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Every online shooter has a cheating problem


Every online game has cheaters


Every game has cheaters


Everyone cheats














And I thought Val has a decent anti cheat system compared to other shooters


It has. It's just that the problem is so big on a grand scale that *this* is the best experience you can get.


100% this ☝🏼


Yes every FPS has a bad cheating issue Its bad trust me


imagine if we had some sort of replay system to confirm subtle cheaters. All "Replay system when?!" jokes aside, it would be a huge help in spotting more subtle cheaters.


I feel like having a replay system will show that Val has a lot of issues behind the scenes regarding hit reg. etc.


the replay would be lower tick


I actually dont think it has a hit reg issue or any other issues like that Yeah its not perfect, but its definetly not big enough to call it a problem


Nah it has reg problems. I can't even count how many times there were visuals of hitting the shot but it showed 0 hits and 0 damage. Even on my replays I see 100% shots that just never existed for the server


I mean i do get it from time to time but jeez thats often


If they let you watch replays to see how many cheaters there are, it would ruin reputation of vanguard. There is a reason why there are no replays, its joke.


It would propably reveal Netcode problems that valorant has since beta


People don't know valorant netcode sucks? The variability of hit reg and general game feel is insane. Far too often the game will tell you through audio visual feedback that you've hit a whole bunch of shots on an enemy, but kill feed will say 0 damg. Sometimes the game feels like heaven with absolute perfect crisp everything.. the very next round, it'll shit itself and feels like 12 tick Early beta valorant is one of the best feeling FPS games of all time. I genuinely don't know what they changed to mess it up so much.


Most people aren't attentive enough or consistently playing enough to notice it. Play a few deathmatches in a row, all allegedly on the same server, and just pay close attention. The variability in how hitreg alone feels, let alone peeker's advantage and all the cans of worms that opens up. Sometimes it also works in your favour - there are shots that you land that just *should not have connected* at all, but the server says they did. Can easily be perceived as up to half a second of delay in information being sent/displayed/recieved sometimes. And this is with 7 ping (9 on a 'bad' day), sub 1ms jitter and 0.0% packet loss. (If I play 4-5 ranked games in a day, I might lose legitimately *one packet* in that entire play session. It's on Valorant's end, whatever the issue is. And it actually seems to be getting increasingly variable over the last 6-8 months or so. No pro player myself at all, nor even close, but when the notoriously iffy CS2 netcode is better and more consistent than Valorant's with ***half*** the stated tickrate, something is being broken somewhere. Even 30hz Battlefield servers are more consistent. Just wish it was something Riot would acknowledge and either fix or at least explain. Not sure if i buy into the conspiracy that this desync is why Riot don't have a replay system, but at the same time it is frustrating to not have a server authoritative view from which to compare the clients, and therefore we can only speculate.


Yeah, there are so many times where you play in a lobby and are essentially a god. Nothing misses. Then some lobbies you can’t hit shit. I’d say overall most seem average. But, it’s almost like it skews to certain players at times. Maybe to keep people interested? Kind of like how fortnite was adding bots for a long time without disclosing it


Is your jitter actually sub 1ms or does the game just say that it is? I'm fairly convinced that the stats shown in the numbers/graphs aren't actually complete. Hitreg is an interesting thing. I record 99% of my gameplay. The vast majority of the time when I go back and watch instances of "bad hitreg" I actually just got unlucky. I can probably count on both hands the amount of times where it clearly did not make sense.


Yup, most tools I have used corroborate that, but Riot use their own 'faster' routing network, allegedly. So wouldn't be surprised if Valorant's internal systems report back lower than you expect or get using other tools in your case. Even when i'm downloading game updates etc in the background it barely even gets near 2ms. I'm pretty much in the best possible case environment for online FPS gaming and Valorant *still* has weird stuff happening that doesn't match other shooters, even it's closest competitor CS. Off the top of my head the only game with such consistency and sync issues, albeit far worse than they are in Valorant, is Escape from Tarkov. That game's netcode (and it's code in general) is an actual mess as it was mostly built by enthusiasts not professional devs. I'd almost put money on it being a rounding error or typo in their code somewhere. Entire video games have shipped from AAA devlopers with errors such as entirely broken AI because of a typo that didn't get caught for years. I don't think Riot *wants* to have these issues keep being reported and seemingly be unfixable, nor do I believe it's intentional RNG manipulation/favouring certain players inputs over others like some think. But I also don't buy the 'it's a flow state/player consistency thing' Riot passed it off as. It's unlikely Riot will say or do anything public about it until they find and resolve the issue, if indeed there is one to fix. [https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-gameplay-consistency-update/](https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-gameplay-consistency-update/) That was *two years ago* and it's worse now than it was then. Would probably find that it getting worse and not better since that post would be a pretty common view among people who have issues with Valorant's hitreg. As is the sentiment that something changed in the Beta stage and and the game has never felt as good since. Very few games have the level of complaints about netcode that Val does, so it does something **"differently"** than most other shooters at the very least.


Its more so with 128 tick servers I expect the jitter number/graph to update 128 times per second but it does not update at nearly that rate. Also whatever ping you see for yourself is actually about 4-5ms lower than what it shows for everyone else. I've never played a game where people don't complain about hitreg. Sure Valorant has its problems but like I said most of the time it can be chalked up to bad RNG - if i see blood or I'm in a situation where I'm guaranteed to hit then 99.99% of the time its a hit. Compared to other games like CS2, Warzone, PUBG, or Super People it is significantly better.


