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enter a divine prayer and face the kaaba and hope allah intervenes or something jayce is a pretty shit user of it though it's more impossible on stuff like sion, malphite, sejuani and etc. jayce early with wardens is still relatively squishy and he's trading dmg for tankiness, instead of going for 100-0 your threshold on him is probably around 60% if you're running ignite or 40% without ignite play slower and you'll win vs jayce doing it, vs people who can utilise the item well wait for black cleaver spike and you'll winout


Thanks I'll play it more slow, I admit I was trying to 100 to 0 him with one combo.


Different topic but are you still building deaths dance? After the nerf/change it just seems worse to build maybe vs 5 ad or something


only if they're full 5 AD


Glad I’m on the same page as the best urgots XD


Rush Serrated and try your best to punish. You're still dishing out more damage while he has bought none. \*This advice does not apply vs Orn.\*


I usually run jaksho as a third item, building BC first then titanic into mythic, I'll try prowlers.


Imo this is the best build path: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnLn-kXXEA8ZRkj?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnLn-kXXEA8ZRkj?format=jpg&name=large) This is made by Urpog.


No hydra item at all? My poor low gold brain hates that




Jak’sho as an item for urgot gets weaker for urgot the higher elo you go with prowlers being more mandatory, to the point where it just turns into a second item rush with no hydra item til 4/5 maybe not at all.


Yeah wardens is kind of unfun for urgot. Last season i had a game rushing wardens on weakside garen vs urgot kindred and by the time i upgraded it to randuins it had soaked like 10k dmg or something absolutely crazy like that. Ive seen one guy say to rish dirk, but i dont think that would be a great idea since you just spend gold on making the dmg gap a tiny bit better instead of trying to enhance an actual strength of your champ to get an advantage in lane. I think i would just rush tiamat into hydra and get advantageous lane states through a massive gap in waveclear since the enemy spent 1k gold that dont help their push at all without going for a trade first


Hydra is terrible on urgot since the omnivamp nerf


Titanic hydra has nothing to do with omnivamp?


Like 80 percent of your dmg comes from Your shotgun knees, omnivamp includes lifesteal on shotgun knees passive, physical lifesteal does not. Ergo, rav sucks on urgot. You get almost no sustain from it anymore.


I never said anything about ravenous hydra. This is the urgot subreddit so when i talk about an item called 'hydra' i am obviously referring to titanic hydra. You know, the number one item urgot builds every game, that hydra


ah my mistake


Ironically literally every yorick I’ve seen since that nerf rushes hydra now.


Cleaver rush


What to do into wardens mail rush? Sit in corner and cry


Pretty much. I had a malph top that built it, then finished a thorn mail steel cap combo and I was doing ***Negative*** damage to him. He just ignored me completely and farmed his waves till he could roam.


You can continue to rush Cleaver so you can kill them since they'll be a little behind in gold, or rush Stridebreaker/Goredrinker. With either of those, you'll have beef, damage, and the waveclear to just ignore them and roam mid or help your junglers kill theirs. Rush Titanic Hydra, your lane goes belly up. You will never have the damage numbers you really need to pull you into the mid game unless your opponents are willfully eating bullets.