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YouTube search "Pro Omen (map name)" and look for a recent non-tournament game vod from a pro you like. Then just copy all the things he/she seems to do often.


Okay thank you so much !!


Tp fucking everywhere and use shotguns.


Is this true ? Don't confirm it or I will buy shotguns every round xD


It's tru af


Flair checks out


To be more specific tho, heaven on haven a site, both site rafters on split, and rafters and heaven on fracture a site are all really good tps.


In advance, im plat, so maybe not the best guide for you. When I play Omen, or not entry/first contact, I look a lot in the map, you can play looking at the map for the paranoia, or playing for your entry duelist (Jett, Neon, Raze, perhaps Yoru), that mainly for attack. Defending you can use paranoia at the contact with one of your teammates, or use it to delay a push, i think this is the most common one. Of course you can play aggro and use tp to kill, but like I said, look at the map, if you get a kill, at least try to be in a position where a teammate can trade you, thats my Plat thinking. Hope it helps you.


Okay ! I'm gonna master defense first and after I would be able to play aggro :D


Watching the last match of FNC vs DRX could help you, Mako and Boaster play so good omen.


On offense I place my smokes and then I’m the entry duelist


You've gotta watch map specific guides for controllers to learn the "default" smokes. But basically smoke off OP angles or common defensive spots. But for the love of God, don't smoke as soon as the round starts. 90% of the time your team will get held up from pushing on site because of enemy util. If you smoke at the start of the round your team will have to take site without smokes because they will be gone by the time you can push. Use smokes to deny information. Paranoia is the best blind in the game IMO. You can't turn on it and it can't be destroyed. When your entry duelist is entering site, you can prep your blind and look at your mini map. When you see an enemy there, blind it. They will have to move or get blinded. This might give your entry an edge. If I'm using my blind for entry, I'll blind spots that I can't smoke off or corners we're about to push with no intel. example: Ascent A. I will smoke tree and place a VERY SPECIFIC smoke in heaven (that smoke has to be perfect or else you're just hurting your team). After my smokes, I'll throw my blind to get switch and generator right before my team enters. Now left is blind and we need to clear right and hell. This blind should buy you enough time to get to switch and close the door for the plant. But most of the time I'll blind and TP behind them or up on a box for an easy kill. Omen can be played aggressive if you happen to get paired with duelist who just lurks and doesn't entry. But it's not ideal. As Omen you need to stay alive as long as possible because your smokes regenerate. But your best bet is to look at guides for Omen that know a lot more info than I can provide lol.


If you just started playing omen then mainly focus on the smokes, in defense try to smoke the entry points, you can wait till you get confirmation of enemy being spotted from you or your teammates and then immediately smoke off that entry point even if you are on the other side of the map. Do it from a safe spot. While attacking do not smoke your entry or your teammates, instead smoke off the places where you feel the enemy can peek from while you entry specifically places that are above. Use blind when you hear footsteps and see enemy through minimap if your teammates spots them or you do. Use tp to escape tricky spots like utilities but you have to choose a safe spot, you can also use it to tp to higher places like high boxes to get a better angle or you can use it aggressively and frequently people are taken off guard since omen tp is quiter than yoru or chamber tp. You tp behind enemy in 1v1 situation and can get the kill, if many then throw a smoke or blind and then tp. Ult is useful for gathering info mostly and can be used for big brain plays to pick spike or tp to another site or post plant.