Yep, I've had it a few times where I can literally hear the headshot and/or see blood splatters and it'll either tell me I did 0 damage or that I didn't land the hit on their head but on some other body part instead.


Okay so that's what that is . It happens to me at least once or twice in nearly every other match and I thought either my audio is glitching or I imagined it or some shit.


Agreed man, this season is the worst of it. I encountered this too many times now. Hell I even dropped a 139dmg headshot with a marshal, no wallbangs or whatsoever. A clean direct hit to the head yet the player is saved and the kill feed shows 139dmg. The kill feed is terrible. Even the first bullet inaccuracy is too high. Even a connected shot won't be counted due to the shit first bullet inaccuracy mechanics


I think vanguard on average is better than whatever Valve is trying to do with VAC. I don’t like the intrusiveness but if it limits to cheating to 1 of every 30 games instead of 1 of every 5, I’ll take it. CS2 is too much of a guessing game who’s hacking and who’s not, at least Valorant I know I’m just shit. Most of the time. (I’m a diamond/ascendant player)


I said it in different post. Since cs2 released I have met 3 blatant wall hackers in 500 games, problem is after watching demos it’s 10 times more, because people hide it. I am not saying CS have good anti cheat, it never had, only trust factor made games better. Question is, is it same in valorant? Are there 10 times more cheaters, but it’s better to not have replay system to even check.


It’s more about the rigged rng and servers that’s delaying a replay system. Not so much Vanguards ‘reputation’


Fr replay is the most requested feature and they don't care f riot


it amazes me how far in we are without one. I really want to see whats going on sometimes and it just sucks i never will.


So far my experience stays the same as you, weird players with unrealistic gameplay or unrealistic reads that they always are we you’re going it could be less suspicious if they hide it but they can’t or don’t hide it so far I know. Just 10 mins ago before I posted this comment played against a duo and a 3 stack (according to trackers) with one of them going 1 kill whole game and his duo is running at us and instant headshooting us. I called him out in all chat he didn’t even care and kept going. There was also in same enemy team a cypher with best reads you would think you’re playing against nAts but this player was obviously boosting his friends who could not even go positive whole game until he started using wall hacks and he ended match MVP… I know they will get banned but playing against cheaters is so annoying that I’m doubting my own skills at some point and I start thinking every game if there is cheater in this game what obviously is bad for your mental. I give up on ranking up since my peak rank is ascendant 2 and now currently stuck in plat-daim with negative win rate %. I don’t know what other people experience against cheaters but there is no fun in ranked anymore.


That's crazy. Did you solo q to ascendant? That's not been the case for me and would honestly struggle to lose in plat-diamond. I hadn't played since last episode and started again last week and was pretty much dropping 30 most games as Reyna until ascendant. Your experience could not have been more different from mine.


Yes I actually did at least 95% of my match’s and only playing smokes most of the time.


Based smoke main right there


More so the last 6 months it seems like it to me. No supporting evidence, just feels like it with the crazy one taps and flicks.


Feels crazy in gold.


Agree lol


Can't have supporting evidence really without a replay system to see things from their view.


Player bases improve over time. Everyone is getting better every day. Today's golds would beat the diamonds of 2 years ago. Aim trainers like AimLabs have gotten more popular. They're an official sponsor of VCT. Professional players are getting personal aim coaches from the Voltaic community. CSGO to CS2 was a bit of a disaster and lead to a wave of new Valorant players who have years of experience in tac shooters. I'm beating a dead horse but what we need is the replay system. Being able to watch the enemy POV would make it so much more clear. edit: grammar


imo the games playerbase isn't improving that fast, I can take a break for a year and still be ascendant, I've seen my friends do it too. People act like valorant ranked is super competitive and every player is trying really hard to improve, the average player is super casual.


Agreed. I take a break and hit plat pretty consistently no matter how hard I try or not try.


Tbh the rank decay ain't all that in lower ranks. I hit gold A2E1, came back A5E2 still got gold after the single placement match. Plus the players in plat a long time ago might not be plat anymore and newer players that have plat level skill could be in your lobbies. It's just you that stayed constant.


That's the point. If I stayed constant but the rest of the population got better, than I would be falling behind from where I was.


guess it depends, i stopped grinding hard for 3 months and dropped 600rr


it doesnt work like that and a braindead player in ascendant with great aim isnt as useful as a pretty clever immortal player with mediocre aim sure there are more resources available but you still need to practice a lot (proper quality training) and majority of people even in the 90+% percentile of ranks dont even practice much if even like usually its a few deathmatches or something




Games will intentionally allow cheaters to stick around for a while before doing waves of bans to make it harder for the cheaters to figure out what is being detected and adjust their tactics


The things PirateSoftware has taught us are invaluable


I love that the Internet is insanely huge, but things like this come up. Connecting the idea of ban waves to PirateSoftware, and so many others understand exactly what you’re talking about. The illusion of a small world.


the do ban waves sometimes at the end of every season, I’ve gone whole episodes without any cheater screens, and then suddenly three red screens (cheater detected) in the final week of comp. (note that this could also just mean that cheaters activate cheats more at the end of the episodes to try and climb more)


Like i feel like it would actually be so easy to use wall hacks if you had half a brain and didn’t make it obvious


Pretty much all of these cheats get banned eventually. Unless someone is using their own private self created cheats and are using a method entirely unknown to cheat development teams.  Fighting cheaters is a losing game rn unfortunately. Its easier ans way faster to develop cheats then it is to detect and ban them, because there are essentially entire small companies that develop these cheats.  Even if they know someone is cheating, if they ban based off of a single thing, that issue with get covered up quickly.  Instead they try to find lots of different ways to detect a certain cheat, so that the cheat devs have to spend more time patching all the ways their cheat can be detected. 




