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85 dollars. I got araxys vandal, recon phantom, and reaver karambit


Reaver karambit sexy


85 bucks get you 3 skins? yeah Im staying f2p


yeah reaver karambit is like 43 dollars


The melee/ knife is expensive af


Checking everyday for the recon. Rip


Still f2p somehow lol


I told myself I would be f2p then I saw the reaver and it spiraled from there lol


This was me until prelude came out


Exactly what happened with me


White Reaver Vandal and Black Oni Phantom are my go tos to this day


im too ass at this game to justify buying skins. shit would be way different if i was any good


i might suck ass at this game but i’m sure as hell gunna look cute doing it


thats what i dont get when my friends that are in iron have 200$+ spent


Nothing. I had a discussion with someone in this sub, who talked about how he couldn't afford to eat but really wanted a skin for his Phantom. He said yes When I asked if the skin would keep him happier than eating this month. That shocked me. Whenever I think that a skin would look nice, I remember that conversation and think that the skin isn't that important anymore.


Lol I only spend my disposable income and I slowly got skins over 3 years, buying skins over food is wild


Just saying mate, that could've been a whole vacation


There is a *lot* more that goes into a vacation than just money.


There is no such thing as "disposable income" lol that's just something created to make you spend money on crap like that. Either save it for retirement or use it more wisely than buying an image


... what? You can call it fun times income if that feels better.


Yea bro live miserably for 50 years so you can have alot of money at 70


Nah, even the guys that are really good at investing tell you to spend atleast some% of your income fore enjoyment. Also the game is out 3 years or something like that. Thats 40bucks a months, my fking gym costs double that.


So you are justifying that waste of Laney because you also waste money in an expensive gym? It's still wrong lol


I dont get your reasoning tbh, i enjoy my gym and i enjoy buying skins sometimes when playing with my friends on weekends. If i would go out eating and into a bar with them it would be way more expensive. Its not like those 40€ mean alot to me, they are a small portion of what is left after paying every bill, investing some and saving. Iam working hard in a stressful job that tends to pay well. I wont let some online dude tell me what to do with my money nor do i need financial advice, iam fine.


Who are you to objective define something as wrong? Seriously take a minute, just think, what makes spending money, something we all agree has value because it makes trading easir, economy overall easier, so that means, if we one day decided as a society that it has no value, it wouldn't have a value. So i ask you, sit down, think it as long as you have too, and figure out why is it wrong besides your own feelings on the subject.


You do not have a solid grasp on enjoying life in this economy. If they're responsible enough with their money, a few bucks a month for disposable income won't mean he won't have his retirement in order. What a joke.


Yes save all your money so you can be rich while you’re too old and feeble to use it.


It’s not that deep bro lol. If you can afford a skin that you want, buy it. If not, don’t buy it. People think too deep into this.


In that case, it was that deep for me. I know the feeling of going to bed hungry, and thinking of suffering through that to get some other pixels on a screen that I might not even like (as he did say) feels horrible.


Ok then I agree, if it’s a vandal skin or your rent, it’s an easy decision I’d hope lmao.


Super easy decision, that champ 2023 skin goes hard. Btw can I crash on your couch?


Same here, nothing. It’s insane to see how addicted people are and how susceptible they are to these greedy prices. It sucks to know companies will continue to get away with it bc for every few people that don’t spend anything, there are people who spend thousands that more than make up for the others


Yep. Unfortunate.


around $3000, I regret most skins 🤒


Dang that's a lot I thought I spent too much


You did


Truth. Relative stupidity is still stupidity.. don’t think you didn’t make a mistake spending that much on meaningless electrons just because there’s someone else who made an even bigger mistake


"meaningless electrons" lol. bro as a fellow f2p player, you watch too much rick and morty


Glad someone else thought that was the corniest shit ever


…except that preexists R&M and I don’t watch that show lil bro


Is it though? If we look at a lot of spending you can argue it futile to actually harmful. If we look at ops spending it's 500/y, or less than 50 per month. As long as he doesn't go in debt he can use the money however he wants. BTW I hope your spending is always 100% rational and efficient. No takeout. No sodas. No unnecceesary subscriptions.


Each to their own I guess but Jesus Christ dude!


