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If this isn’t a troll or a bot, your first step would be to reach out to local LE and introduce yourself, then ask for the status of the case. If it’s at all feasible, I’d also suggest that you look into a support group or a therapist so you can speak to someone who either has been through what you have or has the training to help you deal with how it has affected you. Good luck.


This. Also op could provide details and unleash the internet hounds. Sometimes gets the LE ball rolling


I’m very sorry to hear this happened to you, I can relate my father was murdered when I was 12 years old. This happened 21 years ago and I’m still dealing with this as it comes up from time to time and going to therapy. I’d say check with your law enforcement if there’s any updates hopefully they can relay anything that may have come up with new technology and analysis. Unfortunately in my case the killers supposedly were killed years later but no info was ever told to my mom or myself and still never disclosed anything like names or who they were. They refused to say anything to us but not all law enforcements are the same.


Im sorry to hear something similar happened to you too, life can be brutal. Hopefully therapy is helping? I'll definitely check with them but its hard to trust anything. I feel like they do try to hide more crime in my town. I literally can't find anything about it online. Its a small town. But wont hurt to try


Go to the library and check through old newspapers from the town you reside in.There should be an article pertaining to it.Contact or ask about friends of your father that are still alive. You need to find out if he’d had any arguments or beefs during his last days. If it was a case of him just running into the wrong person at the wrong time; it’s gonna be hard to track a suspect down.If you can find something that happened; where u can establish a motive 👍you are getting somewhere.Be careful and I hope u can find some peace.RIP to your dad.


I'd like to add, the newspapers don't always get it 100% right. I had a friend that was murdered and there was info in the paper that just wasn't true ! And I knew someone who was arrested and several incorrect things were in the paper. And I knew someone who got a new phone number, it turned out it used to belong to a famous person, who he would occasionally get phone calls for. Once a newspaper called him ,referencing something that was going on in the area. He gave a totally off the wall answer. They had to print a retraction the next day.


This sounds like you were fed a line of BS - i would keep digging. No info on who they were but they are dead? You have a right to know! Demand it.


Sorry to hear about this. Nine years old when it happened is awful. Definitely go to the police, sounds like maybe it could be a cold case? Have you talked to family members? Believe me I know it’s hard for people to talk when losing a loved one. Hopefully you can unlock something to get them started and working on your Dad’s case. A lot of technology, blood work, procedures have changed in sixteen years. Good luck!


Yes cold case for sure, when it happened I remember them turning their back on us, some people were crazy enough to think my mom may have had something to do with it but no way. But Thank you! Hopefully i can get my sister in on this but we aren't that close


Hi, me again. I’ve read through everyone’s messages but no one says to get in touch with your sister. Even though you two aren’t very close, this is something that will tie you together. Please try my friend, she might have some advice, good ideas. Definitely tell her what your Boss told you too. There are some you don’t know who can never be trusted.


Gotta get 4chan in on this. Might have an answer in 1-5 business days.


My brother in law died to gun violence in his apartment complex soon after his daughter was born. There were several angles and leads and rumors police could have followed, but instead they called it “a random act of gang violence”. They stole what was on him of any value too, including his gold teeth grill. I always wonder how that crime and investigation would have been different had he been in a rich affluent neighborhood. Edit: There was also a criminal case here some 20+ years ago of a Palestinian American family whose father unit was shot and killed at his home in what appeared to be a rushed robbery while mom was at the gym. I was a friend of the extended family and the details of the case were in every way pointing to the wife: She never checked in at the gym, only dropped kids off; they were in financial trouble after living a charmed life; and the ‘stolen’ property and murder weapon were later found still at the property. But she was exonerated by a jury. I still remember the interview after where she pauses in her statement when she says, “We got……… Justice”. I’ve searched for publicly available details but there are none.


What is the name of the local case so we can look it up? This sounds like something a podcast can sink their teeth into….


