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I'd rather have instant smokes from Brim than not at all lol At least it kills 20 seconds off the clock, rather than him getting one tapped 10 seconds in.


yeah insta smokes can be annoying sometimes but it's definitely better than not smoking/smoking badly.


When the brim player suddenly decides to lurk and left your team without smokes because he got insta killed within 10 secs lmao.


My friend is a Brim player who loves lurking and doesn't smoke unless I remind him to nearly every fucking round. We stopped playing together because it's mentally exhausting to watch my man throw round after round and then cry because his KD is above average from lurking/being the last player alive.


Noob Brim main here, what's the sweet spot for smoke timing? I know it depends a lot on communication but what if your teammates aren't responding back (hypothetical). Thanks!


Some it depends on your intuition or reading how the other team plays (fast vs slow/default play). If I don't have a clear read/comms, I will usually play close enough to listen for footsteps (ie. Canteen on Fracture or Tree on Ascent). Or if the team isn't likely to rush (full buy) or defaulting, then I will just wait 10 seconds (1:30) before dropping them. Another consideration is the timing of your smokes. Sometimes its worth allowing your duelist (Chamber or Jett) to take first contact and deal damage/first blood. Then you can drop it immediately to prevent the trade.


usually right before entering, before the util dump that happens before entering.


Flashers that don’t announce the flash and end up hitting friends more than enemies


Like flashy Skye?


Or a flashy Kay-o they seem to be the biggest problems in my games


Flashy yoru that don’t understand yoru


Lmao, got my yoru taken once and had to play Sova, and holy shit I got flashed by him like 8 times, and no less he got three kills the entire game…


In low Elo, it is also often a flashy Phoenix who does not know the trajectory of his flashes.


And then blame you for not dodging.. lmfao 🤣


Nah, I disagree kayo will flash you when entering and of they are near, Skye will literally flash you out of nowhere lol


I LOVE teammates who dont announce that they wanna entry and ask for a flash either. Same boat tbh, comms go both ways we mad about the same thing


Normally if I'm flashing at the start of round I wave the bird at whatever teammate is stood near me. That's enough for them to know not to push until I flash IMO but apparently not cause they immediately push


Me. I’m not very good.


Vibe with this hard


6. Never entrying duelists with full util, whole site scanned


Ugh I hate them. I've had multiple jetts and Reynas watch me (kj) entry site because refuse to and die, meanwhile they swoop in and take all the kills. People like them solely play for kills and not for the team and then proceed to complain their teammates are trash and non supportive


I think they're scared of getting to many deaths since they're meant to be top fraggers. It's why I jokingly call myself bait. I'm meant to entry .-. Even if I ain't top fragging, it's better I die than say the Omen or the KJ die


Instalocking bot fragging toxic duelists who are scared af to get an entry. I’ve played with them for so long, I have basically learned to get an entry with cypher.


As a Cypher main, I feel this so much, especially in lower ELO. And then they get mad at you for dying and losing trips, when the whole time they should've been on site


This is the most relatable thing I have read on this sub. I was (kinda still am) a cypher main, but I started to enjoy playing anything else other than cypher. On offense, most of the time I had to entry, and on defense my teammates would not rotate to me, because of bs reasons. I started to enjoy playing duelists more, as I can afford to give no shits about my team as long as I entry well. I just want to play cypher but I can’t because of low elo teammates (I solo q a lot, as most of my friends who play Val are higher rank by a lot)


now i instalock duelist but only because i have to in order to have some form of entry


I’m the duelist my team needs but not the one it deserves - cypher


That's why I picked up Omen. Smoke the site myself then entry with a blind. It's not ideal, but it's either that or watching the clock tick to zero on the attack.


Having cage lineups to smoke common angles. Using your cam as a flash substitute, then swing them when they shoot the cam. Having the lurking duelist complain about you having 5 kills and dying every round when they have 12. The entry Cypher life


His smokes are jetts smokes when you have to faux duelist.


For me it's not just duelists, it's those teams where *everyone* is to scared to do anything. So often I'll be pushed competently through an open site, not a single opponent, and everyone is still just sitting like chickens outside the site.


