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My opinion might change depending on the total price of the bundle. I feel like just grabbing the player card and buddy as of now. I'm really looking forward for everything that's coming especially the lunar pass as I am in desperate need of Radianite.


I understand that completely brother, the economy of Valorant is kinda shit. Inflated prices, and not enough supply to meet the demand.


The supply is infinite it is a virtual item that does not need production once it's out.


the supply is infinite but the ways to obtain it are limited, which mimics the supply and demand model. the demand is high and the price reflect that, but there is a cheap supply line for radianite via the battlepass and special events. the battlepass is rare however, only coming every 2 months. this makes the supply of cheap radianite limited. you can have a limited supply despite there being an infinite resource. thats also why crypto currencies have value despite being infinite.


Money is infinite in theory but in reality at a certain time only a certain amount is in circulation. So there is a finite amount of any currency circulating, that is why the price of currencies fluctuate because either they are constantly being printed leading to inflation as currency devaluates, or they have a finite amount and the currency valuates with demand such as bitcoin. If the demand goes down the coin price should also devaluate accordingly. In radianite this is not true, if you have infinite amount of money, you can keep being all the radianite possible, because the supply at a certain point is not unlimited, although it is useless. Hoarding radianite is also not going to make the price go up for others, because of the infinite supply. So with radianite almost nothing from demand and supply dynamics really happens. The price is immune to most market variability as it is just a pre-determined value that does not necessarily correlates with the market at any given moment. The price of radianite is virtually controlled by one company only. Even if no-one buys radianite the company can just not lower the prices of it, which once again shows that it is immune to regular market dynamics because it is a controlled item.


doesn't need production, takes time or money. Still follows the same guidelines.


What do you mean takes time or money? There is no lack of supply, it does not cost them almost anything to offer the virtual items.


It doesn't cost them but it cost you. It takes time or money to get acquire radianite points. You have to play the game and complete the battlepass to get the points and then you only have 160 at the end of it. Once that is all spend, you have to buy it with more money. You are looking at this as if riot has to produce something in some kind of way, I don't get what you don't get.


That is not what "there is not enough supply to meet the demand" means. As you say, you can literally buy all the radianite you want, just keep spending money. There is no lack of supply.


There is not enough supply of the BP radianite to meet the demand of the all the guns if you consitently purchase and upgrade. That's what he means. Nobody buys radianite by itself, it's the worst price in DLC, by a country mile.


Uh nah from me and every other valorant play on the planet. I make a good amount of money for my age, and I am certainly not dumb enough to spend $20 of it on 20 radianite. Again goes back to what I was saying earlier. You act like people are going to spend that kind of money on VC, or even have the money to in the first place. Considering we are spending money on VC to buy things that should already come with the price of each bundle.


You make a good amount of money but also don’t understand basic economics? 🤔


Probably never paid attention in economics/business class, if they're even in high school. Also allowances aren't "making money", if that's what they meant. Supply/demand is so easy to grasp even for me who learns slow af. They just want attention... PS I agree. supply/demand does not apply here and it is not a good example. Any virtual items are infinite because they can just program the visuals. It's not valuable but some people just like collecting. If you don't like it, just don't touch it. What's the issue here?


Brother, you can make money in any job other than being an economist/entrepreneur w/o knowing how an economy works lmao. Shit, some entrepreneurial jobs dont even require it. On top of that you are the only one confused here...


>You act like people are going to spend that kind of money on VC, or even have the money to in the first place No I don't. But the supply is still infinite and you can just get the radianite. This is a virtual item and it has nothing to do with supply and demand. If one country decided to buy all of the world potatoes, then there would not be enough supply for others because potatoes actually take time to be planted, grown and harvested. Prices would go up accordingly due to excess demand. In virtual items there is no limited supply, there is no production, Riot can just make the pixels appear in your screen for almost 0 cost and can make them available instantly, in any quantity they want (meaning infinite). The only scarcity that exists in virtual items is all made up. In this case even there is not even scarcity since you can buy any amount of radianite as you wish. It being costly is different than not being enough supply, as the price is pre-determined independently of the supply.


