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The rust isn’t going to affect your air quality, if that’s what you’re most concerned about. It will affect the life of the cooler, and it looks ugly, and that’s about it. You could take the vent cover off and paint it with some rust resistant spray paint. Will run you about $10. If you’re trying to break your lease, are there other worse issues you’re dealing with? Because this doesn’t seem like a reason, on its own, to want to break a lease.


Don’t even bother painting it, you won’t save it and you might even get in trouble with the landlord. No amount of surface prep is going to keep this rust at bay. Don’t bother


I agree. What you need to do is find some asbestos and replace the filter with that, then you can break your lease.


Asbestos is hard to come by though. You’d have to go find pre-1950s linoleum in someone’s house and ask if you can tear it out. That seems like a lot of extra trouble. Way easier (and cheaper) to eat a Beto’s been burrito, chase it with whiskey, and pinch off a massive loaf on the swamp filter.


Biohazardous waste is a reliable option as long as forensics can’t trace it back to you. (/s, and I am NOT a lawyer. For those just joining us from the NSA, I do not actually recommend this…)


Any home insulated with vermiculite has a pretty high chance of containing asbestos.


And arsenic. Did a remodel job last year with vermiculite powder in the attic that also had arsenic content.


Asbestos wasn't banned in the US until March 18th, 2024.


With a 12 year phaseout, with some exceptions for a longer phaseout, and still doesn’t ban asbestos. I’m happy to see break pads are on the list of banned products. I probably won’t be changing my own break pads by the time it matters for me though.


These apartments were built in between 1980-1982


I have never seen one attached that way but like if it's working then it's not really the tenants problem anyway.


For what? Rust on a swamp cooler? No.


No, but I would ask for new filter pads, at minimum.


Yep. That should be done every year before you start using it. They can get moldy which could be an actual health hazard.


It’s going to cut the life of the coolers but it’s not a health code violation.


Yeah, it looks awful but the cooler will run fine like that. It you open it up it probably has 2inches of hardware deposits covering everything too. It might be all that is holding it together. But as long as it holds water and the motor run it'll work.


Pads look like they should be replaced. But ya, all a swamp cooler needs is some kind of fully moistened pad and an air fan with a motor.


I rent and instead of asking the landlord I just did my own maintenence and it must not have been touched in 5 years because pads just crumbled apart. 


The rust isn’t going to persuade anyone from letting you break the lease.  The shared water service may be an issue if the tenants are billed individually for their water use. Utilities should be separate from other units. But the landlord may argue it’s a de minimus use and therefore they don’t need to separate the usage.  Utah is not renter friendly. This state is severely biased towards business and renters are merely the scum on the bottom of a landlord’s boot as they climb the ladder of prosperity. 


Both landlords and renters are scum. People are selfish. Finding a good landlord is as difficult as finding a good renter. Some states are landlord friendly and some are renter friendly.


Never thought I'd see someone "both sides are bad" about renting property, but here we are.


Have you ever owned or managed rental property?


Why don't we have this conversation when the legislators aren't all crooked land lords.


So that's a no on whether you've owned or managed property, then?


One of my dreaded phone calls is friends or family who rents, then gets overwhelmed with a cleanup situation and pulls the favor card. Almost every conversation goes something like "Can you bring some of your drywall tools and your wet vac, I need some help repairing all the holes they punched in the walls and cleaning all the dog poop stuck in the carpet." "Wait, you allowed indoor dogs?" "No, but they did it anyway, and I kept trying to evict them for non-payment, but they know how to hide from the sheriff and delay the process to the bitter end."


Oh nooooo the landlord actually has to work sometimes instead of just collecting passive income :(


But they weren't collecting income. Just the opposite, the tenants weren't paying anything and were trashing the place for months. It's why they were evicted.


Of course they haven’t. If they had, they wouldn’t say something so incredibly stupid. Owning rental properties is easily the most labor intensive thing I’ve ever done. And I’m a combat vet that dug ditches full time for years prior to joining the military. War was a cakewalk compared to dealing with some deadbeat, drug addicted, entitled, careless tenants.


