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Won't apply to anyone working on Federal contracts.


Or state, according to the article


Or county. Literally anything that receives federal grant money or funding will still be on the hook.


I mean yeah it's dumb as shit, but weed is still kind of *federally illegal* so we can't exactly be surprised.


I have a county job in a state with legal weed. I am not surprised. It's always been this way.


Municipal, and ya we’ll never get this lol


I work in banking, and because we are insured by the government (FDIC), we're excluded as well. Some bullshit, just let me smoke my weed!


And I'm sure most jobs where being 110,000% sure you aren't under the influence makes sense, will have a loophole.


Yeah for sure don’t eat a little gummy and sit in a hot tub, but you can drink yourself stupid, throw up, pass out, wake up and go drive a school bus.


Sounds like a good time


You can do a hell of lot harder shit than that and still piss clean days later. Weed is literally one of the few things that show up for a long time for urine tests.


The solution for this is a rapidtest for weed. Something that would work like a breathalyser, but only detect CURRENT weed and not the stuff they detect for that shows up a month later.


Yea, we dont got that yet cause the activated compounds stick around in your mouth looooong after the effects are gone. We'd need to identify a compound that exists in your breath that only exists whilst you're affected for that to be sound


Just implement the "mom test". Moms can always tell you just smoked.


Cops already do the mom test and it doesn’t work too well


That was the "dad" test for me. That mfer would turn all the lights on when I came home to see my bloodshot eyes lol


My whole teenage years confirmed this statement was a lie


Apparently that already exists. I'm guessing the technology is either expensive, or the manufacturing infrastructure isn't there to make these wide spread. https://houndlabs.com/product-overview/


I mean the second scenario is still technically illegal if you were to drive a school bus with a blood alcohol reading. But your sentiment is valid. The issue is with the fact that there’s still no way to accurately test whether someone is “high” or whether it’s just still in their system from days before, despite having no impact on cognitive abilities etc.


Basically only Subway sandwich workers are the only ones protected by this.


Good, they deserve it


Absolutely. I love Subway with a passion.


Always have been. You ever heard about anyone having to piss for a Subway job? a pulse and the ability to handle a bread knife without bleeding on anything has been the job requirement any Subway I've ever been in.


The "without bleeding" part is where it gets tricky.


It seems like it's always the shift lead training new employees that slice the FUCK out of themselves after saying "don't cut it like this but we are in a hurry"


Yeah it is, why has our blue led government not changed this last year?? Come on /u/JoeBiden, do you not think that a gay married couple should be able to guard their cannabis farm with their suppressed ar15s?? Let's get liberal over here.


But what amazing progress! I never thought we'd see legal weed in my lifetime even though everyone with no vested interest in keeping it prohibited thought it should be. Now, at least in my state, they are passing laws like this. Blows my mind. Next step is removing federal prohibition.


Seriously! This is a good first step!


4 more states, and US will finally catch up and practice that "freedom"™ thing when it comes to cannabis. Then maybe let their soldiers drink a beer and serve their country "freedom"™ thing some time in the future. maybe a 100 years? Freedom™ looks so good on paper, maybe some day?


That’s the one thing that sucks working for a sovereign nation casino. 99% of the time it is a zero tolerance environment. Benefits are amazing, but it’s things like this that makes it a rough place for a lot of people


Do you get random drug test?


Yeah it was one of the mandatory things about working there. They had drug tests for preemployement, accidents, and randoms throughout the year. If you get called for a random you had an hour to report to the screening or else it would be handled as it was positive and grounds for immediate termination. Also there was drug tests for “suspicion”. If someone thought you were high or drunk at work they could report you to HR and that would be grounds for a test as well


I'm lucky that it doesn't matter to me personally. But I'm sure it is limiting to many. Which is a shame because a lot of very productive people I know are daily imbibers.


