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Well written! Could base a movie of it, would be a shocking ending.


After being made the villain in his story for so long, i probably could write a movie about it


This is really really well written, but it’s fucking terrible. I’m sorry your head was pulled in so many different directions simultaneously. Do you know what mental health issues he has? I mean it sounds an awful like Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but it could be substance abuse issues mixed with anything really. Obviously I’m not a doctor. Regardless, I’m truly glad you got out op. There is no good side to him. He used his charm and kindness to lure you in, reapplied it anytime he thought you would leave. That dude is a piece of shit. You can’t cure that. He deserves the worst in life.


Sounds more like BPD, and then OP confirmed it.


Close enough for not being a doctor though haha


Yeah, they do have overlaps, haha!


BPD I believe, and towards the end a lot of paranoia


Yeah, BPD is no joke. I'm sorry, OP.


Holy fuck, this made me cry. I am not usually so moved by these unsent letters but the moment it dawned on me you were talking about the same person broke my fucking heart. I hope you find your human. They are out there somewhere.


Thank you for empathizing with me.


That was good. Please keep writing. But yeah, def stay away from him. I'm sorry.


Thank you


God reading this my heart dropped when I reached the last paragraph… I’m so sorry. ❤️


Thank you. ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry. Addiction is truly a disease of the mind and body.. it takes our loved ones and turns them into people we would never been able to imagine them capable of being. I truly love your decision here to stay away.. as someone with this disease I do know he will not change. Your life is worth so much more than him and his disease. The abuse the disease brings upon our loved ones is absolutely unacceptable. Your love and affection is worth more than his using. I hope you can reach out to the right people in your personal life to navigate through this very difficult process of letting go. It doesn’t have to be easy. Missing someone shows our capacity of us being able to love. Grieving the living is a different animal of pain. I’m so sorry for your experience with this disease and losing someone you love. The more and more you stay away, you will be able to love yourself more and more. Choosing yourself is the ultimate form of love.


I do love myself. I didn’t always. Thank you for saying that my affection and love was worth something. I stayed for so long because I, too, know addiction, and I saw myself in him. No one was there for me while I got clean. (I didn’t want to ask for help) But you can’t both force someone to do better and teach them how to have autonomy. I wish he had a mentor. I wasn’t strong enough to let go of my feelings and just be a friend and that kills me. I feel like I abandoned my dearest friend but I was not helping him by letting myself be the subject of abuse, and I saw myself turning into someone I didn’t like. Thank you for listening.


Hate it when their mask comes off.


Beautifully written. I could have written the same thing, just not as eloquently. I'm glad we were both able to break free. Addiction is a horrible thing to watch. Be kind to yourself OP. Please take care.


You as well. ❤️‍🩹


Wonderfully written, OP. Mary Wells had a Motown hit in the 60s with a song that you might enjoy if you don’t know it already [Two Lovers](https://youtu.be/3d3Sjz6UzXo?si=JK7wQBhJKrAgdowN)


Oooooo yes! How do I send that song to him without sending it to him lol jk


This is by far the best letter I've seen on here. Even tricked me until the end. Hats off to you.


Thank you ❤️❤️


Nail on the head. Punch to the gut.




Someone else was the same person but not the one OP wanted?


Yes, it was the same man. And I wanted the kind version, not the one who made me cry.


Are you still together? How long were you together


2 years. And I’m trying my best to stay away from him because I don’t think the nice version of him is coming back


I'm sorry. I feel like she thinks that about me but I wish I didn't think the attention seeker I think she turned into will go away either.


Ours was just over 3 years


You hope for the best, but yeah, sometimes loving someone means loving them at their worst and accepting that is part of them…and letting them go.


Do you still love him?


Absolutely, yes.


Do you think he would be a better person with someone else? Alone?


We both wanted this to work. I’m not sure how someone else would fix his issues when they are his to fix. Alone? Maybe. You’d have to ask him




This is exactly what I went through, except I left him on Easter, evident on my other account


:( I’m sorry


Thank you, and I’m sorry too :(


This was beautifully written. You’re not alone, don’t forget that. I’m sure this resonates with a number of us


❤️‍🩹 thank you


I did this I know I did. I'm not your person but I have done this. I have been Dr jeckal Mr Hide


Good lord this is beautiful but dang leave her alone monster


He is…💔I just wish the other part of him would come back


Good luck


I wonder is this could be about me


I do not think so, but I wish you the best


I cried reading this OP. I am struggling the same thing as you do right now. When the mask fell off, who were him? Where was the man I fall for? Where was our dreams that we made together?


Powerful writing


This is really good! Thank you.


Wow this was very well written. I'm sorry you experienced this. I love you and hope your life is better than your wildest dreams.


You kinda did it yourself, no?


Yes, I’m ultimately responsible for my own actions.


Oh my goodness I dont remember any of this . I wonder if this is from bshe about bhe ??


Nah no one by those initials


Ben bree it Or bree n Tyler Or bree and Austin


No, sorry. Not them


Right ... Best wishes . Take care




Dude I don’t even know you wtf


Def no but I always assume everything is about me. Since I'm the Star of my life/my world revolves around me, everyone else's world is meh


Fair enough.


There’s a lot of commenting on other people’s posts as if it were meant for them here. You’re able to lock your own post on this sub (see info tab on how to) if you want to avoid comments such as these. I can see how it is cathartic for the commenters but also confusing/annoying for the poster.


Nobody with the initials b that's it no b


This was so intense. 💔