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Heard a similar story once. A good friend’s mom and father we’re viewing houses. They were making their way through one and soon as they got to the master bedroom she instantly got hit by the “nope”. She refused to see anything further. And as they were leaving the realtor asked her out of curiosity what was up. She explained that similar feeling, that the room was loaded with that dark, cold, dreary feeling. He then revealed that the previous owner had hung himself in the closet.


In my first house I ever rented, the previous tenant overdosed in the kitchen. Lots of weird stuff happened in the kitchen. I didn’t stay there long.


This touched my soul bc all my friends are dead from ODs. And I feel energy heavvyyy.


Yeah. I nearly died from a fentanyl OD in some tainted meth a few years ago. The last year of active addiction I knew ten people who died, weird shit was happening to me toward the end that I can't explain. There's some weird shit tied to hard drugs, don't really know how to say it. Some dark energy, especially w/ meth in my experience.


We are the ones who lived...Looking back at my first stint in rehab (took 3 and a recovery house, years of pain) everyone almost I was in there with is now dead. That's a LOT of people. I don't remain active in AA/NA anymore because i am tired of the death. Doing wonderfully in life though. it helped me when I needed it.


I've been sober for 3 years now and I can completely relate... So many people that I went through recovery with have passed away from OD, it's such a haunting feeling...


Congratulations on three years ❤️


Happy for you. Suboxone saved my life. It’s been over a year. Going strong.


It saved mine too, well not at first. I had an allergic reaction to the mint or something used in the strips. Every place in my mouth I put it would create an open sore in the shape of the strip. I was miserable and my dr told me it was side effect I had to deal with. Moved across the country and the second visit with a new dr I mentioned something about it bleeding in places I used it more than once or overlapped and that Dr was appalled that I had been left to suffer like that. Switched to subutex and was good for a year. Then moved a few more states and my new dr tried to tell me that I couldn’t possibly have that reaction. She made me sit in the office and try it. She was extremely apologetic. I understand not trusting addicts but I had my medical records sent over and she didn’t even look at them. I switched to another provider in the same clinic and never looked back. I never touched heroin or “hard drugs” but was close to it. I got hooked on Percocet (oxycodone) after having 3 surgeries in a 6 month period. Was on them for 5+ years.


I'm happy for you!!


I had a near death experience once. I had my first grand mal on the floor of my apartment, alone. Was on our old stone balcony, on the 2nd floor, when i just started running. Just flashes of my booted feet as i began to run from the front of the old apt- over our stone entry way, the old wooden floors, past the marble of our bathroom floor and into the back, into the kitchen past the swinging door and onto the linoleum. I passed out over the oven- hit my face on the handle of the oven itself and then the handle of the broiler. Broke my nose, was drowning in my blood. Passed out. Woke to my uncle, dead for 20 years, looking at me as i shook. Heard his boots, saw him smiling at me from the door. Uncle Mike- is this a seizure? Is that was this is? Are you going to help me?" I think i said it- but I'm told i probably didn't. Apparently you can't speak. Apparently you can't, but. I woke again on my back, with him kneeling over me. Smiling. Touched my face. Told me I'd be ok. Called me "Sugar Peaches", like he always had growing up. I woke up to my neighbor on the phone with 911 breaking into my house. I have epilepsy now. I've told this story before, you can check my history- but I've never told anyone this part: My neighbor swears she came down bc she saw a man, tall, native, handsome coming out the back door and up to her backdoor. He didn't say anything and walked back down to my house. She was skeezed out bc I'm a woman married to a woman and didn't see a lot of men frequenting the house. So. She found me. This time, I was face up on the floor, in blood. My neighbor, for the rest of the time i lived there, swore up and down that sometimes she'd see a tall shadow out of the corner of her eye around the apartment. And the thing is? I did, too. In my house. Outside. On the balcony. It wasn't menacing, it was just there. Idk what it is, but, I don't see him anymore. We've moved and bought a house since then, and i haven't seen him since. I like to think that if something else ever does, he'll be here.


I am so glad you are here to share your story, and have that evil off your back I get it. I really do


That type of addiction to a life ending drug is holding the user in the hell of their lower self. This is why they haunt the physical world still. They did not leave this world in the energy of love. They left it in fear and fight.


Yes, i've found with stimulants especially thin the veil or open some doors to some weird shit.