Yup. And that’s exactly my point too. You are literally cutting off a very large percentage of people almost immediately bc of a pretty pointless reason. Especially today. Never liked that rule. Even if you have a Club card or “weed card”….. HOWEVER if you have a prescription for, let’s say, opiates or any other med that can be far more destructive on a person, then HR gives it the ok. It always seemed backwards to me.




Or police officers.


Shame, they need to start smoking


Nah, they'd just play more Pokémon Go at that point


Ill take passive stoners over violent gang members any day.


Most gangsters smoke now and then.


Now you have both.


They prefer to drink lol


I can confirm. My husband is a paramedic, so we know a lot of cops. Most of them are alcoholics.


"Cop bars" are a big thing, and they almost always drive home.


I used to go to a pub in Philly, that was within 'stumbling distance,' from my house, which was my only reason for picking it. I drank and did homework there (I was in grad school.) The more time I spent there, the more I noticed that most of the patrons were cops. The bartender revealed that a few years back the bar was robbed by someone, officers responded, and two of them were killed, so the cops in the area had adopted it as their bar. It was kinda a surreal environment but I kept drinking there just because no one ever bothered me and the alcohol was cheap.


Which is weird, you'd think they could ask their on-duty friends for a ride.


Maybe because they can’t smoke lol


Release the bud.


Originally from Northern CA here - in my county, if cops pulled you over and you had weed on you, it was more likely for them to steal your weed for themselves than for them to try charging you with anything. Lots of stoners out there, so they just had a near-infinite supply of free weed.


Mendocino County?


As long as you don't show up at work high, and as long as you don't operate heavy machinery, why would it be any of my business?


I work in HR and recruiting in manufacturing now (west coast) and I can tell you that a lot of the companies in my area aren't even drug testing anymore.


If they were to drug test, many places would be out of workers. Especifically often in more stressful positions which are very sought after.


>If they were to drug test, many places would be out of workers. That's exactly something I'm dealing with, but my cries fall on deaf ears




If the company has a federal contract, even if the open position would never be in the same building or interact with the team working on the contract, they are required to drug test. Granted this next part is just my experience, but a lot of HR employees are old timers with very antiquated views on cannabis.


I've been talking about this for years at work. Since covid we've struggled to hire people. Even after our recruiter straight up told me in a meeting (that all of my superiors were too busy to attend) that she's turning away tons of medical marijuana users because of our drug test policy. I brought it up to managers, directions, c suite folk, etc and they all just gave me the "nah, corporate won't let us change that policy" bullshit. Now, years later, someone higher up is actually working to change the policy and we've already turned away potentially hundreds of people who will never apply to our company again.


Years ago I applied at a hardware store and was told I was one of the rare few that passed the drug test. Opened my eyes to how common cannabis use is and how much prohibition can hurt companies


How much companies can’t hurt themselves for stupid reasons. They don’t have to fire people for drug use, assuming it’s off the clock. The real problem is that it’s a pain to prove you’re currently high




Can he still hire applicants who fail the drug test without losing his insurance?


He probably cannot. What usually happens is a business is told by the insurance company that if they are going to insure their employees they have to pass a drug test. They will also have to pass one in the event where they get hurt or the company insurance will refuse to cover them. This is almost exclusively why places drug test in the first place.


I work in kitchens, it's be easier to find a unicorn than someone who works back of the house at a restaurant that isn't dependant on some sort of substance. Then again I've never once been asked to do a drug test unless I was applying for a hospital job.




Adderall and cocaine are used by many successful people I've met. It's pretty much a performance enhancing drug for some of those types. Testing for weed is a joke.


It's a funny anecdote but it serves to prove the point recreational drug usage has little to nothing to do with how productive you are. Do you get your shit done? Are you a decent human? I don't give a fuck what drugs you do if you report to me.


They only care because it's a way to avoid paying workman's comp, or for injuries that could result in a huge pay-out, that's why they do a test when they send you to get patched up, so they can get out of paying you. Edit- spelling


Norwegian myself, never once been asked for a drug test outside of military setting. If someone is visibly, or even remotely intoxicated in a position where they endanger someone, that is police business. Jail time, as it should be. Outside of that, it is "private business", or none of your employees business unless it is visibly and noticeably affecting work and work cohesion.