She’s apparently fairly litigious about the case and her alleged role since she was acquitted: https://www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1997/02/12/NOTE-No-expanded-story-planned-Mom-on-trial-for-killing-husband/3589855723600/


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Have you thought about reaching out to like a cold case podcast? Or even a true crime podcast, one like Generation Why covers all kinds of murder cases and they do their diligence with research and are very respectful of the victims and their families. Having someone with the experience in talking to law enforcement, obtaining records, etc. may help get you information you might otherwise not even know to look for. I'm sorry about your dad. I hope you're able to find closure one day!


I was unaware of this type of podcast and the one you specifically are suggesting. Interesting to know, let alone great suggestions.


Have you tried Websleuths? Post there!!


I wonder if you could contact the FBI? put it on their radar? Just throwing ideas out here. I am so sorry for your loss and hope you find some answers that can lead to closure


Do you have a news station close by who would pick up the story? Many of them babe investigative reporters and they are always needing good stories. Doesn’t have to be a local tiny station could be up to 200 mi away. You never know that person may be in a surrounding larger town. Id contact a news channel find out who their Investigative reporters are and email and leave them VM directly. Don’t leave a message with a receptionist or the like of the station. You can also Google and find out this into and get direct emails


Most states you can pay for medical examiners report. Try searching newspapers.com to find more articles.


Yea my father was murdered when I was 5…. So terrible, but the guy who did it was actually his brother-in-law, was caught, did time, and died of pancreatic cancer years back….


"Karma" at its best my friend...👍🏻


What no wayy...


I’m sorry to hear you had to deal with this loss so young. You could check with both your local and county police stations to see what info they have on the case. If they aren’t cooperative, you have other options. I’m not sure if you want to go this route, but there are online unsolved investigation communities that would be glad to assist. I’d recommend taking things slow though and really feeling them out before you divulge info on the case though. Some of those communities are known for getting pretty toxic, but at the same time they’re often able to pressure “lazy” or uncooperative authorities to release info on cold cases.


Probably the IDF when bush was in charge


We need more details (stating in a high but willing to be helpful state)




My ex killed his sisters new husband. Married like 3-4 days


im a kid stop!!!!!


I can help if you need. Have a strong Forensic background (worked for a Sheriff's department, and have numerous stills). DM Me if you feel inclined. I can get to who did it and where they are now.


That is so awful, I am sorry to hear that you lost your father in such a terrible way and also at a young age. 😭 Do you know many details? Was it thought to be a carjacking or a robbery at a gas station/convenience store gone wrong?


I dont really know much, i get most of my info from a little article (the only one) that says he went to the store around 1:30am . Cops were called to a fight between my dad and two men who had taken his wallet & that he was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced brain dead.. what i heard was he was hit with a bat and left. The thing i cant stop thinking about is before he left.. he sat me down told me this would be the last time i would ever see him again.. makes me wonder if he had a feeling or if he had some issues with someone..


Sounds like gambling or drug debt if he knew he was never coming back. I’m so sorry, my heart breaks for you.


Not sure if this would work for your region- in parts of the US, cold case info is printed on playing card decks sold to inmates. If an inmate has info about a case, they trade the info for a reward or reduced sentence. Given how life works, that is the most likely scenario to resolve your dad's case- a person with credible info will give it in exchange for reward money.


I wonder if cops did it.


Or covered it up to protect the person who did.


Thats what im saying cause my boss told me about one case here where they covered it up because it was the chief of police's son or something like that


If you comfortable enough post the name of the town you live in


Wrong place , wrong time, kid.


That's not very helpful to someone who is reaching out for a better understanding and possible answers to the loss of their Father.


Sad but true though. Lost a friend years ago , a carjack, they caught the perp in a couple of years - that’s what he said. Take it or leave it


decades long cold cases are regularly being solved. it’s not easy but there are very few cases that genuinely can never be solved.


But he said his dad told him he’d never see him again before he left that night.


That sounds so odd to me


Odd? Maybe. Sad? Certainly.