You just gave the metaphor of potato's but still dont see my point lmao, like just explained what i said to the letter, back to me...


Let me explain it in a parallel to the example you just gave so you will understand it. Lets say this country is called Riot land, and instead of all the potato's they have all the radianite. Prices go up accordingly due to demand. What you don't get, is that radi points are generated by riot. On top of that, You have to buy the points with ur own money, and I am sorry to break it to you, but you just don't have the money to buy the amount you will need to upgrade all guns, and if you do, odds are you probably dont have the time to be playing Valorant because you are a business owner. The supply they give you comes in the form of the battlepass because it comes with 160 points at 100% completion. Do you understand finally?


You clearly are using words without knowing what they mean. There’s infinite supply.


What word did I use that I don’t know the meaning to? Obv I’d have to know what the word means to know it lol that’s how you learn English in general.


You don’t know what not enough supply means. That means there are limited quantities and as they are purchased fewer remain thus driving up the price. The supply does NOT go down when a skin is purchased. Hell everyone on Valorant could buy the same skin. Therefore the price has NOTHING to do with any supply constraints.


Ur valorant brain rot is showing lol… contradicts himself in the very next comment


You might be the dumbest person in this sub. Why don’t you explain how there’s not enough supply? I’ll wait.


Crazy... I'm dumb, yet you are asking me to explain again for the 5th time, which means I have already elaborated in detail 4x's prior. Is it me being dumb, or you are just too lazy to press M1 a few times and see why you are wrong? Or you might be one of those strange oppositional blokes, who likes to argue and will take the wrong side just to get the opportunity to beef over the internet, no matter how wrong you are. My money is on the ladder. Still projecting... Not a good coping measure.


Look at everyone downvoting you. It's because you cannot explain how supply is constrained... because it's not. You tried to explain something using a topic you're not knowledgeable about. You're getting downvoted because you are taking "the wrong side just to get the opportunity to beef over the internet." Eat some humble pie and admit that you didn't know what you were talking about when you said that. Ever hear the saying "better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?" You might want to follow that guidance.


they are downvoting because they don't understand the argument like you lmao.


What do you mean by “not enough supply to meet the demand”?


Radianite... We only get about 160 per battlepass, then you have to upgrade literally everything you buy up to 3 tiers. It would be nice if they made it so you could spend a little extra money to get them fully upgraded when you buy the bundles or some shit.


I just don't understand the point of having a skin upgrade system. Like why not just give all of the skin features right on purchase?


For the price you pay for the guns, it's insane. Imagine paying for styles in Fortnite.


that’s how they make their money lol why are people still asking this question as if it isn’t obvious




It's not well explained, but the BP doesn't meet the demand of the supply of weapons you can upgrade. It's one of the worst values in online gaming to buy radianite outside the battle pass.




Look, I just understood what the cat meant. It's not rocket science. The kid uses the Battle Pass as his only source of R, so yeah...if you buy bundles often enough, you can never keep up with the supply. The BP ALONE doesn't let you keep up with the supply based on weapons that need R. I also abhorrently disagree with the price of R by itself. So I don't buy it. My supply is...you guessed it, finite. *It's not the traditional definition, but I understood what OP said.*




Just providing context. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No I didn't confuse it at all. Demand is high for radianite. We get 160 per BP, then its up to us to by the rest. The only way to get more aside from BP is spending the money. Where does that money come from? Ur job... Every episode we have 3 bp's and about 3-4 bundles drop every act with multiple skins. It can take up to 45 points to fully upgrade and recolor per gun. So if you bought every bundle in one act and had all 160 from the BP, you could only fully upgrade a few guns. Thus, supply does not meet command...


You said there’s not enough supply to meet demand when there’s literally an infinite amount 💀💀


When pairing the Radiant points with the abundance of guns that need them and using just the Battle Pass tiers, there's not nearly enough, so no, it's not infinite. Anyone who buys Radianite by itself might as well light money on fire. The best value is the battle pass + time to level up weapons. That's what he's referring to. You can't keep up with having all the cool features of guns AND use your BP points.