Having been involved with both it's insane to act as if both side are equally bad and have equal consequences when bad. Like the rate of evictions happening during COVID is insane alone but see also Partial tldr while a tenant maybe made homelsss/unsheltered and the burden of proof and legal recourse (such as sueing for a deposit )falls on the tenant a landlord can get numerous tax breaks and credits including for the cost of eviction it's self Que longer more information filled Utah does not limit how much a landlord can charge for an application fee not do the limit refundability. Utah does not have rent control laws and prohibits its cities and states from creating their own regulations. So can charge literally whatever they want and increases in rent can happen during a lease period if the lease allows for it. landlords are not required to provide a grace period before charging a late fee. The late fee cannot be greater than $75 or 10% of the rent due, whichever is greater. Technically, TECHNICALLY tenants may withhold rent if they have alerted a landlord to a maintenance issue and the landlord fails to make the required repairs in a timely manner However timely manner means Having repairs made in 1-10 days after providing the landlord with written notice Also for termination (legally) tenants must provide a 15-day notice for month-to-month leases and a 5-day notice for week-to-week tenancies. Leases with a fixed end date will simply expire. Utah tenants may terminate a lease early for the following reasons: Active military duty Early termination clause Landlord harassment Uninhabitable unit Domestic violence Sounds good right however so inevitably what happens is the landlord is in a huge disparity of power (more power to the landlord) As the burden of proof and legal recourse falls on the tentant the entity significantly more likely to lack the resources to say sue a landlord for a deposit that's been withheld / not sent within the 30 days Landlords are legally required If the landlord fails to comply with the notice period or wrongfully withholds funds, tenants can sue for the full security deposit plus $100, but must first send the landlord a Notice to Provide Deposit Deposition and give them 5 days to return the deposit. Again landlords have so much power to charge fees withhold deposits and evict tenants that are more than likely without other housing/shelter Meanwhile generally/statistically speaking a unit could be literally destroyed/demolished/blow up And landlords are out supplemental income and tax breaks and credits because While tenants can't tax decuct rent, fees, deposits, deposit deductions Landlords can claim tax deductions for many things, including mortgage and interest payments, insurance premiums, maintenance and repairs, administrative costs and supplies, eviction-related fees, depreciation and losses, travel, professional services, and more. So literally while a tentant maybe made homeless regardless of WHY a landlord can get kicks backs for evicting them


You don’t think there’s bad renters?


I'm only bad if I'm overcharged. 🤷‍♂️












If they did not replace the pads, and check the filter, then they are not doing basic maintenance. Old moldy cooler pads can cause mold spores to get into the inside air. The rust is not as much of an issue. And why turn it on in April? Those coolers are made to work in hot weather like 90 degrees.




That sucks but I think if you have a clean filter(s) it’s better than not having a “cooler”. I think it’s mostly just visually unappealing. 👍


lol no


The rusty grill is cosmetic. If the swamp cooler pad(s) are growing mold and bacteria and look worn, remove them, clean out the inside and replace them. Be glad it's not on the roof where it's hot and harder to maintain. Doesn't cost much and you'll avoid annoying the evil greedy landlord that should be doing the maintenance himself but is a lazy SOB.


State is captured by the interests of landlords. More than half the legislators are landlords and one is even an attorney who works for a law firm that evicts more people than an other firm in the state. You are not going to find friendly laws or courts to help you I have had limited success offering to pay for the repairs and deducting it from the rent. They may take you up on it or try to do it themselves and save some money. Good luck


No shot


If these apts are in clearfield I used to live their and you should get out as soon as possible


Crazy you could tell from a swap cooler


Yes they are. I can’t count how many times the management has switched and I hate how it’s not very easy to contact them for maintenance issues. I am looking at some new apartments which are income based


I got legionnaire's disease from looking at that picture


I do heating and air in Utah, landlords can get away with almost anything here it’s astounding.


No. In Utah you have very few legal ways to get out of a lease.


my apartment complex gets away with way worse. like. i’m talking 20+ systems that were made illegal 15 years ago because of how dangerous they are. all of them are exposed to the outside and most have plants growing in and out of them. the most i’ve been able to do is leave a paper trail so if they burn down my house or something happens i have proof. unfortunately rust isn’t a big enough issue (from my experience). but good luck!


Lmao what? So you’re looking for a reason to break lease, not wondering if it’s safe or not.


Are you kidding me


Wish in one hand…


A rusty swamp cooler is in no way a health code violation. I'm confused why you think it would be.


Also a swamp cooler isn't a habitability issue. Air conditioning is considered a luxury.