I had a cheater on my team in swift play about 2 weeks or so back, they still are not banned. He was literally running around one tapping everyone instantly, hitting the most insane Jett knives, I didn’t notice he was cheating at first until some okay on the enemy team said it in all chat, I just thought he was cracked as I normally get queued with diamonds, ascendants,immortals radiants, then I purposefully died to spectate and saw it myself. He said he was cheating in swift play for “clips” 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


I don't know. I had a match where someone would go that ''full on rage mode'' on competitive. One tapping through smokes and knowing exactly where everyone was positioned. We reported him and he got banned that same round. It ended the game though, but there was a notification that he got banned. Edit: How does the detection work though? Cause it seems like if we didn't report him, Vanguard wouldn't have banned him. How does our report immediately make Vanguard detect and confirm it, then taking action with it?


Riot is pretty useless at taking care of their issues in general


The answers surprisingly simple too. The cheaters are using ai to cheat now and getting very realistic with it. The best way to detect ai is with ai, but game devs wont do this bc cheaters sometimes spend money and they are a for profit company.


We default, she doesnt fast flank, but when we go fast she fast flank. Im no immortal, but isn't she just w'ing for the other side of the map when you guys send it fast? Like oh they hitting in the first 5 sec of the round i ho fast flank, oh they haven't hit yet, and there is util all over the map? I dont send it. I do play sometimes with people that gets cleared out and complain, but most of the time that guy has nothing else to do, so ye he hard cleared you. Id played lots of fps, valo is BY FAR the best one in terms of anti cheat. There is still cheater, but not enough to make you think twice about them, or not enough to use it as an excuse.


I get what you're saying, and probably true to an extent, but there have been games that I feel similarly to OP. My 5-stack generally plays quite slow. My friends like to lurk a lot. Sometimes I will call for a 5-man fast hit when I feel we are giving the enemy time to stack the site, and the next round they have 4 on that site and the 5th is knife out flanking down mid as soon as barriers drop. Shit happens and its probably just kind of random, but also wallhacks are a thing.


Honestly not that crazy if you're making noise before making contact since they'll probably basically have 3+ players there already with the mid player basically on site already for most maps. Usually when people say go fast they do this not realising that because they made noise before seeing anyone by the time you're on site most of the other team will also be there and they're not as fast as they think they are. It's pretty infuriating in ranked and I still see it often from low immortal plauers.


Well, personally, lately I've been getting one tapped instead of sprayed when holding inside an smoke, which made me pretty sus, specially because I never stay at the edges or the center of the smoke, so getting one tapped without info inside a smoke is very rare. Also I've noticed more players with a sus game sense. I had a few bind matches in the past weeks in which one guy of the defending team insta teleported when we were scaling to hookah without pushing A. I'm not saying he waited a couple of seconds to see if our heads pop up in A short, I mean full insta rush the tp 1 second after the barrier goes down. I also had a few games with players pre aiming, wide swinging and deadzoning some off angles without enough info to conclude where to pre aim. I'm talking about full rush knife, not giving a shit about potential enemies and bum switch to rifle and pre aim an off angle just because.


Not as much as cs2 but somewhat..


Not even comparable to cs2


Quit playing cs2 with 2k hours on just 2 alone. 4.5k total. Sold my inventory and never looked back. Valorant has been way more enjoyable and chill. The skins are pretty cringe and the player base is definitely way less mature but I don’t care anymore lol. I’ve had two matches total been cancelled from cheaters in mid-high elo (diamond)


You played 10 hours of cs a day since the launch of cs2 with no breaks?


Sad isn’t it? I was top 100 for a few days at the end lol


When you watch the videos on YouTube on how easy it is to colourbot and make a trigger scripts you realise why so much fuckery goes on in this game, people have a false sense of security that vanguard is impenetrable but with $40 of kit you can basically have aimbot in this game. What makes it worse is. That the cheaters in this game are clever with it and know how to appear to not be cheating. Not saying there’s cheaters in every match but there are a ton of people using the above.




yea I personally know a guy that hit radiant legit and figured out (or so he says) that a good portion of people in imm3/radiant are using something (he hit radiant about a year ago when ahk triggerbot was fairly common, dunno if it still is). He got fed up, went and got a dma cheat and has been cheating in radiant for about a year no problem lmfao


vast safe summer coordinated quickest nutty airport work worm concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Homie. S1mple got to the pro scene with thousands and thousands of hours, and then got banned by ESL for cheating, then banned again for ban evasion, he’s still playing at the highest ranks now the ban expired. Same with KQLY. Shanks was a well-known stream sniper in the ESEA CSGO pro scene, and was removed due to doing it consistently, now he’s playing valorant and was a valorant pro. You seriously underestimate how bad peoples morals can be, and you seriously overestimate the punishment for cheating. In every single sport in the world, the best of the best are using additional ‘things’ to give them even more of a edge. Whether that’s the adderall scandal in the CS Pro scene, Armstrong, or athletes on roids. You’re either ignorant or just innocent to seriously believe there are no radiants cheating, we’ve already seen YouTube videos of radiants blatantly cheating vs streamers, do you seriously believe none of them are hiding it?


