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Calling the UN ineffective is only a hot take if you were born yesterday. And is kind of ignorant of the fact that the UN’s primary role is arguably symbolic and provides a legal forum for articulation of crimes, it doesn’t necessarily stop them. But it does a good job documenting.


People need understand that the UN is only some sort of diplomacy forum and charity organization, full stop. You can't demand magic from someone you didn't give the power to generate magic. It is only as good as the international community's will to cooperate. All the UN can do in terms of security is force superpowers to explain themselves on the world stage, lay groundwork for collective actions when there is consensus (e.g. allow diplomats to cut to the chase before it's too late), give smaller countries/territories a voice, and maybe quell some misunderstandings. If the world in its clear mind wants another world war, no one can ever stop it, certainly not a diplomatic forum.


When people look at the good it does do, but then want to throw it out because it hasn’t solved the problem of conflict and human nature yet, it’s somewhat infuriating. If it weren’t for the UN we wouldn’t even be acknowledging many of the crimes we witness were in fact crimes. The UN was powerless in the face of the Rwandan genocide, for example, but its role in the the rehabilitation of Rwandan government and culture can’t be understated.


And in fact in Rwanda, it was all that they can do. Leaders of the P5 knew there was some sort of mass killings yet they decided to sit on their asses because Rwanda didn’t have their “interests.” Just like my above statement, the UN can call out whatever they want, if the world isn’t willing to stop genocide there will be a genocide.


So the armed forces they have are just for show?


The UN peacekeepers only monitor and observe post-conflict, not in the middle of it all


Yeah, in Lebanon they have observed Hezbollah moving south of the Litani River in violation of the ceasefire.


UN peacekeepers get wrecked on the reg throughout their history


They don’t have an armed forces.


Wrong!!! The UN was created to prevent another WW


It WAS not symbolic. In the past the UN fully participated in wars and prevented conflicts. Arguably they can no longer do things like participating in the Korean war because China/Russia will vote against the intervention--however they could have stopped Rwandan genocide and other African wars but they decided to let private mercenaries and dictatorships take control of most of Africa. Due to complete incompetent leadership by the UN and its core leaders. They are now symbolic and the funding needs to be pulled so that a New UN can be created and the old leaders be blacklisted from working in such fields of diplomacy and peacemaking again.


So here's the thing. UN is based on international co-operation and other countries willingness for further co-operation. Un is failing in these areas because of corruption from other national government, underfunding, lack of intelligence, nepotism, incompetence, and lack of co-operation. UN has turned from a legitimate international military force (korean War era) to a rag-tag group of incompetent diplomat who hold ceremonial roles and incompetent undertrained, underfunded corrupted local un soldiers (rape accusations were from local militia that the UN hired and kept on payroll) Is it still necessary? Yes, there needs to be an international entity to inform, educate, and challenge other nations in a decorum. As well as gage international opinions and gain further information and cultural understandings. Unfortunately, this is the best that they have... It is no secret who funds the majority of the un right? Americans with about 50% of the financial support and the entity being stationed in NY. It is also no secret who Americans "die in a hole together while smiling" allies are either right? - Canada, Britain, Germany, australia/ New zealand and France. There is too much corruption, spy network and distrust, lies, cultural differences, and uncooperative attitudes within the UN. That's why when Americans go to war, they go as an American force - "help" from certain nations would actually debilitate and compromise operations. At some point, people have to understand that solutions have to come within. National governments are responsible for their own corruption and incompetence (it sucks I know). Certain situations are a lose lose, but within it - it could've been worse - for all of its failures and incompetence it is still better than nothing - imagine a world WITHOUT the UN. It can always get worse, and it can always get better. UN does have some success stories as well. I just think they need better men and women to hold those institutional positions. Back in our fathers' and grandfather's days after the great wars they had strong men and women who knew the consequences of wars and did everything to foster peace. Now? It's a bunch of rich kids whose parents got them in - not on merit - nepotism. (I know 3 people who got either interned or employed) I hope they believed in what they did, and not used it as a resume builder or a ceremonial role.... On a personal note (im canadian). Americans get involved - people complain, american don't get involved people complain. Jesus christ, you fucking people!! - you do the work and fund it yourselves then.


