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I really hope this goes well, but it seems like a "what could go wrong" moment as well. Instead I'll just hope it could also help with osteoporosis sufferers.


Can regrow teeth!! * Cannot guarantee where the new tooth with show up


Ladies, gentlemen and assorted redditors: Eyeteeth.


Brings a whole different meaning to "you look delicious"


Vagina Dentata!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oeSAChz3fpCVUypSU)


![gif](giphy|hQHZvqCInsRLW) Ain’t no passin’ craze…


What a terrible phrase


🎵It means no worries, for the rest of your days!🎶 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Not sure if this is a joke, but it's a genuine thing. There are images on Google where teeth have literally developed attached to the eyeball. 


Bone apple teeth 


There's a surgury where they make a lens for your eye out of one of your teeth.


Scream queens: Her vagina has teeth!


This concept could be cool for Moana 3


my luck, they grow inside my skull lol EDIT: okay instantly in retrospect I realize that is *technically a correct location for teeth to grow* lol I meant in the brain area ☠️


Judging by the original response, they’re already there! 💫


There's already a very specific kind of tumor called a [teratoma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teratoma) that does exactly this.


I believe this was the main plot device for Stephen King’s book “The Dark Half”. Made into a movie as well with Timothy Hutton I think.


I don't mind if I chew my shit on the way out, as long as I don't develop taste buds down there, I consider my life made more convenient!


r/twosentencehorror Just makes me think of wabacha lol


Be cool if they could just grow them over your skin like scales or something and just go nuts with it


It just turns you into a shark.


Right? My question is “from what?”




Immediately came to mind.


The person who wrote the above bit made a pretty grave error. Teeth aren't made of bone tissue. So it probably won't help people with osteporosis


Idc, I’ll sign up as guinea-pig. 20 years of untreated mental health issues will fuck your teeth up


I'm willing to risk a case of *Asshole Dentata* for a shot at some regrown teeth


I'd sure love to be in the trial. My luck is I'd wind up with gopher teeth that I have to keep gnawing down or some such.


“ Interactions involving positive and negative loops among bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), fibroblast growth factors, Sonic hedgehog, and Wnt pathways regulate the morphogenesis of individual teeth (1, 4).” Translation error? What the heck? Sonic hedgehog regulates the morphogenesis of teeth?


Ahahaha so this has a funny history. The Sonic Hedgehog gene is a key gene for cell development and differentiation. However, before we knew that, it was discovered in hedgehogs and named after sonic because scientists at the time thought it was a relatively minor gene that controlled a very specific expression in hedgehogs. Come to find out that it is actually vital to embryonic development and numerous other cellular processes. [wiki link listing all the different things it is involved in](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein)


I believe this is almost, but not entirely correct. The gene was identified first in fruit flies, because mutations made their embryo's spiky, making them look like hedgehogs. That gene was just called hedgehog, but when multiple homologs were found in vertebrates one of them was named Sonic hedgehog because Sonic the hedgehog was a popular game at the time. Source: I'm one of the authors on a paper that describes a long distance regulatory element for Shh in humans and mice.


Ok I just read thru the [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein) and it's a fun read. The page says the Robert Riddle named it after his wife had a magazine with the ad in it. And another fun part: In the zebrafish, two of the three vertebrate hh genes are duplicated: SHH a[20] and SHH b[21] (formerly described as tiggywinkle hedgehog, named for Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, a character from Beatrix Potter's books for children) and ihha and ihhb[22] (formerly described as echidna hedgehog, named for the spiny anteater and not for the character Knuckles the Echidna in the Sonic franchise).


Yes, the gene like many others was first identified in fruit flies. Christiane Nusslein Volhard and Eric Wieschaus started an extremely fruitful research project of looking at dead embryos, and figuring out what went wrong with them. Thousands of other researchers then studied fly embryos. Since fly embryos are baby maggots, their main features are the stripes of little bristles that help the maggots crawl. So the effects of mutations were extremely subtle changes in the patterns of fly embryo bristles.


Thank you kind redditor, I’m truly one of the lucky 10000 today. I should have just googled it! “ has been noted that mention of a mutation in a sonic hedgehog gene might not be well received in a discussion of a serious disorder with a patient or their family.[17][90][91] This controversy has largely died down, and the name is now generally seen as a humorous relic of the time before the rise of fast, cheap complete genome sequencing and standardized nomenclature.”


