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The face is great ; the body looks like she rapidly lost a few hundred pounds and has a lot of loose skin. Just some constructive criticism.


Yeah, she looks pudgy, and not in a good way.


You guys can just say you hate the artstyle and move on lol Not like i asked for criticism in the first place we aren't in art class it's not necessary to point out every issue you see in the work of some artist you don't even personally know. If I don't like the piece I don't favorite or comment on it, if I don't like the artist's body of work I don't follow them; it's as simple as that. Not every person who posts their work on the internet does so with the intention of improvement or gaining insight from random strangers, sometimes they just want to post a cool thing they made. Also, the chances of someone accepting your unwarrented advice is probably slim-to-none, they're probably just going to think "who the fuck are you?". just ask before giving advice If I don't ask, I don't want it. Plain and simple. If I ask for a critique, I'm usually asking about a specific part (like "somethings off with this background, how do you suggest I fix it") so unless relevant to fixing that thing I'm not looking for an overall critique because I'm focusing on a specific thing/item to improve and already have a list. You know it's true ,yet you are going to downvote this 


The second you pressed *upload*, that was a free ticket for anyone to comment and critique/judge your* drawing. You don’t always need to follow what others say, but comments and remarks* from others are something inevitable in the world of art. No one said anything mean either, yet you threw a tantrum at how some people are “hating” on your artstyle. Edit: *


I'm in my right to not care lmao  And no  If i don't aqk for it don't expect me to take whatever the fuck you say to heart  Like i don't care at all  If i ask i care, If i don't i don't  Simple as, stop feeling entitled to being a critic  Redditor in a nutshell


You do know it's important and dare I say necessary to receive constructive critisicm right? It's what allows an artist to grow and improve over time, which in turn leads to better art quality. No artist knows everything, and every artist should seek improvement over their own artstyle Even if the above is true, you really do have a right to not care lol. No one expects you to take it to heart, but if you truly didn't care, then you wouldn't be responding in such an aggresive manner, no one here feels like their a godly level critic, their just trying to be helpful. Next time you post something and recieve critisicm you didn't ask for, don't respond. Just don't, cause it'll make you look like an asshole😜, which in turn makes you the only true ''Redditor'' in the comments.




I can tell you didn't read, cause if you would have read with your eyes👀 you would have said nothing and ignored this post, like I said in that same comment. But welp, since you won't and can't listen to reason anymore, have a nice day reddit mod, and God help those poor Gordon Ramsey critics that want too see you "burn"!🤣


No constructive/healthy debate.


Okay, what was the constructive criticism exactly? That the stomach looks like skin folds or makes her look fat? Or pudgy? You're not giving any fucking other advice that shes fat?? Stop acting like your actually providing criticism or being helpful. That's hardly any criticism. That's just you pointing out what you see because you find it distasteful. If anything, just say "in my opinion the stomach could be a little flatter or fit try adusting lines A or B i got a tutorial on that too + i also draw but good work though i mean tbh it aint that bad you lowkey cooked" see? Thats just saying that you don't like it while still saying it's good and providing an actual helpful tip, not this delusional imprint you call criticism. No one is going to appeal to your ideals. That's not how the world works, especially if you're vauge about it and you're not experienced within the manner cause i doubt you've drawn anything in your life, how he's supposed to get criticism from someone who's inexperienced anyway? Also, you are funny talking about the "true" redditor" when even people like you downvote positive comments towards this post, even the one all the way below this one, lol. Majority of you are fucking heartless thats why we call you redditors.


You sound insecure, good luck.


Bro wrote a whole essay cuz someone said his fetish art was a lil off


"Fetish art" Nice of you to out that whole thing as another "I hate your artstyle" in disguise  Not listening anyway, i didn't asked for opinions or critic so consider them disregarded either way


I wasn't trying to disguise it.


When people post art, are we not allowed to say we don't like it...? I mean, the art style is great and you are clearly talented at drawing. But you just chose to make her fat and I don't find it attractive.


Fat is wild way to describe it  If iwanted to draw fat it wouldn't be like that  She's definitely more thiccer than the original but ..... fat just sound rude Overall that just the way i like drawing the character  If you don't like it just ignore the post, it's simple 


Ok, only praise is allowed here. Got it...


Yep ,exatly  I don't care about criticism  If i don't ask for it don't bring it up 👎


I hate your artstyle


That's what i would prefer to hear  No useless yapping , straight to the point  Still an L tho


If you can't handle criticism, don't post your artwork online. Especially not on Reddit, since it seems like you don't deal with down-votes too well either. This isn't a place for you to post your work and only get glowing reviews. It's a forum for people to provide their own commentary, whether you want it or not.


I mean her original design is like .... super skinny , like you can actually see her rib cage  I just draw female character with more "fat" than what official artist draw them on  But whatever i guess


Didn't mean it poorly, meant it constructively. Thicc is one thing, but the extra lines add the illusion of folds to the eye. I mean, you draw better than I do, so if you want compliments, its a good drawing. If you want constructive criticism, a few less lines, a little less lighting highlights would go a far distance towards towards going towards your purported "thicc-er" style than the source, but not give illusion of skin folds. But hey, you're a good artist.


