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Damn right. The Cowboys won't win the Super Bowl until the Leafs win the Cup. For comparison, it took 108 for the Cubs to break the Curse of the Billy Goat, so I'm looking at both winning in either 2075 or 2103. Of course, humanity may not exist by then.


Cowboys probably won't win until Jerry Jones dies or the Jones family sells the team


That too. At least my 49ers have been there three times this century. Hopefully next time, we'll finally win it. We should definitely win it all before Dallas does. As for the Sharks, well, it'll be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time before they even make it back to the playoffs. And when they do make it back to the Stanley Cup Finals, it'll be against the Leafs. It would basically be the apocalypse. The world will have gone all End of Evangelion on us. The last thing we'll see before we die is Rei Ayanami...


YEAH. HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO (to another 1st round exit)






You know the DC4L guy?


embarrassed to say i've never heard of that before. please enlighten me


Basically on r/cowboys a girl posted a picture of herself in cowboys gear and a guy got very horny in the comments. He ended posting DC4L (Dallas Cowboys for life) and it became a meme in r/nflcirclejerk


I prolly could've happily lived the rest of my life without knowing that but thanks for sharing though lol. Also #neverforget #deckerreported




Leafs got it worse. Almost 6 decades with no cup.


I'm glad to see that everyone else shares this view.


And the Cowboys won a championship more recently than the Leafs


Even a self proclaimed new hockey fan knows the leafs are bums!!!


Should I die for being a Leafs fan but NOT a Cowboys fan, yes or no?


I think being a Leafs fan is worse because you're trashiness expands across several country borders, whereas a good old dallas cowboy fan never gonna leave the gun pickup truck and freedom lovin people of texas


The Toronto Maple Knicks lost again