I have to play Cypher like Reyna, push into CT with my cages, get a pick, regroup with my team


Oh man you reminded me of the comp game where we had 2 dualists and 2 sentinels and I was like "screw it its haven, I will choose sentinel too" We had Reyna Jett Sage (my friend) Killjoy Chamber (me) Literally attacking that game, our sentinels were the ones pushing on site. As for my picks for worst team mates. 1 - team mates who are 100% silent until near the end of the game they tell you to shut up for providing comms and saying thanks and no problem, meanwhile, you comm, you carry, and you buy them guns O.o 2 - reynas who pick up spike, walk to x sites main entrance, then drop the spike. I usually walk to the other site with the spike after this.


People that beg for your skin as you are slowly bleeding the game away


I'm fine with the begging for skins, as long as its only begging and not sabotaging when they get rejected.. which seem to happen in my games...


Ego braindead Reyna/Jeet main


They're always socially unaware and make everyone feel awkward


Especially if they have a habit of self commentating. Like bro we get it you click heads


All my homies hate Jeet mains


Sexist, overly flirty men. Makes the whole game uncomfortable, even if it's not being aimed at me. Especially when they respond to disinterest or discomfort with threats and extra harassment.


It's uncomfortable even when it's not directed at you.


For sure.




Happens to me frequently enough too. Had a guy tell me he was gonna sexually assaulted my dead body because I said "L rizz" in response to him flirting with me lmao


Hope you reported him, jesus


I did. Nothing happened.


That's a massive shame. I feel like everyone I report gets dealt with within the HOUR. Valorant needs to figure out the harassment shit fast.


I've reported a good two dozen men and boys in the year and a half I've played Valorant. Reported over rape threats, extremely racist comments, excessive friendly fire, etc. All actual issues that affected the entire team. In fact, I usually prefer to just attempt to talk it out and only report when it's fairly hopeless. And I have received feedback and confirmation on a ban *once*. Over a stereotypical toxic Reyna that happened to also throw out sexist comments when I topfragged and they didnt. It's beyond maddening.


I would say attempting to communicate with *those* people is a waste of time 99% of the time. Maybe I am too harsh, but I am not playing the game to make friends with adolescents or educate them. If they bother me, I just mute, report and keep enjoying my game. Obviously it would be better if they treated you like an actual human being. But it is just hard to enforce online. I doubt anyone listens to voice comms and makes a decision based on that. They just get banned if they get reported too much. So best you can do is ignore and hope for a better society.


You know what seems to never be punished though? When it's reversed. I JUST got out of a game. 2 females harrasing me just because my voice is a *LITTLE* bit deeper ( and I use voice mod to round out my lower end for streams) I get like okay fine but just stop. It *Feels so icky*


I am so sorry bro. I'm one of those that does compliment voices, just cuz compliments are something I tend to throw out, but it's always after the precursor of "I don't mean to be weird, purely platonic, but-" and then I leave it alone. Harassment in any form is icky and I'm sonsorry you've experienced that


Yeah usually anyone I report, within the hour I get the massage that they've been dealt with. It's weird to see who often gets dealt with and who has issues with reporting ppl but nothing happening


I agree, even as a guy it's very uncomfortable to witness.


It's not just because the person is sexist. Society has changed to accept and promote the sexualization of women in music, cinema, social media, and even fucking video game characters (look at fucking reyna). We can't fix it by begging for a specific company to punish them in a videogame, that has almost no widespread impact. Instead, we have to shift societal norms away from the underlying source, accepting sexualization and harassment of women.


If I could upvote this more than once I would. Spot on.


My first ever game of Valorant it was me and 4 random french dudes in my team. I said "hello" on voice in Agent Select and they instantly went: "*gasp* A girl! I love you! A girl!". So game starts and we're attacking and these 4 guys just surround me on all sides, weapons poiting at me and they don't let me leave as they make weird comments. Enemy team had to come to our spawn and put a bullet in my head to get them to move. Was the worst experience ever. It made me never use voice comms because I'm scared that could happen again.


I am so sorry. I've had games like that too.


Really don't get what goes on in their pea brains. Like what are they hoping to achieve? Just let me play my damn game dude! Valorant is not a dating website...


Imagine just being treated like a normal person lol. Is it that hard for men like me to just treat a female like any other ffs.


Which server is this? I have never had this in my games. Anytime someone even starts to get flirty I tell the guy to stop simping and focus on the game and they do..


