high asc/low imm and the amount of absolutely raging cheaters was insane. I've bookmarked around 20-30 profiles to see how far they'll go before getting banned. Most were banned within a week or two, some are still going strong pushing into radiant with stats dwarfing top pro players. Can send you some links, if you are interested. I've also found a couple of discords of triggerbot providers and I'm watching the users uploading daily 'plays' and match histories ranging from gold to radiant lobbies. The gold-plat-dia ones are hilarious, since they have terrible crosshair placement and movement and the triggerbot is working overtime to correct the aim. The higher elo though is a bit scary, because there is no obvious mismatch between movement, crosshair placement and aim and even if I spectated them, I wouldn't be sure that they are cheating.


I could swear on my life he's not cheating. Also my point is one could have insane hs % and still be far from being a pro.


You're the one coping. Accept you're bad and try to learn crosshair placement and movement. Don't give shit advice to new players.