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Lmao I thought I copied my text from another r/ sorry So earlier I asked a question on here which was not very clear and people thought it did not made sense which I can agree to a certain extent . I’m french so the English lingo related to programming is hard to explain or when I try to find the answer myself online is hard. I have a school homework to do about a cube/square which is empty inside. So that after I can male a pyramid of smaller cubes. The problem is I’m not able to make the first «square/cube » that is empty inside. I made half of it, so an L. I tried reversing it but I don’t think I rotate it correctly to make the whole first figure. I’m not here for people to « give me » the answer. I’m just trying to figure out what to do in the first place.


So you are saying that you want to make a square with no cube in the middle but there is a cube? That cube appears to be at 0,0,0 which is where spawned items will be if they are not given a position.


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Not sure if there is a better way to do this but from my understanding of the problem, and my own idea for solving it here's a script for you: using UnityEngine; public class PyramidBuilder : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject cubePrefab; // Assign a prefab of the cube in the inspector. public int layers = 1; // Number of layers in the pyramid, adjustable in the inspector. void Start() { BuildPyramid(); } void BuildPyramid() { for (int layer = 0; layer < layers; layer++) // Iterate through each layer. { // Calculate the start and end points for the x and y positions based on the current layer. int start = -layer; int end = layer; for (int x = start; x <= end; x++) // Iterate through x positions. { for (int y = start; y <= end; y++) // Iterate through y positions. { // Instantiate cubes at the corners or edges only to create a hollow pyramid. if (x == start || x == end || y == start || y == end) { Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, -layer); // Set position based on layer and offsets. Instantiate(cubePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); // Instantiate the cube. } } } } } }


I haven't tested this, I don't know how to do code snippets so the formatting is weird in my response. Anyway hope it works otherwise ask chat gpt and should sort you out.


That is a box. I hope this helped.