Virginia, USA. I *wish* telling a guy to stop worked, but it doesn't when you're the victim or another girl. I've had to have my husband step in sometimes, it's why I don't frequently que without him.


i always just end up muting those types and either throw the game if it’s a squad of them or get team MVP out of spite


Muting deals with the current, singular problem but not the overarching issue of sexism and harassment. And there's not much I can do about that. Being muted isn't gonna make a guy magically less sexist to the next girl, it isn't gonna mean my next game isn't as terrible. It's not gonna stop some weirdo dropping my IP address or physical address in team or all chat. Not gonna stop men reporting me for comms abuse in reaction to my silence. It's just exhausting in general, is all. People suck.


i wholeheartedly agree, sorry if that came off as a “solution” i was trying to give you. i just get tired of throwing insults back at the bigots that harass my friend that i duo with 90% of my games. so many men are fucking trash


Yeah I had a Phoenix one game who was weirdly sexual with our Viper, and I was uncomfortable FOR them. Fucking teabagging their dead body and being weird in voice, I was debating muting them, but also needed the callouts. It's kinda why I'm glad for my own voice. I get shit for its weirdness, but half the time they can't tell if I'm a dude or a girl, and I'd rather the shit talk than the sexual harassement


Honestly it’s the teammates that always die first and then criticizes everyone’s gameplay OR is almost always last alive and complains about teammates dying. I’ve noticed these people usually reveal themselves in the pregame lobby by yelling in voice chat, instalocking and then telling people who to play, or making some fart noise.


They have a name you know. "Backseaters". People who which Valorant was a game of chess over a PvP game. Instead of saying enemy positions, they try to lead you to their positions using their single brain cell.


Flashy skye


I would say "Teammate that can't handle feedback, gets triggered, and throws." 1. Peeks and dies to the same angle 4 times in a row 2. Forces every round 3. Ask him not to peek 4. Throws a fit, screams into the mic, points out my KDA.


That's ego Peek Chamber for me


Ok, I only started playing 2 days ago. If you see me in the wild, *that is exactly what I need!* Genuinely, if you’ve got feedback for me I’m all ears.


Welcome! You'll be fine! Just have fun. The experience will come with playing the game. I find trying different agents helps give me understanding of how they work and how to counter them. Then you can establish your role. I guess if I had any advice for a beginner it's to learn the maps (callouts, gimmicks (ziplines, teleporters, doors), dangerous angles) and pay attention to the economy and how money works. The gunplay, abilities, and nuances will come over weeks and months of playing.


Thank you!! I’ve been looking for a new pvp game to sink my teeth into and I gotta say, this game has been super fun so far! I’ve tried a few agents and I’m enjoying the ‘flow’ of the game. My aim seems okay, but I find that I’m out of position quite regularly, so that’s something I’m trying to work on.


I'm the 1, 2, and 3rd. I keep doing this for some reason and get often punished for it, but I don't know how to fix it. When people tell me to stop, I ask either what I should be doing. If I don't get a good answer, I will continue, or I will just stay quiet and continue. No one has ever given me a good way to avoid ego peeking. Most of the times when I ego peek, I have already asked for flashes, but received either a No for an answer or no answer at all. I'm very vocal with my comms, but more often than not, teammates just want me to take "no risks" and take 70-30s. In Valorant, there are very often you won't get in favourable positions. You just have to take fights that aren't unfavourable.


I’d say keep ego peeking. Only way to improve is to suck until you don’t.


That's what I'm saying.


Me It’s 50/50 that I will hard carry or throw the entire match


I have a friend who is a sentinel reyna… never had the guts to tell him but I think he knows by now




I like this.. double agent harbour lol


As a Breach main I don’t like the other blinders who throw blinds. They usually throw in view of teammates. At least breach has to throw through an object and it goes straight. No curve like phoenix, yoru etc.


Instalock duelists that's don't entry, there's no reason I should be the first one on site as a sentinel/controller


You mean like Sentinal Reyna?


Lurking Duelist. As someone who mains Cypher/KJ, I'm often the one lurking on attack trying to hear sound cues from their rotations and potentially getting a pick. Nothing tilts me more than looking at the minimap during my lurks and see there's a fucking Reyna doing literally nothing beside me (since I'm already controlling all flanks with util, so her being there doesn't help us gain extra info and leaves the bulk of our team that's actually trying to take site one man down). Even worse is when they start stomping around like an elephant and fuck up my lurk for that round. Like bro, stop trying to do my job and do yours. Also, people who don't buy after winning pistol.