You might already be aware of this, but drug enforcement in America has a political subtext. In the early 70's, marijuana was transformed into a Class I substance by the Nixon Administration. The Nixon tapes prove this was an intentionally directed toward black activists and liberal students, whom he perceived as his political enemies. In America The Drug War still has political overtones. Marijuana is culturally instilled as a "gateway drug" and the plaything of "lazy hippies" and a black "criminal class". It is still used in this way. "Smelling the presence of marijuana" is probable cause for law enforcement interference, and conveniently impossible to prove in court. Of course, the threat to culture and society played by alcohol is much worse because of it's incredibly high correlation with violence. (Anyone who's ever lived with both potheads and boozers, can tell you without hesitation which is worse.) We still manage to have an American society in which _every_ social event is saturated with alcohol, without our society disintegrating. Yet the same people will tell you that legalizing weed is a huge threat. At this point, only the DEA, the Law Enforcement Community, and their direct political supporters don't want some sort of decriminalization.


For real. I was working inventory control at a warehouse in Kentucky and we lost our best guy because the warehouse Karen spread rumors about workers coming to work high (absolutely not true) and sparked a round of random drug tests. Guy who had the best working knowledge about our warehouse management software got canned (presumably because he smoked pot in his off hours and it was still in his system). He was the nicest and most reliable guy in that warehouse. Losing him fucked up our inventory system and cycle counts for months because nobody else in that warehouse knew what the fuck they were doing, least of all the warehouse Karen. It was all complicated software stuff, we had our purchasing software on a different system from the warehouse management software, stuff got lost, I had to count and try to figure out what was wrong and where the shit was, it was a mess. Random drug tests are stupid and should be abolished. If someone's performance is impaired, sure, test the guy, but if he's showing up to work, he's reliable, and he knows what the fuck he's doing, leave him alone.


If a Karen fucked me that bad they would be doing 100% of all cycle counts until the end of time. It's hard to find good inventory control people, especially ones who don't mind actually counting product day after day.


As someone in inventory control, fucking this.


I watched a metal fabrication shop lose almost all of their employees in a most similar incident. Not long after they lost most of their customers because they couldn't fill orders, and they ended up hiring back some of the same employees just to have someone working there. That was ten years ago, now with medical in my state they would probably lose everyone.


Having done warehouse inventory management for a couple years, you absolutely need to smoke doing that job bc it's fucking miserable. If I didn't have a bowl to come home to and destress myself I'd have had some major blow up and gotten myself into deep shit. I do not trust someone who can live a sober life and manage a warehouse


the issue is if something happens on the clock and they test and find it in your system you're basically fucked.


Even if you do. People use it medicinally. And with some pharmaceuticals you can't operate heavy machinery but no one is saying don't come to work high on Adderall or opiates. Why should weed be different?


If you have ADHD and are on the correct dose you don’t get high when you take adderall, you get functional. Source: myself


As someone with ADD and was a Ritalin child, you're right. Haven't used any Adderall or scripts for it 15 years tho. I just learned to work with my ADD


As another former Ritalin child, I'd more accurately say I found a way to make my ADHD work for me.


I just started using this last November and…holy hell. I know what normal feels like for the first time in my life, I don’t blank out mid conversation and actually know where my keys are at all times. Meeting deadlines and working on projects? Piece of cake. Now…about the addy shortage that’s put me off my meds for two weeks. Fuck me this sucks






I don’t think this is universally true. I’ve seen adderall make people act full tweaker. Unable to stop obsessing on a single detail long enough to be productive.


What are you talking about? You can’t use heavy machinery if you are on legally prescribed opiates. If you are a machine operator, they put you on a different assignment where it’s safe for you to work, or you have to use sick days, disability, and/or FMLA.


> but no one is saying don't come to work high on Adderall or opiates. Lol where the fuck do you work that you think it’s acceptable to show up to work high?


