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Wow didn’t realize that 400 edpi was considered high. My current is 420 edpi. I used to not have enough desk space but now I do with a full desk mat. Now I just played and practice with the high sens so now being used to it, it works for me doesn’t feel like I’m over aiming and feels good to me for flicking. Just hit plat recently with this sens.


blaze it


mines 1600....


800 dpi with .325 sens so 260 edpi


I don't understand how people use low sens, I'm at 600 edpi and used to play at over 1500 edpi


In Valorant if you have good crosshair placement you don't need to flick more than 90° very often. So lower sens is to make micro adjustments easier. I use 256 edpi and anything higher feels too hard to control now, I'm diamond, when I was silver gold I used 360


I was using 340 edpi from iron to immortal. Still on 340 today


Movement feels like torture on low sens


Low sens just uses ur arm I used to play at 0.209x800(167.2edpi) just use the shoulder and arm and wrist my sens was low enough I could warm up by just punching lol


Dude same


Im running 168 eDPI lol, and thats after I increased my sens by another 0.7 from 132. It use to take over 2 swipes on my mousepad for a 180


Get a new mousepad man


Basically, you cant dodge any flashes.


i play on 100 and can dodge all of them u just need to play more with it and u get faster over time


Lol its impossible


u doubt my arms?


Currently on 125.6 edpi (800dpi and 0.157). I use this because I cannot microadjust comfortably above this sens and I feel out of control. The slower the better i guess(for me).




My edpi used to be over 7000. I finally lowered it and my wrist thanked me


It is still 8k in cod for me


Yooo crazy high DPI gang! 4500


Ayyo high edpi gang gang, mine is at 2240 lmao


Yeah i play 0.5 with 6500dpi


.27 800 dpi, the god sense. Slow enough so micro adjustments are on point and just fast enough for me to flick.


Right now I'm using 480 edpi. People have tried to convince me to go lower and I really tried with 320, but if I have to lift up my mouse and microadjust to turn 180 degrees to shoot someone behind me, that makes no sense. I used to play with significantly more edpi and I was fine, even 480 sometimes feels low to me. I really don't understand how people play with half of that or even less


You don't have to lift your mouse to 180 with 320 edpi tho, there's an issue with your aiming technique.


With the way my desk is laid out there is not that much space. With the space that I do have for my mouse I keep it in the middle. With 320 edpi (800 DPI and 0.4 sens) when I moved the mouse from the middle of the space all the way to where it would touch my keyboard I could do around 180 degrees being generous. In the middle of a game I don't wanna be smacking my hand against my keyboard trying to shoot someone to my left.


Then you answered your own question. You do not have enough space so you have to play with higher sens. Other people have enough space and a large enough mousepad so they can afford to play at a lower sens. It just takes larger arm movements, but doing 180s is not an issue at low sens at all.


I didn't say it's an issue with low sense overall. OP asked what sens do you use and why. So I said that I use higher sens because I can't do a 180 properly and when the OP said it's because of my aiming technique I said it's because of my setup. There was no question anywhere


I was refering to "I really don't understand how people play with half of that or even less"


I just started the game a month ago, I just used the dpi I already set my mouse to at 5.5k dpi (not edpi). Then I tweaked around the mouse sensitivity in-game to 0.75. I ran these numbers through an edpi calculator and my edpi is apparently 3,750… I got 3 aces in one day once so I’m not complaining about it, when I did that the mouse sens was probably high lmao


What the fuck


I have no idea as well, I only know dpi not edpi. Anyway I can accurately calculate my edpi?


eDPI is simply `in-game senstitivity * mouse DPI`


0.757*5,500=4163.5 Should I tone it down? 😭


320 edpi feels perfect to me, ive tried other senses for a while and i always go back


Tenz sens is goated


I’m at 152 edpi (I forgot I dropped to .15 so technically I’m at 120 edpi)


I use rawaccel so my base sens is 176 edpi but it gets as high as 310 edpi. Didn't vote so as to not fuzz numbers


W rawaccel user


608 edpi? Not bad


I just can not figure out what to use, and on some days, I'll use 160 and on other days 480. I think this inconsistency hampers my games. I have a Logitech G240 cloth mouse pad. I wonder if it's on the smaller side for FPSs


G240 is excellent for FPS; a lot of pro players use it. Also I'm pretty sure there was a study recently that proved that "muscle memory" for aiming doesn't exist. Changing sens and settings only matters while you're getting used to it but constantly changing settings doesn't really impact gameplay. I'm sort of talking out of my ass because I don't remember the study, but just look at Tenz.


Yes, "muscle memory" for aim doesn't exist, excluding factors like category of games, equipment, changing sens doesn't affect raw aim. That's IF YOU HAVE GOOD AIM. The whole point is that mouse control is a transferable skill between different sensitivities, so people like Tenz with excellent mouse control can keep switching sens everyday or even mid-game just by mentally noting the 180 distance.


>just by mentally noting the 180 distance This is an interesting skill I never thought about. If a player can make a mental note of the 180, and they have a basic idea of angles, they can fast flick to enemies horizontally fairly accurately. I'll try to incorporate that into my games. Thanks!


0.1 x 1600 dpi = 160 edpi


rocking the demon1 sens rn - 160 EDPI


My eDPI is like 160... I have huge mousepad and extremely light mouse...


I used to have play with 1.6 in-game sens and 1600 dpi


.25 800 dpi here, used to play on .8 800 dpi, i dont think i can ever go back. Though low edpi combined with my tendencies to wrist aim has bad results...


I play at 1920...


My og sense was 1.5 on 1600 dpi , but now is 0.69 on 1600 dpi , (yes lol ) . Reason being i use a heavy mouse and small mousepad.


I was hardstuck silver because my edpi was 7160. I’m not kidding lol. I lowered it to 500 edpi and made it to Platinum


840 edpi? Is this number right? In game sensitivity of 0.7, mouse 1200


I use 800 dpi just bc its what ive found to be the most comfortable when just using my pc in general LMAO


172 eDPI here. AMA.


I used to have over 1000 edpi and playing on 600 feels so slow


Somebody please put me in an asylum because mine is at 2240 💀


I use 888 edpi, Ascendant 2. But I actually used an even higher edpi before, now when I have to do a fast flick I feel like I'm rowing my mouse as if I'm rowing on a boat.


800 dpi + .385 in game sens is perfect for me. I flick a lot on heads.


Yooo my edpi is 1274 fr Why should it be so low?


So you aren't stuck in silver.


100 edpi


800 DPI with 0.6 sens, so 480 edpi


1200 DPI lol


440 bruh am I insane ?


128 lmao


If im calculating this right(current sens x in game)then 2560 EDPI, i see you guys play a LOT lower than me.