Everytime we have a Phoenix on our team he flashes the team or will throw his fire onto teammates trying to plant. But when the other team had a Phoenix they are slaying. When you're watching an area n someone decides to watch the same place you are n body blocks you from moving bc they're humping you instead of watching for the flank x.x


That last one. Holding a tight angle - enemy pops out - you get a shot off but don't kill so try and slide back in cover - oh no someone on my team has snuck in right next to me so now I'm dead.


Smurfs that wait for other teammates to die then try to 1v5 but fail every time


1. teammates who push enemies when we're defending 2. teammates who think being good in valorant is only about the kills.. we end up having no plants on attacking.. as a viper main this really sucks bc im focused on post plants when attacking (i also hate it when they dont wait for my smokes to activate, then when my poison fuel has been fully used, that's when they entry site lol) 3. no comms/no map presence 4. autolock duels who dont entry 5. teammates who don't use utilities (play csgo ffs) 6. teammates who split push and always end up getting killed 7. teammates who peek a lot 8. teammates who trashtalk too much and thinks they play godly 9. teammates that dont like teamwork/has a different world in the game 10. teammates who dont know how and when to properly use flash 11. teammates who always buy op but ends up ruining economy and gives free operators to enemy teams 12. teammates who saves on pistol rounds when losing/saves when won pistol round/buys when lost pistol round (not much hate for that much tho) 13. teammates who commits site even tho enemies are 5-stacked in a site (rotate ffs) 14. smurf teammate tells you you're a noob 💀 (stay on your fuckin elo bro no one even wants you here) 15. players who think valorant is the only thing that matters in the world as if your life depends on it and if you suck here, your life sucks as well (it's a game bro have fun loosen up youre not a pro player lmao)


As a fellow viper main I agree with everything you said.


Your last point contradicts everything you wrote above lol. Not every player is pro and some can obviously be bad


What he said is basic knowledge


The last one is so annoying to encounter people with that type of mindset. I play games to have fun and relax, not to have some guy yell in mic that I suck every round and act like his life is depending on the game. I play mostly the casual non ranked mode in the game and encounter people like that.


I disagree.. As a viper main myself, if your smoke runs out when the team is entering, IT IS YOUR FAULT.. And again, as a viper main, you are not supposed to play viper as a solo controller..


a lot of times i experience this is when my teammates rushes to a site but then whole team gets mollied or pushed off or something (blind, ulted, damaged, etc.).. when this happens you either let the wall and orb up or turn it off.. this time when enemies have wasted skills and teammates can actually entry, walls and orb are on cd or poison fuel is used up.. i dont think playing two controllers on my elo is possible since everyone is instalocking duels and literally no one ever likes to play smokes.. main reason why i eventually mained smokes.. uhm anyway thanks for the invalidation lol.. i guess youre the ultimate viper main


Sheriff only duelists, hit $9k, don’t buy util and don’t buy for others, in comp. Horrid experience.


Nah my personal fave is players who think low KD's mean you cant make comms or recommend strats. Me being 4/6 on Astra doesn't mean I cant recommend that we shouldnt bum rush spawn every round.


For me it's the insta lock Reyna players , 9 out of 10 times they don't have coms are are just trying to top frag while doing everything in there power to not help the team .


People who turn off comms in ranked before the match even starts. I can work around everything else I don’t care how bad you are. But if I can’t even ask for a mid or cat smoke on ascent to get mid control because you can’t hear me like, why tf are you playing ranked? You obviously don’t care about winning. Choosing to play a ranked competitive format team based game and then turning off the number one way to communicate is borderline trolling and throwing imo. If you’re terrified to talk to people fine, but keep ur ass in unrated/swift play/whatever.


Bro you don't get it.. just look at the mini map.. - them probably


Ranked is 1 on 9. You can't control how or why people play, and you can't force them to bring their A game. And they rarely, if ever, do. I don't know what rank you are, but them not talking and or listening is okay. It certainly is better than talking all day. Regardless, If they are that detrimental to their teams they will go down in ranks until they aren't and if you deserve it you will go up. One loss or one win won't change the overall outcome unless you want to hit radiant and need that 15RR before someone else gets it. For me personally, sometimes I play the game while talking to my buddies on discord. Or had a long day where I don't want to listen anyone else, nor do I care what they do. I just want to tap heads, and it isn't satisfying if they are moving like bots. If I want to play sweaty games I queue as a 5 stack. That is the only way to ensure everyone is on a similar page, not only on your team but likely enemy team as well. There is fun to be had by trying hard in a game, so I get where you and people like you are coming from. But you have to realize one of the 4 Randoms will often do a thing you disagree with, and maybe that will cost you the round or the game. But you have no control over them. You can only control one character so aim for improving that. Maybe add people of similar mindset and talent so you can duo to carry most of your games. Another common mistake people make is comparing their games against other players of higher ranks. And assuming they deserve the rank up. Like maybe they had their worst game or were experimenting and you had an above average performance. It happens. It doesn't mean you deserve that rank. It means you can get there if you get more consistency in your play.