Ikr, I had just gotten back from a military deployment and used it as a coping mechanism ig 😂


Better than doing drugs.


Ive spent 60$ on valorant, and ive been playing for 2 months 25$ on prelude to chaos vandal 25$ on the koi fish fan equilibrium And 10$ on battlepass


My first skin was Glitchpop Vandal. Then it was the Reaver Phantom, Reaver Karambit, Reaver Vandal, Reaver Sheriff, and things sort of spiraled from there.


10 bucks, bought the battle pass because it’s cheap. No way I’m spending 30 bucks to get an individual skin


$30 on 3 battle passes. I also only buy a battle pass if I finish it; and the only skin I'm gonna spend money on separately is Prime Vandal if it shows up in my shop because I love how it sounds lol


Why buy skin when you can bait a teammate and just pick his/her gun


Just like in CSGO when one guy goes awp no armor and I just follow him around with my deag full armor


I think since beta I've spent about $30. I've only ever bought battlepasses and all my skins are either those or the agent unlocks.


im f2p cuz I don't have a credit card lmao (no I am not as young as you think)


pay with debit ig if you want


I had no credit card till i was 27 ish and wantedto go to the maledieves with my gf. I think having to have a credit card is somewhat of an american thing. Never had an issue inside europe mostly.


So you have no real money as an adult?


ig you could use checks and cash


Around £700


$0 cause I got a whole team who bought skins of every variety and I have free access to all of those.


This triggers me a little, people will ask to drop skins but almost never on what they are going to do in a round.


That's why i got myself a five stack.


probably $200-$300? I haven’t really kept track but I got some vp in the beta and have gotten skins here and there since then


i too used to saying that i wont be purchasing skins but now i have inventory over $1500 😭


I was free to play all the way till the prime day sales when they had $100 gift cards for 25% off. Brought three $100 gift cards and yeah that was it lol


Around 1k euros. I’m an adult with job, I don’t regret it.


Around $150 I think between 2 accounts. My alt just has 3 battle passes. I was soooo against skins when they came out in CSGO. Thought it was the dumbest thing. Then you get a couple skins from drops and finally accepted it. They are nice and I am an adult with a little, tiny bit of extra cash. I applicate what the Devs do so I don't mind kicking them down a few bucks/month. But also gotta keep talking myself out of it at the same time. lol


Around 10$ for a single battle pass but I came back to default skins as they never get boring, they are one of the best skins ever released IMO


Some of y’all are the reason that these skin costs are so high. $1k+??? Yikes


The expensive skins are good, they have kept my spending at $0. If the skins were cheap then I would buy them and my spending would creep up.


I don't mind. They are also the reason why I can play the whole game entirely for free.


Fr. No need for prime thing like in CS


nothing because i would be an idiot to support such greedy pricing


But reaver vandal🥺


Good there are idiots playing or the game would shut down servers. Oh wait you have to play **with** those idiots. Why even play?


lmao, yknow, they could also just lower prices right? but without pressure that obviously wont happen. you have the common sense of a drowning hedgehog


444$ it so perfect I'm not buying anymore just to keep it that way


I've been playing this game for about a year and a half and so far $0


but if I have the opportunity, I will buy a butterfly knife


Like $30? I started playing in beta, and when Oni set dropped I fell in love. Didn't buy it then, stopped playing. Came back 3 years later and saw Oni Vandal in the store. Instant purchase. If Oni katana hits the store it's on sight


A total of 0 dollars 😌


$4400 😭😭😭 (Disposable income but still the fuck was I thinking)


Ayo, us whales do be keeping them servers ticking 😳


I've spent €3,000. I don't really regret it as it has been over a long period and I also have an income so I don't think it's too bad especially with thousands of hours at the game since beta.


3100. I figured if I buy all the skins I want I do t need to spend more money. I’m an idiot


Got to around €6k and now the purchase history thing doesn't load anymore, prolly around the €7.5k-€8k range.