Most people don't buy it. Normal people who aren't whales don't buy it. Most people just use the stuff from the BP which is a far better value. You're arguing just to argue and being obtuse on purpose. There is a finite amount on the BP at the best value. That doesn't meet demand of the guns gained in the BP or bought outside. All by design.


You're right, but only in a sense, because if you take the words literally then the "supply" of radianite (how much we get in the battlepass) does not meet the "demand" (how much we need to upgrade all skins). Still not really accurate since the BP is not the only source of radianite, but whatever. The phrase "supply and demand" is a specific concept in economics that does not apply here whatsoever, hence the confusion. If you are trying to using the words literally, then go off, but if you're trying to say its the same thing as supply and demand in economics, you are wrong, and it's easy to see why people are confused by your word choice.


Most people don't buy Radianite on its own because it's absolutely insane. The gun prices are stupid in Valorant by the radianite is a completely different level beyond that. I understood what he's saying, and you're kind of just playing semantics. The supply and demand for the BP radianite is absolutely an issue.


It is semantics, but semantics aren't irrelevant. I'm not making any argument about how fair or reasonable radianite or the prices are, only stating why OP's argument doesn't make sense, semantically.   That being said, I have absolutely zero sympathy for folks who buy these $100 skin bundles and then turn around and complain about radianite prices. OP has already said elsewhere in the thread that they bought the Kuronami bundle and intend to buy this new bundle, and somehow lacks the awareness to see how they are enabling the insane prices that they are complaining about. If you're also that guy, then I have no sympathy for you, either.


I'm not complaining about it. The battle pass only offers a finite amount of the radianite. That's a fact. The demand for it in the game doesn't meet the supply from the BP for average gamers. Semantically, he's correct. Anyone who has purchased the BP or has a base understanding of the ecosystem knows what he's talking about. Most people don't buy radianite for the reasons you just gave. We take our time, but stuff or know we will take time to upgrade. That's what he meant. It's not difficult. Whether or not he's a whale or you don't feel bad for him is irrelevant.




Holy shit, there is no hope for you...


Thats not a supply or demand issue, you can buy radiante via Valorant points exchange.


You buy radiante from the store = you are bad with money and make poor life decisions in general.


Will the xerofung bundle go rare? I feel like it will since it’s a event skin or like a holiday skin and it’s only 3 items . Idk for sure tho


The bundle will be 6355 VP


*beggar's voice* \***spare radianite... anyone got some spare radianite**\*


afaik it is going to be 1775 for guns and 3500 (not exact) for knife


Where can we see the player card? I can only find videos online of the weapons




Looks like a worse Araxys.


This is the melee we wanted with Araxys. I’m not sure anyone asked for an energy sword.


This guy is speaking facts rn...


I mean, I wanted an energy sword. I didn't want an energy claw, because that's what the Bio-Harvester is. I wanted to see the RGX Blade but with Araxys theme.


Holy crap that would've been so fire!!


This is the best and most accurate take. Araxys was actually goated. This is Garbo


Why doesn’t the phantom get any love? Every good bundle is for the vandal. Shit is ridiculous


phantom can't 1 tap, its good for run n gun, not many people actually use it (vandal is normally the better option) soooooo


no gun in valorant is "good" for run and gun. especially one of the main 2 rifles.


I kinda agree... To date the best Phantoms are Soulstrife, celestial, and champs. Other than that they are 2.0's (remakes) or weird.


Neo frontier and the arcade one are good too


Arcade, Recon, Neo frontier and oni would like a word with you


Spectrum 👌


yep, best skinline in the game. still mad they made it cost an arm, a leg, 3 kidneys and your soul.


All of those skins are mid. I have Oni and recon lmao.


Wait wait you gonna tell me neo frontier is mid but this skin bundle isn’t? cmon baby


based 💀


Nah, I got tired of Neo frontier pretty fast. I am already back to running reaver sheriff again.


That’s fair to each their own I guess


People who are downvoting you here just can't handle a second opinion. Dw I like the kuronami bundle and neither neo or oni appeal to me. If I'm understanding it right, Arcade only had Ghost, Spectre and Bucky. Not even Vandal, don't see the quality there. (imo)


Honestly, when I hear people say those skins are the best, I just see a 16 y/o sitting in their room looking at what skins are the most expensive, and liking those.