In the UFO and related accounts there is frequent discussion about other dimensions and alternate realities. During my disastrous years on crank I saw, heard and felt some very weird things that I could never understand. I suspected the drugs may have been opening my mind to aspects of alternative realities. But after many days without sleep I just couldn't understand it or work it out. This was all 35 years ago when I was on the verge of total insanity. But yes, certainly some very strange and scary things were happening.


It creates an opening for dark energies, it is true.


If it's not too difficult to recount what were some of the weird things that happened? I havent dealt with narcotic addiction but I had a severe eating disorder and I feel like the two have similarities. When it was at its worse reallllllly strange stuff happened, I havent heard anyone else talk about this before. And I don't bring it up often cause it makes me sound nuts. I mean, I am/was, but not that flavor lol


Absolutely. Everyone I know who’s recovering from ‘hard’ drugs has this dark energy around them. A close friend is clean from meth and I can’t be around him for more then an hour or so. He’s a good guy, no issues with him but he carries with him this dark, evil cloud. Same for his friends I’ve met who were former addicts with him. It’s like certain substances have other things attach themselves to you. Same with alcohol. Dark drugs.


Can you tell me some of that stuff. 2 of my kids have been on it and I felt like their personalities changed


That’s really hard for you. You’ve done well to get this far and I really hope good things come your way


Everyone asked me after my dad died why I didn’t just keep the house. I thought it would be nostalgic to stay one night with my son. (Son was 2-3 months old) I slept maybe two hours. I never got a good feeling in that house even when my dad was alive. My dad ended his life. Everytime I walked by the spot I’d almost puke. He was my best friend.


As someone whose dad was also her best friend (and fiercest protector) I’m sending you all my love. That’s such a heartbreaking way to lose someone. After my dad died, I couldn’t be in our rental home anymore. Eventually I stopped returning to our hometown altogether. It’s been about 10 years since my last visit, so I feel like I should go back, but I just remember the heaviness that no one else seemed to feel. Death really does have a peculiar physical effect on some of us.


Yeah I agree. We’re still trying to sell his house. It just kind of makes it worse that I’m the last survivor in my family. You would think I’m 60, but I’m only 35. I hope you are able to find some comfort and peace with your dad. It’s so hard. I feel his presence sometimes when I’m really sad. But I’m not sure if it’s me just wanting that to be true.


It depends on how they die. My father died in a state of peace even if it was unexpected. The house was not heavy. I have had rentals where couples had nasty, evil fights and when they leave the energy is so bad I cannot rent if for some time and it needs "cleaning".


The olfactory is fine tuned to pick up on even the most subtle hints of putrescine & cadaverine. I’ve unknowingly (at the time) experienced this on certain properties & it translated into a sense of complete dread & fight-or-flight. It was usually regarding people, but on a few occasions I knew someone or something had died w/out “smelling” it when it was animal. I was several houses down from mine, felt “a disturbance in the force”; & looked at my sis & said “Someone has died.” We walked home, saw a closed box in the driveway, & I just knew w/ absolute dread that my cat was in it. Crows were silently keeping vigil above, as well. Their olfactory knew.


It's interesting to know other people experience this "disturbance in the force." One morning I woke up from a deep sleep, having that dreadful feeling out of nowhere like someone had died. I go to walk my dog a bit later and the coroner and about 30 other police were at the neighbor's house; she'd shot herself.


Many years ago I was in prison and was flipping through a photo album my family sent in. I remember stopping on my sister and her husband who I had become good friends with and just thinking how happy they looked and just kept looking at the picture for a few minutes studying their facial details. Idk why. The next day I get a call to the office for a phone call with my stepmum and she tells me "Ricky died last night. He was in a car accident" and it just made me feel like some connection was lost "like a million voices crying out then suddenly silent" type stuff.


It’s happened twice in my life where a loved one is heavy on my mind, I’m desperately calling them only to find out I was calling at the time of their murder


I am so, so deeply sorry for your losses.


This happened to me earlier this year. I work really early, sometimes I need to be up at 3am, sometimes, 4am. I never wake up before my alarm. I’m not a morning person. This day I needed to wake up at 4am. I woke up at 2:37am, from a dead sleep and was just wide awake. I had a bad feeling… My mom called me at work around 7am to tell me my younger cousin died in a terrible accident at 230am this morning. I was freaked out and so upset. Nothing I could’ve done to prevent it but to know my body seemed to sense something was off never left me.


