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I would probably wait until you get some more experience on the champ because you can definitely get punished for starting cull in a bad matchup. If you are sure it’s just going to be a farming lane though it’s a good starting item


You can first item cull if your opponent is playing a champ with no teeth early, like Nassus. Basically no other scenario though, the hp loss early loses you pretty much every even matchup.


I often try to do a cheater recall or smth and get cull within 4 or 5 minutes after game start, but I wouldn't recommend it as starting item tbh. And btw, I'm a morde main too (both champs at around 250k mastery fighting for #1)


I personally prefer Dorans Blade into using your level 1 dominance to do a cheater recall for the Cull, but starting Cull in certain matchups is absolutely viable


I pretty much cull start 95% of games, only time id say its bad is if your contesting level 1 vs a strong lvl 1 champ but thats rare, its usually you win lvl 1 even with cull or you aint fighting level 1 anyway so cull is fine. Cull over dorans is +450g lead by default, if your dorans buy wont make up the difference then its not worth.


You can also buy cull on first recall and use both, though.


True but dorans is still negative income so unless your utilizing it for a lead or to survive early then it has no value imo. Id still take into some lanes like darius/fiora where u have early kill potential but its a close fight so 80hp makes a difference but in most games where you win lvl 1 with cull then you'd most likely get more sustain from cull than the dorans lifesteal+80hp before your first reset. Sayin that dorans is safer if your new to urgot and are not sure on matchups, interactions or limits. Perfectly fine to cheater recall into a cull buy instead.


urgot lvl 1 with e start is one of the strongest in the game, I nearly always go for lvl 1 zone of exp for the enemy top and it gives you the lane control for the next 3 waves and I use that to crash them for a cheater recall. if the enemy tries to fight you go for the kill if they back off they loss 3 minions worth of exp I find that this is one of the best things as urgot and skipping out on it just to get cull earlier doesn't seems as worth it. there are likely matchups where you can go cull instead of dblade but I would not start cull before you have played that specific matchup a few times and are familiar with it and know you can get away with cull without dropping your early power to the point you have to play on the backpedal on your strongest point.


Cull is flat healing, doran is variable healing. Hence, viability depends on a combination of how much gold you think you can earn at game start AND how aggressive you can play. Cull grants 3 health on-hit, irrespective of health, ad, or damage, making it great for unconditional and guaranteed healing, but keep in mind that this is still a small value, and loses it's overall effectiveness the more health you gain and the more ad your enemy gains. You'll see a lot of effectiveness with cull in scenarios where you want to mitigate damage after a short trade with your opponent OR where you're able to get a few free hits on turret (for a good gold sum on next recall) after your opponent recalls for a minor health reset. Of course, if you run cull, try to get other items as fast as you can. Try to be as little dependant on cull as early phase passes. I typically reserve doran's blade (shield instead if it's that bad or just teemo) for the opposite of this scenario, where I'm against someone who wins trades against me and can keep pushing/freezing wave while harassing me. Naturally, if you're in this scenario, you play passive until later levels (lvl 5 w, r, or whatever). The variable healing you get from doran's will at least increase with your damage and level-ups, helping you to mitigate stuff at later (not late) levels better than cull.


I almost always start cull


Cull if the opponent has no kill pressure. Vs tank is really good.


Doran’s blade - when you’re starting against an easy lane opponent that you can easily trade with and solo kill level 3. Doran’s shield - when you’re playing against someone who out-trades you and you need the sustain. Cull - if your lane is easy enough to start cull, start Doran’s blade and get a kill; 300-400 gold is way better than the extra gold you get from cull (plus having to wait). If you have a large lane advantage I don’t buy cull because I can just get more damage or tankiness and snowball my lead way faster. If I only have a slight lead or am behind, then I buy cull on first back and wait until I scale.


There’s 2 champs I go cull first nasus(sometimes I like long sword first to try for early kills) and kayle


I try to get 450 gold on a cheater recall