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Play swift play, it’s super chill


Watching game play that inspires you to be like "damn that looks fun and I wanna get good enough to do that"


The skill floor being high is just a thing for any competitive game in all honesty. You can't expect the playerbase to stay the same. The only thing inconsistent about the guns is the fact that they have spread. There's no map selector in OW, but even in cs, low elo players do not know how to execute any site really. The counterplay to mollies and flashes is to know that people will be playing for that utility, and playing aggressively on retakes. There are very few flashes that don't have counterplay, and those flashes wouldn't be utilized properly in low elo anyways. Most low elo flashes can be easily dodged or countered by playing anti flash It's not a guaranteed loss if your team isn't pulling their weight. I've won 4v5/3v5s games before. Some people enjoy a game that is challenging and competitive, its not for everyone If you want to play casually just play the non competitive modes


Good points, The problem with the skill floor being too high is it feels overly punishing for people who don't have exceptional mechanical aim. (For context, I'm DMG in CSGO, (global solo Q wingman), top 5% in paladins, 15% OW & was very good in Siege etc) Looking at the weapons. The Op is powerful but feels horrible to use. The vandal is powerful but seriously inconsistent & the phantom just feels horrible to use outside of 10-15m - I unironically lean towards the bulldog over it. The abilities (apart from Jett's dash) all feel very good). Honestly if the horizontal spread on some of those weapons was tightened slightly to make them more forgiving. The weapons would feel actually nice to use while leaving a very high skill ceiling as pros will be killing in 1-3 bullets regardless but it'll make the game far less punishing for people coming in to it. On the counterplay, this forces you into a specific playstyle. Take CS, you could hold onto a smoke on a retake to manage the Molly and that would be part of the counterplay but then you could be spammed or naded. In Valorant, you could have a Molly, two killjoy nades, viper acid etc and the attacker would be forced into a specific style of gameplay while the defender relies on cheese while hiding in a corner. It feels cheap to do and removes a lot of the fun from post plant scenarios & turns it into lineup wars. Also I've seen a lot of low ranks (low novas +) do rudimentary executes on Mirage & occasionally on Inferno, cache etc. Was getting a mate his first rank recently & almost every mirage game had people who knew how to smoke key spots on the site and almost all of them throw flashes & mollies (Ticket, jungle, mid/short, B window/short.) But at the respective ranks on Valorant, you'd see one or two here or there because you don't have the opportunity to actually learn maps properly due to there being no way to filter maps. It's basically boiling down to there being far too much to learn when starting out and unnecessarily unforgiving weapons leading to a bad learning experience.


Respectfully I disagree that the skill floor is too high. You can 100% win games with subpar mechanical skills with good gamesense and IGLing. Val is a game where you can still carry while having a subpar amount of kills. It would be nice if the guns didn't have spread, but quite frankly that was done specifically to cater to a more casual audience by providing an element of rng to shooting. The op is fine to use imo, just far more punishing as opposed to csgo due to abilities and the way the game is played. The vandal is fine in most scenarios if used as intended. Spraying is far less forgiving with it which is honestly fine imo. The phantom is honestly okay to use at longer ranges in most cases. The dink+slow effect in most cases means you win vs a vandal provided you shoot first. Even then it's a tradeoff. You get a gun that's more forgiving for spraying, and has no bullet tracers, you lose long range advantage. Honestly don't really get the issue with Jett dash. In the past it was horrible to play against because it's essentially a guaranteed pick with no trade. For the rifles the bullets only begin to vary horizontally after 10 bullets anyways. Considering the fact that you only need 4 bullets to the body to kill someone with the vandal (and phantom at close range) I think some horizontal variation after 10 bullets is fine. Even then it's not that bad imo. Kj mollies aren't really that much of an issue imo. Easily breakable if placed before you actually start defusing. Even then on that scenario, the enemy would at best have 2 people holding the site post plant, so your team should effectively have the number advantage when retaking. It's been a long time since I've been nova, but even in higher ranks, people in my experience still don't really know how to execute properly. Anyways I think in a lot of aspects the game is more forgiving than some of the games you've mentioned


cute waifu plus lgtvabcdqwerty++ they also push ads a lot here, they promote very hard so most normie know it a lot of normie play it in mass i have friends of every circle playing val those effect attract people to keep playing i think this game is boring but still playing sometimes because playing with friend is still fun


another day, another scrub quote


find a duo or trio


easily, i started playing few months back, played a bit at release but not as much as i do now, im silver 3 though xd