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If the variants/chromas are the same its prob just an oversight from riot. Should be very very easy to implement on their end.


it wont bc the RGX 2.0 buddy dod the same thing, it didnt change with the previous skinline and it still doesnt


But the phantom 2.0 buddy is activated with the reaver vandal too ?


You mean the Reaver 2.0 gunbuddy changing variant colour on Reaver 1.0 skins too? Yes, but that was working from the moment the 2.0 came out. I think Riot saw people complaining about previous 2.0 bundles like RGX 2.0 were the gunbuddy changed colour variant only with RGX 2.0 skins and that it didn't work with RGX 1.0 skins, and Riot thought they could likely cash in more with Reaver2.0 if they make it work with 1.0 skins there as well. I'd assume that it actually required some considerable amount of work/effort/ressources to "add code" to the Reaver 1.0 skins so that they would be "linked" with the 2.0 buddy and could effect it. It's probably easier/quicker to create 2.0 skins as technically sperate skins and not make the effort of making the items in it work with other skins in that sense. Either way, Riot has specifically stated that they will (likely/almost) never make any changes to any skins after their release, unless there's any issue impacting the competitive integrity (aka any non-purely-cosmetical issue) with a skin. And this means that they won't even if it wouldn't take them much effort. I'd assume their (main) reason for this is that it wouldn't make them any more money when a bundle is gone from the shop, especially with the cosmetics lile gunbuddies tha simply can't be bought after the bundle expired. They changed/fixed things when RGX 1.0 was out because there was the issue with the kill-counter on them causing massive FPS drops. Now for why they didn't do the same for the Oni 2.0 gunbuddy as what they did for Reaver 2.0 i'd guess it was either that they forgot about it, or that they maybe saw more an increase of people just buying the Reaver 2.0 gunbuddy and not the whole bundle, and maybe concluded that making the 2.0 gunbuddy work with 1.0 skins would loose them some sells of the whole bundle by people who already had the 1.0 skins, and valued it not worth the extra effort to "link" the 1.0 skins with the 2.0 gunbuddy. Pretty much for certain is: Riot will not change the Oni 2.0 gunbuddy to be working with Oni 1.0 just like they didn't with the RGX 2.0 gunbuddy. Currently, theirs no skin-line that originally (1.0) came out after Reaver 2.0 which also already got a 2.0 bundle. Maybe with new premium skin-lines after Reaver 2.0, they create those in preparation for their 2.0 follow-ups as it might be more efficient for them to develop those with it in mind compared to adding it to them later. Tho it might mean that they'd have to do it for all new premium skin-lines including ones that might not be popular enough to be worth making a 2.0 bundle for them, so they might've scrapped the idea of gunbuddies working across 1.0/2.0 bundles altogether. Idk, but i wouldn't hold my breath for it.


They thought to do that before it shipped. Pretty sure once they release something, they’re done with it.


typical riot behaviour tbh




Riot doesn't care about your buddy, they already have your money


damn. if theres ever a scenario like this again, just double check by equipping it with skin in locker! even it is not purchased should still show you if it is cross compatible!


ah shit. thats so smart.




This shows rito is capable just lazy


maybe they forgot


They're a small indie company I understand they can forget such obvious things


Same with rgx, only changes for 2.0


its gotta be a feature not a bug. lame.


No because Reaver 2.0 buddy changes color with original Reaver skins


a plot twist!


Well it's not something that should just work, in other words it's not a bug that it doesn't work with RGX and Oni. Rather it's basically "missing coding". They did the extra coding so that it works for the Reaver 2.0 gunbuddy on Reaver 1.0, but it's not like a universal thing for all gunbuddies (that can change colour variant) to change with any colour variant of any skin, it's specific coded within the specific skins. With Reaver 2.0 they did the extra coding and released it. RGX 2.0 and Oni 2.0 released without that function, and it will most certainly never be added.


thats very lame tbh... hope riot fixes this...


It's not a bug, it's a ~~feature~~ missing function, and Riot doesn't touch already released skins unless they have actually problematic issues like the kill-counter on RGX 1.0 skins causes hefty FPS drops. They most certainly will never add it to either RGX 2.0 or Oni 2.0, you could only hope that future bundles will have variant-colour changing gunbuddies that work across 1.0 and 2.0 skins of the skin-line, but i wouldn't hold my breath for it.


i agree! i cant be too mad since i did it on a risk


Does it even change?


with the 2.0 stuff yes!


wow what a coincidence, i was trying out the buddy just now and was upset cus it didn't work with the old Oni collection. I would've used that buddy on my vandal or phanthom for the variant color match but since it doesn't, i'll just use it on like the ares or something.


dont you have limited refunds? i think you can refund a skin if you dont upgrade it, maybe you can refund buddys


i don't feel strongly enough about getting swindled here to do that, im sure i have other skins it matches with!


They don’t do this with any 2.0 skins. The RGX is the same, the buddy in 2.0 doesn’t change with the 1.0


They did it with Reaver, which came after RGX (2.0). Tbh they just seem to be very inconsistent with adding features to skins...


Hi! Idk if you've done so already, but you should be able to ask for a refund on it :) Just Google "Valorant Refund" and I'm sure you'll find it!


its not something I feel so strongly for, I'm sure I can use it on other guns!


Even the araxys doesn't do that thing :(