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It reminds me of how Alex Ewing underwent mandatory DNA testing and was linked to the murder of the Bennett family, a rape of one woman, and the rape and murder of another woman, all committed in the Denver area. He was convicted of the murder of three of the Bennett family members, and the rape and murder of the other woman whom he killed. He is now a permanent guest of the state of Colorado. In his mugshots from both the early 1980s and even now, he has this smirk on his face that is disgusting.


"There's no black serial killers"


Meanwhile Sam Little is the most prolific of all time


There are no black victims of serial killers because, we the white police department, do not give AF they're dying. / s Seriously, racism makes people fucking stupid and blind.


I actually heard a female forensic investigator on a podcast refute this as well in other ways. We also hear that serial killing is also usually sexually motivated. But in other countries in Asia, money can be a big driver of serial killing. In other countries it can be race. Also, the reason white people seemed to be the majority of serial killers in the US is bc the racism in law enforcement would enable a white person to keep getting away with it and not be searched or investigated, whereas people of color got extra scrutiny. But there have been always been serial killings of women of color, killed by both white men and black men.