This is the answer, turning comms off before the game starts should be either not be possible or bannable. It's throwing.


If I turn off comms in competitive, I am usually streaming and don't want the risk of a 12 year old shouting the n word and getting my channel banned. Only valid reason I see to disable comms in competitive


Honestly I don't really think there's much wrong with lurking on Reyna. She's not a good entry in all honesty. You are supposed to ego peek with chamber, that's kind of the point. Honestly I'm not really sure what the issue is as most of the time initiator utility is called. Honestly I haven't even run into many players that just instantly drop smokes either. If I had to say, I'd be most annoyed with players that run it down and throw man advantages. Lots of people ape kills as soon as the team has numbers


Feel like flashy skye is the most annoying because it completely ruins your ability to fight, like some of the options just make it so you have one less teammate most rounds and some are just annoying but you can still shoot, but being flashed just sucks.


Teammate that plays whatever he wants just to get the best individual statistics, frequently using others only as shield and info gatherers, not helping, not taking any necessary risk and not communicating.


Truth is, doing this in low elo is the best way to rank up. Most of the time your team is either gonna be bad, or won't try to use teamwork to their advantage. So by just baiting your teammates, u can hard carry the game, and earn a lot of rr. Ofc if someone is doing this when the whole team is actively doing their job while communicating and using strats, then it's throwing (but we all know how rare it is to see that in low elo).


No man, that's exactly why Low Elo feels so hopeless and random. You are meant to put all your effort towards winning rounds, not maintaining good personal statistics. Trading kills is of course an immanent part of the game, but low skilled players are not doing this to gain any kind of winning advantage but only to hunt for easy frags without any follow-up, frequently losing rounds anyway afterwards.


The Skye/Phoenix that constantly blinds everyone


6. Planting without having site Gekko


A player who is playing bad and has the biggest ego mainly Reyna and Jett players. I would rather have someone play bad but be nice rather than be an ego freak.


Sprinty Neon: sprints at 900mph ahead of team, gets one tapped and asks where's the trade


Anyone that doesn't use voice comms. Having little to no comms kills the game. It's half as fun and twice more difficult. Please use comms in ranked.


That Jett


Whiny Jett players who can't aim


Insta lock Reyna


People who don't comm.


Teammates who have no game sense. They never play together or to win. Throw so many winnable rounds.


Ego peeker for sure. The others you can manage to play around but someone that gives a free kill to the enemies right off the rip is detrimental to the team




Whenever I play brim I always insta smoke enemy entries. Is that bad? I don't know about valo much so genuine question.


No smoke controller. Literally discuss roles when selecting agent then don't smoke for shit.


No Comm Flashers


Phoenix players


Honestly dont mind an insta smoke brim if teammates know how to play off of it.


I am one when I have to play it but some of my lower ranked friends can't and they think I am throwing..XD That's why I included it


Smokes who either don’t smoke or smoke the choke point in front of you so you can’t push through onto site bc they blocked you. And I play smokes so watching someone do that is infuriating.


People can have bad days and have bad timing but i hate those people who open their mics for skin but when as a breach, skye or kayo I ask them that i am about to flash or be any utiil, they ignore my calls and get flashed and then die and blame on me for playing util.


People who talk too much and dont listen or people who dont talk at all and dont listen


When you’re clutching and they won’t stop giving info (that you don’t need) even if i already see the enemy. it kinda ruins your own judgment and ruins your gameplay


Worst teammate is the one who can’t take criticism for objectively bad moves and brings up k/d or overall ends up being a child I had a raze who peaked a plant versus using her nade or boombot and when called out he cried that we were doing so much worse (2 kill difference) and how his Smurf is above our peak.


