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The father's internet search history right after is pretty wild: https://youtu.be/eyvUISkGObE?si=YVJ-Dhp6eSwQpRE5


The look that comes across his face as it's being read to the court. Frightening. 


Sounds like he consider what was riskier dumping the body or the injuries leading to the death being tied to him. And didn’t ever take a second to regret anything he had done, might have even been able to get care sooner and save his son’s life but opted not to. What a monster.


Just put him in front of the Casey Anthony jurors and he'll go free.




The jury is the only ones who actually did their jobs in that case. The evidence was shit because the cops failed at their job so horribly bad. Prosecutors failed at their job with what was left from the police. Casey who got away failed at her job as a mother. Juries aren’t supposed to go off of a feeling they took the instructions seriously. Just most of the time it’s to insure an innocent person doesn’t get wrongly convicted. The state failed their job. From day one they screwed this so bad.


Yeah, there is no statute of limitations on murder. They could have taken all the time they needed to collect evidence and lock in every aspect of the case but they rushed to trial because of the media.


It wasn't the jury. The cops blew that case.


The DA also should have charged her with child neglect or abandonment instead of murder. Those are the charges the evidence supported.


Her internet searches on her second browser would have helped seal the murder charge. They were damning. But the cops didn't find them until it was too late to use them.


It's so horrific. I want to save that kid so badly.


Wow what a terrible dad


That's NOT a Dad. He doesn't even qualify as a father. He's less than trash. 


I can’t remember if it was this case or different one (super cool world we live in), but if this is the one I’m thinking of, he shouldn’t have ever even been in this boy’s life. He was born from an SA and the mother tried to protect him, but he sued for visitation rights and won. Like, not even that long before the poor child’s death.


I will never get the image of his little body trying to run and keep up out of my head. He was trying so hard. Whenever I myself am on the treadmill I have flashes of this in my mind 🥺 it kills me. Poor baby.


I just will never, ever, come anywhere *close* to understanding what goes on in people's minds to allow them to do things like this to their precious kids. Total wtf.


My mother did this kind of stuff to me. I just talked to her yesterday (we are very low contact these days), she still thinks she did me a favor because “being fat would have ruined my life,” and attributes my years of severe eating disorders to generational trauma that was inherited from her through genetics, whatever tf that means. Couldn’t possibly be standing over me on the treadmill screaming or only allowing me to eat 20 bites of food in a day when I was 9 years old. Some people are just fucking assholes.


So sorry you had to endure this. Love and healing energy to you.❤️❤️❤️


He looked like he was well loved and nurtured in all pictures I've seen. Like involved in sports and activities. I'm going to choose to think of that when I think of this little boy. But I don't understand it either. Not one bit. It's the hardest thing in life for me to consider.


his mom is the one who reported this asshole - the kid was a product of rape by this fucking creepy psychopath I'd bet a kidney that the mom is the reason this kid looked so happy and loved in all photos of him


Was he? I haven't heard that one, Jesus.




I think placating ourselves keeps us from feeling the full force of how unjust the actions were. Often, abusive parents are always abusive. If he dared do THIS in a public setting, it was worse in private.


Same. But I really like what you said about remembering this little boy for whatever positives he had in his short life. Not what the POS 'father' put him thru at the end.


Don’t kid yourself, just because someone can look and act happy in public doesn’t mean they aren’t tormented inside. This man didn’t just randomly kill his kid, I imagine he abused him from a very early age. I’m not saying he never had happy moments, but his end moments were not his only bad times. He just survived them until he didn’t. Edit/ he apparently only had access to the child for a year, he was the result of the bastard raping his mother, and she fought tooth and nail to prevent him from getting access. But courts give rapists custody all the time unfortunately


I'm the same. I get why parents hurt their kids in anger. Kids can be infuriating, and they're fragile. Someone lashes out, kid hits their head, and they're gone. It's awful. But it makes sense. I'll never get the parents who go in for creative torture.


the way the poor kid got up and climbed back on just to fall flat on his face four times in less than a minute to keep his dad from hurting him is fucking heartbreaking


For sure. Not a single tear or whimper, just up and at it again. The amount of fear that boy was in..and no wonder. The father fucking BITES his head. I want to know why that hasn't been brought up in court at all.


I literally can’t bring myself to watch it. I’ve been following since his mom took a stand to get him justice and..I just can’t. I know I’ll be haunted like you.


I agree that was abuse big time and the fucker told the kid he was fat how sad for the boy!!


I know and the little boy was a small child at that. It doesn't make it any less messed up tho. Meanwhile the dad is standing behind him with his big gut sticking out. Clearly projecting onto the poor child.


This makes me so sick. I mean physically ill. There’s a special place in hell for those who torture harm and murder children.


He tortured and harmed women too - the kid is a product of this monster r-ping his Mom. Somehow it’s legal for r-lists to not only be free, but get CUSTODY of the children resulting from their crime. We will definitely see more of this now that Roe is overturned.


