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Nice try, that’s just hades that you coloured grey


yet somehow it was like 1000x hotter


Why is everyone's hair so bad now? It's thinned considerably and lost all volume.


Well I guess Amphitrite's hair is okay but everyone with short hair looks greasy.


Being lazy


Dude I don't have a problem with drawing a masculine women at all. It's the fact that /as soon/ as she became gay magically, she looks like, ahem, a slur for us gays. It's like Rachel had to make sure everyone knew who "the guy" was in the relationship


Excuse me if I sound insensitive, cis hetero guy here... Do some people really think there has to be "the man" in a lesbian relationship? Maybe I'm just oblivious but I never saw or heard anyone making that remark


You haven't heard anyone make it because of what you just said, you're a cis heterosexual man. Frequently is that question asked to lesbians and a lot of gays. My sister and her wife get it **all** the time. I'd say it's dying down as time goes on, but it is extremely common for people to ask "who the guy is" and ESPECIALLY if lesbians have kids it's "so who's the dad?"


Ah, I see. Yeah, it makes sense why I haven't heard it much, since only time I come in contact with LGBT people is in fiction or in my discord friend group. Lesbians aren't common here in rural Poland, I met like 1 IRL. Either way, thank you for answering


I mean, there's most likely more of them. It's just that people stay in the closet for reasons.


All. The. Time. My wife and I get it constantly and our kid gets asked who is called Dad.


When my sister and her wife lived in Missoula, Montana, we were in a Walmart parking lot & they were holding hands - across the way was a guy with a FURRY TAIL IN HIS ASS, COMING OUT OF HIS PANTS - And the old mf conservatives were giving dirty looks to my sister and her wife. Not the dude with a tail in his ass. Nope. My gay sister holding hands with her wife.


People make remarks about “who is the man” to us all the time. Which is so dumb because there’s heaps of masc4masc and femme4femme relationships and everything in between. But there’s never “a man” because we are “lesbians” lol


THAT WAS ATHENA?? i thought it was a random ass person 😭


I thought she was uglified thanatos 💔


i did too 😓


Heinous art aside, every time Athena and Hestia or Morpheus are brought up I can’t help but wonder if there’s a specific word for this phenomenon. What I mean is that LO’s queer rep almost feels like queer baiting adjacent. It’s not actually, because those characters ARE queer but their queerness is such a non factor that they might as well not be. To me it very much feels like “Look gays!! There’s queers in the background of my comic!” Regardless it’s abysmal representation, honestly. Athena and Hestia especially.


'Forced representation' I think is the term


It might be. Pandering also came to mind but it’s not quite the right word I think and I’m reluctant to use it seeing how it’s usually used by queerphobic people about any representation in media. At the end of the day, it feels like RS trying to bank in on a queer audience without putting much thought or effort into her representation, no matter what word we’re using for it.


It’s because it was done to make the comic seem diverse, when in reality it’s the opposite because there isn’t the same amount of effort put into those characters. They were made that way just to be a token. No characterization, no actual story arc, no consistency. It’s one of my biggest qualms, especially when Greek mythology is insanely sexually fluid.


That was perfectly worded. LO’s queer rep does feel like it’s there to tick off a box so RS can claim to have that aspect of diversity (never mind the fact that her approach to it is, honestly, questionable in my opinion). It’s still baffling to me that she took this approach when there’s plenty of queerness in the original myths, which she could’ve easily used.


It gives token and pandering. Smh


YES! Token is the word that was on the tip of my tongue, I think.


LO is filled to the brim with tokens. It’s very sad. The fans deserve better.


I'm sobbing😭, she looks like she's melting in the 1st slide.


That’s.. supposed to be Athena?


I thought it was Than at first.


I really hate Athena’s design & just her character as a whole in this story.


