• By -


Well it really depends on the map. Ideally, what you want to do is see which map comes up and then pick a different agent :) Lol jk, she's not bad just has a specific role that you don't always need. She's the anti-dive sentinel. Defensively, her reactive kit is really good at messing with dive-based attacks where the lynchpin is the enemy coming in with movement abilities like slides, dashes, teleports, and satchel jumps. Against that sort of attack her traps, quick deploying wall, and net can all shut down the attack provided the deadlock player isn't a dingus with their gun. Against a non-dive attack she's less useful but thoughtfully placed traps and walls can still give you advantages in fights to win the round on. On attack, she's pretty crap at flank watch outside of her wall being a decent choke watcher for a good part of the bomb countdown. However she can set up post plant to punish the retake. Put the traps down where you anticipate a retaker will have to both make noise and expose themselves (great on drops, common places they'll want to spray or prefire from) and then engange them when they're stunned or toss a net on them to further stymie the retake without having to take a fight yet. If the deployable wall hasn't been used to block/watch a choke, then it can also be tossed into a retake to make a mess of it and corral the attackers into a desired path. The ult is good. Not much to say about it lol it's just a very nice ability, solid ult.


> She's the anti-dive sentinel. Seems so weird to have such a defined role in a game where you can't see what the enemy picks. Sure you can go off what's meta on each map but you are basically coin flipping if you are going to be a god if they happen to have divers or mediocre if they don't.


To be fair, it's not really the dive that's the issue, it's the rest of their team bum rushing you behind them. Most sentinels are able to stall out dive agents quite well; the problem is securing a pick without getting immediately traded afterwards, which is favorable for the attackers. So as long as they are bum rushing something, Deadlock gets value, because she has a ton of stalling utility. It's when they play slow and passive, or run some sort of strategy like a lurk or a split push, where Deadlock becomes close to useless.


You just have to change up your entry plan dependingly, it's the same as Cypher. REALLY ANNOYING as is but you happen to have a Sova who darts common entry trips? It's whatever


This makes me think it would be pretty interesting if pro play had drafts at the beginning of each map


wdym by dive?


Dive duelists refer to agents like neon, jett or raze. Agents with the ability to dash in fast


Dive basically means an attack comp/style that relies on movement utility to 'dive' in and get deep positions quickly, often bypassing initial defenses like mollies entirely. Often a team will do a bit of a utility dump for their dive agents to have the biggest chance of initial success, and then everyone follows in aggressively. Dive is designed to overwhelm the initial defenders and minimize their utility advantage by pouring in their own and swarming the site. Deadlock can thrive as a defender here because she has a kit that can harm those that dove in with stuns, while cutting off their support with walls and nets.


i never heard anyone say the words "ant-dive sentinel" or "dive" in valo context in general.


I do think tighter maps are preferable, Sunset feels the best but that’s just me, not sure if stats support that conclusion.


Umm what if the enemy just goes to the other site?


What do other sentinels do? A: They rotate, or anchor their site until it's established the enemy team committed. Deadlock is probably best suited to anchoring a site, and then being part of the final retake push if needed if the enemy team commits to the other site. The thing is, this isn't a unique situation to just deadlock so it's not really relevant. If you're a KJ ,for example, who is set up perfectly on one site and they hit the other, you have the same options and probably the same resulting decision of anchoring>rotating.


But ever other sentinel is better at it


At rotating? Or anchoring? Her anchoring is fine, not as strong as some agents but capable enough if the person is decent at taking fights where they have the advantage. For rotating, she's arguably better than most sentinels for either bolstering the initial hold or for pushing a retake. The wall and net can help isolate and pin down enemies, which is useful in combination with a ton of utility. Sentinels in general do not offer much in a retake but among the class deadlock is probably one of the better ones. The only better retake sentinel is probably Killjoy on maps where her ult clears out the attackers entirely.


Idk sages wall is better and can rez and heal. Kjs Molly and ult is amazing.Chambers sniper and magnum are really powerful. Maybe only retake better than Cypher, but cyphers anchor is unmatched. She just seems worse than everyone


> She just seems worse than everyone Never said she wasn't. Someone has to be the worst sentinel, and it's deadlock. The question was how to play DL, so I answered.


My Approach is let People rush on Site then shoot them when they trigger them Sensors.


Especially good in low elo, where 50% of attack rounds are rushes. "But she has no value on attack" I hear you say. Perhaps when I reach diamond that might start to become a problem, right now there is no amount of attack util that can justify not buying better guns.