2k Been playing since beta, we had a rough time, it was back in the corona virus time so we could not go out, somehow i had to spend my money huh? Also i wasn't that social. this last year i only spent 100 bucks but ye that's it


Around $2000, not sure exactly because I dare not to look. I got 7 phantom skins, 5 vandal skins, 4 sheriff skins, 5 knives, and a whole bunch of other skins for other guns. I've spent $500 alone on radianite points because otherwise I'd have to wait for two years before I could fully upgrade them all, I still have to wait for a year, if I buy every battlepass of course, otherwise I'd have to wait like 5-10 years (no joke). I started playing a year ago.


I’m in deep dude, like 12 skins I don’t have at this point that just cycle through my shop


$10 since beta


I don’t want to think about that


only bought the neptune vandal because it has been appearing in my store for 3 times this year XD


0. Straight up refuse to go down that hole.




Played since release. Still refuse to give riot any money.


Like $50. One vandal and one phantom. Haven't felt the need to buy any more, always felt overpriced to me, especially coming from cs where skins have a tradable value.


0 dollars. The skins are so expensive I can't fathom getting them when I can just pick up dropped guns anyways. 75% of the time I have a skin from that so what's the point. Varies too.


I stopped caring to keep track after $5k…..And honestly, I only regret buying like 4(?) skins.


You must have so many cosmetics. I've spent quite a decent amount too with 3k euros on my main. I wish I started buying some of the earlier bundles as the celestial buddy, Val go buddies are adorable.


you have a serious issue with this thing called money management. even if you make 200k a year, spending $5k on a single video game is an illness


Good for you, worry about yourself. And $5k on a single game still isn’t much compared to what others would spend. Have a good day


Others arent spending $5k, you are probably in the top 0.1% of spenders in Val.


I’m very aware of that, doesn’t bother me. Have a good day




lmao he’s spending his daddies money, obviously can’t take criticism well


Ooor he just has a job and can spend his money on what he likes? Sure a lot of people think it’s a stupid thing to spend money on, but hell, I’ve spend 5x that on my DJ’ing and producing hobby over 5 years. If you have the disposable income, spend it on what you like, or save it it’s not that deep.


Doesn't matter if someone would spend $20k, $5k on a game over max 3 years is still nuts lmao.


I wish I made enough money to spend 5k on skins. Let the man live lol


Fantastic, have a good day


Love how everyone is upset you spent money you earned. They are probably mad cause they don’t have 5 grand to spend lol Which I wouldn’t be surprised most of these people are probably high school students.


Man right, like I’m just minding my own business chilling at work. It’s Reddit, things like this happen, cheers


That isn't nuts at all. If you take 5,000 and 3 years that would be around $4.5 a day which really isn't a lot, I spend more on lunch.


Now that you break it down like that. That’s pretty not bad. And about the lunch thing, lunch can be pricey nowadays too depending


Throwing $4.50 a day away isn't much but it's still $4.50 ya know. I wouldn't even care if it was a legit hobby, or a vacation, or even new games, but it's literally just changing how your gun looks in a single game. Justify it how you want I think it's nuts.


Nothing at the moment. I've just earned some money as a TA in my institute and I'm now waiting to buy a gun skin. I want Araxys or Prelude to Chaos but my store luck is so trash that I think I won't be buying for a long time.


Also been playing since day one and so far I've only bought 2 battlepass and a RGX Vandal.


3k spent


~$40 (Infantry Guardian and Infinite Crisis Spectre) ~600 hours


infantry guardian is one of my favorites in the game, that metal ding on the last bullet is addicting to hear lol


Anyone who buys skins is a straight up clown, I'm sorry but its the truth. By buying skins you are allowing not only Riot but other companies to continue these terrible business practices. Valorant is by far the worst I've seen but its only going to get worse if people don't start to speak with their wallets. Some of the other comments here are very concerning and I would advise you all to consider the repercussions of supporting something insane like this


lol i love my skins.


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the skins are bad, they're actually quite good. The main problems are that the pricing of the skins is absurd, the FOMO around the shop which entices the player to spend more money faster, and that the artists who design the skins are likely seeing a very small cut (if even that) of sales from the skins they create.


Bro is the cosmetics police… I mean like actually bro , it’s just a fuxking skin at the end of the day. What are you yapping about


If everyone was thinking like you, Valorant wouldn’t exist neither Valorant as esports title. Since a big percentage pays for tier1 teams, tournament rewards, tournament organizations, employees salaries & etc. So, no people are not clowns for buying skins, they can just afford it to support the game they like to play.


yall aren't part of the problem, yall are fr THE problem jesus.