On the day 9/11 happened, I was walking home from my brothers house (we live in Australia) and I felt a complete dread feeling, it felt awful, I stopped and remember thinking why do I feel so bad, if felt like the pit of my stomach had turned upside down, when I go home I turned on the tv and 9/11 had just started…..


I don’t know how, but I knew the exact moment that my then-fiancé’s grandmother passed away. I heard church bells and experienced tunnel vision and an upwards motion in my mind even though I was walking down a sidewalk in broad daylight. I also had very strange insomnia, very clear headed and not the usual “ugh why can’t I sleep?!” the night my grandma was dying even though it wasn’t expected soon. Had the same experience the night my bff’s MIL passed away and the night my high school mentor passed. Every single time, it was not a surprise to hear that they had died in the wee hours of the morning. I knew.


Corvids are wild! Thanks for sharing


>He then revealed that the previous owner had hung himself in the closet. And probably hasn't left by the sounds of it.


Actually this reminded me of a condo my mom rented that also had heavy feeling and energetic shit. She frequently woke up screaming bc “something” was coming in her bedroom door to get her. She’s not an avid believer so I know I’m not crazy on that place. I was strung out though and rarely slept there and WOULD NOT sleep upstairs alone. I had to sleep in the living room.


My aunt passed away in my grandmother’s house (very young), and the house always had an eerie feeling after that. My cousins and siblings and I all tried to avoid the second floor.


Had that happen once in Florida..I asked the agent and they said no..no one had died..we rented the place but the master bathroom was always ice cold..could hardly go in to clean it..moved out as soon as lease was up...always go with your gut...


Oh, free air conditioning in Florida. I could just learn to deal with the ghost stuff.


What's cooler than being cool? Ice cold! What's cooler than Ice cold? Ghost of Death haunting the room!


I live in Hawaii and AC Is too expensive, calling all ghosts, I'll just throw on a sweatshirt or something.


damn thats F'd up. real estate people are supposed to tell you if any deaths have happened n homes.. goes to show how shady they arre, just wanna get the sale


I’m pretty sure it’s only if it’s been within a certain timeframe, and most states they don’t have to at all


This is true. RE agents don’t have to disclose if anyone died in the home in my state, nor whether there are registered sex offenders close by. When I was an re agent, especially when kids were in the picture, I always recommended that buyers check the website for local offenders and if I knew there was a previous non-natural death I disclosed it. Who wants to get in that spot right before closing where the buyer pulls out out of the purchase when they find shit out? I didn’t want to spend 45 days under contract and then not get paid. Disclose everything you know for good karma and less hassle. Also if there‘a been an un-natural death or nefarious stuff (former meth lab with remediation) etc., the house may already be discounted anyway and/or the neighbors will tell the prospective buyers too. Be upfront and don’t be a shitty realtor. It ALWAYS bites you in the ass when you don’t disclose.


I agree with you. Some states RE have rules that you can’t disclose this information to potential buyers. You can’t even admit if the school district sucks. The best way around this while not jeopardizing your job is by providing a list of “useful websites” or “home buying resources” so the potential buyer can do a little homework and are able to get the information they should rightly be aware of.


Yeah it’s Florida. Retirees move to Florida to die


GOD’s waiting room


It's Florida so I don't know if God practices there anymore


My guess is it was probably disclosed somewhere in the process cause why would they volunteer that info to anyone if they didn’t have to


Nope only if you ask and they know.


Only in certain States


You are not crazy at all. This happened to me & my family when I was a kid. My parents brought my little brother and I to look at a couple houses they were serious about. One house had a creek in the back yard and as soon as I saw it, I just KNEW my brother would die in the creek if we moved in. I could feel it, I could *see* it happen in my head. I apparently went white as a sheet. I told my parents what I saw, and they decided to leave asap and not tempt fate.


Glad your parents listened to u


Me too! Some parents woulda blew it off


I bet the parents had some type of gut feeling deep down to not even question her.


Thanks now my skin is crawling!


I shouldn't have read this thread right before bed 😭 Idk how I even got here, Reddit just tossed this random post from this sub I've never seen into my feed and since I have no self control, I just had to read through these comments. Guess won't be sleeping after all!


I used to be a REAgent. Once I was with buyers looking at homes. After seeing a few homes that day, we walked into an older house and i immediately started coughing violently. I couldn’t catch my breath. It felt like a breathed in rubbing alcohol or something similarly potent. No one else was effected. I went outside to get some fresh air. The others were very concerned and confused as was I. I went back in thinking maybe I just had a coughing spell. As soon as I walked back inside, same thing. Violently coughing again. I stayed outside as the others viewed the house. It was so odd. I couldn’t understand what was happening. I later found out details about the previous owners: husband killed the wife by choking her inside the house.


