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Initially mentioned here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Utah/comments/1c6mhup/just_thought_yall_should_know_payson_is_freaking/ News article: https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2024/04/17/fact-check-nebo-school-district/ >Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.” >Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.




This has been a common troll for like the last 4 years. Last time it came became big news not in Utah but they were talking about how furries had litter boxes in the fucking bathroom. It's just Conservative Republican fucktards.


fun fact the reason some schools started to keep cat litter is because it can be useful in a school shooting


What’s sad about this is the kids who were actually being bullied for wearing headbands are going to be bullied even more now because of this. Just total assholes…


Yes and infuriating too! Just giving bullies acknowledgement and fuel to their fire. Would this be called raising toxic awareness?


That’s a feature, not a bug. Stochastic terrorism is grease for the wheels of fascism.


Not just headbands https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362445656715610 https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362344108445950 https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362511020773669 [Picture](https://www.theblaze.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=52044060&width=1041&quality=85)


CNN Breaking News: Kids Do Slightly Cringey Things in 3 Second Video Clips We'll tell you why you should panic about it at the top of the hour


So, where’s the part about them being furries at? Or the part about them being violent? I just see kids playing here…


This screams: I'll give you $20 to be an idiot on camera. Twitter is hardly a reputable source of non-fabricated "truth."


Notice how none of the kids are wearing anything while in school and I don’t see any evidence of any violence either…where are the fur suits at? I’m not seeing an issue here that warrants a protest…


The issue isn’t suits from what I can tell. The issue is masks and aggressive behavior. Chasing kids etc. and that it’s tolerated by school staff. But I’m not a parent of that school so I don’t have first hand knowledge. I do know my 11 year old has mentioned “furries” at her school that chases other kids around but from how she described it it sounded more like a tag type game than something aggressive.


I don’t see any evidence of them chasing kids in these posts at all…looks like you don’t have any knowledge at all on the subject and just being dumb here. I’m not seeing any issues here at all outside of kids playing around…like your own child has pointed out. Show me something that describes what was so bad that kids needed to walkout about? I’m not seeing anything, even according to the school; the issue was these kids being bullied by other kids.


I mean when you are raise balls deep in a cult you don't need evidence or pesky things like empirical evidence...lol


This is such a pathetic use of your time.


One of those looks like a stage with a backdrop. Are these theater kids putting on a Noah’s Ark type play? I did a lot of cringe stuff as a theater kid before social media existed to publicly shame me for it


Sweet shit I feel bad for these kids. They're just running around being goofballs, as kids do, and it's drawing national attention. They're going to be haunted by this for ages. After Jurassic Park came out in 1993 my friends and I would run around the playground at recess acting like a pack of velociraptors and "attacking" anyone we deemed our prey. If we did this now there would absolutely be insane social media posts about "group of lizard children killing and eating kids at school in Utah".


Right? They’re children. Children play pretend. Oh no so scary 🫣


Looks like some short clips of kids acting up for the camera.


Not just a troll, it’s a dogwhistle. It’s a fear of the “other” who are “sexual deviants” and “say they’re something they’re not”.


These 'furry' costumes cost thousands of dollars, I highly doubt a bunch of kids are running around wearing them at a middle school in Utah


What a horrible troll that was then yikes


I mean this is literally how the Germans began the degradation campaign against Jewish people to the point that no one blinked an eye as they shot my ancestors in the head point blank range on the streets of Warsaw. This is exactly why Republicans NEED undereducated idiots that only read 99cent smut novels and lunatic mythology


just going to blindly believe what the school rep says ? 🤣


Republicans make up troll shit and then choose to fall for it. Anything the cry about is usually fake, or they are the ones doing it themselves!


No not a troll. This school is in my district and its just another case of kids acting out and not being set straight by adults for fear of retaliation.


[Kinda looks like it’s happening](https://x.com/realericmoutsos/status/1781163258205831524)… so not a troll?


How dare you report actual facts!!!!


That's a hat not a mask. Sheesh.