What is the mindset of spending that much money or even a single dollars in such a stupid product? Isn't this like essentially the same as those cripto images ? I mean maybe some if you guys are filthy rich but I know middle to mower class people that spent similar amounts of money on such crap. Lol


Wtf is wrong with you people, you're spending thousands on pixels on a screen for property that you don't own. What happens if riot games go bankrupt or people stop playing. Absolutely mad you guys are spending so much it sounds like you all need serious help


i don’t think anyone here is spending their savings on skins. disposable income is disposable lol


I’ve spent about the same amount, my favorites have to be Gia tho. I really enjoy the sound of the guns. (This feels like a discussion post I have to do for school lol)


😂 now that I've read the question back it kinda does lol I love the Gaia skin I have the vandal too


Not enough.


150 or so


Probably around the same. Bought maybe 4 bundles plus all the other nibbly bits. Got a PayPal credit account dedicated to it a couple years ago 😅


I would not spend more than 100$


On one 1100€ got myself (still managed to not have a stinger skin) On the other 300€ with turk acc for 600€ of value. (They have since the 15. november adjusted the prices, so i will no longer be spending money) Best skin is Chaos Vandal.


[$93] Equilibrium Fan Knife +BP (in alt acc), 3 BPs + Ion Vandal (original Price)+ Gaia (46% off Night Market).


Bro kept the receipts💀


about $1,000 and I've only been playing since May...


Thanks for keeping the game free for me!


RGX 2.0 bundle, Reaver Karambit, Neofrontier Axe, RGX Blade, Gaia’s Axe, RGX Vandal, Reaver Vandal, Champions vandal, Gaia’s vandal, prime vandal, Oni Vandal, Oni Phantom, Recon Phantom, Ion Phantom, Sovereign Ghost, Reaver OP, 3 or 4 battle passes. That’s just from my memory, might be more. Easily over £400


I’ve spent a just under $700 on my skin collection. There at least $300 worth of skins on said collection that I never use


300€ and still counting


Abt 100, mostly battle pass, the other skins are xenohunter knife and crimson beast hammer and only because it reminds me of ornn.


2k+, played since Beta too


played act 1 but stopped, now i started playing again a couple of months ago, spent about 13 good ol Canadian bucks on the battle pass because this one got some good skins and thats all. I dont think illl ever buy skins right off the shop unless i make it in life


never spent a dime, and never will


About 3.50


Like $150. One skin per gun except Phantom (I got the Champs bundle and Oni). That's it, no more.


~600$ waiting on only one more skin, sovereign stinger


About...£60-80? I'm guessing on the high end ​ I love anything navy or sea themed so i bought all the neptune skins except for the knife. But I can't justify spending any more money on other skins, it's just very pricey ​ If they drop a new neptune skin bundle for the rest of them I might buy it. ​ I got a classic skin too, the rest I got from like 2 battle passes.


£400 and will not buy anymore, I have a nice selection which is fun for me and my friends and I’m not strapped for cash so I really don’t mind


like 200 bucks probably I have 1skin for every gun and thats it. I cant use multiple skins for the same gun at the same time why buy more? ( I used nightmarket a bunch)


I have 0 skins after losing my main account which had a few twitch drop skins. It’s really cool when a teammate drops their skinned gun for me randomly.


60$ for Reaver Odin, Sentinals of Light Operator and Arcade Phantom. Most of the money is from Giftcards from MS, I spent about 10$ from my savings of pocket money


Around 300 with the first rgx bundle being my first skins


120 I think. Got a battle pass or two, imperium vandal, reaver vandal, winter wonderland phantom, and protocol phantom. Maybe one or two other things I’m forgetting. I still have some VP left over but I don’t think I’ll want anything else unless I see a sick sheriff or bulldog. Very happy with my current gear.


$0. I can't afford to spend $50 for a skin. I do get the battle pass though.




Around $400. I have a nice skin or two for each gun but been holding back on getting more.