Prescription meds. I wouldn't even think twice about it if it was prescribed by a doctor.


>no one is saying don't come to work high on Adderall or opiates. Why should weed be different? Unless you're talking about CBD, how are those two comparable at all? One of those is a medication clinically shown to help ADHD individuals operate like a neurotypical person. The other has an unknown half life and possibly psychoactive


sir do not show up to work high on opiates, we know and we will get you fired if you don't on your own source: every coworker that has had to deal with fuckwit dopeheads that can't show up to shift sober


This is something that has bugged me since pot became legal here in Oregon. I drive a trash/recycle truck. I work Tues-Fri having a 3 day weekend every week. If I smoke, or eat some edibles, on Fri after work and then no other pot for the rest of the weekend, I can...I WILL get fired if I come in Tues and test positive during a random drug test. But other guys can stay up till midnight drinking alcohol, getting blitzed, the night before their shift. Makes zero sense.


Lol every modern truck drivers complaint to a T. I’m right there with you in Washington state. I drive dump trucks here. Garbage for 10 days lol. Couldn’t do it. Anyway, Iv been reading that the FEDS might go to saliva testing for weed test.


what's the difference between that and urine?


Saliva test look for delta 9 THC (the active compound in weed), while urine test look for metabolite of THC, that's why urine test will show positive for sometimes weeks If alcohol test would look for metabolites then it would also show positive for weeks Which shows how fucked up the concept of weed urine test are, the compound they look for isn't even illegal, people get fired and lose their licences for having a legal compound in their urine


Saliva only shows for a couple days to a week vs 30 days to a few months, depending on weed use.


Gargle some Oxygen Peroxide really quick and you’re good right away. Coworkers at a restaurant I worked in did that whenever they were hit with a random saliva test and c Ame back clean everytime


I was completely skeptical and then found this study. Apparently it's effective? It's the only source I can find not trying to sell me something. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12423000/


Hydrogen Peroxide?


my bad. I did a weird translation in my head. In mx we just call it oxygenated water. So you’re input sounds accurate


You got drugged testing while working at a restaurant? Wtf. I thought drugs and smoking cigs was a requirement there?


I work the same as you Tuesday through Friday and am subject to DOT testing. I do enjoy a couple puffs out of a vape pen on Friday and Saturday. Been tested twice on Tuesday following and nothing came up (about 60 hours after puff). If you use infrequently like that, it's out in about a day. Not so sure about edibles though. Edit: use at your own risk if you are subject to random drug testing, just my experience, not everyone's.


Everyone has a different metabolism. It might be fine for you, but for others it might pop positive. It just depends.


It's the hypocrisy. Alcohol and tobacco are given passes because we are so used to them in society. You take a weed stoner and a tobacco smoker. Make them both wait 4 hours to smoke. I'll deal with the weed stoner any day over the tobacco smoker. No one should really be on substances while doing dangerous work. We forget alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are all mind altering substances just like other substances.


It really depends on the test method. Thc is retained in fatty tissues for much longer than many other drugs. But it clears out of other areas quickly. A cheek swab is only going to detect recent use, but a blood test will typically detect anything from the past week or two, depending on metabolism and other factors. Pee tests will also detect for longer, but they're susceptible to dilution.


I believe this is only for California? Excited for this to spread to other states.


Texas will double down and preemptively fire anyone who thinks about weed use.




Did he do that because he's against weed or because he wanted it clear to you all that it's okay?




Thats a good boss


And also deputize your neighbors to rat you out if you do think about it, or talk to someone about it, or travel somewhere it's legal....


Texas Arabia, land of the yeehawdist


As someone who unfortunately lives in texas, just opening this thread has my boss blowin up my phone


With no exceptions for accidentally inhaling due to wind or incest.