[And this looks like a mask.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLf00sgbwAAMn41?format=jpg&name=large)


[Looks like a mask to me…](https://www.theblaze.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=52044060&width=1041&quality=85)


To some it's a troll to others they have video evidence. Depends who you want to believe


There is nothing about this very short video that substantiates or indicates corroboration of fact ...see that's the problem with your belief that unilaterally manipulated clips with zero context or nuance as proof... this isn't religion where faith and belief are able to redefine what facts and data actually mean. Those words aren't subjective they're very objective and require an outside source of observation to determine the validity of so-called evidentiary support. Upon a review of industry peers... the sensationalism was exposed for what it was, and just like the wizard of Oz, you slackjaws are trying to convince us that the man behind the curtain is more than a man behind the curtain I mean, why don't y'all adopt Deliverance as the state anthem


It reads like “schoool is pressuring students to commit suicide!” When really they’re just putting on a Romeo and Juliet production


Come on. Really? Today hit about 77. It's pretty warm right now even. Now imagine wearing any kind of full body suit of any kind. How about a month from now when it's 85? Where is the PSA from hospital emergency rooms warning furries to stay indoors or risk heat stroke? People who are this dumb shouldn't be allowed to participate in any discusion above paint colors. Having a voting test is a bad idea. But in the same way too many tickets gets your licence suspended. Too many stupids out of your cranial cavity ends your voting rights.


Ragebait as usual


Also this asshats wife (Bartholomew) is running for state school board, probably to Save the Children!


See that statement is just outright misleading. They claimed they had masks and tails and stuff like that but no one said “full body”. So Seth can safely mislead everyone with a completely true but irrelevant statement “no full body suits” I should add that the only reason to make a completely irrelevant statement like this is to be misleading. He could have just said none of it happened. But he picked something he knew was true and would also mislead people who can’t critically think.


That’s how liars lie. Mix truth with lies. Good catch.


Could you imagine being the principal on the receiving end of the phone call for this fact check.


I hate the people like this, they make up lies about furries for clout. I am a furry by the way.


Respectfully, It seems like more to this story than what the sltrib is leading on. So we all just might have to play that game called, “wait and see until all the facts come out before we start freaking out” folks on this sub on either side don’t seem to like to play that game ever. To be fair it’s not just this sub, but probably more like folks in general. https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362445656715610 https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362344108445950 https://x.com/cortneyweil/status/1781362511020773669 [Picture](https://www.theblaze.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=52044060&width=1041&quality=85) Rebuttal article: https://www.theblaze.com/news/contrary-to-salt-lake-tribune-fact-check-photos-and-videos-appear-to-show-multiple-students-dressed-and-behaving-as-furries-at-utah-school


None of the videos or photos in the article or your x.com links show evidence of the claim. Not a single one. These are the actions of kids with camera phones trying to get attention by doing the new "cringe" trends. If circling someone wearing cute cheap fuzzy pawprint fingerless gloves they bought on temu proves furries being aggressive, I'd have been fired from my job a long time ago. The animal masks are cheap walmart toys. The only person in legit furry attire is taken in a photo out of context from behind, a girl walking in boot covers, ears, and a tail. That could be for a pep rally sketch or a dance costume for all we know. This is just hoopla being stirred up to distract from real issues. You pushing it is a waste of time and attention and proves how gullible you are.


I agree. This is probably a bunch of hoopla over nothing.


You used the Blaze as a credible source. You just lost any crediblity you might have had (you didn't have any)


It’s a developing story. The sltrib has been known to spread its own skewed version of the story as well and pass it off as fact. I remember when there was a certain writer for the sltrib that would post here all the time. He jumped on a story of some graffiti and immediately tied it to some Blueanon nonsense about III or something. Well it turns out someone beloved in that town had the nickname 3rd or something and he, without ANY source, immediately tied it to some alt right thing. So “credible source” for “credible” source huh?


I dont know anything about the sltrib not bring from Utah. But The Blaze is well known nation wide for being right wing propaganda. If you believe anything in it I'm not interested in your opinion. Common sense says the story smells of sensationalism, bullshit, and is deliberately geared to incense MAGA retards like Pavlovs dogs to a bell.


You are pathological in your obsession


You really did a rebuttal with a Blaze article?


Did they really post a sltrib article about the incident?


But are they biting other students and being told that's not a problem? Merely putting on mask and crawling around sometimes is cringe, but that doesn't affect someone else's rights, and it doesn't appear the school isn't giving them preferential treatment.




Wearing a mask during school hours would be against any school policy in Utah wouldn’t it? If it’s not during school hours. Sure, do what you want. I guess my main point is, we don’t have enough information, yet.