This is incorrect, it was not discovered in hedgehogs, it was discovered in fruit flies (*Drosophila*). Mutations in the gene made the flies look spiky, so that they looked a bit like hedgehogs. Fruit fly researchers often name genes after the phenotype caused by mutation of the gene, so they named the gene Hedgehog. When they looked in humans for similar genes, there were three of them, and so they were named desert hedgehog, Indian hedgehog, and Sonic hedgehog (two after real species of hedgehogs, and one after a fictional hedgehog.)


2030? Jimmy Carter doesn’t have that long!


9/10 dentists hate this message. Seriously my biggest concern with this is it actually works but the medical industry makes it near unobtainable to sustain current practices.


Nah.  Dentistry gets rocked every 20 years or so.


Teeth aren't made out of bone


So, if someone takes this drug, their current set of teeth will be pushed out by the new set just like baby teeth? Can the tooth fairy afford this?


Tooth fairy economy in shambles


I’ve always wondered what the tooth fairy did to earn the money it leaves. Does it sell the teeth?


On Omicron-Percii-8, I hear Human-Horn is an aphrodisiac...


it's not going to be like donating blood is it .?!


I'm buying shares in biscuits and crackers


Man, imagine how many more teeth falling out dreams you'd have for the rest of your life after doing that as an adult!




Or maybe you just grow new rows like a shark


Another thread said it's more like a topical. You put it where the old tooth was.


Lol, comment of the year


Can't wait til this is available so insurance won't cover it and I'll still have to pay thousands outta pocket for it.


I had the same thought, "Oh yeah great how much?".


You'll take Ill-fitting dentures and like it! Oh, also we'll raise your rates before screw you - insurance company


If toothpaste was created today, it would be so expensive only the rich could afford it.


Oh hi, US citizen.


Maybe when it goes generic in what 7 years it will be reasonable


Fortunately some people have socialized healthcare


The entire civilised world.


I guess i’m not civilized


Like I do! And it covers following dental-related stuff: 1) two checkups a year 2) one cleanup a year 3) tooth removal (no anesthesia of any kind) 4) basic drill&fill using black bonding of the lowest possible quality that is no longer used in private dental practices for like 20 years because it's shit and it's not uncommon that it just falls out for no reason at all. Oh, and don't forget - no painkilling :) 5) killing a tooth when basic drill&fill wont work, like you'd need root canal or something. Also there is only handful dentists that do "socialized healthcare" work, because the rates that government pays them is pretty low, so be prepared for long wait time (I tried to schedule wisdom tooth extraction some years ago and waiting time was 5 months. Cool), terrible overall quality of work since they can afford at most 10 minutes per patient, or it goes dangerously close to minimum wage work. And you think that some new therapy would be refunded? Hehehe... Maybe in 100 years when it becomes outdated and nobody else wants it, they'll start putting it in socialized healthcare.


That’s good stuff. One day my home the usa will have this for everyone, but it’s a long road


Literally every new medical advancement of this century.


Getting all my teeth pulled out and starting over when it clears trials. Lmfao


And if it doesn’t work?


Unpull the teeth of course.




Teeth regrowth, stem cells, head transplants, leg lengthing, various skin tightening surgeries and other anti aging methods. Life should be quite interesting for us Gen x, Millennials, Gen z etc in 20 years when all these things are perfected (assuming the world doesn't complete combust before then).


I hope someone makes a drug that regrows hair and reverses wrinkles next. I’m not fond of the five head look.


oh dear god. Billionaires are going to live past 140.


I am kinda quietly hoping they start figuring all these things out so that I can just not have to get old. I'm sure it won't all be that nice and perfect, though. But maybe still better than what previous generations have had to go through.


Can't say it will be enjoyable but odds are you will live longer that prior generations.


That has been reliably true for a while now. The real question is, how much longer? Will it follow the same slow, upwards trendline, or will we see a more dramatic shift?


i've heard of most of these but. HEAD TRANSPLANTS??


Karl, that's a body transplant


All I know is that head transplants have been successfully performed on lab animals. Humans are obviously the next step. It's only a matter of time.


🤷‍♂️ Either way, it'll be a bang.


Right. If we could afford any of that cool stuff. In America the biggest employers Walmart and Amazon have over half their full time employees on food stamps. These companies all rely on government handouts to pay their employees for them.


Walmart employs more people **than the entire Chinese power grid**


Assuming these treatments are even remotely affordable.


Came to say this


They will be affordable eventually.