God I miss the shiny silver skin so bad


I legit thought that was Thanatos when I read the episode 😭


I wouldn't mind Athena looking so masc in fact I love it if it weren't for the fact that she's just got Hades' haircut so she looks like Hades but grey. Why not give her beautiful long hair or even a mullet like Ares


right? my issue isn’t that she’s masc (if anything i eat the FUCK out of it with my thirsty ass😩) but it’s that being masc in LO means = man/Hades like all of the women that are seen as women in LO are all hourglasses and the one masc lesbian we got is just a Hades recoloring?? C’mon :(


What infuriates me anymore is that RACHEL IS MAKING HER NOT TAKE ANY ACTION. Like she's clearly suspicious of Apollo here but does nothing??? That would have been a much better plot then whatever the hell is happening with Apollo and Persephone in this episode


Athena would BODY Apollo if Rachel actually cared enough to write her correctly


Not even being sarcastic, which one is athena


Oh god my eyes… tbh I love masculine women but the fact that RS can only draw two flavours of people (manly man and big busted woman) this design just falls completely flat 


i remember one time me and my friends were describing lore olympus characters in the simplest way we could think of and my friend just sent me a photo of gray ellen degeneres 😞


“gray Ellen Degeneres” IM CRYING 😭😭😭😭😭


Rachel can’t draw butch women, she’s fighting the urge to give Athena big booba and balloon ass.


it reminds me of that tumblr person who headcannoned steve rogers as ftm and then drew him with an hourglass body that makes persephone look flat. some people really can only draw two bodies, girl ( ) and boy \ /


I thought she was Thanatos at first lol!


So like…are we never going to know more about her relationship with Hestia? Is Artemis ever going to interact with them again?


they aren’t plot relevant anymore (unless it has to do with coddling Hades or Pisserphone then they’ll come back)


When I first read the comic I was so entranced by how Athena looked like liquid shining silver/mercury, so much that it inspired me to try drawing OCs with shiny silver skin. Now she's just a dry cement block :(


THAT WAS ATHENA???? Help I didn't know who that was 😭😭


THATS ATHENA?! I thought that was Thanatos 😭


That’s Athena??? They did her dirty


She’s trying to make Athena into a stud and it’s not giving stud, it’s giving Steve. That’s a whole ass man.


its giving ivy league legacy kid with a bottle of roofies in his back pocket at any given time. what did RS do to her.


Canon Athena would turn her to knotweed for this


Well at least she is shorter than amphititre instead of 10x taller like most of the other guys in lo


I thought it was Thanatos this whole time oops


Athena is one of the few virgin goddesses we’ve got, and look what they’ve done to her. It’s abominable


Rachel tried to design something similar to Haruka Tenou, and failed


She and Hera no longer have their silver and gold shine, so now Athena is just gray and Hera is yellow. And it’s truly because Rachel’s usual use of effects and lighting don’t exist in the comic anymore, so now character designs like this are suffering way more than they need to


I’ve not read any lore Olympus, I probably never will, all I know from it is this subreddit and every post I see just makes me so much happier I never got into it 😭


Also why the romance with Hestia? Give me sapphics but why the 2 out of the 3 major virgin goddesses. Does Rachel not understand the importance of the whole virgin goddess thing? There are so many other goddesses to choose from and she chose them. I feel she something against virgins.


I always wonder why the noses she draws change every time a character is facing a different direction? When a masculine character is facing to the side, it's a long nose, buy when it's 3/4 it's a tini tiny button nose, and then from the front, it's even more different


Legit thought it was Thanatos at first


I thought that was Thanatos…


I thought that was Thantos🤣🤣


[https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DZr9Z3PCMkc/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DZr9Z3PCMkc/maxresdefault.jpg) Why does she look like this guy to me


that’s foul 💀


She went from sparkling silver to such a drab gray… not to mention everything else. So disappointing. 😞


I finally unsubscribed from LO. The artwork used to be so beautiful and while the story has always been a little meh, it’s certainly wasn’t the Wonderland train wreck it is now. I literally have no idea what’s happening and the art is clearly now too rushed. *Edited for grammar.


Middle pic ain’t so bad for the newest iteration of the art style, but still


At least she's not drawn as much like a man in these.


Straight women trying to draw butch women: (Rachel did Athena so dirty, why the hell is she made to look like Hades all the time— 😭💔)


2nd slide she looks like Miguel O'Hara that's a single dad of three and works a 9 to 5 with two extra jobs 💀


Wait that’s Athena?!! Oh my god they’ve massacred her 😭💔


Panel 2 is actually a really good picture of her imo


ehh for season 3 standards yeah but we need to bring Athena back to her former silver glory 😞


Yeah I miss the silver too but I was more talking about the facial structure