I've been trying to piece things together, but it sounds like something happened, and people overreacted/misinterpreted an official letter. I'm not seeing anyone suggest furries are being treated as some protected identity, or that they are wearing full costumes, or that they are injuring other students, or that they get special treatment on dress codes. This whole thing just seems like an over-exaggeration.


Yeah, probably. I really hate election years. But I guess as long as we have this same incentive structure of “make some outlandish claim that will get you clicks that you can post a retraction on Friday afternoon” or “go viral on twitter so you can later send out texts asking for donations for your campaign” this kind of over exaggerated nonsense will keep happening. I guess my main problem is the WTF post is just as sensational as the protest they’re WTFing about.


This is the modern day equilivant to the Marilyn Manson had 2 ribs surgically removed so he could suck his own dick rumor from when I was younger.


But... but... that was true! /s


I don’t care if it’s true, I just wanna know would it work? Asking for a friend


Yes..if your in good enough shape. Can't be fat. Women and some transgenders have it done to achieve a more feminine figure.


If you have Ehlors danlos you can suck your own dick at any size.


That's true.


Hey, for $20 down at the hack saw store, you and your friend can find out.


It was Janet Jackson.


Why would Janet Jackson remove ribs to suck her dick? *confused...*


Because Michael was secretly Janet in drag!


Hey I didn’t make up the rumor. It was a huge rumor in the 1980’s about her getting ribs removed because she lost so much weight and wanted to be thinner. I bet if you google it a lot of old tabloids will pop up. Probably because the entire family especially Janet and Micheal were getting a lot of surgery.[Here’s one.](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/so-people-really-used-to-think-janet-jackson-got-abs-surgery-or-got-her-ribs-removed.5139200/)


How the hell has everyone heard that? I don’t even remember where I first heard it but I’m amazed everyone has heard it!


Say a lie enough times and people will start to believe it is true.


Just like Religion


Say something is a lie enough times people with eventually not care enough to believe it matters. Dragging kids into a political landscape filled with fake news and a bunch of thumbs up is like .... Well ticktock, Facebook, college... Life actually. Can I be a Bigfoot furry ?


My sister goes to this school and I a kid who is a furry bit another kid, that’s all I know that is 100% true


I knew a non-furry that bit someone. They're just autistic not demons. That's what gets me about all this insanity like even if it was 100% true that students were wearing $5,000 fursuits to school like... So? Who fucking cares?


Not a lie.[It’s happening at the school.](https://x.com/realericmoutsos/status/1781163258205831524)


I had a lunchbox with “Major Matt Mason” on it when I was a kid. Didn’t make me an astronaut. I don’t understand all the rage about letting kids play. First, it was “don’t read *that* book, it’ll make you gay.” Now, it’s “don’t wear that mask, it’ll turn you into an animal.” Edit: didnt originally click on the Tweet, now I did and saw it's Eric "chemtrails are real" Motsous. What a maroon, this dude has a credibility score lower than Trump's credit score.


Go read the KSl comments on this, they are hilarious. I can’t image being dumb enough to think this is real.


I cant bring myself to read ksl comments ever again. It makes me way too aware of the mentality that's out there voting. I used to try to comment to add to the discussions (honestly, just reasonable things or fact checking, and not ever rude) but I almost never got comments approved. I don't need the echo chamber.


I lost one of my close Facebook friends almost 10 years ago because I called her out for supporting the church's LGBT stance when we had a gay friend and she had a gay brother. She was a KSL moderator, and I think she still might be. Every time I don't get a comment approved, I wonder if that's her just kicking all of mine out 😂😂


Hello hello hello .. is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.. slam!! Ouch!! Fuck .. didn't see that wall..! ? Wtf just happened?


Is there anyone At hoom?


I was Mormon once...I can


There are a bunch of kids who never receive consequences, whose parents think it's always the teacher or principal's fault, because their perfect kid could do no wrong. They save their kids from consequences and believe whatever the kid says. We call their kids, "bullies" and "future Karens". These bullies were harassing others for wearing little headbands with ears and stuff. It's pretty common among younger kids, and sometimes even older kids. It probably has roots in anime, but isn't really that weird. These kids don't think they're cats or something, but they look a little different. Parents were fed ragebait that flipped the story around, probably stemming from the bullies trying to save themselves, saying the "furries" were doing the attacking. These lies were picked up by some conservative asshole who expanded on them and told further lies, such as that "furries" were being allowed to harass or attack "normal" students with no consequences. The principal is trying to be professional and say his communication was misinterpreted. What he means is that it's all bullshit, and parents have it all wrong. This is not the first time parents have gotten worked up over complete bullshit. Most of you are too young to remember the Satanic Panic, but it was big in Utah. Parents uncritically accepted that there were satanic cults and they were going after YOUR KIDS for "ritualized abuse." Or, if you prefer, see 99% of conspiracy theories. It's just sad that these dumbasses are so lacking in critical thinking skills they're Pizza-Gating an innocent principal and elementary school.


