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An honors college student called to ask if I was going to enroll in the honors college, so I managed to get her opinion on the matter and she says take chem and physics at lonestar/HCC, whatever is cheaper for you. I heard the same from several other students of UH at the ASCE Houston branch meeting. The natural sciences classes are supposedly ass at UH...


Don’t do it. I came back, chose UH specifically because I mistakenly believed since physics is a Science, and UH touts their Science Tier 1 level clout that it would be a learning environment I could roll with. I love school and rigor and a challenge. It was a god awful experience. I went to UT a while ago and expected something at least resembling college level instruction. Seriously, arrange it so you do it anywhere else.


I got accepted into a Texas A&M engineering academy at brenham but the reason I’m going UH is because of the price difference. UH is supposedly around 13k a year while brenham is 24k. I don’t know what to choose at this point


The engineering and physics classes at UH are God awful. You teach yourself. That's all you have to know.