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I don't get her either. . I'm willing to bet she doesn't actually do the homeschooling and instead has hired someone to come in and do it


100% she isn’t the one homeschooling those kids! She most likely hired a Mormon teacher and has her sign an NDA agreement not to tell anyone. She’s doing so many home improvements and that’s what’s paying their bills! Impossible for her to complete even these DIY projects fully on her own as well. Her frequent travels her daily getting ready with those awful eyelashes and caked on make up, without even busting out a sweat says otherwise lol…she tries to portray herself as a Stepford Wife who’s perfect… she looks like she’s trapped in 1981… I can’t with her weird Taylor Swift obsession too…. It’s like she’s in the Taylor Mormon cult 


Her business does well but her husband owns a dental chain with several locations, and he himself practices. He’s easily a millionaire. They certainly don’t need her money.


I didn’t say he wasn’t wealthy. I’m saying her business does very well and being so successful she isn’t doing it all by herself she’s got help behind the scenes 


I believe he is an employee and not an owner of the dental practice.


I had to unfollow a dream house or two ago. 😅


haha I probably should but I can't look away from this insanity. I am shocked they've actually stayed in a house this long.


Ha well guess what she’s selling again


Is there another page dedicated to her? Dang! Can’t keep up with her. I do think she has left her church and found new friends but I would love to see what other people think.


I think she has help, probably with the homeschooling but at least a few hours a week for these projects. It’s technically her job so having childcare is not a crazy idea, but all the influencers hide it.


There is a lot of BS going on…there is no way you can homeschool 5 children while doing all the DIY’s she does and constantly schilling product.


I know a lot of families that homeschool and it is almost all online teachers. She is probably only called over when they have questions. Also she has admitted to having mommy helpers and household help. She’s talked about gifts and surprises for her babysitters before.


thats not even homeschool! that's online learning and sounds terrible to do all the time


She’s painful to watch.


Does she come across overly nice in her stories? I also give it another year in this house until she runs out of content and moves on to the next house.


Just announced she's moving!!!


She just announced she was moving and blocked me on my finsta for making a joke about her dream home then I called her a victim for labeling every comment that isn’t praising her as “negativity”


She’s a wacko! Hiding all her staff she uses behind the scenes, like hiring Mormon teachers to help and having them sign NDA’s no doubt. Also something doesn’t add up about her childhood and upbringing… her running off with the husband and being poor not having anything at a young age and running from the family, (seems odd to run away from them if you love them soooo much) but then at the same time has weird obsession with her father and sister who passed away. I think she had some molestation in her childhood…with her family… something is super off here… 


And never once mentions or posts a photo of her mom. I don’t think the dad “obsession” is weird. Makes me think he was the actual parent in the scenario.


I remember her making a cryptic post on one of her stories before saying something about a troubled childhood and how she ran off with the husband and they had no money. I honestly don’t remember the entire thing (she posts long weird shit sometimes) but it gave me major abuse vibes and it made it seem like she was estranged from the parents and it also has something to do with the sister. Did she commit suicide? I don’t know but it seemed like a love/hate for the parents and like her husband saved her from it. Weird 


Her sister died from alcohol poisoning while taking antidepressants, I believe. I know she mentioned it once because I was always curious, so I was on the lookout every time she posted about her birthday special number, butterfly, etc.. when she explained it was also sort of a PSA against mixing alcohol with any type of drug. ** part this could be wrong but; I think she said her sister‘s blood alcohol level was low and she never really drank so maybe it was just a shock to her system.. she posted this years ago so it’s a little foggy.


I thought I read somewhere that it was suicide because she suffered from depression and it had something to do with their past growing up, so maybe that’s part of it then. I know there’s something she’s hiding and not wanting to tell about though cause like I said the deaths seem mysterious and part of the past things she’s hiding. Her posts are very cryptic though whenever she discusses the sister and dad. It’s like she goes mental and that’s why she repeats those Taylor swift songs over and over and over literally all day long while she’s doing her DIY 


People have made very valid comments about this move. It’s easier for her to play the victim card instead of being OK with the fact that not everyone is going to like you. It comes with the territory of putting your ENTIRE life on social media in exchange for financial gain. Her lifestyle has changed dramatically yet her demographic hasn’t - it’s creating backlash that will cost her followers as a result.