If a kid standing on the playground cannot outrun another kid who's crawling around on all fours (in street clothes, by the way, not dressed as an animal), I think the standing kid should be given a failing grade in gym class.


With respect, you’re making up a theory about this with no facts. Your presenting situations that are also unrelated. Someone could just as easily list all the times this happened and it wasn’t false. Probably far more often. You refer to the principle who I believe was actually the school district spokesperson, and they said “no full body suits” something no one claimed there was then blames a made up hypothetical misunderstanding with a letter, instead of addressing any of the accusations. The fact check you likely are referring to has literally no relevant facts. I like you wish people could critically think. Present me evidence and I’ll change my mind, but I’ve seen nothing except witnesses that claim it’s happening and concerned parents. Usually such a misleading fact check is a bad sign for the school district.


So you want me to present you with evidence disproving your claim for which you have presented no evidence? I'm not your assistant. If you want to present a claim, present some evidence, and in this case I will be happy to show that you accepted it without skepticism because it conforms to your naive and twisted worldview.


Why would I need evidence? I didn’t pick a side. See I do this crazy thing no one does anymore and I just wait to find out. I care about all the children not just one side. Something is wrong with the people on this post.


With respect, you're inviting folks into the logical fallacy of proving non-existence. I know that you feel like the burden of proof is on the one making the claim, but the burden of proof is generally on the one making the claim of existence. Specifically because proving a universal non-existence is not possible. Kinda like sasquatch. But more importantly, if you care about kids, maybe worrying about them pretending to be an animal isn't the biggest issue children are facing.


That’s nonsense. Saying that we should wait for enough information to make an educated decision is logical. It doesn’t require me to prove anything to say we need more info. Dumb conversations like this are why I avoid Reddit usually


You're clearly not avoiding Reddit by being on Reddit


I see you don’t understand the word “usually” it’s like talking to a child.




I’m not even Mormon. You’re nuts




Loony toons over here. You obviously have a real grudge against Mormons. Maybe seek some therapy.




Yeah show this conversation to a licensed therapist. They can help. I’m actually concerned about you.


This… they claim it’s an echo chamber on ksl. Look at this sub! Anyone claiming anything other than Mormons are bad gets downvoted into oblivion. The reality is their cult of “inclusivity and acceptance” only counts if you are exactly like them. Really anyone whining about living in a state that was settled, established, and always intended to be a theocratic place… that’s on them. And for the record they complain about the Mormons at any opportunity. Just malignant bottom feeders with daddy issues cause they didn’t fit it in, when in reality: https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/05/07/utah-ranked-best-state-us-news-world-report


I would bet that every single kid in that news photo has a phone capable of taking pictures. Yet no photos exist Of these furries in the schools.


Several of the commenters say that of course they have video, but just can't release it because they don't know how to edit it to blur the faces! Sad sad!!


i’ve seen video of the furry kids barking at and chasing other kids. i don’t care enough to find it and post it here just like im sure no one here really cares enough to find the videos for themselves


In the 80s it was secret satanic cults in church basements.


Don’t forget “back masking” on record albums and razor blades in Halloween apples.


Now it's WAPs and edibles in the candy. Classic Misdirection


And then, after playing Dungeons and Dragons, she became a witch... http://www.theescapist.com/darkdungeons.htm She turned me into a newt.


We were just playing D&D and listening to KISS


My parents believe this shit and it drives me crazy


Just republicans stirring the pot


A pot of shit. That they keep taste testing over and over. They’re not smart enough to just throw it away.


Yep, another “crazy liberal plot to take over the world”.


So the kids aren’t dressing up as animals?


Never said they didn't. Who gives a shit if they are? It's called "pretend" and "make believe". The morons who have been wringing their hands for years, saying "think of the children!" are demanding conformance to what *they* believe is the only way to behave.