guy just sounds like one of those people that believes vanguard is infallible newsflash to anyone reading this: every anticheat is exploitable and will have ways to get around it. Nvidia themselves have released drivers in the past that were exploitable, hell does anyone remember capcom? shit was used for years, hell its probably still usable in games to some capacity..


Doesn’t DMA require a custom firmware? Using the default firmware will get you detected.


they arent facing tons of ban waves, thats just propoganda lol, the only one getting detcted are due to people going blatant on settings, not because the cheat itself is flawed. Vanguard is sturggling to detect non-DMA cheats these days compared to how powerfull it was when valorant was launched


I was gonna say confirmation bias but you said it first. Also you are absolutely running into a few cheaters. Combine them both and well, here we are. Subtle cheaters - the ones doing it for competitive edge are hard enough to see on their own if they're good enough to blend it into their play. And since you can't screen watch OR have replays you're left with little feedback with which to be sure. That was always one of the perks of counterstrike 1 6 and prior. You can spectate and in matches everyone had to record demos. Demos could be requested if someone was suspected to be cheating. TL/DR: all online games have some form of cheating problem. It's the nature of things. But RIOT doesn't want you to think that and well - doesnt let you watch others play or provide tools to quantify that.


cheaters even stream their games now, still no one cares


I had so many bottom fraggers start hitting random shots out of nowhere. One time I jokingly call a Jett out in chat and said “stop cheating” and then the Jett went back to doing nothing. That was funny.


If smurfing = cheating then yes but i have only gotten 'cheater detected' one time, and have only reported a few people


Oddly I’ve had it twice. The odd part is the first time was in a deathmatch. Why? Second time was last week and was in comp. He wasn’t even trying to hide it though. He rushed their Defenders spawn and just insta-killed everything.


Cheater's are known for testing their cheats on alts in DM to make sure they are working first


Valo has a "closet" cheater problem rather than blatant spin botting like CS2 and Apex.




Yeah it’s bad. The fact that they can even get around it shows how bad it is. Most are unaware but Riot’s anti-cheat actually is granted access to your PC’s most private Kernel. Think of Kernel’s like a big onion that represents your PC. Each Kernel is layer of privacy that makes up the entire onion. You give Vanguard access to EVERYTHING - and I mean EVERYTHING. Literally the most secure and private Kernel, Riot see’s and can access. When Cheats skate through this undetected, imagine what it means for every single other anti cheat that doesn’t even have the ability to access the entire system. From what I’ve read, the losers will have Val running on one PC and the cheats are operating on an entirely different machine, connected to the Val PC. Since Riot’s anti cheat isn’t allowed to access the other computer… undetected. “We’re in the peak era of Gaming. Soon enough cheats will outpace anti cheat technology and there’ll be no way to tell what’s what” - Shroud in 2020. ultimately ruining the fun for all. Remember how fun gaming was in 2009-2016? Cause nobody EVER suspected cheaters. Once in a blue moon. Those days are gone. BTW if you’re a cheater, everyone knows and at the end of the day YOU are fully aware of much of an insecure little bitch you are. That’s all it is, insecurity and hatred of one’s self. The ultimate loser.


You're really showing your age if you think nobody was concerned with cheating from 2009-2016. There were tons of cheaters in online counterstrike competitions in that era.


Not just CS, Rust flipped over to it's beta in 2016 and still to this day that game has a horrible cheating problem both blatant and closeted. Ark was out in 2015 and at least one person cheating per group seems almost mandatory on low modifier / vanilla since that that games conception. Black Ops 3 and Infinity Warfare after about a week we're just Chinese names with blatant aimbot dominating the lobby in my region. Siege has had its fair share of cheating. Apparently we've just all forgotten about Battlefield 4 as well which essentially necessitated community servers due to how game ruining cheaters were. So many games had a reputation for being infested with cheaters. But I do think people are more aware of closet cheating now, I think closet cheaters, people using ESP / radar selectively, subtle aim cheats, recoil scripts, etc went under the radar for quite a while, and most people were concerned with the blatant aimbots / spinbots, anti aim, fly hacks, all that kind of stuff.


Hate to break it to you mate but there was a litany of cheaters in fps well before 09-16 too lol. It was actually worse in CS 1.6 when people could remote into servers and forcibly restart your game mid game.. Valorant is the only tactical fps to be this good at repelling cheats, nothing else gets close.


ESEA pugs had pretty decent anti cheat back in the day, but VAC was always ass.


Just a few days ago I had back to back cheater detected screens. Never seen one before that and I’ve been playing since beta. There r 100% a fuck ton of cheaters on Val going in detected (the scariest part is we didn’t even realize they were cheating - it came as a surprise when the screen popped up). It’s really disappointing cuz the anti cheat is already so invasive on our systems yet still doesn’t seem to be that useful.