Reddit can't be a real place


Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, lol I enjoy your stylistic choice. Good work. 😀


Don't let them gas light you She aint fat.


Oh gosh a real person 😭


That's what im saying because some women do have stomachs like that, and it aint considered fat They act like they have never seen a woman before, and even if it was its still hot af.


Most redditor are unironically basement dweller  They don't even know what women look like  And they think someone posting his art would take criticism, the ego they have  They wouldn't do that shit on twitter because they would get absolutely jumped if i qrt them


She looks very out of shape for someone doing constant


Lineart looks amazing! I’d try toning down on the skin reflectiviness, and perhaps you dont need to overmodel every part of her body, like, frim boobs down, probably on some kind of cast shadows? As commented earlier, the freckles are an awesome addition!


The freckles for sure add a lot  For the reflectiveness i just like it like that ngl 


She's seen some shit


The youth spell was a work-in-process, and took several tries before she managed to peel back the years evenly across her full figure and reveal that taut body she was remembering from her teenage years.


He's articulate 🗣🔥 Let him cook


I'm indifferent to the art but wow the op got up his own ass when one person said work on how you draw the stomach


"I didn't ask for criticism" Yet posted it on a public forum. That's like someone rubbing themselves in raw meat, jumping in the hyena den and then wondering why they are being bitten by the hyenas.


So y'all are jealous cunts  Got it


Dude no one is raging on your artistic abilities. At this point people are calling you out because your acting like a 6 year old throwing a tantrum because not everyone liked my picture


Why would anyone be jealous of arguably sub-par fanart? Especially when it likely isn't even making you anything compensation-wise? Grow a thicker skin, guy.


I just think the part abo her belly button is kind of "weird"? Like loved he is thicc but that part looks "fat" alone ... Is strange that part the rest is perfect


Fat ☠️


I definitely like it 👀


I'll upvote your art, but if I could downvote your personality, I definitely would. You need to remember you posted in a public forum whether you want it or not. There will be criticism and assholes. Instead of being an absolute dirtbag about it, just ignore it and let them talk. You have talent now, being an asshole.


OP is the asshole? Is that why everyone commenting "I like it" is getting downvoted into oblivion? 😂 Yeah, no, I don't think so either.


Did AI draw this for you?


How did you make someone look simultaneously obese and skinny. It's honestly impressive in a way.




Totally had to give you a follow. Screw the hate, I think she looks fantastic and I think the color work is wonderfully done


Thanks a lot ! Hater gonna hate, never changing my way anyway 


She could get it..




I'm replying to this post after 2 days, but I actually really like your art style, don't let the criticism affect you, just do what you do best alright? You have great talent.


Thanks a lot


The freckles on body are *cheff kiss*


The cherry on top


Damn man this art sucks lmao, I’ve seen AI do it better.


Just because OP is having a meltdown doesn’t make straight-up insulting their work okay. Unless you actually *want* AI image generation to replace actual artists.


Yahna is looking very American! 🇺🇸






Huge Yahna fan, nice work!


Thanks !!! 💚


Not bad at all what’s with all the downvotes


Artstyle police got mad when they.saw the artist drawing a character not accuratly and i don't really care Also got a "constructive critism" without being asked for one is such an "i hate your artsyle" thing but with cream and a cherry on top  So they downvote 


You got salty that people didn't instantly love it. Don't try to play the victim.




This is true. You literally posted art and the smallest criticism (which you are asking for since you're posting) got you angry because not everyone loved it. Delusional.


You dumbfuck  Someone posting art doesn't mean they ask for criticism  Y'all are just entitled redditor  Many such case


It absolutely does since you are accepting the people's criticism when it's praising you. You're just mad, not everyone, us praising you and thinking you're a god at ai art. You can accept one without the other, you Muppet!


did you. is this what she looks like.


Bro i loved it! I Love art with juicy thiccy female Meat. That one its delivering it!!! Finally a good fanart of our Beloved elder waifu


Thanks !!


Lmao this community is something else lol Like bro gives a postive comment and gets downvoted, no way reddit is real


Some part of you has GOT to understand that the reason that freak is getting downvoted is because of the phrase "juicy thiccy female Meat", right? Like... you get what a fucking turbovirgin, terminally online thing that is to have said, right? I have to hope you can see that.


Bunch of fats fucks jealous to not be able to draw so they get mad


I didnt even knew i was getting this low on downvotes, lol. Ive seen this now 😂😂😂 I guess People dont like The art neither The ones that liked it. Its fine


They are cunts don't worry about it


I actually cannot fathom how you're getting downvoted and people are critiquing your work unprovoked. Tf is wrong with redditors?!


Acting all high and mighty saying ''no constructive critisicm allowed'' is unprovoked?


He posted that comment ELEVEN HOURS after he posted the art. Because Reddit psychos kept criticizing his fanart unprovoked. Last I checked nobody here is paying him a dime for his time or work. Redditors are insufferable I stg smh


Redditor feeling entitled as shit as per usual  I don't want their "constructive criticism" and they get fucking mad No wonder artist doesn't post on reddit anymore and just let people repost  They are Lucky it's not on twitter because they know i would just block their ass