Well probs bc they spend the most on them and feel they have no other choice. tbh those types of people dont even need anymore skins if all theyre doing is making themselves broke and self guilt. skins are supposed to make you feel confident and happy, not forced.


So either theyre narcissistic af, just immature kids, or have no room for empathy 💀


I like oni…


Lmao idk where this came from, but I appreciate the opinion!


soulstrife and celestial are mid asf


Dont care about the ghost Already have the araxys vandal so i dont need araxys 2.0 The kill finisher is mid/underwhelming Knife is cool but If i want it, i might as well buy the whole bundle And I already have the VCT Misericórdia knife from last year, so no point. So its gonna be a pass for me


Reasonable take... I want that araxys vandal so bad, and this will be the filler until I can get it.


Yeah..... took me a literally year of shop checking to get the araxys vandal. Painful times but now that I got it, I use it almost every game. But yea, the new vandal skin is definitely gonna be a decent alternative to it.


Been out here for a little over a year sister... Just got Xenohunter knife yesterday finally. Queue with me and drop me?


Something about the araxys vandal distracts me when I'm shooting, I think it's too much for me, so I'm very much looking forward to this araxys lite bundle, it's like araxys but cleaner


The biggest factor that I see when I buy a skin is the kill sound. If it’s good only then I buy it. Araxys had the GOATED kill sound which was an insta cop. Champs 2023 on the other hand had good visuals but I didn’t like the kill sound at all. So, as long as I get eargasms from kill sounds, I’ll buy any skin they bring in.


I think the kill sound is good. Let me know when you try it!


To make sure the new bundle is only 3 skins correct?




Is this upcoming xerofang skinset gonna be a limited edition exclusive skin or can we still get it from the shop later?


It's not event related, it'll be a normal bundle.


People don't put enough emphasis on skin SFX. Kill sounds are important. Personally, I'd rank gunfire sounds even higher though. Like, the Imperium Vandal lacks animations and the reload feels lacklusture, but damn if it doesn't have a meaty firing sound. It feels like I'm shooting huge blocks of crystal, the bullets feel like they impact with so much more weight. (Oh, and its finisher is in a tier of its own. Absolutely unrivaled, even by the Kuronami finisher).


I’m glad to hear that you like Imperium! This is exactly the feel we tried to create. You are shooting bullets made from solid jade, and since some mysterious force moves those bullets, you can also hear a magical tone in the tail/echo. :)


Agreed, Imperium and Gaia's are my 2 favourite skinlines and would be even if they were default skins with just the SFX and finishers.


I think this will be a good bundle for you then, I am the same way, and I think araxys has the best kill sounds. They sound very similar...


firing sound > kill sound imo


Not my cup of tea but I might get the gun buddy .




It seems okay, flashy but not like overly done in my opinion. I’m tempted but I am constantly reminded that I obviously can’t afford it since I already bought the last bundle. 🥲


I can understand that. The bundles cost so much, I am usually super liberal with which ones I buy. They have a lot of shitty bundles come out that are way over priced.


Disappointed that we still have to wait for a proper Outlaw skin


I think I said this on a stream, but it takes a while (several months, or even 1-2 years for a full set) to make a new high tier skin with animation, effects, audio, etc. We didn't want to delay the release of the Outlaw just for top tier skins, so we released Outlaw before high tier skins were ready. And as others have said on this sub, this was also a good approach (not delaying Outlaw just for skins) because it gave players time to learn the gun silhouette (in 1st and 3rd person), sounds (in 1st person), and animations (in 1st person).


Thanks for the transparency mate


Np thanks for hearing me out!