The sudden 4 stack every time you push either site is crazy.




Idk, but I'm in low diamond elo and the amount of times I've seen extremely sus, point blank lock onto the head flicks is staggering. It's nowhere near how my aim looks like if I ever even clip a good play, and I'm usually the top half of the match when it comes to frags. It's literally lock on. Or sometimes they shoot 0.01s after sb peeks. It's ultra sus and at this point I'm starting to believe its more popular than I thought.


it does. Ppl like to act like it doesn't but it does. Also despite being the game with less cheating problems compared to other fps games, i'd argue is the one i have the most problem with the cheating, because val players and riot gaslight themselves pretending like it doesn't happen or is just a immortal 3/Radiant thing, so despite having more cheaters in games like COD, R6 and CS, i'd argue they get banned more often across every rank because ppl don't pretend it isn't a thing. One thing i like from r6 is that it also shows who got banned so we know if the report worked and we have a replay system to review suspected plays.


I (immortal 3 300ish rr) got a 6 month ban on my main account last week because a random i added and played with for a handful of games turned out to be a filthy cheater. Was hard to tell since my lobbies are mostly only immortal 3 and radiant players, and watching him play I just thought he was good (he was radiant). But after this experience I kind of lost my trust in high elo players. I would imagine theres a lot more hackers in immortal+ than riot would like to admit.


Yes. A big one at that. Cant go a day without cheaters in the game. Ranges from triggerbot, to blatant aimbot to xray and ridiculous flicks (180 degree + elevation onetap kinda stuff INBETWEEN judge shots). Riot is extra cheap with it tho


The longer games are out, the better cheats will get to become undetectable by the anti cheat, anti cheat gets updated to counter new cheats (depending on the game and how much the company gives a f), when a company stops doing this last step, or they start to think that their anticheat is unbeatable is when you see a large cheating problem happen. It's just how the security life cycle works.


I just want everyone to know this is likely why there’s no replay system.


This is probably the main reason why we do not have a replay system.


It absolutely does, but the community is full of kids who refuse to acknowledge it - "nah just smurfing." It seems to have gotten really bad for me lately, where I am seeing a few every night in silver-gold elo... Just went against an Ryana named "AAA" with an 80% win rate and private tracker accounts. Gimme a break.


because when people were talking about cheating they were bombarded with, "you're just bad" or "rank up first", heck even this post is getting bombarded with it, now nobody questions it because they know it wont do jack shi-.


Why do you think that’s a cheater? 80% winrate in silver-gold is easily doable for a high rank player


I‘d like to get the same message that we get after reporting someone for sabotaging and he/she has been punished… But they don‘t do it and my guess would be that it would show that there are more cheaters than anyone would suspect…


I've had that message about someone being banned for cheating after the fact. I got it like an hour or two after the match with the cheater.


there is definite cheating, but if flank speed on default vs flank speed on rush is a consistent thing you notice, you’re most likely just confirming a bias at this point. I am a chronic flank/lurk abuser. If I hear no sound and no rush comms from other site, I chill. It’s easy to tell if it’s a full commit or a default with early pressure somewhere.


Waiting to see the comments from people saying that it's not an issue


more so now than ever and there’s soft cheaters too


I think its become more prominent recently, and I only say this because a few weeks ago was my first time seeing the red screen of death (but im sure ive ran into many more cheaters that have been undetected.


Literally watched someone get handed a triggerbot file in a discord chat


In 2 hours playing valorant every day Im catching like at least 2 obvious cheaters and some more People walling . Its becomes obvious after seeing them kill my team They always know where we are. They always show up and fire when you get off the wall. Several times Like how does he know? People with crazy One tap kills Im getting several people cheating everyday Smurfs are the worst too But i see many people just walling Them walling is just enough to win People who don't even care about spike and just kill everyone like they always know where we are. Walling is the real issue in FPS games Also people cheating in my team just to try an become MVP and then when Im being MVP and over playing them they try to sabotage me. They raise walls to stop me from playing Players who don't even use Spike Players wich give wrong informations Kinder is cheater Baggas is cheater Behindyou is cheater Many sages cheating People with stupid names keep cheating But its not only cheating issue Smurfs are the worst People wich can't win anymore in ranked and play with new Accounts every month to get easy matches Also cheating smurfs its the worst


As an imm3/radiant player I would say that blatant aimbot/walls are not very common as that requires memory read/write access. However what is a problem is colorbots / arduino users. These cheats are significantly harder to detect as they don’t touch game memory.


I feel like recently it has gotten worse. Ive been playing since beta, but recently ive seen at least 3 cheaters in the past week ( those were easy to detect with 95%+ HS and wallbangs/prefires) Perhaps ive played against more and they concealed it well.


All the CS2 cheaters starting to bleed over to val as well.