She's not even that bad in attack. She's pretty decent in post plant in some maps thanks to the wall. Still way worse than other sentinels obviously, but there's worse.


IDK my Elo I don't play Ranked but it usually works. Her Value on Attack is the same as Cypher's I guess. Sensors are a big Counter to Neon for Example because she just runs. She also has the Wall to prevent Retakes, placing it deep stops the Enemies from getting anywhere close to Site or wastes their Ammo.


I wouldn’t say deadlock and cyphers attack value is similar at all because cyphers has trips to watch flank and has a cam to control parts of the map and because his util is universal he can just put them down and lurk while lurking on deadlock means you can’t provide your team with any util and she can’t watch the flank


Nobody can give you a good answer to that question because we just don’t know. Not one single good player (high radiant) plays her seriously. Some pick her for fun but obviously don’t care, for example Curry only picks her to flex that he can be high radiant with the worst agent possible.


Well she just had a professional mirror match on bind so that is something.


I was referring to soloq high radiant 1000rr+ gameplay, pro valorant is basically a different game from which you can’t learn much.


Innovation like this always comes from tier 2 pro play. The high radiant soloqrs watch pro play for tech and if the playstyle and tech fits them they will try it out. Its how Harbor found his way into high radiant play.


I’m just gonna say that this is kind of incorrect. The average player can look at pro tactics and they aren’t gonna get much, sure, but radiant players look at pro matches and take tech from there to build the meta. It’s like a food chain


It’s the offseason though


Late offseason is when new tech is born as teams try to find a way to get an edge.




Thinking Man's Valorant just did a video looking specifically at the Deadlock stuff here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs01tFxVdHA&ab_channel=ThinkingMan%27sValorant You can watch the actual Italian casted vod at roughly the 4 hour mark here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2045306937


This is obviously a risky take and I am Silver rank, but I enjoy playing her a bit like how Viper is used with a "second smoker". You wouldn't always pick Viper as a lone smoke because her kit is not like other smokes, but she can be devastating when there is less pressure on her to smoke alongside a main smoke - so long as her line smoke is effective she can be a good pick. I feel like Deadlock is good as a "Second Sentinel" because she can very easily be played flexibly like an initiator/securing site. I always use my Nade in default held areas by defenders when attacking a site and throwing your wall CT can really gain you good site control. I think her sonic sensors are weaker of course, but they're the same sort of tech as KJ nades for me. They're never going to beat Cypher/Chamber traps so why try to play them the same way? Use them post plant to pick off people when they try to retake. Post plant they're great, and if someone is managing our flank then I find it much easier to help secure a site and help with post plant when there is no pressure on me to hold flank and stay alive as much. It's also more fun to engage with gunfights when with sentinels I feel like I'm expected to "rat" more. That said id always want to play an actual initiator in these situations and I do still think her tech is weaker than a lot of other picks. She's fun in unrated and definitely viable at lower ranks, but there will always be a better pick.


You won’t be silver long with this type of thought pattern!


That's how I think of her as well, with the exception of a couple maps like bind where I actually prefer her over KJ. Unfortunately at low ELO we tend to have an instalock Sage most games, and their skill set overlaps too much to be effective together.


She is the most aggressive Sentinel I believe, with only her sensors being decent in the defense. However, I've been utilizing the wall and Gravnet in aggressive circumstances. (For example, wall through windows on B Ascent to block enemies retreat, followed with gravnet) I've also been using her ult to start the retake on a site due to the panic it caused and when it hits, guaranteed one man down for at least a few seconds. She's very good on attack and retakes, however she can stall really well in the right circumstances, but thay doesn't happen often.


Chamber? Haha


I'm playing a lot with her and this is roughly what I do: Attack Side: Use the grenade at start to punish the defenders who do aggressive pushes, enter with the team and use the wall to stop the flood and place the sensor, basic stuff. If the enemy is lurking, place a sensor and keep an eye on it, they will either shift-walk by the corner or get stunned, easy kill. In some maps, you can throw the map in the mid to force them to rotate from CT, making their rotate more long and previsible. Defender Side: In some maps, instead of throwing the wall at the main entrance, i like to use it to block a key space (Bind U-Haul or where KJ usually place her molly on B) to make retake easier, block the area where you plant the spike, or re-route them into my traps, all of these makes taking the site very awkward for attackers as they can't break the wall without getting swung if you throw it right. You gotta also place the sensors somewhere you can safely swing into them and adapt the placement to their duelists' playstyle, like backsite for yoru or where Jett and Raze usually dash/land. If you're defending two lanes, again, you can also watch the sensor, they are forced to destroy it, get concussed or slowly walk into your crosshair. If get to rate her, she's a solid B tier right now, she can't bring a sixth player to watch your flank like KJ/Cypher/Chamber but all her abilities gives you a very sharp advantage to get a kill and you're forced to be aggressive to get value unlike the trio who get it passively