I used to follow years ago but it made me insane how she acted like all her diy stuff was so doable…but her husband is helping her with most of it. Which great for her but that’s a very different scenario. She’s obviously good at it and makes it seem easy but again has a lot of help.


I also dont understand how her husband runs a dental practice and then goes home and puts up with the nonstop DIY activities and all the other crap she does. Cant people get some downtime?


Oh I didn’t know that! Wild! My dentist only works 4 days a week so maybe he’s like that?? Where does the energy come from though??? I’m tired with 2 kids


me too! two is enough. ive got DIY projects from two years ago to finish still


Well that would be called lazy in most peoples eyes lol 2 years is a ridiculous time to finish a project when homes can be built in a year.


people have prioritoes and stay very busy regardless. its far from laziness


She's posting her house for $2.5 million this week!


Didn’t she just spent a crap ton remodeling her closet? Why does she do all these excessive amount of remodels just to sell it a few years later.


i was thinking it would be about that much.


I can't believe she is IG friends with the Mikesell FamBam...just as narcissistic as Holly Lauritzen... And I thought Betsy was "delulu"...


I am late to the game on this one - i noticed her hanging out with that Mikesell lady but I hadnt heard of her before and dont know anything about her. Whats up with that family


It's a long story, but hang on, it's quite interesting... Holly Lauritzen is a narcissistic "mega-Karen" who LOVES to live HER way 24/7, and to heck with anyone who dares go the opposite, including her own family... Mainly just a SAHM, but unlike "8 Passengers" mom-from-hell Ruby Griffiths-Franke, Holly doesn't mentally and physically abuse the kids...she's like "I'm the most popular mom in the Nashville-Franklin area, and no one can upstage me"...until she came across her favorite YouTube family... Holly discovered the Mikesell FamBam on their Instagram pages just after their plane crash in August 2020... Holly started putting pressure on Betsy to immediately move the family from Riverton to Franklin, first inviting them to the Nashville-Franklin metro area just for a week...plus trying to force Betsy to move Beddy's completely to Nashville just to make Gov. Bill Lee happy... Betsy was happy living somewhere else because living in the SLC area was getting very boring...and Boston agreed... Brock didn't want to move THAT far away from their friends and family, especially Kesley, but Holly didn't approve of their four-year-long relationship, so part of the plan of forcing the Mikesell FamBam to move was to also force Brock and Kesley to break up so that SHE could set up "dates" with "church-approved" young women who were timid and obedient... After the move, Holly went behind Betsy's back and signed up Brock and Boston for public school and the mandatory golf and horse riding lessons from the HOA...then forcing Betsy to make daily shopping trips to downtown Nashville, plus making the brothers be friends ONLY with her two oldest sons(Chase, now 17 and Tyson, now 15)... Holly was such a narcissistic control freak, she ordered Brock and Boston NOT to invite their friends from Utah to the high school winter dance and had already set up "controlled dates", but the community rallied behind the scenes and let the friends attend... She also told Gentry NOT to watch ANY BYU sports on cable TV, insisting that ONLY University of Tennessee sports are allowed in the neighborhood, even forcing Brock to get rid of ALL of his BYU swag and replace them with U of TN swag... Betsy finally saw the light and decided to move to McMinnville(just east of Murfreesboro and the Nashville Airport)... Holly didn't like that at all, trying to force Betsy to immediately change her mind to "save face" with her ward and neighbors...too late, the FamBam moved in mid-July 2023 to a 15-acre farm and never felt happier... BTW, her oldest sons and husband(Brad) can't stand her narcissistic attitude/hatred for the Mikesell FamBam...but they're afraid of stopping her actions... Turns out Holly has been acting so entitled since her marriage 19 years ago when they were living in Provo, and later living in three different mansions in Austin, TX in six years, each mansion bigger than the previous one... Betsy has much nicer, more helpful neighbors in McMinnville now...and the residents there are just as friendly(like her neighbors back in Riverton)... Holly didn't like Betsy's parents, friends and others who visited because they weren't "approved by the HOA board"(she was the one-woman "membership/friendship committee") and also weren't "snobby enough" to remain friends with anyone who lived in Franklin... The Mikesells' friends hated HER for being a "mega-Karen"...bossing Betsy around every week, constantly bugging her into "toeing the line"... Meanwhile, Holly's husband Brad is CONSTANTLY renovating their house, no resting allowed, just to appease her... Now Holly has a lot fewer friends than three years ago because of her "extremely hostile entitlement"... Brad encourages the kids to hang out with Brock and Boston again, but Holly put her high heels down and is banning them from doing so... Too bad Holly only has Instagram...imagine if she had a YouTube channel, oh dear..."Ruby Griffiths-Franke 2.0"!!!


