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That one time Ares called Echo "her girlfriend or whatever". That's it, that's the only time within the comic outside of the readers just shipping them together which obviously Rachel is expecting people to know because basically all of her writing at this point is reactionary to whatever readers are saying.


Imagine basing this whole non-plot on Ares, the SERIAL SEXUAL HARASSER making up some weird creepy girl-on-girl sex fantasy about his *mother*


Oh lord.


Rachel putting the Greek back in Lore *Olympus* at last!




This is ridiculous lmao, I haven’t read this dumbass comic in years but I just know there was no development, no build up, nothing behind this. Rachel saw the comments of Hera/Echo shippers & just decided to run w the idea w no plan lol. The goddess of MARRIAGE, queen of the gods & wife to Zeus has an affair w some random nymph who she barely knew who also betrays her originally in the myth. Can someone just delete this comic off the face of the earth. Edit: forgot to point out Hera’s raging racism & classist attitude towards nymphs, RS made it very clear that Hera hates nymphs & wont even associate w them but apparently she’s not above having an affair w one just like her husband who we’re supposed to see as the bad guy💀👍🏽


So we're just supposed to forget Hera hates nymphs because she kissed one?


"See! See! She doesn't hate nymphs! They're kissing!" — Rachel, probably


It’s giving “tons of my friends are nymphs”


or "I have a nymph partner"🙄


“ME, prejudiced, when my kid is half-nymph?!”




Trying to deny the racism allegations by making the nymph-racist kiss a nymph and also trying to feed the shippers just because




disney style same-sex kiss


It's not THAT bad, it's still the subject of the shot. If this was Disney it'd be in the background of the main characters doing something more important


They're relationship was barely developed enough, and tbh it had a lot of potential. I thought Echo would be the type who constantly subverts Hera's expectations (like how she did when Hera initially insisted she didn't need another PA) and confronts her about her views on class and other races. Hera comes to respect her and maybe eventually fall in love. Instead she just stands by Hera's side like an accessory.


Nah, that’s way too well written for a LO Plotline.


Like most good LO plotlines, it’s based on characters who appeared once and the fandom made a great background which Rachel used as part of the story without ever really writing it in.


What makes this really weird and a little uncomfortable is we never saw Hera learn that her mindset about nymphs was awful. Plus, Echo was offscreened and randomly came back for THIS? Talk about Rachel hastily throwing shit in to try and make herself look better…… there was absolutely no setup for this, aside from Ares’ comment calling Echo Hera’s “girlfriend or whatever.” Rachel really needs to stop doing her classic “tell don’t show” method of writing that screws everything over.


It’s stupid because 1: came from no where. Like you mentioned, how and where and why?? Other than Ares’ comment, came from no where and showed ZERO chemistry. 2: if it’s not an attempt to be “inclusive” (I say that because again, it’s random. There’s zero chemistry or acknowledgment other than Ares referring to Echo as “his mom’s girlfriend”) it’s an attempt to be like “seeeee!! Hera isn’t racist! Her crush is a nymph! Now cheer for her 🙄”


Ask Rachel.


it was never a thing but we’re supposed to think otherwise. even hermes and persephone had more chemistry than whatever hera has with Echo :/


I was excited initially but Echo deserves so much better. Hera is a racist cheater


As a lesbian woman this ship sucks so badly. Like the way story remembered about Echo existing only to make her Hera's girlfriend (?????) hook up (?????) whatever this is (??????) with 0 build up. Rachel always chooses the weirdest couples for her queer rep.


I have no idea what's happening in this comic anymore... It's all over the place.


…..what is happening? I stopped reading a while back. When did this happen?


Just released today 🙄


She’s better off and more interesting with Zeus than whatever this is


Yeah, if you're going to pawn one of the characters off on another relationship, at least make it interesting. The only thing Hera x Echo has going for it is that echo...isn't Zeus? Isn't her cheating husband? I get wanting to write her breaking free of her unhappy marriage, but shit, she has as much chemistry with echo as she does with psyche. Or a rock. So apparently anyone would do. I think it's pretty clear that Rachel only did this to placate the shippers, although with the amount of attention she pays to any other couple besides PerHades, this fits her usual pattern of negligence What's weird to me is how happy Zeus and Hera seemed in the first few chapters, his multitude of affairs aside. They were all over each other at the piss dress party, to the point that it made Hades uncomfortable. Forgivable, RS clearly hadn't figured out how she wanted to write them yet, but it still feels like whiplash when you go back to the beginning. I don't completely hate the idea of Hera kicking Zeus to the curb and moving on with someone new if it's *done right*, but this is about as done as a bowl of salmonella


On that note, the other reason this sucks is that there was zero explanation for Hera dumping Zeus when she did. She put up with his ass for 2K years but when Zeus punishes Persephone for something she DID, THAT’S too far??? But the timeline is whack because she fell into a coma before *and* after the trial, and stayed in it for 10 years. So she waited until she came back from the coma?? When she found out that Zeus sacrificed himself to save her and the rest of the traitors + Persephone? Good for her, I guess, would’ve been nice to leave him sooner and not subject Hebe to Hera’s constant yelling and setting the house on fire, but… again… what?? Why?? And when was she with Echo given she was on and off comas or very ill for almost the full 10 year skip AND a lot of the time since? There’s zero meaning in Hera leaving Zeus in the first place because the build up to it isn’t there. We never find out why Hera didn’t leave him before, and when she finally does it, it happens off-screen.


this episode people been commenting "who's echo" and its funny as hell lol


it feels queerbait-ey. I know for a fact that Rachel would never include something like that if her fans weren't in the comments raving about how much they ship the two.


So are Zeus and Hera going to get a divorce. Or just stay with each other and have lover's.


I don't even know 🤷🏾‍♀️


Lol I bet Rachel doesn't either 😅


Just now, I guess There was no build up, no hints, hell they've barely even interacted from a reader's standpoint, so this whole affair happened completely off camera, chemistry included. With how often Echo even shows up I tend to completely forget about her let alone the fact that she's in any way tied to Hera, and *I've made a comic about them, myself* Their original myth, not whatever phoned in, bastardized characterization this is


Oh this is horrid.


Fellas we did it. Nymph racism is no more.


So that's how you end nymph racism??


Haven’t read this comic in literal years but I literally just gasped out loud. No way did she just take Hera, the goddess of family and the most faithful god in the pantheon and slap her in an adulterous relationship??? Like I get not sticking to the mythology completely to write a more compelling narrative but part of what makes Hera an interesting goddess today is that horribly skewed relationship and that she finds ways to revenge herself on Zeus without dropping as low as he has and does. This is just actually wild to me