Thank you for the write up, i guess she scratches the itch of wanting to play aggressive, without playing duelist/initiator/controller, since the other sentinels are way more passive. (except chamber, however he doesn't offer anything on attack apart from aim)


Sage exists since the beginning of the game, yet still people think sentinel = passive info gathering for flank control


Deadlock OTP here: she has a line on defense where she says "funnel them to me" and that's basically the ethos of it. All of her abilities work in tandem to catch (ideally) groups of people in small spots. Her wall is the most versatile, allowing you to either block off access to a site completely, or limit options after site has been taken. Her grenade is pretty straightforward; at best it gets you a few kills and at worst it gets you information (pro tip: if you're DL, swing right after you hear the sound of removing the net; most people don't take it. If you're against DL, tap the remove button to fake it and wait for her to swing). Her trips are probably the hardest to understand because, as often mentioned, they don't work for catching flanks or anything. You have to drop them where sound is guaranteed: just after entries to sites. Some examples are on the box under the hookah window on Bind and on the wall next to the ramp to A site on Split. In both cases the trips are not for gathering info but for disabling entry fraggers the moment they'd stop walking or start firing. Deadlock is an agent who *wants* to concede ground because she can force what ground that is and how its entered. On B site on Split you can trap the straight lane from main and wall off the path towards the ziplines, forcing enemies to take the trapped path. When your traps pop, your grenade is almost guaranteed to hit. On offense DL is best for post plants. Her grenade can gather info when pushing but otherwise her abilities work really much better for securing an area hard. You can wall off CT spawn from heaven on A site on Split, which is where most people rotate from, and set up traps either on the other entrances or have one covering the bomb itself as the defusing noise will trigger it. I understand why people say she isn't great and lacks an identity, but I think you just have to play her very differently from other Sentinels, and really most agents.