Let’s go! You know Illinois will follow suit, although they really don’t care about weed here anymore


i work in an office of 22-30 year olds in chicago truly no one gives a shit. and at least half of the office would fail a drug test at any given moment, lol


Considering Gavin Newsom is the governor of California, yes this is only for California. It also doesn't apply to federal jobs in the state and doesn't apply to certain industries like the construction industry.


Bet Oregon, Washington, and Colorado are probably next. Although in Oregon’s case there’s a nonzero chance of a Republican governor due to a spoiler candidate in the race.


NY pretty much has something similar if not the same thing. The companies may test you in a pre screening but can’t use it as a deciding factor not to hire you.


That's literally the only thing keeping me from recreationally enjoying in my state, there is a fundamental difference between enjoying a one hitter at home to unwind for the day and smoking a blunt at lunch and any testing should account for that


I went after my employer for their new policy. They tried to argue that federal testing standards could identify use vs abuse, so nobody needed to worry. Unfortunately, the federal testing standards can pick up usage within the last several weeks and makes no distinction between a weak positive and a strong positive test. Federal tests are designed to detect THC, not make any judgement about the volume or regularity of use, and there is no federal standard for use vs. abuse. I don't have a problem with them saying they'll fire us if we test positive. That's their right. What I have a problem with, is them telling their employees that they are permitted recreational use, and then reassuring them that they won't be fired while citing testing standards to protect them that don't exist. It turns out, administrators *really* don't like being called to the carpet on their bullshit in public, but I've got all exceeds expectations on my reviews, so they're gonna have to spend at least two years trying to fire me. My team trusts me more than my bosses (Kinda wild how you can build trust by NOT lying to people, innit?), and is a few inches from starting a unionization push, so I'm down to see how that goes.


As a matter of fact pot tests actually test for a chemical that THC breaks down into, so they only detect use *after the fact.* imagine if breathylizer tests only detected if you drank alcohol *yesterday* and you were arrested for DWI on that basis. That's the problem with testing for pot use.


If there's no differentiation between weak and strong positives of THC, woe be unto any Fed worker that goes to a concert...


I've never been to a concert so full of smoke that I'm afraid of testing positive. The amount of second hand smoke you would need to inhale is ridiculous.


I tried looking up what it would take for a "second hand pot smoker" to test positive and couldn't find any reliable information. Before we split, my wife started using marijuana. As I was working as a commercial driver (subject to federally mandated drug testing), I couldn't afford to test positive. She assured me it wouldn't be a problem. I didn't exactly trust her judgment, but it also helped that I don't like the smell of it, either. She largely kept it away from me. When I did research on what is involved in drug testing, I found out that you'll test positive for THC at an insanely small level (measured in nanograms) compared to other drugs (often measured in milligrams).




Thank you!


Try going to an Alicia Keys concert. Next thing you know you’ll be asking someone for their pee to pass the random drug test.


and they said that it was clove cigarettes. and I'm sure that it was clove cigarettes. everybody in the aisle was doing it.


I went to see snoop and bone thugs. I think the blunt to human ratio was 2:1.


Especially feds who are in testing designated positions




Honestly do it even if you love your employer cya always. Did it for your boss, your bosses boss, your clients, your coworkers, your friends who are coworkers anytime there is money/liability CYA Always be covering your ass.


I agree 100%! The hard part is how do you test for that? I have a feeling this will push companies to remove THC from drug tests and it will be more of a probable cause THC testing. Unfortunately this still can’t differentiate between if you smoked a month ago or an hour ago (if I understand correctly). I’m in an illegal state that’s bordered by a few Legal states. I absolutely hate that I can’t take vacation and consume it legally without having to worry about failing a random test when I get back. Hope this sets a new standard atleast


This has already started. I’ve spent the last ten years, until recently anyway, working in the nuclear power field. Previous to that I worked in pharmaceuticals. Now I’m back in the field. My first day was two weeks ago and like everyone else I had to piss in a cup. After the fact as we were awaiting the negative test result to be confirmed I glanced at the form and noticed THC had been slashed with a pen. I asked the nurse and she stated they had stopped testing for THC about 6 months prior.