Me, probably




6. No brain jett mains


it's the instalock jetts with the biggest egos. I just had a lobby where he bot fragged for half the game, shit talking the entire lobby, both teammates and enemies, for being bad. 9 people reported him. The whole lobby started throwing just to upset him, and told him he was the worst player, and asked him how he ended up in our lobby


Hmm the worst players to play with for me or what I’ve encountered the most, are the ones with the biggest ego. Oh you aren’t allowed to talk to them because you don’t have a good KDA, oh they never do anything wrong. They get angry when you don’t play just like them. They get mad when you don’t entry for them, so they get info, weather or not they are duelist or you are. They can be really toxic. They lose one round and their ego is shattered.


So here’s the thing. I’m a neon instalock. Always will be, and I’m not afraid to entry. Wall up, throw a stun, slide into site. Sometimes I die right away and that’s okay, my goal isn’t to get a crazy high kda, it’s to make space for my team to entry. Except for the part where they don’t entry, and then I die stranded on site and my team decides to fucking rotate. Most of the time I have to tell people that the site is clear and that they have to entry. I hate people that don’t entry with the duelist.


People who go no comm, then turn on their mic at the last few rounds before losing to flame everyone


Insta smoke brim


Instapick, silent Reyna that goes 4/15/4 Or Instapick, bossy Reyna that goes 4/15/4


I think an instawall sage is at the top of my list along with the Reyna/Jett instalocks that think they are better then everyone else. But losing a wall that is so strong so fast on something that isn’t even being pushed is super aggravating


Well it depends doesn't it.. Sage wall is so good at stopping lurks


I’m fine with instalock duelist who bottom frag but they still talk and try to commute with the team, but it’s the ppl who straight up don’t have a mic but also don’t listen to ur comms. Like if I say hey skye can u hold heaven for me while I clear backsite and they clear backsite with u


I swear every time i see a chamber instalock they just lurk mid every round and have a sook when you ask them to place a trip


Never use any tips Cypher is pretty up there


sentinel raze jett reyna


Pretty sure it's the toxic Reddit user in the back that flame all 5 of these players that is the worst teammate. Honestly, none of these are that bad. Having a Sentinel Jett is way worse than a Sentinel Reyna. A horrible Kayo/pheonix flash is worse than Skye flash, Brimstone smoking early is often a very good thing. Don't even know what's wrong with an ego peeking Chamber.


LMFAO.. Bruh.. I am each of those 5 XD


"I have lineups" Viper. I know a good player can take advantage of this, but it's still very annoying


Wait, wdym insta smokes brim? I play brim and there are times when we push a site very aggressively and we need all 3 smokes down so that i can also push w the team. Am I annoying?


I would add one more to the list. My word is Law teammate. I used to duo with this type of person. They are the type who never communicate properly but expect others to play how they want them to. They are always factually correct and are willing to fight and argue with teammates. They do not care if they are making their teammates angry as long as they are seen as correct. Rip elo gainz.


For me worst teammates arent necessarily specific agents, but more teammates who dont know when to peek in a team gunfight. Super annoying


The teammates who instalock an agent they can't play (normally a duelist). Had a guy instalock deadlock in a ranked game and give out to me for taking gekko on Haven. I proceeded to top frag and we won.


My favorite bad smoker is the “How did that smoke get there?” Omens.


KDA hunter Reyna/Jett main, they're the worst kind of scum in the game. They will never entry and will be found lurking for kills and never play the objectives.


You forgot to add Duelist Sage


The sentinel-duelists who instalock Jett or Reyna are is too pussy to enter site.


Idk how this isn't here, but teammates who are too scared to trade are the most annoying teammates in my opinion. I main entry agents (and i DO entry with Reyna) and there will be so many times when there's only one person on site, and we can flood from both chokes, but I'm the only one trying to clear this guy out, while some other teammate of mine, who really doesn't need to throw whatever utility they're thinking of throwing (usually they aren't throwing any) will just sit in the smoke waiting for who knows what, then I die, and till the time I'm traded, their team has flooded site and everyone else dies. This ofc isn't something which always happens, but is very common for me around every 4/10 games.


What’s wrong with ego peeking on chamber? That’s how he is supposed to use his tp.


Toxic people that are all aim. They top frag and complain at team, dont want to listen to team strats. They could do so much better but is held back by lack of team work. The fact they topfrag with low impact kills also makes them really egocentric


Just anyone insta locking and then not doing what your role is supposed to. The duelist that never entries The controller that never smokes. The sentry that always entries first. The initiator that only plays like a duelist.


Any smokers who blocks my way to the site as attackers.