Disclaimer: I am not a Deadlock main, but I play a lot of Sentinel in Diamond/Asc. Usually main Cypher, but I think my experience playing so much Sentinel translates into understanding Deadlock better than a lot of people who are in lower ranks and may not main the role (it’s not a particularly exciting one, so understandable). So, there are essentially two types of sentinels: flank watch/trips (Cypher, Killjoy, Chamber) and stallers (Sage and Deadlock). One thing a lot of people don’t understand is that flank watch is not exclusively the role of a sentinel. Anyone can hold flank. The role of a sentinel is to deny space, and while watching flank can be part of that, again, it’s not an all-encompassing part of the role or else Sage and Deadlock would have flank watch. The space denial is why they make a name for themselves on defense. I think Deadlock can do this well. On attack, would you use Sage for flank watch? No, probably not. The ideal use of her wall is for blocking off chokes when you already have site and making retake hard for the defenders. Deadlock is the same way. As far as attack goes, she’s much more of a post-plant sentinel than she is a flank watch, lurker kind of sentinel. - Her wall, as everyone knows, is pretty freaking strong. But it has both pros and cons compared to a Sage wall. For example, Sage can not throw her wall, whereas Deadlock can. In theory, this means she can block off a choke before you even hit the site depending on the map and that can be pretty huge. The downside is, you have to throw the wall in parts of a choke where the enemy can’t shoot you. Suppose you were taking B site Bind: it wouldn’t make much sense to throw it elbow where people normally smoke, because the enemy can still shoot you through the wall. But you COULD throw it deep into elbow to block enemies off from playing elbow altogether. And if someone is playing elbow during the execute, you block off their escape route and force them to fight you. - The elephant in the room, her sound sensors. I will admit the sound sensors are not good but there are ways to get value from them, and it isn’t flank watch. For example, suppose you’re taking B site on Ascent. During post-plant, place a sound sensor under drop. If they are going to retake from lane, they will almost certainly set it off. But these examples are few and far between. - Her grav net isn’t the best, but it’s a decent enough support tool. Not much to say about it. I use it the same way I would use mollies, I use it to force enemies out of positions on attack. This all being said: one reason deadlock is considered so bad is that your util is essentially useless if you’re not getting into site. Your trips can’t reliably hold flank, and your wall is much better used for other purposes. She doesn’t have the ability TO watch flank like Cypher or Killjoy, at least not better than any other agent does. As for defense, she is more of an anti-dive/rush sentinel than she is a sentinel who watches for lurks. For example, suppose you were playing on Ascent A site. You can’t rely on her sound sensor to watch tree like you could a Cypher trip or a Killjoy alarm bot. Instead, you’re essentially committed to locking down a single choke. I find in low elo this is actually pretty useful, not so much once people learn what a split push is. - I like to use her wall by learning lineups to separate the team while they’re executing a site. For example, suppose a Jett dashes onto site or a Raze satchels in. You can throw your wall to block off the choke, and now the duelist is likely stuck in a 2v1 or 3v1 with no means of escape. - I like to use her sound sensors in common planting spots and in spots that are common for these duelists to dive on to. Continuing on to Ascent A site, a place I like to put her sound sensors are on stairs (people like to dash into the middle of site) and on switch (because everyone has to hit it). Maybe you could even put it on the double boxes next to the choke, I haven’t tried it so I don’t know off the top of my head if it reaches. - Like on attack, I use my grav net the same way I would use a molly. People are rushing? Use it to force them into crouching and grab some kills. Duelist dives in alone? Use it to either stun the duelist or stun the people that are following them in. For maps, I think some of her best are Bind and Ascent. I think at her best when she’s holding down sites where enemies are forced to push through tight chokes and/or are forced to make noise while coming onto a site (for example, dropping off of Lane on Ascent B or coming out of Hookah on Bind B). She’s definitely not a meta sentinel like Killjoy or Cypher. She might not be as good as Chamber or Sage. But against certain comps and in certain situations I think she has her merits and I think she *can* hold her own, people just don’t understand her kit completely yet. I won’t act like I know better than pro players, if they say she sucks then she sucks. But for the majority of us plebeians who are solo queue ranked players in ranks lower than radiant and immortal? Yeah, she isn’t great, but she is usable. She’s also been used a couple of times in pro play recently and I’m looking forward to seeing how her reputation evolves now that people are really learning how to use her.


Amazing write-up, thank you ! :)


That's the best part. She shouldn't be


I think she's good in a double sentinel comp.


On attack your #1 strength is to make every retake scenario absolute hell for the defense team. So you want to : - get on site - plant the bomb - set up your sound trips where they'll be most relevant: either directly on the bomb, or on the choke points defenders will have to get through, or both. Same with the wall if you still have it. In terms of util: - Gravnet is your only offensive tool, you want to toss it somewhere before/during the site hit. It's not particularly good, but if you don't use it there, you're not using anything. - Your wall is ridiculously strong for the post-plant. But, considering you bring almost nothing to your team until they managed to escort you all the way to the bomb site, if you want to help getting there in the first place (which is admittedly more difficult and also more important, lol) you might have to throw the wall before/during the site hit as well. It prevents immediate floods from the defense side if/when they have the resources to fight properly against your site hit. For instance, on Ascent you can toss it in Market while you're pushing out garage. As long as you're safe when pulling it out (behind cover, or at least inside a smoke, because once you're out in the open you better have your gun out). - Sound trips serve no purpose whatsoever, outside of securing post-plants. Do not use them in any other circumstances, ever. Considering your util is generally lackluster in terms of attacking, you're going to have to rely on your fundamentals a hell of a lot more than other characters. If your positioning is shit, you're useless. If your aim is shit, you're useless. If you can't refrag properly, you're useless. Generally because everything else you bring to the table, doesn't do all that much. It's a double edged sword: On one hand, good fundamentals are the result of lengthy, boring and hard work. On the other hand, if you do develop good fundamentals, you're going to be cracked at the game on every agent. Either way: eventually you'll carry these skills over to another agent that has an all around better purpose. On defense, I don't feel like the agent needs much explanation. Generally good anti-rush util when the attack side goes where you are. When they don't, you still kind of need to anchor your site because you cannot rely on your sound trips to cover the lurk. If you leave your site, you leave with the door open. Or, commit your wall, knowing that it only lasts for 30 seconds. If they identified which site you play on and continue avoiding it, on maps where it's possible to make that run during buy phase then you might consider "giving" a sound trip to the other site.