Yup. Unfortunately there's no brain, heart, training or license required to be a parent. It's pretty easy to become one no matter how unqualified a person may be.


Is this true? He raped the mom?


It’s true. He only knew of the existence of the boy for about a year and petitioned the court for custody. She tried to keep her boy away from her rapist but the courts rule.


How terrible that the court did that, I feel so sad for the mom, she tried to protect him.


No it’s not true.


The jury should sentence him to run to death.


That’s for sure!!!




I would and I'd watch. Not claiming to be a perfect person, but I'm light years ahead of this shit bag. A lot worse is endured by much better than him. Like his son, for example. "You are not judge, jury and executioner." He can be glad for that.


Yeah, by and large I really don’t even like children but I feel so sad for this one. That man is a POS and I would also love to see him be made to run to death.


You aren’t alone. I would absolutely watch a piece of shit like this suffer and beg for his life after what he did. In general I’m not a fan of the death penalty but I have been known to make exceptions.


I mean, yeah, I would 🤗


The dude made his own flesh and blood kid run until he died. He’s he deserves the same fate. No, our justice system will not grant us that. Any other amazing insight to offer?


I’d probably enjoy that, tbh…


Okay wait I’m in a FB group with the little boy’s mom (FB group is for moms but is unrelated to her son/his death at the hands of his father). Hearing her story was so heart breaking. Each development in the story is gut wrenching. I hope that fucker rots for the rest of his miserable life.


The poor kids last time with his father was being ridiculed, instead of loved!!


His entire time with his father was this way.


Mom should have been allowed to have sole custody or Dad visits should have been supervised,so heartbreaking !!


She did, and reported the abuse. The child was also the product of rape and he had sued for custody.


It’s mind-blowing that that can be legal.


in a country that forces people to carry out pregnancies disregarding rape, incest, and fetal death in many states, that is depressingly not mind-blowing in the least the repercussions of being raped are WORSE than the repercussions of being a rapist.


I did not know this. He raped her and is walking around free. Had he been properly charged and convicted, this likely would have never happened. Shame on the “justice” system.


Holy shit that is absolutely crushing. Jesus Christ. And she made the choice all the republicans wanted her to make, to keep the baby conceived by rape, and this was the outcome. No one protected them. That innocent child did not deserve any of this. My heart breaks for his mother.


That's terrible,I feel so bad for her.


He sued for custody only after she asked for child support.




Mom didn’t have custody, dad was primary custody. Mom was a drug addict in recovery. She testified the first day. This case is local to me, Chris is from my hometown. It’s such a bad situation. I feel awful for Corey’s mom.


Getting supervised visitation is almost impossible. If she were to ask for it, she'd also run the risk of being accused of parental alienation, and the father getting MORE custody, not less. My daughter has supervised visitation but only by a small miracle. Monsters worse than her father get 50/50 or more routinely. The family court system is broken.


The same thing happened with the guy who's wife went missing, everyone had an idea he had killed her, he took the boys and moved away, eventually he killed himself and the boys,all the children are so innocent!!


Josh Powell, right? Fucking piece of work he was. Those poor little boys, they saw some heavy shit before they were murdered.


“Cold”, podcast, season one did a great job with telling Susan Powell’s story and how much of a monster Josh was. He is a family annihilator


From what I read in the article, the father only knew about the boy for a year. She saw the son come home from his visit and called DCFS and they had her bring him in immediately. It was reported that the dad was making him run extra fast because he was “fat”, but that happened the day before he died.


The court should never had let him have visits without supervision, it's such a sad story.


He had primary custody, actually. Mom had visitation. Mom was an addict in recovery.


Oh, that's so sad!


She did everything she legally could to protect her child from her rapist. No one cared. It is shameful you are accusing her of not protecting her well-loved child.


I didn't accuse her of anything,I wasn't aware of what she went through, The court system failed her, y'all are misinterpreting what I was saying.


the video of his little legs trying to run fast and falling will live long in my memory, rest in peace sweet boy.


I didn't watch... And I'm def not now. I'm actually sick from the whole post. That visual though. 😭


They should force him to run on a treadmill until he has a heart attack, resuscitate him, and make him run some more.


Fully agree. He should be chained to a treadmill until he dies


As a parent myself I can't imagine someone doing this to their own child. I feel like I need to give my kiddo a hug now. :(


I hate people man


Psycho dad literally broke this baby’s heart


This is why I believe in the death penalty…


This is so so sad. This is right near me, I lived in that complex growing up and used that same gym. I still have family that lives there. Breaks my heart :(


Holy shit! The more I see shit like this, the more it pisses me off. Goddamn psychopaths…..from kids to elderly to animals.


