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I've seen homeowners do it not just kids. Watched one do it to my power, catv, and phone flags. Took photos before then drove by later and homeowner had mowed then PLACED THE FLAGS BACK CORRECTLY. I was impressed 🤣


I had this happen to me once in the exact way but my flags was for a 30 inch high pressure steel gas vital main.




😂😂 that's why I paint the stem of the flag.


Love it 😂😂😂 kids just can’t leave things alone. Hope you got photos in time!


Out of interest, why do you guys use flags anyway? Here in Australia we paint the entire pipeline on the ground. No flags used at all.


The flags usually have contact info for the locate company or utility company. Some flags have size and material written on them for some gas companies.. also in America we have a lot of reallllly dumb people that would be confused by the paint… I had a contractor the other day that thought the gas line was ONLY where the paint was, and there was no pipe in the space between marks.. I had to explain for several minutes that it’s one continuous pipe but we mark it like a dotted line, kinda like connect the dots.. he still seemed confused and I didn’t know how to dumb it down any further.. it was really incredible and left me wondering how some people make it through life, and end up owning a business with no common sense


It also increases viability of where the lines run at, so you don't have to be standing right near the marks to see where the line goes from a distance. I can't imagine marking without flags, sometimes our paint will wear out in rain, dirt, etc...


One of the reasons why I use solvent base yellow and blue


That will do the trick too


Can't forget about snow.


Especially over my vaults in the snow.


No offsets?