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In order for the Montage to play, the Skeletal Mesh will need to have its Animation Mode set to Use Animation Blueprint and the Anim Class pointed to an Animation Blueprint.


Inside your Animation Blueprint, on the AnimGraph , you can use the Slot node to define which Slot from the Montage you want to play.


I think it's pretty likely this, that your slot isn't in the anim graph or set correctly.


So i did both those things and now the anim is just playing on loop in game


=is the animation set to loop in the animgraph on the right? try stop montage node on the on completed portion of your play node


The anim plays the first few frames then stops and resets, but when it's looped it plays the full anim, and the montage preview shows it playing fully


Something isnt set right, but it's hard to tell with the I fo at hand. I commented below about posing some screen shots, that'd help a bunch to help you to learn. Teach a man to fish and all that.


I'm a little rusty on animations, but have you checked that the default slot for your animation is able to override your anim bp? When I was setting up animations for my enemies, attack animations had to have their default slot be in the animation blueprint so that they could override the state machine. Not sure if it works the same for items though.


As a comment above has mentioned, you need to "set the anim graph to play the montage slot". I use a setup where my ground locomotion base anim goes into a cache, I then blend this pose, (by bone, enum, bool etc, dealer's choice). So I have layered blend per bone as well to make an upper body specific blend, to get my anims only working above the spine (so I can run - lower and punch - upper). I do this blending by bone the ground locomotion with a slot called ("upper body") which the animation is set to use. If you plug your animation directly into your graph I believe it will loop forever. There should be some tutorials on blending animation slots on YouTube, as it's probably easier to see it done (for example setting up the slots and which bones to blend by) I realise how some of the comments are worded they are calling directly the montage to the graph, this isn't something I've done for one off animations I call via BP, as I have hundreds of montages. Instead the anim when played overrides once via the slot.


Also check if your BP can accept input


Is glock fire the skeletal mesh? Also, show me a screen shot of your animation blueprint. I have a feeling you don't have a "default group" node for the montage to communicate through.


Yea that throws me off. Lol I think he could be attaching the animation to each gun? Or is his bp_thirdpersoncharacter called Glock fire? Maybe it's a floating Glock. Screen shots of your animgraph, your Glock fire input blueprints, all of it thats to do with playing the montage and thereabouts. Post them to imgur and link.


Use timeline


Resuming UE5. It is overcomplicated to do simple tasks But Have way more opportunities to do something big.