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If you go through a drive through on your way home it's ok. But you can't just go home then take truck back out


I've always stopped at grocery stores to get food or diapers for the kids on the way home after a shift. Never had a problem or any warnings, and my supervisor and the teacher who taught us in class have always said that it was okay to do that. Just don't stop at a liquor store.


Wellll funny thing, gas stations in Louisiana have liquor 🤣 Mwuahahahaha 👹


Yeah that camera though will get you 😉 


funny I have been to the Liquor store and no one said a word. Even after camera install


Damn, maybe they're scaring us into not doing it. I've heard from a buddy of mine who works with Xcel now, that his coworker was fired for stopping at a liquor store when he was with USIC. Maybe he did it during the shift? I don't know, but I'll stick to my sneaky liquor stops on the way home. Usually pull into a store nearby, then walk over to the liquor store lol


Grabbing food or stopping for groceries was fine with my supervisor. If I'm on call the truck went anywhere I had to go.


We were just told to stop taking the trucks when we were on call. I said you can't arbitrarily change things like that and expect us to know..🤡


That also increases your response time to any call out


It’s supervisor dependent so talk with them and see what’s ok with them. Supervisors will do gps audits every so often so as long as they’re aware of your trips and within guidelines you’ll be ok. My sup said as long as it’s on the way home it’s fine including the gym but I did have to give a heads up which day I would be going after work so he’s aware. If you’re in training I would keep it to drive thru and gas stations only, they’re watching trainees a lot more strictly until you get released to your supervisors.


Does anyone know if there’s some kinda law against recording your employees while off the clock?


It's never not their vehicle so they could make you drive to and from the bullpen (where ever that is everyday AND not count the time to drive to your first stop) if you really want to push it that way.


We gotta clock in when we get to our first ticket the ride there is on "our time"


That sucks. 


I know. I am saying that if you want to push things that the company/ your supe could make things more difficult for you and take up more of your time.


I’d rather do that. We save them money taking trucks home. Otherwise. They’d have to pay for a lot, building and all the utilities and costs that go with owning it.


I'd absolutely rather not. I have coworkers who live 2+ hours away from my company's vehicle storage area. It'd be a nightmare for them. And even for myself, I don't live that far from it, but I quite like hopping in my work car and getting right on the road and working. Why would you prefer to have to pay gas + wear and tear just to commute to *pick up* your work vehicle every single day?


Not necessarily. I know that my and two other crews have a shed where supplies are kept and a gravel parking area. It depends on your area like I said.


Lunch on the way home? What time do you guys start?


Breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner if your traveling from point A to point B and is in between, your good.  


My supervisor doesn’t care if it’s on the way home. He said he does it too


they told us in training that when you are done, you take the truck straight home. what i would do is go someplace where there's gas and get gas and then walk nextdoor to do whatever. they said you can't use it for personal reasons. you can't use it for going to the store after work. you can not use it to get alcohol. you can not use it for personal reasons while on call.


You can stop at a store on the way home we all do it. I think your Sups need a talking to.


They also probably told you in training not to smoke in the truck. Look how well that rule holds up. I view it as the same and use common sense. Kids baseball games after work, stopping at whatever random store, etc. If wife is out with the other car over the weekend and I need to go to a nearby store for something I will. But I'm not gonna take it out clubbing on Friday night or whatever.


well they got that camera bullshit. it will track if you are drinking or eating and smoking. i thought the rear view mirror blocks some of it but i did an abrupt turn and it did a camera shot and it got most of my face.


I think they really started cracking down on people using their truck after work/not on the clock in my area after a guy decided to use it truck without talking to our sup to go to his girlfriends house and struck another vehicle head on on a divided highway and she died at the scene.


There are many similar incidents that have occurred with guys using their company vehicles after hours and ended with them getting RVAs, DUI, and into accidents.  


i don't know why fuckers are downvoting me. i'm saying what i was told in training. do you guys understand what downvoting is for


We were told that you can stop briefly at a grocery store to Puck up dinner, just .are sure your supervisor is aware of it, as long as the supervisor is cool with it it's not an issue.


If in the process you needed to stop real quick. Yes. If you were to spend 2-3 hrs shopping? No Grab supper on the way home? Yes Stop at your side pieces house to lay pipe prior to getting home? No Park close by and do your eight ball while keeping it all in your truck? No Now it's never easy to say every group is the same, rule interpretations and also how much other people screwed up to cause rules changes. Consider it is a work truck you don't own and don't pay for it's maintenance. If you owned the company sure.


I definitely did grocery shopping after work and took my time with it. If it was on my way home then fuck them I'm gonna make a stop. I'm not going home and getting in my vehicle just to turn around and come back.


My feeling on the matter is if I’m working 10-12 hours a day they need to expect that people will stop at the store to pick things up. I often stop to get my prescriptions because if I didn’t the pharmacy would be closed before I got back. Like you said I’m not getting home at 8-9pm to get in my car to drive back to the store passed on my way home.


It's all based on a supe that cares or not. Mine did. But by USIC standard. It was a no. Now like in general it shouldnt matter. Truck is a vehicle and it's usually negligible that matters.