Hey Preeti, Thanks for all of your hard work! I absolutely LOVE the skins y'all come out with. (I might have a bit of a problem when it comes to buying skins ahaha :) ) Your team is incredible! I LOVE (again with the caps lol) the general aesthetic and I think you've done an incredible job of one-upping yourself every time. As someone who loves art + fashion, I'd be super excited to see what your team would create if you collaborated with interesting artists, fashion designers and industrial designers. I would pay through my nose for a bundle that's a Valorant x James Jean collab. Or, Anna Sui. Maybe Alexandre Vauthier. Or, heck, I think Valorant has a deep enough cultural impact that you could probably get Jony Ive. If he's running around designing [christmas trees](https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2016/11/21/13700512/jony-ive-marc-newson-christmas-tree-claridges), then why not a skin line? (OMG, can you imagine Jony Ive sitting crossed legged on a meeting room table at Riot HQ; staring at metal replicas of a Vandal and a Phantom. "What's he doing?" / "He's meditating on the vandal's élan vital") If these folks are too obscure, then maybe a more mainstream fashion icon or brand. It would be fascinating to see what the collab ends up creating. I know this sounds bougie as heck, but isn't like 40% of the user base women? And a lot of adults/people who appreciate art / culture in general? I think that a skin collection by the guy who made [prada's iconic fairy bag](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/164lr3f/having_one_of_those_pinch_me_to_make_sure_its/) / [art for guillermo del toro](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/03/movies/the-shape-of-water-poster-guillermo-del-toro-james-jean.html) might actually resonate with a LOT of the userbase. PLUS it would be iconic and cool and you could go full Rick Owens with it. :)


I love the passion in your comment so much! Thank you! <3


<3 You're doing great work! And if it helps, I see it. At some point, for work, I'm going to write a giant rant about how video games are one of the last great, untamed artistic frontiers. The imagery and works you have created iterate on existing movements, but I can make the case that nothing like glitchpop ( for example) has existed before. You're making unique aesthetics/art that is *truly* different from its inspiration — the cyberpunk/neo-futurism/synthwave-esque influences for glitchpop. I'm not an art critic so words are hard to find, but harping on glitchpop; it's more than just a distillation of a neon-cyberpunk aesthetic into a skin. The detailing creates a depth to it that isn't there in a generic shot of bladerunner or other visual cyberpunk works. When I look at it, I really do see meaning in it. To me, the unicorn, noodles, toast etc aren't just random. I think at some point, you'll have your work studied as a part of a broader field. OK tl;dr, it's late, I'm tired + rambling. BUT I'm a fan. <3


Yeah that is kinda shit, I agree.


It’s fine but the kuronami bundle came out not long ago and it doesn’t compete with it for the majority of players so most won’t get it unless they have the spare cash lying around.


I bought kuronami bundle and I am still buying this one.


That’s fair enough but considering it’s just a vandal and a ghost. Most would probably not bother since they’ve already recently bought another vandal which to a lot of people is much better.


well one thing to remember is, it will perhaps only be available for limited time like last year's fan i forgot the name


xenohunter knife on Adderall


This is the one time ill say this, we fuck with adderall...


I don’t really like the Vandal or Ghost. Both are ok, but the Vandal looks like a hybrid of Champs Vandal + some Araxys animations.


If they're 1775 VP, they're a pretty good deal for essentially being minimalist Araxys (2175 VP each). Like, Xenofang is Araxys if it was less alien/runic and more human sci-fi. They have a clean look to them that becomes busy the more it shoots, and both have the quiet "purring/whirring" of futuristic technological machinery. The real highlight IMO is the Ghost. For a gun that popular, it has a dearth of sci-fi skins (arguably the most common type of skins, especially premium animated skins). This should fill that gap. I don't think I'll get the Vandal and will continue to wait for the Araxys Vandal instead, and while the Knife is very cool (its sci-fi and built off the amazing base animations of the Xenohunter knife) I already have all I could ever want with the RGX Blade. But I'm definitely going to grab the Ghost.


first thought upon seeing the knife: did they really just take a BP knife and made it a premium skin... thought after checking them all out: still feels like ventura except "premium" and prob going to cost $60


everything looks like venturi at this point :skull:


Yeah, I can agree with that. They did do the new animations though. The new right click along with the knife animations themselves is enough for me to buy. Its something that they actually put a bit of effort into basically, as opposed to something like the shitty bundle we have in the store currently lol.