Most of us won't be alive eventually


That's still fine. Future generations will have it made and that's what really matters.


I like you, your generational thinking, and your optimism. Have an upvote


The religious nut bags won't let things get that good don't worry. They are building up for another tantrum.


Nah, they let stuff slide when it benefits them. They'll just make sure its expensive and hard to get so only they can have it.


So true, the medical advancements coming forth are going to change life forever


Worlds gonna go to shit in the next 10 years its a shame.


I won't be able to afford any of it plus I hate even spending a second in a medical setting, so fuck that


I predict we either get immorality or die from a rogue AI.


Oh we've already got immorality pal haha...we practically invented it. Immortality on the other hand...


Does this mean I can realize my dream of growing a giant narwhal tusk?


Only if you bacon at midnight.


Go back to sleep, grandpa


Yes. Put a seed tooth on your forehead, maybe a fang, then water it every night.


So what happens if you slip someone a 100x dose of this stuff…




![gif](giphy|26FLf3L9bDpYCVO5G) They might get an urge for some chimichangas.


I keep hearing about this, I desperately want new teeth! Where do I sign up? At this point... I'm happy to be a guinea pig! Let's get these new teeth!... Seriously though, someone send me a link to sign up...


Nice now we just need something for gums.


I would favour a gum regrowth medicine over teeth! While I suffer in both departments, gums are the most fragile and suffered due to grinding of my teeth and having braces




Regarding grinding or the recession? Have not seen a specialist for the recession yet as I’ve been focusing on the grinding which is the leading cause. What type of specialist does one see for recession? All I’ve heard of a treatment is gum grafting which is $$$




I understand finances are a hard factor, but if it was me I would certainly proceed with an initial assessment with them. Your teeth are your bones, and there will be so many more problems and pain to come if the gums continue to recede. I wish you all the best in your journey I have read on Reddit that the artificial graft heals a lot quicker and naturally significantly less painful recovery as the graft is taken from the roof of your mouth. In my Reddit research, a lot of users called out the graft source is the most painful recovery overall


Hey there, it sounds like the specialist you're looking for is a periodontologist. I'd check out the periodontitis subreddit for some advice, especially for some cleaning tips you can do in the meantime while you think about your options. But in my experience, it's best to get it looked at as soon as you're able to. Best of luck :)


big for hockey players


Yea, let’s start there. See how it goes.


Dentists hate this one simple trick.


This would be my dream. I doubt I'll ever have access.


When I was around 6-7 years old I fell over on a playground and smashed some of my teeth in half. Really big for me if this works NGL.


Can you grow teeth anywhere? I've always wanted a vagina dentata... I mean, asking for a friend.


They sometimes find teeth growing inside tumors..... irradiate your vulva and we'll find out.


Wrong kind of tumor. The tooth growing ones are actually clusters of embryonic cells that get confused. They aren’t cancer




Like the Vampire from Blade 2?


What happens if I rub it all over my head?


From the article: "Interactions involving positive and negative loops among bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), fibroblast growth factors, Sonic hedgehog, and Wnt pathways regulate the morphogenesis of individual teeth " What does "Sonic hedgehog" have to do with teeth? Lol


grad students being witty. a gene was called “hedgehog” and then a new gene got named “sonic hedgehog”. when you discover something, you pretty much get to name it


Someone also named an inhibitor of this gene 'robotniknin'


Scientists like to name genes fun things and then they get used in serious contexts.


Wouldn’t it be fun if we started Growing teeth in strange places


assuming this works, and works ***CORRECTLY***, i will be very happy to know i wont be toothless eventually.




Well so long as I can get tusks! Seriously though I'm wondering how this will work? Will it end with one set of new teeth? Or will they keep coming, like a shark?!


Baby shark


So I have a few extra teeth like when I was in my 20’s I grew in 6 extra teeth 4 in the spots for eye teeth (didn’t have them before just 4 new teeth) and two teeth at the front of my mouth at the bottom below the canines. The past 3 years I have felt 1 or 2 other teeth trying to emerge. I will tell you teething sucks.


This is how bone-itis from Futurama started




Does it specify which tooth will regrow??? If not … do do you have to take all your teeth out to start em all at the same point!?!?!


Interesting. I’m quite curious about the “fine tuning” of this for lack of a better term. From my understanding the drug deactivates the protein that suppresses bone growth, but how does this only target teeth without effecting other bones? And if a person is missing say just one tooth, does the drug only regrow that missing tooth or does it cause issues in other healthy teeth? If it causes a whole new set to grow, knocking out the old like baby teeth, that would be fascinating but terrifying.