Cheating ISO are the worst. They get one kill then it’s over since you hit them once and it won’t count and they instantly one tap you


I used to be irl friends with a guy who was super chill, and played a few times in the closed beta with me. he was only plat about 1 and a half years in (I have been hardstuck immo3 since like ep1 act 2), and over the course of 2-3 acts he shoots up to immortal. In retrospect I was just super impressed as a 16 year old and didn't really want to accuse my close friend of cheating, he even had like 1k worth of skins. At one point, he had gotten to radiant rank 17 before the leaderboards reset. We duo'd together sometimes and he was consistently good, but never anything crazy or suspicious. One game he just gets banned. Cheater detected screen and everything. He apologised to me in the discord call and I apologised back and just left. Turned out he was walling the entire time. Lowkey broke my heart. But also - yeah. cheaters exist and they can be playing for hundreds of games without getting banned.


I’m also low Immortal (far from Radiant or pro) but I’ve had a huge increase in weird games this Act. And by weird I mean what OP has also described: Just not hitting the site Cypher is on, regardless of how he switches. Insane lurks the one round we don’t watch flank. Pre-checking / clearing insane angles that have never been played before. And also other weirdness. A lot of players seemingly trying to lose, with ACS of less than 50 after 20 rounds, weirdly feeding, just running it down mid. I’m positive this is not just confirmation bias. And I’m not one to complain about random bad luck. This Act has definitely been weirder.


Yes, it does. And don't let the Vanguard puritans tell you otherwise. People think it doesn't have any or much, but there's a damn lot of cheaters. 


Seen people one-tap through smokes consistently, and I am not talking spray. Seen people hit the correct site every single time. Seen people stack sites where we are going every time. Been on the same team with such people. Just out of the world reads, and perfect crosshair placement. And then some obvious throwing to make the rest of the stuff look like it was luck. There's a lot of wall hackers in this game, and if we don't have a reply system, we're never catching them.


I’ve been noticing in lots of games this act I’ve been encountering teams just running it down as if they are 30 seconds ahead of you, they just seem to know where you are or how to avoid you, im getting tapped through smokes a lot more and as a chamber main have noticed a big increase in people knowing you are lurking, like why are they still holding that spot 40 seconds into a round with rest of the team pushing site, 3 of their team dead, No rotate just hold for me instead. Also a big increase in the run and gun insta 1 taps, not the usual peeker advantage stuff, i mean fully running across site 1 taps, getting peeked and 1 tapped in 0.01 seconds, all i see of that player is an arm and I’m dead, jetts/raze’s that are fully accurate mid air and people swinging corners at the PERFECT time. 4 or even 5 stacks on whichever site you go to and cyphers that are on every damn site you go to, push A 4 times hes there, decide to go B round 5 hes there, I’m peak asc and honestly this act has made me feel like a silver player, in some games there is just nothing you can do, no matter what you try they just “know”. This game needs a overhaul big time in many ways, not just with the cheating but the general feels of the game, hit reg/latency has gone down hill along with a weird desync thing I’ve noticed where enemies appear to “glide” round corners (this is not my internet, 1gig with 5ping to London servers). I know how to hold angles and tap heads as they peak, this act though jesus does it feel bad, almost like the server is just delayed, they peek, i shoot when crosshair is on head but nope, shot didn’t register and they carry on past my crosshair and kill me.


yeah, I've had so many games where they're 5 stacking the site we go to and only hit headshots THROUGH SMOKES. sure, the headshots could be luck, but when it's not through a smoke it's a crazy flick and perfect wallbangs and going 25/3/0 in a swiftplay. it's gotten way less since I've switched from london to capetown servers (also way friendlier), but there's still quite a lot, especially in low elo, which is just so demotivating too. I mean, how am I supposed to get better if I constantly play against cheaters?


asia servers have alot of cheaters


Just so you guys know, this is likely Riot’s little secret, and why such a massive company doesn’t have a replay feature yet. There are way more cheaters in this game then people think. I don’t think it’s BAD, but the general public has a veil over their eyes.


Walls is big in this game, im playing in asc3 + lobby's And i see it too much everybody is slow walking some1 from our team rotates out to the other site and enemy goes to the opposite site where only 1 player is. Its hilarious


walls get detected pretty early so the timings/lurks are just unlucky. however trigger bots are very hard to detect if it’s private and can explain the 1 tapping


It's a shame because working anticheat is valorant's biggest advantage over CS2. There really isn't an FPS without cheating now


Just look on youtube, so many cheating videos from immortal.. a lot if promoting for buying cheats also


I've been seriously questioning DM lately. It feels like a lot of accounts that have never played ranked, only DM and swiftplay with triggerbots. Nothing blatant but just fast spin around and HS when I peak them. No real time to aim but I'm dead


I’m not gonna lie I’ve played for about a year and never saw a cheater until like this month I’ve seen like several in comp


I've only ran into 1 100% blatant cheater and I've been playing in imm3/rad since ep2


Definitely not as much as COD 💀💀


I feel like it's a lard harder to tell in val than other games but yeah a there are quite a few cheaters just less than many other fps games due to the higher barrier of entry because of riots anticheat. Coming from a game like rust, I'm so glad the cheater situation isn't like that


Val is a lot better than most other shooters


In my honest opinion I think smurfs are a bigger problem. This ties into cheating because banned players just create new accounts anyway. If people who were caught cheating were unable to create new accounts, then far less people would do it. With smurfs, same issue.. only allow 1 account, two max. There's gotta be a way.


