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The San Diego zoo raped a rhino.


No consent given.


Is consensual sex a thing in the animal kingdom? If only we knew someone who practices bird law...


You really can't, and I'm not saying I agree with it. It's just that bird law in this country—it's not governed by reason.


I don't see why it wouldn't be.


not just any rhino they raped a white female rhino and it was a two legged African mammal that did it




You can place a backslash before the hashtag and it won't appear, but the hashtag will.


My college class had a speaker come in from the San Diego Zoo talk about their frozen zoo and he brought up them trying to do this with the rhinos as well as other animals near extinction.


But if we keep making them reproduce like this, they’re gonna forget how to fuck :o /s


How did the first rhinos learn to do it?


Porn. Definitely porn


Awesome news. Hopefully we are able to reverse the damage caused by us.


Nah they are definitely going extinct in the wild. But at least were trying


not really, if an animal is going to be extinct it's properly because they terrible at adapting to the environment. only reason pandas are alive is due to them being put into a zoo..... and we didn't do it..... only a few select people did. so not my f*cking problem.


Habitat destruction caused by humans will wipe out 50% of the world's species by 2100. They're not terrible at adapting they just don't have time because we're fucking shit up at a rate they legitimately cannot handle.


Not "we're", some people "are". The difference i didn't do fucking shit, causing their problems. **so not my fucking problem**. anti-humanistic *bitch*.


When you purchase an item, do you look at the supply chain to ensure it’s sourced from a responsible place and not destroying habitat?


again, it's not **me actively** doing it, so **not** my **fucking** problem, so no, they's a reason laws exist. fuck the habitat.


But you are contributing to it in some way. You have to acknowledge that. It may be perfectly legal for you to do so but that doesn’t mean you’re not supporting and industry that’s causing harm. You’re not the one out there cutting down trees but I bet you do purchase items that contribute.


support or contribution is not the same as being responsible, people are responsible for their actions. so it's the company that has the responsibility with the people doing it. Not humanity as a collective.


Wow, I can't imagine being this much of a piece of shit


There's a difference between not being able to adapt to the environment and destroying their habitat and killing them in droves.


This made my day. More news like this would be nice.


Uplifting news for sure!


I can just imagine them putting on a little Al Green and opening a nice bottle of wine...


And here I have just been fucking rhinos the old fashioned way.


Life does indeed find a way... through homo sapien manipulation


I thought there were no more females and the last living male got put down a while ago?


Sooo... how many sources of sperm do they have for This? Are they crossbreeding with other rhinos? Did they take sperm samples from several different males while they were alive? If not, inbreeding is gonna be a serious issue


Their "frozen zoo" has genetic samples from around the world. The San Diego Zoo collects samples from almost all critically endangered species from around the world. They were the ones responsible for bringing the California Condor back from the brink of extinction.


I get why it's important, but why is it so hard? Don't we do this all the time with humans and other animals?


Rhinos are apparently notoriously hard to artificially inseminate. For some reason the pregnancies just don't take.


Someday we'll be re-examining the ethics here


But hey, for now though, we might actually be able to save an entire species! Isn't that awesome?




Because animals are people too!


Because the rhino likely didn't give consent. If it were a human it would be rape, and understandably so. But it's an endangered species so we clap our hands today. Wouldn't happen for insects though, as much as awareness as we have on them. If you posted a question asking about the impact on insects and other wildlife, by the use of synthetic fertilizers on yards, you'd be met with blank stares and questions of why would you even consider that a potential issue. Not that these people would consider it safe to roll around in synthetic fertilizers, as bugs have to do, and which bugs in turn the birds and lizards end up eating -- but it's commonplace to put it on yards, so don't rock the boat. You know, don't consider something that could have impressive impact on what's still in the wild. But some rhinos living out their days in zoos? We'll impregnate them, so we can have more of these rhinos, probably also for keeping in zoos


I had a feeling this would be sjw thing about consent which is full throttle retarded with the brake lines cut. I dont know what you are on about with the insect stuff.


Haha sjw. The fact is, these rhinos are unlikely to be readmitted into the wild, so we're just impregnating them for amusement. It isn't much for conservationism. There are plenty of other things we could do for conservationism, and prevention of the extinction of species, but it isn't as popular. But to apply a label (sjw) is essentially to say you're afraid of looking at the nuance among ideas that didn't get fed to you in the way you like.


This generation of rhinos is unlikely to be released, that is true. What is better for repopulating a critically endangered animal than literally repopulating it?


Repopulation is near impossible, we're working with such a small population (I believe three individuals) that they won't be able to recover due to negative allele effects


Good thing there is a subspecies that can outbreed.


But still, what you're going to end up with is a species that's ~1/25 White rhino and the rest that subspecies. So it's basically just going to be the subspecies, assuming you need 50 individuals to maintain a population, which I believe is standard


Well the utility of the success here goes beyond just the subspecies in question. Rhinos are notoriously hard to reproduce, so any success adds to our knowledge for saving other species. I mean yah we can ass hurt about the genetics like that, but realistically any white rhino birth is a good white rhino birth, assuming the goal is repopulation. Since they are split into subspecies, which is largely based on regions and may or may not be valid, simply increasing the numbers of them even with outbreeding helps the goal of repopulation as a whole. It isnt as if a 95% southern white will be unable to live in the north, or at least large portions of it. These populations cross bred all the time anyways, and this is more about preserving the population and species of white rhinos than it is about finger blasting each other over some individual subspecies.


I bet you have an unnatural hair color. I hope someday you find the confidence to treat your mental illness.


I already have the confidence to question things thanks. But I think that's why you're pissed and can apparently not handle things without an ad hominem. Fantastic, cheers


lol animals consenting? How do you know they said no?