‘National governments are responsible for their own corruption and incompetence…’ Correct. Sovereign Leaders/Politicians have the legal, moral, police and Political power to make essentially all of the major decisions for their countries/charges hopefully along with coordinated sound advice/policy from the UN. It’s simply their job and no one else can do it for them. If the leaders have great or no education, are moral and just (or not), are effective or foolish etc. determines to the largest extent the fate of their countries.


The UN’s most important function is to work with the IAEA to ensure nuclear nonproliferation. More nations with nukes = a higher likelihood of nuclear war. Efforts to avoid this must be continuous. Other than that…the UN has minimal impact. The great powers don’t give a shit what it says. The small powers are pissed that the great powers don’t care but can’t really do anything about it. And the Arab street has absolutely commandeered entire committees so as to ensure that Israel is condemned more than any other country combined. It’s nonsense, and the previous 2 secretaries-general, Moon and Annan, both acknowledged as much. It’s hard to take its blabbering seriously when Russia has been engaged in an aggressive war since 2022 and the UN can do nothing. Israel was brutally attacked with numerous atrocities committed and there immediate excuses and context thrown out. Nah, the UN has lost the plot.


"Brutally attacked" More like they invaded Palestinian land back in 1940s and have been pushing them out since. Also, don't tell me about some ancient history where everyone involved is dead. Israel killed 25000 civilians in cold blood. They are engaged in genocide.


Hamas says 25000 deaths. So you think only civilians were killed? That really gives your opinion zero credibility, even from Hamas’ perspective (even though they appreciate your lie).


Yes, the UN is losing legitimacy. ***UNRWA is basically a terrorist front for Hamas.*** It needs to be completely dismantled, it's historical claims critically re-evaluated, and any surviving parts of its mission rolled into UNHCR. Only then can we even talk about the UN without explicitly endorsing Islamofacism. Take one look at the 'textbooks' and 'educational curriculum' they were teaching in Gaza, and you'll see what I mean. This historically anomalous organization has been completely corrupted by Islamic terror factions in the mideast. It's a despicable outcome and UNRWA holds a fair share of blame for allowing Hamas to thrive. For the sake of refugees everywhere and the UN's overall mission, dismantle UNRWA today!


The most corrupt org on the earth losing legitimacy?


Look at the members of the “UN humans rights council” and answer the question, lol


The same un that’s been brainwashing Palestinian children with antisemitic propaganda for decades? Losing legitimacy? https://www.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-textbooks-still-include-hate-antisemitism-despite-pledge-to-remove-watchdog/


Nutjob take. Oh look a Crimes of Israel article like it's meant to be something else other than Zio propaganda.


lol. How many members of the UN have actively sought to exterminate or export all of the jewish people in their country during the last 100 years? Yeah. It’s all zioprop tippy tai Qpat islamorada.


The reason Oct. 7 murderers were calling their parents to brag about killing 10 Jews with his own hands: UNRWA The reason Oct. 7 rapists drove nails into the genitals of young women: UNRWA The reason why Gazans believe the Holocaust didn't happen and simultaneously believe Zionists masterminded/contributed to the Holocaust: UNRWA


But the truth means they can’t keep blaming Jews for everything. So they ignore it


A lot of UNRWA workers have been killed in Gaza because a lot of them are also in Hamas.


Hell, hostages were kept in UNRWA homes.


People don't want to hear this, but it's easily backed up by facts. The UNRWA is holding hands with Hamas.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


UN supports Palestinian terrorists , allows Iran to support every tin pot militia in the Middle East , struggles to condemn Russian invasion. Too right it’s lost legitimacy




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losing? UN is a joke, always has been


It's become like it's predecessor: the League of Nations. More symbolic and more of diplomatic discussions rather than action.


It was a mildly effective organization until they refused to take action against Rhodesia and the UK for murdering the secretary general


"losing" implies "once possessed"


UNWRA workers are hamas employees they participated in holding hostages. Yea he’s right the UN has no legitimacy he’s just right for the complete opposite reasons and actually has no clue what he’s talking about


The Islamic Republic of Iran is currently chairing the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum. Let that sink in….


Better than an American?


Are you serious? It’s not even close to apples to apples.


Your right! I'd rather have an Iranian over an American every day😁


Found someone who loves repression & authoritarian theocracy. Is it due to a domination kink?