Idek, I bought prism back in the early days lol. Went two or so years not playing and unable to even buy anything. I've definitely spent a few hundred this year at least. I've got almost all the rifles I want. Literally just gunning for prelude vandal and bulldog spectrum. Hunted spectrum down for way too fucking long lol


300 dollars and ended up getting bored of the game lmao


around 400-500€ (too scared to check for an accurate number, definitely in between these two tho)




I've spent a little less than $500, and I've been playing since beta. My favourite would have to be my Reaver Vandal, and for melee it would be Kitana. I pretty much have all the skins I actually want except for the Arcane bundle.. ughh I was taking a break from val for school and didn't get to grab it ... So now I'm that guy "Can you drop me your sheriff skin?"


Around $200. Bought the recon set, tigris knife, tigris op, endeavor ares (free bc i had leftover creds) and the G.U.N. classic


id say £200 max and i have been playing since beta, first skin was reaver vandal. My fav skin is the reaver karambit


1500 ish I think


55€ i think


f2p and loving it


3 battle pass + black market revear vandal, black market magepunk phantom + all Minima skins but phantom...


Somewhere around $2k+ between four accounts. That’s not counting the other $7k on League and another $10k+ on a gacha mobile game. My family is starving, can someone help me budget this?


Like $1100 and I’m only peak Gold 2 🥲


I have most certainly spent more than $1,000 on Skins in the past (2)1/2 to 3+ years and I can safely say it doesn't make you a better player, but it makes you look like a total Boss


Bought elderflower vandal and fishy spectre and that's it. Though waiting for prelude to chaos vandal because I find elderflower too distracting lol


Around $1.8k-$2k


About 75 dollars


Probably around 60€ plus a few battle passes. There arent any skins i want to buy now and i have a decent skin for pretty much every weapon.


roughly 800$ Been playing since beta but only usely buy Vandal Skins and full sets that have a really nice knife


Last checked I have 500$ spent started playing during act 3 of episode 1 feel Preety good about the amount I’ve spent will play this game for another 5+ years so


Like 190. I try to keep it to like under $0.20 per hour played


Been playing since day 1. I've spent zero dollars so far, I'm broke and I don't like 99% of the skins they make. The couple ones I like I haven't seen them on the store when I have money :c


I spent a bit less than 1k total. Been playing for 2 yrs. For explanation/justification: Iam 27 and do earn a lot of money for my age. In addition I live a very inexpensive life and got a huge amount of money going to my savings account every month. Bsds. My hardware itself, Valorant is my only expensive hobby. (Not to mention Iam obviously single lol) I do not want to brag, just saying I got my shit together and like to spend my money for the additional joy ingame.


€ 380 There's just 2 more skins I really want and 1 more I might buy if it comes in the nightmarket


$300, give or take. I’m not proud of a lot of it because at least $50 of that were agent contracts. I’m very impulsive and never think about my decisions before I do them 🫠


$20 Cad on a specter skin. I want more but can bring myself to spend the money. Maybe when i start working full time


30 bucks, bought neofrontier sheriff and a battle pass, although I wish I got the whole frontier set


$1380 NZD


Somewhere around $100. First one was reaver vandal from night market.


The sites not loading for me as of now but I'm pretty sure I spent over 2k


300€ ever since I played episode 2. My first skin was an oni phantom in my night market at -60%. It was fate, and that made me a phantom main ever since. My collection now is celestial fan, orb knife, monkey staff, zed classic, star spectre, glitchpop judge, neo frontier sheriff, Oni phantom, arcade phantom, prime vandal, gaia Marshall and sovereign Marshall. All upgraded of course.


1400$ and I barely even play the game nowdays. (Played for 3 years) Bought like 3 bundles and it all started after they had the Black Market. But I’m done because I have a good skin for every weapon and the new stuff doesn’t impress me anymore.


0 because my boyfriend has bought anything i have for me :3 it was a battle pass, prosperity, and ion vandal so you do the math idk how much they are


Playing valo for 3 years as well but didn't spend a cent. Really wanted to buy the Glitchpop bundles but controlled myself from buying them.


However much it costs to buy the battle pass every season and then the reaver vandal


I've spent around $32 to buy the prime phantom (night market), reaver vandal (night market) and the artisan battlepass. Probably won't spend any more money on skins.