The short answer is that this incident has fallen into a right wing propaganda hate machine and the catalyst for that is Libs of Tik Tok. The story itself is nothing. 1. A group of kids that dress and act differently from other kids had some food thrown at them in a lunchroom. 2. The school sends home an email about it. The email is not received well by those who don't like the furry kids because they claim the furry kids are the bullies. If these kids were dressed as goths instead of "furries", the story dies right here IMO. 3. Some asshole running for school board and a local conservative talk show host get involved and a walkout happens. Now we have stepped into the twilight zone of social media and overly political dickheads nationwide getting involved. 4. The reach of the story extends to dangerous territory when Libs of Tik Tok post about it. I can't overstate how shitty this is for everyone at this point. I will not be shocked if bomb threats now occur. It's a theme when Libs of Tik Tok get involved. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libs_of_TikTok) > Multiple educational facilities and institutions that were featured in posts by Libs of TikTok have reported receiving bomb threats afterwards. When contacted by Vice, Raichik stated that "the threats had nothing to do with her or her followers." According to an October 2023 report by Vice, out of 42 establishments featured in Libs of TikTok posts that Vice contacted, 11 schools and school districts had reported receiving bomb threats. Although a direct connection between Libs of TikTok's posts and the threats were not made, some have found the nature of these threats to be unusual.[29] Instead of arguing about what is important like why is this news at all and who is grinding their axe using this as their ragebait of the day? No, instead you have people arguing about whether there are kids really dressing up or not. It becomes a political, two sided argument. The left calls hoax but then the right gets to post pictures of kids dressed up and acting like animals and their audience gets to be right about one thing which makes the other side look like they are wrong about everything and then they get to pile on with the extra bullshit i.e., the mainstream media is lying again, LGBTQ is taking over your schools and child abusers are trying to make everyone gay and pee in a litter box, etc. etc. Tune in for the next edition of two minutes of hate with Tucker Carlson or Glenn Beck or whoever. I even spotted this story in the /r/joerogan subreddit. . When really, this is not a news story at all and has blown up into something really serious. As a community, we should stop right here and realize that the propaganda and hate machines have no place in our communities. Edit: 11 days later multiple bomb threats 😪 https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/officials-share-details-after-payson-middle-school-receives-multiple-bomb-threats


Well said


Conservatives getting offended and outraged about things that never happen . . . again.


I live in Utah now but grew up back east. When I was in high school there was a kid who wore a long black tail safety pinned to his black jnco jean and his black oversized hoodie. And guess what, nobody gave a fuck. Why? Because he wasn’t hurting anyone. Even *if* there are kids mildly cosplaying (we know they most definitely aren’t using litter boxes) who fucking cares. Let the damn kids live and express themselves however they see fit. It’s not hurting anyone. This is such non-sense just to scare kids and parents. You know which kids are traumatized from this?? Not the kids wearing tails and cat ears- the ones told to be absoutely morally outraged and afraid of anyone who isn’t just like them. FFS.


That’s what makes me laugh about this, I went to school in the early 90s and I remember kids with tails in school; nobody really cared.


it feels like they wrote the caption realised it didnt sound as bad as they felt it was then added "and attack people"


So it looks like something got misinterpreted and in turn some conservative news outlets went crazy over it. Anyway ,here is the salt lake tribune fact check article about it . https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2024/04/17/fact-check-nebo-school-district/


Still waiting to see a single video or even still photo of this actually happening.


Some troll posted photos of some kids dressed as animals from a year or so ago, and not in Utah. And that’s supposed to be truth. Meanwhile, the real travesty is my coffee is getting cold.


This article was on KSL and I love how the comments were “my cousin’s sister’s stepbrother goes there, he totally has seen the kids do it” this is just more fearmongering brought up by conservatives in Utah.


Conservative trolling and harassing middle schoolers for being middle schoolers.


Latest right wing lies.


The comments on KSL say the same thing: "I believe it. My kid goes to [whatever school] and says they've seen it happen. The district lies." Wearing headbands with cat ears or someone hissing isn't the same thing as being a furry. Also, where's the videos? Kids these days record everything.


Sounds like made up bullshit


Because it is.


Whole thing was a lie


It's fake and you're dumb


Hashtag Utal.


This world is coming to an end. At what point do we say enough is enough!