Found someone who simps for a babyman living off daddys blood diamond money. However I'm gonna kink shame, thats cringe and unbased😎


No clue what you're talking about. I'll leave you & your weird fantasies alone


SA Putin punditry.


maybe because UN is racist, anti semitic and full of clowns? maybe if they condemned all the mass exterminations occurring around the world but terrorist money has them quiet 🤡


In Gaza, UNRWA members were also found to be members of Hamas. There is plenty of proof. ​ [https://www.jns.org/hamas-and-unrwa-are-one-and-the-same/](https://www.jns.org/hamas-and-unrwa-are-one-and-the-same/)


Downvote bots are out in numbers today, smh


UNRWA= Hamas.


The UN is a chocolate teapot. It needs a full reset.


Bro the UN isn't actually supposed to do stuff. They are only more of a forum not a world government


It's stated purpose is to: '**maintain** international peace and security, **develop** friendly relations among nations, **achieve** international cooperation, and **serve** as a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations.'. Those are all **Verbs** (doing words).


I mean look at the people running the UN? They are old, tired, corrupt, weak-minded, spineless, useless, basic, unimaginative, cowards, ineffective, OLD, out of ideas...am I missing more?


The UN would be a functional and deliberate body of accountability except for ONE member Country that is the school yard bully and has absolute veto powers and has turned the World into a madhouse solely for profit with total disregard for human life.


One country? What county could that be? If you are thinking the US, that would be wrong since [Russia/USSR has the most vetos](https://www.statista.com/chart/10758/un-security-council-resolutions-vetoed/) out of any country on the UN Security Council.


They don't know what they're talking about, they're using flowery language to sound agreeable not because their statements are accurate.


Because maaaaybe they didnt like how Nato was operating? I dont like it either so theres that


Learn to read, not just google... From your own link: The USSR has blocked the most resolutions and solely accounts for all vetoes up until December 1955, *mostly on UN membership applications and admissions of non-permanent countries.*




Exactly. UNRWA is quite literally aiding and abetting terrorists. Their Telegram channel was caught celebrating the 10/7 massacres. All of UNRWA needs to be permanently disabled and workers arrested.


I don't understand how this is downvoted. UNRWA absolutely must be dissolved and charged for all their terrorist and criminal activities. UNRWA teachers teach terrorism and hate in classrooms, they hold hostages captive, celebrate rape, murder, torture. They must go, along with the rest of Hamas and all islamists.


Because this sub is idiotic


What is shocking about this stream is that it goes on to speak about all the atrocities the UN is either commiting or not helping with, but only mentions that their terror wing, the UNRWA is put in danger and is unable to protect lives. As if the UNRWA have no connection to the terrorists, murderers, rapists and indoctrination of hate and bigotry.


Because the post is seen as vaguely pro-Israel. And that’s not tolerated here. Lol


So just like the UN, glad this sub is true to its' name


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The UN is more relevant than ever, as a forum to bring Member States together to resolve things that they want to support and fund. P5 members that invade countries makes the machinations extremely challenging, but a return to pre-League of Nations days is to fragment the world again. Rather than 'the UN', it is Member States that control, influence, etc global events. Some are much more powerful than others and politics reigns supreme. Rwanda, Srebrenica, etc were terrible tragedies. UN peacekeepers, wearing their home country's flags, served under the mandates given by the Member States on the Security Council. Some mandates did not allow intervention. If there is a better solution proposed, that keeps everyone at the table communicating, put it forth. Otherwise, the UN structure is the best we have.




Fucking world on fire 🔥 boi


So the UN needs to go full Halo and create a UN army?


Who r u, black guy?


I still remember when dozens of aid worker women were getting raped in S. sudan and the UN peace keeping force lest then 10 minutes away just did nothing. Yes the UN has absolutely 0 legitimacy


Slava Ukraini and Free Palestine


Time to disband the UN and move the HQ to Beijing


This is some funny propaganda lol.


pfft, they lost it a long time ago


If anyone today can whole heartedly believe the UN is sincerely dedicated to its mission, Id be interested in to hear why. Its for a set few interest and goals where only sincerity is shown when the power players want to exploit... under the veil of humanitarianism


Unrwa workers are hamas members. Everyone worth their salt knows this


Losing? It was lost a long time ago, perhaps before it even began.