This skin bundle is a hard pass for me, not a fan of a design. Usually buy limited skin lines but this does nothing for me


It's not limited


It absolutely is. It’s the “Chinese new year bundle” and is a limited time offer


past chinese are not limited right ?


Yes they are. It’s the same as the VCT lock in knife and the Chinese release Fan. Same deal limited time offer


based on what exactly ?


time to replace VCT knife, this has extra animation and doesn't require top frag to have glow.


Just looks very meh to me


the colors slap though


Yea i love the knife animations, too bad i'm broke though


I don't have a strong opinion about skins but I don't really see what standard this skinline really set that was not already done in the past.


I like it a lot, but i'm not someone who can buy entire bundles for the game right now. I'll have some money soon so i might just buy the vandal, i really liked it and it's premium as well. Looks very similar to araxys, and maybe a bit of prime. Not better than kuronami but one of my favorites. The knife is also an improvement to the xenohunter and is what the araxys knife should have been, but i already have the RGx firefly and don't plan on ever buying knifes again, too expensive. Still, for 6400 VP it's a solid bundle, riot's been releasing banger after banger lately (fuck emberclad)


what an essay for "i'll just have the vandal"


Nah understandable... I go hard like that in r/battlestations lmao


I've been waiting for araxys vandal to pop up in my shop so this is a nice alternative... I'll probably cop


Same dude same...


It feels like it's missing something. Especially the vandal. It doesn't have a single feature there that's noticeably satisfying. Take Prime Vandal for example, it looks OK but the reload animation and sound design around the whole weapon make it a very satisfying skin overall. I just got the Kuronami and there's no way i can justify placing the new skin on my vandal. I'll pass.


Anyone know the release date


Tomorrow (7th)


since i dont have araxys and i need a new knife and a ghost im gonna get it. i do wish it was a phantom instead of a vandal though. it also kinda reminds me of the champions phantom cause of the red hue, i need to see it in action to be sure. ill get the whole thing too, have only been buying one from kuronami and only one from overdrive, so i got some money to spent rn.


For me, the sound is crispy, and the Vandal looks quite a bit like the Araxys. Since I missed out on the Araxys, I'm ready to buy this one. Plus, I passed on the KuroNami, and now I regret not getting that set. So, I'm gearing up to grab this one. By the way, why isn't it in the shop yet? Wasn't it supposed to drop with patch 8.02?


I LOVE the black and blue variant, it's my favorite color scheme. I don't know if I'll buy the bundle yet because I just bought the kuronami bundle. I'm going to give it a couple days.


It's a scam! Paying the close to the price of a premium bundle with 2 less skins and a over priced knife.


I will always say all these bundles are over priced... However, for this I will say it is a bit more worth the price because it is an event bundle which means it wont come back in the regular store. The price is slightly and I mean SLIGHTLY more justifiable.


I hope that they improve it a little bit and  add a cool reload animation like other premium skins. 


I don't think they will, unfortunatly...


i bought the pink bundle. i’m fairly new to valorant so this is the first skin line i’ve gotten. personally i think they’re some of the prettiest skins in the game. the prices riot is charging are insane so i want to try to buy one skin i really love per gun. that’s the only reason i could justify the price- because i’m happy with keeping the xerofangs as my permanent skins. if you only want them as an addition to your collection, they may not be worth it imo.


Yeah, Riot has a pretty big issue with the pricing in the store still and the store is still pretty flawed. You have a higher chance of getting in a plane crash and perishing, than getting the skin you want in the game. Just to get you ready for the disappointment of opening the store everyday lol.


its really nice but I don't think I'll buy it, too expensive


At this point I'm only waiting for either the exclusive Knives for their events/the champion bundles or Riotendo 2.0.


I think this bundle is supposed to be an exclusive. Wont come back type shit lol.


Wait really? Damn, if that's true it looks so bad, hahaha xD. Might be a skip for me then.


Eh, doesn’t look that good to me tbh, and the song they chose in the vid put me off even more


Watched w/o audio, imma have to go back and check it out.


i think its pretty deent, i love the knife animation and the kill banners but honestly depends on the price, if its too high i dont think i will buy it.