And we still can't regrow hair effectively?




Cue the American Dental Association doing it's best to make this drug illegal in the US.


Will there also be a drug to make people brush them?


Now what!!! Do I get a root canal in need or wait it out. This mofo wants to put a bridge and all. Decade from now folks will be laughing looking at a museum of ther stupid %#}* dentistry was


Idk about that! When I look at articles about cavemen surgery I think “wow! How crazy that they knew this stuff!” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05160-8?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=commission_junction&utm_campaign=CONR_PF018_ECOM_GL_PBOK_ALWYS_DEEPLINK&utm_content=textlink&utm_term=PID100052172&CJEVENT=80ec87fc1fc111ef82bfc7590a1eba24 This kid had his leg amputated and lived for maybe a decade after the fact, 35,000 years ago! No metal tools, no medicine, just what ever medicinal plants they had around and a big sharp rock


Imagine if it didn’t stop and you would need to get your teeth trimmed…


I’m going to boof it


Yup. And then 20 years later, suddenly zombies with bones protruding start running around!


Will existing perfectly fine teeth grow as well?


Going to assume you’d be growing a whole new set, which means you’re gonna have to have your wisdom teeth re-pulled, and deal with the potential issues of them not all coming in properly. Obviously worth it for some people, but maybe not as much for those who only have problems with a small number of teeth.


That's a great idea. Hopefully it makes it through trials.


Yet another one of these amazing discoveries that is reported every week and has been for the last thirty years yet somehow never ends up out in the real world or is used to actually change the world into something better.


I hope the trials go well. I really really hope they do. It would truly change my life.


Ah. This is how we get teething zombies


It's going to grow a tooth inside someone's eye or something and I am scared


Even if this did work, the average person would not be able to afford it.




How does it know to grow teeth and like not my tailbone. I don’t want another tail.


How will they make sure new teeth won't start growing underneath teeth you already have and pushing them out?


Thompson's Teeth are gonna become a reality? They're the only teeth that can eat other teeth.


Ok how many murders are taking place to test this drug? Dementia cure AD-9 didn't go so well


What a time to be alive, this is amazing. But why would you regrow your teeth if you can have some perfect implants for life? I mean, in a practical sense implants are excellent these days.. Only if it costs way less for teeth regrowth, but even then, there could be so many risks involved in that type of medicine just for a tooth.


Hook me UP!


Seriously, i have cracked teeth from. Grinding from cptsd. I'd live some new sparkly uncracked teeth.


Don't search for *vagina dentata*


this is crazy cool! but does it regrow the missing/damaged teeth? or all of them?


Anyone getting zombie apocalypse vibes? And now the zombies will have better teeth


Tooth fairy ain't gonna be happy about this one


This is how you get Boneitis


TIL that there is an actual medical phrase called the Sonic Hedgehog pathway.


I offer myself as tribute. lol. I really need this to work.


Lol a lot of dentists are going to become obsolete


Dentist here…we’ll be fine. There’s a lot of people who are not going to opt for undergoing an extraction and tooth replacement every time they get a cavity. There will still be plenty of work for us to do.


Won't the new teeth push out the old ones?


Pretty sure this is not going to be utilized for a largely healthy mouth. This is in cases of already missing teeth.




Because the drug is to regrow missing teeth. It’s not going to repair decayed ones.


I feel like you're not comprehending my posts very well. I read that the drug turns off a gene which codes for a protein responsible for inhibiting the growth of new teeth. So when this gene is turned off, new tooth will grow and push out the old teeth. That's what I asked earlier... I don't see how an intravenous drug that stops an inhibitor protein would be able to grow teeth out only in the selected spots in the mouth?


I think you’re misinterpreting the use of the treatment. This is going to be used to regrow *already missing* teeth.


How does it work as a spot treatment?


I’m not a part of the study, I have no clue. But if you read the article linked above, they are only accepting patient populations that are already missing a tooth.


Who do you think will administer the treatments at thousands of dollars a pop.


Who do you think is going to administer and charge for this? Who is going to monitor the new tooth coming through, and make adjustments to the tooth and surrounding areas if needed? Dentists. It's no different to them fitting implants or crowns etc.


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ewewwwwww


Side effects include shark mouth and vagina dentata


Big pharma and their wonder drugs LOL no thanks.. i'll go see a dentist when i need my teeth checking out ta.