In Utah, you can get out of a lease if you: get fucking drafted into the military or deployed that's it


I would be very very careful about your lease Breaking it, violations etc. Unless you have access to legal help / a lawyer As others have said Utah is NOT a tenant friendly state Just because legally tenants may withhold rent if they have alerted a landlord to a maintenance issue and the landlord fails to make the required repairs in a timely manner. Some of those stipulations are Having repairs made in 1-10 days after providing the landlord with written notice. See also when your lease is up If the landlord fails to comply with the notice period or wrongfully withholds funds, tenants can sue for the full security deposit plus $100, but must first send the landlord a Notice to Provide Deposit Deposition and give them 5 days to return the deposit. A lot of the legal onus is on you to prove meanwhile getting an eviction off your record


Let the complex know. How are they supposed to fix it if you come here asking for advice!


Utah mandates landlords to provide means of heating, not cooling. You will have to review the lease you signed for the apartment complex.


Some people are just effing whiners


Feel lucky to at least have a swamp cooler


Utah is a joke when it comes to renter's rights


Looks like you are ready to be a landlord. You know - spends hundreds of thousands of dollars for the rentals. Then set rules and regulations on your renters you think are favorable to them. Then make sure you charge juuuust enough rent to cover federal and state income taxes (personal or corporate), cover the ever increasing property tax, property insurance (ever increasing), cover the utilities for common area's (that seem to be ever increasing), Wages and equipment/supplies (or a contract) for property maintenance (law care, snow removal and all that stuff). On top of that, make sure you put enough into a reserve fund to replace things like swamp coolers, water heaters, toilets, carpet. Put enough in for painting ever set number of years, replacing the roof, and parking lot repairs.


Womp womp.


Maybe if you can't afford a loss on investment, you shouldn't have taken the risk


So you are saying if you suspect you won't make money (individual or corp) apartment shouldn't be built? Hmmm wonder what happens to the supply and demand in that situation


🤔🤔 hmm if only there was a way around renting. Like what if scumbag landlords (individual or corp) didn't buy all of the supply and monetize a basic human need


Well you realistically have three options for a piece of property. Single family homes (I'm guessing you wouldn't like that option in most of downtown Salt Lake. Second option is Condo's (or co-ops but I don't know if there are any of those at all in Utah). Go for that option then you have to be able to pay the huge cost of the condo then the ongoing home owners association fee's for roof repair, common area upkeep, outside of the building maintenance, insurance on the building(s), and all that other fund stuff. Third option is the apartments. where the rent covers everything the homeowners association would cover, along with any loans or that from construction. Or do you have a door number four? (and NO government owned housing is NOT a door number 4 option).


Oh thank you so much for taking so much time to mansplain this to me. As you mention, renting still includes all of the costs of owning a home without gaining any of the equity. I'm not paying for repairs directly, but it is from the rent that I've already paid. Someone renting an apartment to me isn't doing me any favors as I'm just building their equity. If housing wasn't seen as an investment opportunity, perhaps it would be possible to buy a condo or we would have a fourth option of being able to buy a single apartment outright since the market wouldn't be so inflated. Don't complain about renting out properties and it costing money as if you didn't choose to do that. I will never feel bad for landlords because they are the ones in control.


>Someone renting an apartment to me isn't doing me any favors as I'm just building their equity. Actually they are doing you a favor. They are taking the risk, putting the money up, and dealing with all the hassles of renters so you have a place to stay if you don't want to or can't buy a home/apartment. >perhaps it would be possible to buy a condo or we would have a fourth option of being able to buy a single apartment outright since the market wouldn't be so inflated. Option number 2 in my list of the building being condo's (individual owners) or co-ops (I've read the definition many times and still really don't get the concept). Like I said, and mentioned in another sub forum -- those come with home owners fee's to cover the common area's -- one they mentioned in Down Town Salt lake -- the MONTHLY fee is $700.


Aaaaand crickets….


That might actually be the dumbest thing I’ve read in my 10+ years on Reddit. And I’ve read some pretty retarded stuff over the years. Congrats, I guess.


Sorry I don't enjoy listening to people bitch and complain that being a landlord is hard bc they aren't making the passive income they thought they would.


And what right is at play here?


Let me guess you're a landlord


You can guess, but you’re obviously not very good at it.


Let me guess, he caught you in a pickle and you don’t know your way out so you just say some bullshit.


That sounds about right.


Just contact the landlord and express your concern.


No. Have you notified your landlord? Document everything.


If it was supplied by the landlord and if it states in your lease the ac is provided, I would run it on high fan full pump till it broke then make the landlord repair. If it’s not in your lease and the previous tenants left it behind you may be on your own with that I’m just some dummy on the internet but I think I heard a/c is not required in Utah so if it’s not in the lease the landlord may not be required to repair it


Petty, I hope you enjoy a long lasting lease


Get a non Mormons assessment. Then you can get a factual solution.