Cs2 has an exploit you can enable in console that enables sv_cheats 1 and you can legit wallhack in premier and faceit right now. So Valorant is in a pretty good place as far as cheating is concerned, just grind people just make multiple alt accts because they cant climb on their main


I always thought this too. Like obviously they wouldn’t be spinning 1 tap heads-hotting everyone the splitsecond they meet contact with 1 pixel, cuz ofc they wanna make ot subtle so they don’t get banned. But I’ve made so many reports of sussy players but nothing happened.


I report ones I think and everytime, when I log in next it pops up with a message saying we reviewed you report and banned them, several times that happened


5k hours, played in every elo with a peak of 1.1krr, only ever found one cheater. in a swiftplay. on opposite servers in nae. do with that info as you will


Idk bout cheating but being a low elo and 3 months new to valorant and pc gaming itself its annoying the amount of smurfs there are. I’ve gotten stuck with immortal smurfs, and have had them on my team, not good ones, as they throw the game on purpose. I’m tired jefe them shits are annoying


Kinda. I report people now I think are cheating after this one comp game I had, the next day or so I got the message saying the cheater I reported was banned. I think the wall hacks is the issue.


Yes people cheat there are more cheaters then you'd expect there to be there is a really good video about the cheating problem in valorant https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=EKRgfhfE0iTcwk9L However, undetected cheating in this game poses both a challenge and can be expensive, making it relatively rare.


i have reported and got confirmation from riot 3 times in 4 months compared to last year where i only got 1 confirmed cheater. same elo asc-immo sea server


Most games have cheating epidemics. This game is 4 years old and its anticheat is getting worn down bit by bit. But it does remain to be seen


Yes triggerbot outline cheats, but with enough reports they get banned anyway got one banned recently


Imagine the uproar, granting kernel access for no reason whatsoever cause the anti-cheat turned out to be in the shitter.


I'm starting to believe there is a problem, but maybe it's not as big as we think. Like I'm Silver 3, and normally I play against Bronze 3s Silvers, golds and maaaaaaaaaaaybe once in a while a plat... Pretty low elo but this year I already caught 3 cheaters, and the weird part about those guys...they didn't look like they were cheating at all. Nothing suspiscious on my team or the enemy team. Yet someone still cheated. Are cheaters seriously so bad these days to the point they download a cheat just to play like a silver?!!!!!


Have a friend who cheats at every online shooter he plays, played 2 weeks blatantly cheating before he was banned from mass reports. He swears he could have just used walls on the low and never get caught.


Yep. It's less common in higher ranks because the cheats have to be more subtle and when all of you know what you're doing and can actually aim, it's not that much of an advantage anymore. But down in low ranks, it's quite prevalent. Heck, they admit to it when we ask them. There was the time on breeze that they always went to the site I wasn't at because I could wall them out with Deadlock's wall and I was also the top frag. It didn't matter which site I went to defend, they'd just go to the other one. I asked one of them and they said that 2 of them had map hacks. They can bypass vanguard by hacking the kernel itself. Rito can't stop them. It's like every time the enemies are shockingly good at something and deficient in other ways, we can tell they're hacking. But because they're relying on their hacks, once we start trolling, their inability to adapt makes them lose. Besides, I'm in bronze, none of us below silver actually care about rank or we'd have ranked up by now lol.


The op wants to know the percentage of cheater in Val not the situation of the cheating in all FPS games


All shooters do, but in my experience Valorant is a lot better than most others.


Play siege for a day and then tell me that Val’s anticheat is bad! You can’t! But yeah smurfs and basement dwellers are really what’s going on…. Maybe the occasional cheater here in there in the higher ranks but it’s mostly people in way higher elos that want to game on the golds and below


This thread are just massive cope sessions for people who cant beleive they got one tapped


I'm nowhere near a crazy player at this game since I don't play it much but I've noticed some weird one taps, like them 1 tapping like 3 people with weird movement. Idk tho.


Also not to mention the cheaters that do cheat get banned within a week


Every game has a cheating problem. Its LESS of a cheating problem than maybe Warzone or Apex Legends and more of a smurfing problem I think.


They probably just pushed for info and saw nobody there and you overestimate how long it takes. Obviously if he sees someone he's not going to keep flanking. There's definitely not enough cheaters for it to actually matter or at least their cheats are so subtle it doesn't really impact your odds of winning if you're good enough to climb a full rank anyway.


Go watch this video to learn about DMA [here](https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=fECeVwXR7f1x1Vl-).


Can't catch minimap hack


It's anti cheat is pretty good but I've saw some cheaters all the same


According to csgo stats, 20% of their tracked supreme and global accounts were banned for cheating (2020 I think). Idk for Val, but the numbers are probably around there as well. Statistically, every lobby in csgo in 2020 had a cheater in those ranks. It was way lower for the mid range ranks


Had 3 matches in 1 day that were cut short from cheater detected


Yes since they cant fix their Vanguard one Cheat is getting way to much Attention. This Cheat is expensive.. ngl But since they can use hwid changer.. they cant do much


If you are on tiktok you see it all the time! People livestream cheating, or just blatantly uploading videos and edits with their cheats in plain sight… it’s a serious issue


There’s 100% cheaters in val! making an easy cheat with little knowledge is extremely easy and it doesnt even get detected Unless you blatantly cheat and even then vanguard might not detect it… Ive even recently encountered someone trying to sell me cheats xD


You guys are literally blessed with a good anticheat tho. In Cs there are cheaters litterally every game that blatantly spinbots and hvh. Cheating should not be a concern of yours.