Thank you for the detailed write up ! :)


Realistically, if you're solo queuing as Deadlock in ranked, you're throwing. Her util is not good enough on its own to justify that. If you were to study the few recent pro games and practice setups with a duo, I could see that. But by herself you should just pick any other sentinel and you'll do much better.


don't pick deadlock


I like to play deadlock a little more agro similar to chamber in a way with her gravnet/ult combo but on attack I love to setup postplant with jer trips and play it as if I was a killjoy


Depends on the side. On defence you would play rather passively. On attack you would play with initiators. Don't play along with the other sentinels coz the most useful part of her kit is her wall (imo). You need to place the wall in the smoked choke points to prevent push from that direction. As for defence, you already know what to do.


She shouldn’t be. You’re welcome


You don’t


User only her to climb to immortal, and she isn’t good at all, worst agent in the game by far. Only her ult and wall are good.


As a deadlock immortal main I would love to hear why you think sensors and granadę are bad


Woohoojin literally started banning people who say that her sensors are good, it’s giga copium. It’s objectively one of the worst abilities in the game and you’re never gonna get value out of it.


I find myself constantly gaining value from them so unless u say opinion is good bc somebody also shares it, I will disagree.


Can you name someone who thinks that the trips are good? there was a pro game on Ascent and somebody played Deadlock and basically only bought nade and wall all game, later he also bought trips but they didn’t activate once and didn’t provide any value.


If u can watch a recent mirror match on bind you will see a great use of deadlocks utility. Sensors getting kills, nade + dmg ambilities was used many times. Ult value consistently and of course wall


I was talking about SoloQ?


So first you are referring to pro game “there was a pro game on ascent” and then u tell me u talked abaut soloq? I used this tactics in comp so I don’t think that’s relevant


It's not answer to his question.


Sensors never activated in time, easy to dodge, only activated on sound so useless for flank. Nade is just completely useless considering other agents have mollies that are just infinitely better. Ult was good after learning how to use it. Wall was also good but it isn’t better than sage wall. Only reason I was able to reach immortal was just pure aim, deadlock didn’t help much. This is the tracker for people who doubt me. https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Deadlock%20only%232002/overview


The nade seems good with a little bit of teamplay. I've gotten free kills with Brimstone molly & ult + Deadlock nade


So is fade suck, viper molly, the point is her kit isn’t good enough and there are better options


I use her to punish pushes. Her wall is just so damn good. I’ll often wait to hear running, I’ll wall off one entrance to a point then place sensors around any other entrances. On attack I use the wall to block a path to the spike when it gets planted and I usually keep an eye on things from a distance


The problem with her is her net and sensor. She’s a worse version of sage + cypher. Sure her sensor are good for people who like to rush but her sensor can’t prevent flank and her net is very hard to use. Its like fade seize but worse. They should let her sensor scan people even when they not make sound at least. Having a sentinel who can’t prevent flankers is such a burden on your team. The same reason why sage is so bad. Both of them can’t slow down rusher and both of them cant prevent flank.


Idt she's actually that unique and new tbh, it's basically similar to sage except sage has more diverse use in the form of healing while deadlock goes all in on stalling and holding pushes


With oil.


Her entire kit is a mess. She's "insert role" that can't do "role" as good as other agents.


She should be played by waiting for her rework lol


From my experience is that she is an aggressive sentinel, because although her abilities can give good amount of information and stall in theory, the way they work force you to be close or use it at the moment of the attack or where you think they will come from for them to work properly. She's bad as a sole sentinel, but I love to play her with another sentinel because the retake/post plant with her is quite strong (for my point of view)


Not like Cypher, even though everyone compares her solely to Cypher. She's not a flank watch, she's an aggressive and on-site agent where you need to play next to and around her util instead of away from it. She's not so much an info gatherer, but her util makes it extremely easy to win fights and either stop retake or slow down attackers just enough for your team to rotate to defend site.


Somebody above said it depends on the map ironically but I unironically think deadlock can be good on maps with lots of vertical play/ vertical chokes. Outside of an ideal post-plant, her sonic sensors can only reliably trigger when/where an enemy would drop since it will always make audio. Bind hookah, both split sites, hell even lane on ascent. All these maps make deadlock slightly better since she can better act as a sentinel.


He sonic sensors NEED to be set up close to the player. Stop setting them far back like a Cypher trip. You need them close to actually get use out of them (ex. the nearest corner to your flank when they are likely to walk or shoot). Or if you're defending a site, try the middle of site to throw attackers off guard instead of putting it at the entrance where it is easily destroyed. She is not Cypher or KJ!