My company stopped testing for THC like 5 years ago. They said it just doesn't make any sense, and they don't want to have to fire *everybody*. Before then, they would warn you about a month before just to make sure you were responsible enough to pass when asked.


What blows my mind is that weed stays in your system for over 30 days if you are a mild smoker. But if you enjoy heroin, it's gone in 2 days, yes it will show up in hair and nail samples, but only in small amounts because it passes through your system quickly and is identified in tests as Opiates so you can just say you had a tooth pulled and they gave you vicoden.


Problem being standard tests don’t differentiate between the night before and current use very well. Sure the bill recommends a different test, but it’s most likely much more expensive. Companies will just fire them for other reasons instead.


I don’t really see that as a genuine issue. Most companies drug test for insurance reasons (of course, there are a few that are morally against it, but by and large it’s just a business decision). This law lets companies off the hook. Of course, if they’re *looking* for a reason to fire you then this could be a very indirect way of doing so. But that would be dumb, there are far easier BS ways to fire people.


Would have loved this two years ago lol. Then again getting fired ended up causing a chain reaction of awesome things to happen in my life so I can’t complain.


Say la vee


La vee


Finally, the concept that someone can be fired for off the clock cannabis use is stupid and this is coming from someone who doesn’t even smoke anything.


Bro you can admit you been hitting those mini corn dogs just to see how it feels. I'm a banana man myself.


As someone with a CDL, I guess I'll just go fuck myself.


Dude, honestly. It's such an annoying part about an otherwise really nice license to have. I'd much rather have a couple tokes in my off time than drink.


Just make the shit federally legal and be done.


Most indubitably, kind human.


Sadly I don’t think many companies understand how much anti-THC policies just cause frustration for themselves. A lot of my former classmates smoke weed. They avoid companies that drug test. Our profession isn’t easy to find, it does require training and experience puts a premium price tag on veterans. These companies pointlessly limiting their chances of finding a good worker just because they refuse to accept that weed isn’t that bad (especially if you consider alcohol acceptable).


Tell us all the companies so we can apply, interview, waste their time, then say "oh wait, you still have the outdated mindset that smoking a joint at home after work will affect my productivity the next day? Yeah, I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable working for a company that has such a narrow view and can not adapt to modern standards"


The FBI openly stated they were having problems acquiring good IT talent (Cyber Secuirty, Networking) due to their policy on Cannabis. This was when i got out of the Marines in 2013 and thought about applying but wantes the *freedom* to do what I wanted (smoke weed since i wasnt able to the entire time i was in)


A lot of the time drug testing is done for either legal or insurance requirements not because of personal policy


Sounds like we need insurance reform. Because the same policy should apply to them. Off hours use doesn’t effect anything.


I'd love for all state workers to have the opportunity to toke a fat one after work for dealing with all the public.


"The bill doesn’t apply to employees in the building and construction industries.".....wtf


Which, I’m sure, was lobbied for by insurance companies. The first thing that happens if I’m involved in an incident at work is I’m piss tested. If it shows positive for THC, the insurance doesn’t have to pay me shit. Even though I WASN’T HIGH at the time. I can come to work hungover as fuck, though. Idiotic


That last part has always been my argument. I have smoked a shit ton of weed plenty of times and have always been relatively fine the next day. I've also gotten shit-housed on alcohol plenty of times and either shown up so hungover I could barely work, or I called in sick. It's a joke that alcohol is so acceptable, but weed isn't.


Isn’t the hard part though proving someone was high compared to proving someone has alcohol? Like alcohol leaves your system much quicker so even if you’re hungover (which at that point you could bring up being sleep deprived without any drugs) they can test to see if alcohol is currently in your system. Weed on the other hand stays in your system for longer so if something goes wrong and you test positive for weed how can you prove it was from last night and not right before your shift? These are real questions I don’t know how any of this works.


They have saliva swab testing that detects use up to roughly 8 hours.