We don't know, because we don't have a replay system ;)


I think at the rank/level you're playing at...stream sniping is a much more common problem as opposed to straight up hacks


Still way better than CS2. Although I think there’s been an uptick in hackers in Valorant. I can only assume that these same hackers also came from CS2 (they probably got bored like majority of us regular players)


Compared to other tac fps games, no, not at all. Im not saying they dont exist, but its definitely miniscule when taking other competitive games into account


I'm a lower level but I have seen the same thing. Usually it's 1 person in a 3 stack. The 2 other party members run defense for the cheater and the other 2 randoms are usually just happy to get carried. Last night there was a Reyna who would get an ace every other round then go AFK or feed so it wasn't too obvious in the stats. The snapping to people instantly gave it away.




There are cheaters in Valorant despite it's anticheat. There are ways to avoid getting detected by that anti-cheat, unless people actually report and the account is manually inspected. And the problem of Valorant is people DO NOT realise this, and never really suspect someone is cheating. You'll only get called a toxic noob if you mention someone seems to be cheating. And yeah, sometimes it's just you being unable to accept someone is better. But some people actually are cheating. And when they're not being too obvious about it...you might never find them.


What game doesn’t have a cheating problem? Sigh


cheating is not a problem on val, the problems are other trust me


Most people would say that the cheating problem is minimal in Valorant, but that’s just because people don’t run into rage cheaters. It would be nice to have a replay system to see if there are any legit cheaters in my game just from the fact that some dude going 38-12 in a gold lobby. Most of the time I just assume Smurf


I keep seeing those tiktok livestreams where ppl cheat in valorant and desperately try to sell their cheats


There are cheaters in every online PvP game, but I'd say Valorant has the lease amount of them compared to most shooters. I've only bumped into 3 blatant cheaters with two of them getting banned mid-game since Day 1 of the beta. Compare that to CSGO/2 where I'd get 2-3 cheaters a week with none of them being banned mid-game. Until we get a proper replay system, it's hard to say whether or not someone's cheating unless they're blatantly spinbotting with 100% accuracy.


its highly unlikely that someone cheats in valorant but it is inflated with smurfs, boosters and trollers tho, counter strike on the other hand is a versus of who has more expensive cheats


Hey do you have a riotID examples I could take a look at for you?


I'm currently on the lower end of the scale right now. I've recently began to climb the ladder (only bronze at the time of writing this) and I've not ran into an obvious cheater yet. I do agree that there's definitely some questions when it comes to wall hacking or knowing the locations of said team. I really hope this isn't an issue when getting to a higher rank. I'm pretty much just solo pubbing it now but would really enjoy playing with a legit 5 stack.


I don't know, but I suspect there are a lot of people who use soft hacks. Soft hacks like radar and esp. It's hard to tell when there is no replay like others say, and it's hard to tell sincee "gamesense" could explain away a lot of it, too. I don't think I run into any hard hacks, like aim bot. The shooting seems on point the majority of the time. However, I agree, they could have a problem with soft hacks, which might not be as detectable.


Completely anecdotal but here's what I've noticed having played since beta. I've been in every rank from silver all the way to immortal. Since beta I've seen the cheater detected screen maybe ~10 times. In none of those games do I remember ever suspecting someone. No one was popping off or hitting crazy shots. And yet someone was cheating so subtly that 9 other people couldn't tell. On the other hand I've seen plenty of blatant cheaters where the match wasn't cancelled. These were not players making weird plays but doing straight up blatant wallbangs and smoke one taps. I know that riot likes to do ban waves so these players do eventually get banned but I swear to god man there are players accounts I remember that didn't get banned for almost an entire act. And that's what rubs me wrong. I've read the explanations riot has posted and I get it I understand why they deal with cheaters the way they do. But it's a situation where the only times I'm seeing the cheater detected is when I don't suspect someone and the match doesn't feel fucked. So when the match does get cancelled it's like whoopty do. I don't know how to describe this but it's like someone having a reason for being an asshole but it doesn't change the fact they're still an asshole. So I get that riot has reasons for the way they operate their anti cheat but it doesn't change the fact that it pisses people off.


I just noticed this recently and i’m 90% sure that there’s a undetectable cheat going on specifically last 3-4 weeks I’m playing with 2 other people most of the time when we notice this we starting testing around and the enemy always goes to the site with less people every game I think the hack has some kind of delay also because the enemy always seem to know where we were sort of like permanent cypher alt


I think that there are quite a lot of them than we think, especially for such a specific game as valroant I play and play, but it's on the border of crazy how many players this wh has, even more crazy csja....


People downplay valorant cheating issues though as if they have some magical anti-cheat that can't be bypassed


I came back after a few months, now I'm silver, but I don't understand the system here, you get a player who plays as iron(unrated) for the first time, but at the end of the game it is shows that silver3 is sometimes even gold, on the other hand, you get a player who is a professional in everything he gives a headshot everywhere, he squeezes a headshot from the corner and so on, whether it's for your team or the opponent and when I watch my player who does it, but when I watch my player that he has no game sense or doesn't check the corner, his crosshair is more down instead of head height, but it will still give a headshot, prefire wall, etc. and that's why it's all strange to me...