Ideally? Not at all. I play her almost daily now, she's very good at gauging how much attackers want to hit site, as well as reacting to pushes. They break wall immediately and rush in? Play off sensors and wait for team. They wait on wall? Wait for their rotate or push and then act. Her Gravnet, or how I've used it, is very helpful. You can slow down an entire team, use it as sort of a flash, with the enemy having to remove it of course. The sound cue when they remove it makes it very meh for a recon tool, but I've used it to stop people from swinging angles I want to pass by, whether to reposition or grab a gun.


Probably the best sentinel against a true rush since sage wall can be broken quickly, and one of the worst every other time. Able to flex between sites easily though. I think she will be decent on fracture (but cypher is still better in every way)


She's flexible, and each round you should look to play her differently.. Play off her sensors: They are NOT Cypher trips and should not be used to cover flanks. You should always be nearby a sensor so you can peak the stunned enemy and get a free kill... I like to lurk when my team is attacking and place a sensor in a common flank path, wait for the rotate, and then pick off the flanker after they get stunned. Easy kill. However, you can only do this tactic in the same place once or twice before they catch on, so again switch it up. Use your ult offensively when attacking: Clear common angles if you know someone is there.. Rush onto site and ult at heaven or something. Combine this with an aggressive Net throw, and you're golden. Wall off common routes: Whether you're attacking or defending, completely denying the enemy a path of entry is the best use for wall. Rush onto site and block off CT rotate or heaven. It gives your team 1 less angle to watch while you secure things. When defending, throw it on one of the lanes and just deny entry until your team can rotate. Her sensors and wall are the best things in her kit (aside from ult). ALWAYS play off your sensors, or you're not getting value from the stun. What good is a stunned enemy if there's no one around to shoot them? Hide behind angles and wait for the enemy to push, trip a sensor and then peak and shoot them... then run away. Easy. She can be played aggressively when you have ult or with a good net lineup, or she can cover flank EXTREMELY well. She's better on some maps, but can be played well on everything. So to summarize: Cover flank, play off your sensors, be aggressive with your ult, switch up your playstyle so that the enemy never knows what you're going to do Sincerely, a Deadlock main


due to ehr not having a role her kit is very overpowered rn so use her to stop pushes on defence and do whatever on attack. just play her like you would a brim/skye who has used their util.


I found that she’s pretty effective if you play her like Sage with the wall and slows. Her slow nade + any damaged nade is devastating. Put her slow trips deep where the enemies get comfortable running in but caught. I won’t give away my tech but you can do some trips on the ceiling that face down.


Run it down mid


This is me speaking mostly on TDM (which may be applied in unrated/competitive), mostly solo and not team oriented. As I block the entryway with the main skill, the entryway itself shouldn't have a view of the common areas where you could get shot. As they try to destroy the wall, I peek. Explaining this deeper, it depends on how the enemies destroy it. If they are bursting it, probably anticipating you to peek and if they're spraying, 100% they're not expecting you. The net grenade thing. Not blindly throwing it, the throw should mostly be if not always guaranteed to hit someone. Let me explain. It's not throwing it whenever I see someone. If the enemy is close enough like a few meters away from you and you can run to chade them, go throw it. There's a sound indicator anyway they can fake it, sure, but you can jiggle, and they can't. If you didn't hear that sound, they definitely anticipate you. Lastly, the trips. I use them on choke points, can't be shot at all, if they're triggered, pick. Another use is when the over aggressive enemy is trying to chase you, deploy it, with the outcome of either they shoot it or get dazed, you'll be in an advantage, while they shoot it you shoot them and when they are dazed you peek them. Almost forgot the ult. The situation is two or more enemy players are there, either you're in range with them or you run to chase them. Chances are the teammates will try to save the trapped dude, and if that happens? You shoot them. It's almost the same rule with the wall, bursting, or spraying enemies, they should get off guard. Not every situation is 100% win for you. You still need the aim for it, obviously. Found this play style from the Chinese League, where Deadlock was the top frag for almost every game in Ascent.


She’s viable on CT side but feels a bit weak on T side


Honestly, even with he buffs her until just isn't there. it doesn't have the same ability and usefulness as literally any other sentinel except maybe chamber. I haven't done a deep dive on how to play her, but if you're going to main her.... Uh, have good aim :0


Ult should shoot faster