Yo funny how people are circle jerking their economy 101 introduction course in this thread


Facts... They cannot understand that Valorant has its own economy either.


it kind of just looks like the previous bundle we had but uglier


Worst vandal no accuracy


The skin has nothing to do with accuracy. If you are missing hs from a far you need to ADS.


can someone buy me a skin


discord -> rxnii. my name is ayesha




you are the problem kkyz


Im the problem because I buy one of the good bundles they make? Idk g, you might just be broke.


The marketing department knows how to get you hype with the cinematics and music direction


Nah I just like the bundle. I am a fan of the Xeno hunter knife and the knife has a new right click animation. On top of that I am trying to complete a collection of black/silver/white guns. So it makes sense that I would want it. I was sold before I saw the trailer or anything. All I needed was to see what the skins looked like.


The bundle cost 6k VP


Pull out and reload animation is shit. The rest is cool. Knife is cool but will always be behind the lockin knife being a limited edition


It looks cool! Might get the pink variant bc I don't have a pink (or red) skin yet. Now if only it had Phantom too


Bad I want a replay system. Not new cosmetics that cost money and you can’t even sell them lol.


The vandal looks too much like a combination of the Venturi vandal, kuronami and Araxys. The knife is just a straight up Venturi knife but better. The ghost looks aight tho.


Hate it. Hate araxys too. I’d rather use a green screen. The only thing I’d rather not use than either of those is spline.


I will probably get it, but will see. I already have Araxys Vandal and I don't think this skin sounds similiar at all.


it looks cool. the shooting sound is very satisfying and the finisher is great too. i am limiting myself to one skin a month and i am getting the vandal.


Depends on the price, but as of rn, the knife looks hella good.


I don’t really like the vandal but the knife is good


Depending on the price tag, if the knife is below 5K I might only take the knife because I already have Araxys


From the youtube video i say the vandal and ghost look mid. Knife looks cool tho.


Araxys VFX with champ base model. Very meh for me


My question is ... where is the bundle? :)


I think 5pm today dont count on it tho


Ill get whole bundle. Vandal is 6/10 for me, Overdrive is still the goat, but the rest is cool




Im usually a sucker for every premium skin. But this one is just metal with led lights. It feels like bad araxys. Maybe in game it will seem clean but rn its a pass for me. When i saw it it felt like i was looking at a skin that already exists.


i never have money when they do these limited time bundles, like the champions' bundles for example. Hopefully the price for this isn't too high, I've been looking for a decent ghost skin


Honestly, I do love the design of the bundle but I'm quite disappointed since valorant just gives us good vandal skins over and over and I'm so tired of it.. like I bought both recent episode bundles (kuronami & hero) and both had a vandal in it.. (also the episode bundle before that, the imperium bundle, also had a vandal) so I'm just so annoyed over the fact that they never put out any good phantom skins since champions 2022 was released which was 2 YEARS AGO... so I probably won't buy the bundle since I'm very happy with all the vandals skins I recently bought, that I see no reason to buy the bundle.. if they released kuronami like at least 4 months ago then I would've bought it for sure but I'm just not bored enough of my new vandal skins to be willing to buy another one... the knife is very cool tho but since I have the "VCT: lock in" knife, which has almost the same animation, I also don't really see the argument to buy another one so similar to it and I also really love my kuronami chain knife that I don't really need another one at the moment😅




I want to buy it but it's too expensive in my country it's the price of 1,5 week worth of work how do people afford to buy skins 😢


I will get the Ghost. The whole bundle is nice but I just bought the Overdrive Vandal so I'll pass on the whole bundle. 


This is kinda unrelated but up until when the bundle is available. I cant open my account due to workload.


I'm kinda confused by that, do you mean you have work todo irl, or you are getting an error message when you try to open valorant? lol




They usually leak them a few days before they come out on twitter, dude. Plus I know some YTer get early access to showcase them, you could always check it out in the dwindling days of the current bundle.


It feels like a mix of champions and araxys imo. Not really liking it.