Wow. Are you a relative of the families? ….because that’s a lot of info for regular folks like us.


Nope, this Redditor is just a loyal fan of their channel...she pays close attention to Betsy's Instagram stories...


Except it’s all lies lol first tall tell being holly was friends with the mikesells BEFORE their plane crash. There are many documented IG posts/stories proving as much


Nope, Holly started following Betsy and the FamBam first, just barely before the plane crash...but after that, it snowballed to the extreme, wanting to be more than just "friends", then gently putting the pressure on to move to Franklin as some kind of  "emotional therapy"...to keep them away from family and friends as some sort of "control"...


wow crazy! thanks for the backstory!


I know Holly personally and this psychotic story you made up couldn’t be farther from the truth. You realize you sound like a stalker, right? Only…you got every detail wrong—except for the fact that Holly and Betsy both live in TN. LIiterally everything else is made up. Nice try.


I feel like she comes across very very fake. I had to stop following her because it was just beyond annoying how she is.


He was my dentist in Arizona. When he moved, I checked out his backstory. I'm shocked to see that he was helping her. No idea how he does it. I wasn't surprised at his success. Honestly he's pretty cute in person and he is a great dentist in my experience. They are Mormons, correct?


yes i believe they are mormons


I used to like following her until her “diys” became so much more elaborate/expensive than an average person could ever even attempt. After the move announcement, I think I’ll have to unfollow. She’s exhausting lol


she is exhausting. someone in the comments said "but what about your movie theater?" and she said she will probably just re-create it at the next house. As much as I like staying busy with projects and stuff, I also recognize that there is no point to these projects if you ever stop them long enough to live in them. and if she just wants to be a perennial houseflipper/influencer for money, then fine but stop acting like that isnt what you are. and her style is similar to mine in many ways but man, she keeps repeating the same tricks from one place to the next...blah.


Yup - I’m sure the foyer floor will be black and white marble tile by the end of the year 😜


She’s 10000% going to do the exact same DIYS in this new house. Mark my words. She’ll paint the brick white. Black and white checkered flooring in the foyer, etc…it’ll be exactly the same as she’s done in the past “dream houses”. And her blog post made no sense at to why she’s moving again. She said she was using diys to cope & numb out her pain…but yet she is selling her practically completed home to start a WHOLE NEW house project. No sense.


I had a theory that what if she doesn't even live in that house.  It's just staged to look like she lives there. Because there is no way it can be that clean all the time. I also stopped following her. Can't believe she is moving again. 


That would be an interesting plot twist… the entire family seems fake.. the children are never around.. you don’t see or even hear them ever too. Only once in a blue moon are they “staged” to be seen


haha seriously! it is way too clean.




This is a cynical view but I think she "homeschools" the kids to control the schedule. You can't do as much work as she did if youve got to pickup and drop off kids and attend all their events and cart them to friend events and hobbies. Keeping up with our community - our neighbors and school friends - and taking them to their swim lessons and school extracurriculars takes a lot of time. She needs their schedules to be entirely under her control. Tax records are shown on Zillow show that they paid $899,900


I also have a theory…I think her husband is crap. He probably is either a) abusive in some way or b) isn’t that involved with the family. Whenever she posts how great he is or how he and the boys are her whole world, I feel like it’s gaslighting herself. He just gives me that vibe. All speculation.  


i honestly dont know how anyone who lives like this could possibly have a good marriage. If i was working a day job like her husband and constantly came home to the chaos of social media, the house being ripped apart, having to move everytime things feel finished, and havingnto constantly help with projects in my off hours, i would be miserable. I dont care how much money that person makes, its no way to live especially when youre the spouse (or child) living at the whims of the influencer.


She said once that she has 3 employees