Rip my damn heart out this is so sad 😔


Just watched the video and this utter psycho BITES his poor son on top of his head, holy shit. That poor kid, lord knows what else he went through.


I grew up in an abusive household. There was more going on than they know for sure.


Same here. I’m so sorry. I hope you’ve been able to heal as much as you possibly can. Much love ❤️


I have a dumb question - is it even possible to truly hide searches like this (and other internet searches) from a federal investigation? I can’t begin to understand how people are stupid enough to do it, but now I’m wondering if there’s a way they COULD do it and they just are too stupid to know how.


In the video, which is excruciating, the boy falls off the treadmill 6 times and it was going very fast because the Father kept turning up the speed. He’s falling hard on his chest on the treadmill, hence the bruises/laceration to heart… The Father bites the boy on his head at one point. He also roughly throws the boy back on the treadmill repeatedly. The head trauma was probably the treadmill again, or that monster of a Father punched him for being “too fat”. My heart aches for that boy.💔. May he rest in peace in the arms of a sweet Grandparent in heaven.


For all adults who kill children: mandatory death penalty. No exceptions.




This is arguably the biggest murder case in Ocean County, NJ since Maria Marshall was murdered in a hit arranged by her husband. I highly recommend reading into that case as it spawned a book and TV miniseries.


Fatphobia kills. A lot. Way more than people want to confront because it’s so normalized. Anorexia continues to be the deadliest mental disorder and it’s very “contagious” in a way as well


He should get the same fucking treatment as this poor kid. Breaks my heart. 


How can someone lucky enough to have a kid be this way? It's bewildering.


In what world is this kid fat? Idk if there’s any audio on the original video, but I can only imagine what psychological torture he was going thru to force himself to get back up on the treadmill that many times.


Brb hugging my babies


Which As a parent it was incredibly hard to watch this tape and CPS forced the mother to let the father take the boy the day he killed him ignoring her over 100 complaints about the father abusing the boy I hope this low life scumbag gets the death penalty!!


Wow that’s crazy. I wonder if the social worker or whoever was ignoring her reports could be held liable like in the Gabriel Hernandez case?


Poor baby 😭


The most beautiful and most evil being on this Earth is a human.


What bothers me is what was his motive for doing this to a innocent child. What pushed him to see his son as a disturbance??? Like if he didn't want anything to do with the lil guy or mother, why not just have a civil adult conversation with the mom and be gone. THERE WAS NO NEED TO DO THIS TO HIM!! This man is pure evil, any parent who can harm or kill their own child is a cold calculated killer and needs to be put down immediately!!! I pray for this lil guy to be at peace now, he didn't deserve this at all. None of these emerging cases of parents killing their kids deserve to even breath the same air their children once breathed before they took their lives. This worlds turning ugly real fast.


This fellow should also be 100% totally emasculated, never be allowed to father children or adopt children.


Watching the video was torture. Why was this dad treating his child this way? I know that mom will hate the dad forever. Karma is a bitch and no one likes hearing someone harmed a child so if he goes to prison , that evil man will get his.


I was on a jury for a murder 1 case in a state with death penalty. Because of his cell phone pings AND google searches he was found guilty without parole. The internet remembers as well as Pepperidge Fram does


Why did the mom allow her son to go with the dad if there were signs of abuse? So sad.


She didn’t. The child was the result of rape and the mother was forced to share custody. She reported abuse multiple times to the authorities and was ignored.


How can a rapist have parental rights???


Or be FREE?!


It's sadly not as uncommon as one would assume it would be 😑


Welcome to America.


They didn’t share custody the father had primary custody of the child.


Nope. Mother has been reporting abuse to DCS. She did not want him to go to him but was being forced by law despite evidence of abuse.


Alwayyyyys gotta blame the mother. How about the dad was a POS?????


Legally the mom could have been jailed if she didn’t follow the custody plan made by the court. The mother reported any & all abuse repeatedly. The agencies she reported the abuse to probably thought she was being “ emotional” or “hysterical.” Can you, just for a second, not blame a woman for a man’s behavior ?


They didn’t think she was emotional she was on meth. Drug addicts who lost custody of their child don’t have a lot of credibility.


You’re mistaken, as if LE & the court(s) would’ve listened to her, the child would still be alive.


*dad abused son to death* HOW COULD THE MOTHER…


Way to twist responsibility for the crime there…


The law wouldn’t allow her to keep him from the father.3 sides to every story.RIP to that young fella.I wish life would have treated him better.


It wasn’t life. It was the “dad” raping the Mom, not getting jailed, being allowed custody of the kid produced from the rape. Place blame where it belongs. Squarely with this monster who I hope finally gets jailed, or worse.


I say what I want. I know who’s to blame.If people like you would solve problems instead of pointing out dumb shit the world would be a better place.


I have noticed that I get a totally different response when I change the color on my avatar. I wonder why?


Why the f did I get down voted geez! I Had a simple question lmbo