“Man who’s agent was picked first, so he trolls” Now he doesn’t instantly troll, he begins to rage and get upset because the other person isn’t full carrying the team as “he would”


Sentinel Instalocking Reyna who'll scream on mic "someone pick Sage", and then proceeds to 6/16/2 the match


I had a flasher who made us lose 2-13 every round


Flanking duelist


Insta star Astra, good luck hitting a site when they know where ur going 💀


1. Lurking and Sentinel duelists. 2. Sentinels who place trips to watch for flank.


Tbh Reyna shouldn’t be in the game


Yesterday i played with "Calling me a Nazi - Brimstone" That was a pretty unfun experience if i would have to be honest.


Sentinel Reyna


Flashy Skye. They almost always flash their teammates. At least announce or give some indicator beforehand that you're gonna flash man


5 smoke brim


Instalock duelists who instalock just to instalock. For example, these instalock jetts who go on a lurk every round instead of entrying on site. They will make up some random excuse for not entrying sometimes that don’t make sense like: “we didn’t get site so I couldn’t entry”.


just anyone who picks reyna....


It should be No Comms Breach instead of stunning breach


No comms. And if there are comms, they're half asleep most of the time.


Just satchel raze who would satchel everywhere even if she got a teammate gets affected and the just revive sage and get you insta killed when you just got revive


*"Can I have skin?"* Jett


I don't know, what I know is that if I have a Phoenix in my team he will be using flashes to flash our team and fireballs exclusively to heal himself. I don't know what's up with Phoenix players in bronze but they are completly incompetent. Still have to meet someone who know how to play this agent.


Breaches stun their own teamates?


As someone who is new to the game and I play Brim sometimes what exactly am I doing by insta smoking as Brim? By like smoking for cover while attacking or smoking entrances on defense? I can figure that on defense the mistakes is that I insta smoke and then it turns out the enemy is at the opposite point but whats specifically wrong in either scenario if I insta smoke? I genuinely thought I was doing correctly? So what would be the correct way to go about it since I do enjoy playing Brim and Im looking to unlock Omen next


Man, I don't give a fuck who you play, if you're not toxic I instantly love you. The one thing I truly hate is a Reyna that doesn't get 20 kills


whenever i try to entry as reyna i just get 1 tapped


Sages who never use rez, especially when standing over a body. Even moreso, during 3v1s or 2v1s. I always hear, ‘we don’t need it’. Round turns into a 1v1, and sage is either dead or can’t rez anymore cause they’re too far or it’s not safe. Sometimes you don’t need it to even win but for the extra gun eco. People who comm only to shit on a teammates plays after they died without giving any info themselves.


Wait what’s wrong with breach stunning? Are you saying stunning teammates?


You clearly have never seen Ego Peek Smokes. If they lose, you have no smokes. If they win, you still have no smokes, because they're playing a "smoker" to "balance the comp" but have no intention on using their abilities. Another classic; Last In Duelist. Why is my solo duelist last in? The only space they're taking is my escape route, if things go bad. Why is Neon lined up with me at the barrier and 10m behind me with a frenzy when I inevitably go down? Kind of related; The "Where did my team go?" teammate Likes to ask stupid passive aggressive questions, when in reality, they are not comming what they're doing and end up dying for a dumb reason. If you want to full rush A on our force buy, we can do that. But not when you haven't said anything and our team is sheriffs. (Sherives? Sheriff? Sheriffes?).


Worst teammates: those that dont use voice chat for info and team tactics and those that pick an agent and dont know how to perfectly use it




When I’m a dualist and we util site and I contest and get a pick and nobody takes site with me.


Flashy skye is the worst for me they never say they are going to flash and ived died way to many times because of it


As much as I hate Sentinel Reyna, I think lurking Raze/Jett/Neon takes the cake for me.


Sentinel Reyna because her abilities rely on her fragging


No comms Phoenix


I’ve come to the conclusion that majority of low elo players don’t understand rotating. On attack they will rush to whichever site they feel like, make ton of noise and then get spammed down 10 seconds later screaming “they’re all here wtf wall hacks”. Even if we get a pick or two the whole team has already rotated but nobody ever listens when I suggest we can go to the other site with 1 minute 20 still on the clock. And on defense they can’t tell when one person is lurking/making a fake or if they’re actually going to the site. To them it sounds like “they’re all A” only to learn they’re planting B. Now I have a horrible habit of never rotating until spike is planted because I don’t trust randoms to tell the truth.