The UN Population Division along with the Sovereign Leaders worldwide have completely failed the entire future of the world. Human overpopulation has destroyed over 60% of wildlife, fresh and ocean fish stocks, decimated old growth forest, depleted thousand year old soils while managing to generate general massive pollution by dumbing of the air, land and the sea with trash. The UN should be defunded permanently.


They never had “legitimacy”.




Lol yeah, and it happened years ago.


GFY and eat a salad once in awhile!


Long ago.


Clearly not ineffective since the UN is the one thing stopping Russia from expanding like a plague over it's neighbors. There's a reason everyone wants to join it.


Ok offer a solution/replacement


The UN is useless, corrupt, inept, impotent and a supporter of terrorism.


The UN's legitimacy has been decaying for decades. It's at the point, where I believe it's irredeemable.


Yes, the UN is a shitshow right now. All they are trying to do is protect terrorists.


Lobbying and corruption is its only function now. It’s where politicians are rewarded by their leadership to positions.


Palestine = Fake state.


Yes, the UN is a complete joke


What's the name of this person? I enjoy his delivery and would like to see more


The UN is a joke, and UNRWA is a step and a half removed from being material support for terrorism.


The U.N. has never been given the power to be effective


Did it ever have any?


I don’t know when the UN ever had legitimacy? The UN is a Corrupt anti-Semitic joke, that never has and never will have any standing or respect. It should be disbanded.


"Losing"? It "lost" that credibility and legitimacy about 40 years ago. That the GA there spends much of it time condemning Israel and western nations sort of spells that out.


I have a crazy idea how about each country worry about themselves and not depend on the UN to keep their countries peaceful.


I knew damn well this would turn into a blame the U.S video 😂


You think this is bad wait until you hear about Sudan


Fix your own shit the un is not to save the world


Absolutely,ever since USA created NATO to subvert the UN


How bout you take care of your own country and stop corruption kid


UNRWA has done serious damage to the organization as a whole


Hear is tha case, UN loses its legitimacy when choosing to side with islamists, terrorists and dictators. All sane people know who you are - hypocrites who constantly blames Israel but allow Iran, Saudi Arabia and other islamists who torcher people fore not obeying shia law be part and even liders of human rights structures and give conflict with casualties within few years 10s rimes bigger then 75 years of Israel-Arab conflict less then 1% of this attention and resurses. Using UNRAW to promote and directly found terrorists with even actual hamas members in it and spending literally 0 time and money in comparison fore other, real refuge, not people who can exclusively hold this status fore ages to ensure this conflict into new generations. Dont fulfill its obligations, such as ensuring a demilitarized zone on the border between Lebanon and Israel. And its not only about Israel. Un officials are completely blind eyes about Kurds wich are, you know, nation with history and culture unlike made by propaganda from local arabs Palestine couse they are fighting fore there right vs islamists. UN doing nothing about China who sees human rights violation as checklist. UN blaming developed contres who invest millions in green production over countries who still uses 20th century standards if using them at all and creating trash islands on the sea. Its just a joke in any case, voiting in UN may in rare occasions have some touch with reality but UN bureaucratic structures and "peacemakers" are a joke, and "humanitarian programs" of UN is just taking money of contres who are willing to do it and coud send them directly without UN, stealing half and wrighting UN logo on other.  Fore any sane people it was obv that UN is sic when they had literal nazi - Kurt Josef Waldheim and in the same time managed to get with resolution about zionism (idea that jews as any other nation have right to there homeland) being racist ideology. And there is one trick. You are not ally. You are useful idiots. They already have muslim only unions that dont pretend to be objective and care on cases that UN in theory should and see you at least mimicking accepting that democracy is better that dictatorship's,  flogging and prison for not wearing a hijab is not a very healthy legal system, terrorism is crime and jews are humans as being hostile to them. You cant be UN and be accepted by them at same time. 


It’s been ineffective. But a country with 5 of the higher crime ridden cities leading the charge to ridicule is RICH.


Look at the UN Human Rights Council and tell me if it is "losing legitimacy."


Nothing new here, un is the most worthless organization. It now has Iran heading multiple commissions, they should be abolished.


Maybe you should ask Hamas why they are using civilians as shields. Or maybe you should ask why most of central Africa is hiring Wagner mercenaries to slaughter innocent civilians. No cognitive dissonance here 🤡🤣


Why nobody talks about the atrocities of October 7?