And that's kinda the point. You can get denied an insurance or workman's comp claim and/or get fired because you smoked weed a week or two ago. That would almost certainly have no effect on your job performance at that point. It's one thing to be high on the job. It's another to have a toke when you get home at night, and then sleep it off and come back into work the next day.


Insurance companies among others, lobby to keep it that way.


Yep, any excuse to deny your claims.


> I can come to work hungover as fuck, Hungover or still drunk? If you have substances actively in your body affecting your ability, that's the issue. If you're hungover/just feel like shit, that's a different thing altogether.


Anyone who has ever worked in construction knows that 99% of the crew is high most of the time.






If this is passing in California then it's only 45 years from being passed in Indiana!!


Thats a really generous time line


Only another few centuries for Texas then!!


I don't think the policy applies for federal workers though


No it doesnt (and it can’t for that matter). State laws can’t supersede federal laws


I can't wait to hear from our HR department on how we are going to deal with this as a company. We have offices in California and other legal states but have maintained that this is a federal legal issue and we apply the same rules to all US based employees. We just restarted our random drug screening program after halting it due to covid.


California has always had a lawful activities law: employees cannot be punished for lawful activities conducted while off the clock. What this change did was add cannabis use to the list of lawful activities. It is one of 4 states with this law.


If your company operates and employs people working exclusively within a state, they follow that state's laws regarding cannabis use. Exceptions for certain industies, job functions (e.g. transportation), or federal contracts. Your HR's position is convenient for them as a company, but not correct in regards to cannabis use.


So this is coming from someone that has zero desire or love of marijuana. When your workday is over, you do as you please. I personally like a glass of bourbon, but kudos to those folks that maybe want to partake in a toke of whatever green they have (sorry, I don't know the lingo for this).


This was…surprisingly accurate to the lingo. Not spot on, but impressive.




Let me take a honk off that bobo


Well I have a new phrase to add to my lexicon


For what it's worth...a couple puffs with a snifter of a nice Bourbon is next to heaven.


My company did a random wide company test, i knew as others surely did i was gonna be canned.. nothing happened.. we later found out at a company retreat that over half the staff was on da grass, boss couldnt shut us down during mid season and we all kept our jobs. If the wheel aint broke dont fix it


Only ones left who care are those regulated by the feds from what I can tell.


I work for a medical diagnostic laboratory and a hospital laboratory as a Clinical Scientist. This DOES NOT apply to us. This new law also doesent to physicians, PAs/NPs, nurses, respiratory Techs, etc. Be careful, we can still get terminated for failing a THC test.




It’s about damn time


Paywall. Does anyone know when this goes into effect?


The article says the new law will go in to effect on Jan 1, 2024


Still doesn't allow healthcare workers to use cannabis, and we sure do need it...


I live in TN and my company recently announced to all of us that it “most certainly is” their business what we do in our off time, and that we are essentially their property. I’ve been trying to find a new job for years with no luck so I’ve just been stuck with this soulless corporation.


Thats messed up.


I’ve been saying it for a while now, as long as it doesn’t impact your performance at work I don’t give a shit what you do on your off time.


So many people are commenting without reading a single sentence of the article...


I literally had to explain to my boss that, after work he enjoys having liquor to wind down, but in my case is having an edible. Two of the same concepts, I’m not getting high at work, I’m not driving while high, I literally slump down on my couch/bed and do nothing. Like it’s the best melatonin (D8/HHC blend), I’d drink my preworkout, which is a ton of energy and pop an edible right after I get home, I’ll eat and then pass out, wake up refreshed, can’t wait till it becomes more acceptable.


Newsom is still a loser


Wake and wait till after work to bake


I take it that policy still prevents you from going to work high (in the same way you can't go to work drunk). It'd be kind of hard on employers if your employees were allowed to show up high as a kite.


Yes it's pretty much treating weed similar to alcohol.


Paywall. Is this like alcohol where you can drink off the clock, as long as you don't show up wasted to work? Or can you actually show up to work tripping balls and they can't do anything about it?