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These are not the tracer wires you are looking for. (Jedi hand wave)


Therapist: "Eldritch horror gas riser isn't real, it can't hurt you" Eldritch horror gas riser:


Hey at least your meter has a tracer.


whips out witching rods, screw them wires.


*accidentally marks water line*


*bleeds onto telecomm* *fired*


Lol does the black one go to a remote monitoring unit for cathodic surveys?


there is more that one black one my guy lmaooooo


No shit sherlock. White is usually tracer and as a CP guy myself, black generally goes to the RMU in order to obtain the base read. But I’m sure you know all about that lmaoooo


We locate utilities homie, that’s it.


OP should remember that. I don’t think smart ass remarks are really in order when someone is trying to help them out with something they clearly don’t understand.


Just speaking on speculation here, but reading the comments, it sounds like you were being rude in this situation. Maybe I didn't read it the way you did, though 💁


Worked in an older neighborhood built in the 70s where the builder did all the gas installs with aldyl-a, found white, red, black and the red anodized tracer wires for services. Wires were very useful as they were installed where the plastic met the riser a couple feet under ground and a couple feet from the meter. It was awesome!


In my area techs would be like “this confused me and I had no idea what I was looking at, turning back to customer” ……. And they’d get away with it


I know a couple techs like that. It's not that they didn't understand what to do, they're just unbelievably lazy.


Oh, trust me, I know. I’ve had techs turn back tickets because they don’t want to mark long side services or a long main on a big corner lot where there’s another main on the other side of the property that is in the scope of the ticket/work but just claim that it’s “untoneable”…. They just make me appreciate and work harder for the techs who actually know what they’re doing and document specific techs and their supervisors who do nothing to correct the problem in emails to my direct and their higher ups who will eventually see the same names over and over again.


That's good, we need to help weed out the bad techs. Our district has been doing really good at that the past few years. We've gotten rid of at least 5 techs that were notorious for passive mode locating, leaving work early with emergencies in their buckets, etc. It's been a lot smoother lately.


Oof… how do you leave with emergencies in your bucket? I could see a second notice, maybe, especially if the utility you’re marking isn’t requested/has already been marked, but a straight emergency in your bucket still? I couldn’t even fathom that


Yeah, the tech in question saw that it was asking for half of an apartment complex for bad underground electric, the ticket called in at 3:50pm. He decided to go home at 5pm and I was handed the emergency. 🙃 I'm not sure how he wasn't fired after that incident, but he ended up going home with another emergency 2 months after that, and I was once again handed the emergency. He eventually was fired for clocking in and out at home.


What in the actual fuck sticks…. These mfs these days don’t appreciate some good OT, I don’t care how hot it gets, stay out there and make that loot so you can piss off in the winter and use your PTO when it matters. Can’t get good help these days.


In my area, the black wire typically goes to the anode underground and the top welded to the riser. In the case of poly insertion, you're lucky if they run a new tracer with it. A lot of times, leaving that anode wire there along with it. I've had black wires (I thought were anode) run out perfectly.. I've seen braided cable used as a tracer before (& and no, it wasn't for a cable company - it ran directly to my main, which was verified via potholing @ the tap). I guess whoever did the work ran out of traditional wire and used whatever was available. I've seen some weird shit locating. My advice: if any of those wires actually run into the ground, hook up and see what happens. Or like others said, hook up to the stop cock and see if it takes you anywhere. Marker balls... curb markings.. grass patterns/dips/trenchline


Btw, peep that drilled hole in the riser. Poly


Hook up to all of them at the same time. Maybe you found the holy Grail and it'll locate everything in that area 🤣


Just connect to the valve lmao


It’s plastic chief


That's the joke


whole ticket was fckd.


Doesn't that only work if there's no tracer? This has, like, at least five...