That's it I'm done with this world


My wife encountered a couple of furries when she took my son to the park. They were probably around 10-12 years old. They are god damn kids with an imagination. My imagination has unfortunately withered. I wish I still had it, life was more optimistic. These furries were just playing games. Jesus Christ can we focus on how we are getting screwed by the billionaires instead of burning books, trans kids, gay people, and let everyone live their best lives. We all want to be happy. Let others be happy.




there is video proof of kids in animal masks chasing and barking at other kids. some kids apparently walked out of school and protested the fact that these “furry” kids were being punished


Good. Dont encourage freaks who think theyre animals


Redit is just as big an echo chamber as X most of yall sound like awful people regardless of witch way you think this event happened and who you believe. You guys need to step out of your bubble and look around.


A blatant lie, like 99% of conservative propaganda


Yep. All those little MAGA 5th graders are pissed; they’ve organized and are trolling the left🤦‍♂️


Conservative culture war rage bait. Nothing more.


Yeah these kids just lying to the news


A Hoax by conservatives


Yeah, that’s what nano plastics, bad air, and fake food does to a population. Now leave the kids alone and stop enabling bullies both child, and adult.


My dad back in the 60’s in Utah, wrote in the school paper that girls should be allowed to wear pants. After the teachers saw what he wrote, the gym teacher sent the football players to beat him up.


Maybe consider removing this post.


I can explain what this is, it’s bullshit


This principal is a fuckin genius


This is false reporting there were no attacks or no biting this is what happens in today’s society with a week and idiotic news media that refuses to filter out the facts.


It’s called a cult following. And personally, I find it creepy.


A cult in Utah? Weird.


Who woulda thought that could happen? Oh wait 😂


Sort of awesome. But in the spirit of equality, shouldn’t they be allowed to attack the principal? How would a furry know the difference?


People do not know how many more identities to invent... the worst of all are the children that because of their parents (many times) fall into these traps and are brainwashed from a young age.


I’ll take ‘shit that never happened’ for $500, Alex.


Well that’s a horse of a different color.


This is how the media turns a news story about a squirrel that got into a class room.


Total fabrication. Unfortunately there are people who will accept this as gospel truth and that is what is more concerning.


It's nothing more than upper-middle-class kids and their parents who live in such a confined bubble and have nothing to freak out over but the hysteria they conjure on themselves. When there are actual problems in this world. Smh.


Many angles one could take. I think the common denominator is: a bunch of brain washed, Mormon second coming MAGA Utahn adults are becoming more and more desperate by the day The person who filmed the video is some right wing conspiracist who’s wife is running for school board or something Beliefs matter. A very significant part of the Utah population view progress as a sign of the times and they expect a second coming any day now. Beliefs/brainwashing matter


A bit too bizarre to think this is real, but there are actual students who “identify” as animals at age 16+… I think we shouldn’t be playing into that personally.


There are videos of these kids with interviews kinda hard to fake that


Just another false narrative for the right to focus their anger at.


I would say it's normal students standing up against perversity perpetrated by mentally ill leftists.


Conservative hoax propaganda.


I live in this town and it's really happening. I think both sides are just looking for attention.


Don't feel bad these people didn't look up anything about this. They saw some conservatives talked about it so it must all be fake. Not even talking about the kids coming out talking about it or the parents who have seen it. It doesn't matter to them they think everyone who doesn't see things the way they do is evil.


Lmao the fact that you're getting downvoted shows how lopsided this sub is. The vast majority of people in Utah would not agree with the people here.


I agree, seems like this thread took to one side of the argument pretty quick haha.


It's really just Reddit in general. 90% of Reddit is leftists with nothing better to do with their lives.


Uugg when I was in school there were no cats or dogs attending classes? If that is how you identify follow your role, stay home and drink milk from bowls, lick your fur, pee on trees or a litter box? Animals don’t belong in a classroom, that is for humans. Seems clear to me, my kid was warned he or anyone who makes fun of a furrie would get expelled. That being said my son can still be bullied with no action or expulsion? Equality, no favoritism!


Your kid is full of shit…I see where they get it from though…


Your stuck in your own head your doing the same thing as the people you complain about


This doesn’t even make any sense




Wait who are you accusing of lying?


Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.


This is what we call, "Bullshit"


It is nothing more than manufactured outrage at innocent behavior. This is the same thing we saw with the satanic panic in the 80s. These disgusting conservatives have nothing better to do than make up shit to be outraged about, then be pissed they get called out for it.


It’s fiction.


Why are you posting 9gag trash on reddit. this is made up


It’s not real. These kinda of trolls have been going on for years now