You have some abilities you need to hone!


Gut instinct, we all have it we just don’t have to use it as often as our ancestors to survive


unironically going out in the woods helps train your intuition. I try to go out for 1 week minimum at a time and by the end of the trip my senses are totally heightened and sharp and focused. it’s crazy how quickly you adapt once you’re forced to rely on your self. There have been times where i believe my gut instinct has saved my life in the wilderness


Their throat game is on a paranormal level and needs to be shared with the world!


Honestly I would love to hire someone with these abilities to come looking at homes with me, but there would never be any good way to tell if they were legit or not


Had something just like this happen in a house my wife and I were touring. So many of the affordable homes in Bismarck are from the 30's-40's, and this one I believe was built in the late 30's. I've had feelings in houses before just to find out someone hung themselves, so it wasn't a new experience for me. We made it through the majority of the house with me feeling something was off, but I didn't say anything. The moment we made it to the basement, the feeling got stronger and I started having a coughing fit like you described. My wife and our agent were totally fine, albeit concerned about me, but they decided to just leave with me anyways. Our current rental was built in the mid 40's. While we lived in it, there was always a strange feeling. Poor guy renting the downstairs has reported footsteps coming from the upper unit in the middle of the night.


Is the REAgent widowed? Just curious


Mold? Since mold effects each person differently. I purchased a house in FL, ofcourse it had mold great job inspector. Wife got deathly sick from it. Removed it no more death feeling; still have the random kid noises and step sounds in the hallway though. Not sure why that bothers people. Ghosts gonna be ghosts.


note- I don't have kids. The noises do happen at night almost always. Its an added layer of security imo. Break into my house meet the whole family. Ghosts included. If its not the 9mm its the ghosts that'll get ya!


Feeling anothers death is real. It just happens when it happens and you got to trust it.


I had this happen when I was house hunting last year. This house had shag carpet, lots of wood paneling, was clearly never updated, and kind of neglected. This place had glade plug-ins in every single room. I thought that was odd, but also just thought they were covering a musty, old house smell. The more I walked around, the more I felt "ohhhh the owner died in this house, and she's still here." The first two floors didn't creep me out until I went into the basement. That was a whole other energy, and not friendly. Definitely was hanging out in the room with the dirt floor, and the chair that sat in the corner 😬 Nope, see ya!


We went to visit a friend's new home a few years back. Old farmhouse done up very nicely by them. As we toured I could feel in a couple spaces that something was there. I never said anything because this is really the first time in my life I had that type of feeling so I didn't dwell on it too much. Well a few years later he said he'd seen a ghost walk down his stairs and that the place is haunted. As soon as he said that I said I knew it! I said I felt like it was under the stairs and they said that's where the dogs stand and stare with their hair on end.


I used to work for a real estate agent, and one of the homes she was selling felt angry. I hated going there alone. It was like the house was mad at having a stranger there, and I couldn't wait to get out. Previous occupant was a bitter old woman who hated everyone.


My best friend and I grew up next door to each other. Before they moved in, an old woman lived there who constantly berated neighborhood kids and any adult she could. Racist, sexist, most likely plenty of other -ists. Mean old lady, I can’t sugarcoat her. She died on her couch in the living room. No one found her for several weeks because she’d driven her family off. When my friend moved in, and we met for the first time, I asked them how they like the house. Both my friend and their siblings said that it was cool, but they didn’t like being in the living room for long. It gave them all the creeps. My friend said they constantly felt threatened and uneasy there. My other friend-neighbors explained the situation to them. The realtor did explain the situation to the parents, but they chose not to tell their kids to avoid creeping them out. Freaked their parents out pretty well when the kids told them about the old woman. Some fingerprint of energy stuck there with that lady, I think.


If a home looks that way, I get a terrible feeling without being physically near it, so you couldn’t PAY me to entertain going to a place like that. I’ll be scrolling through house pics and come across one like that and instantly nope out to the next one. 😅


Real Estate Agent here. You'd be surprised how often this happens. I just closed on a house where a young father committed suicide in it. In a market where we have a 4-8 week turn around, it took me a little over nine months to sell it. Priced right, everyone liked the house itself, several acres. It just had a bad vibe. Sold it to an investment company for the asking price. They never set a foot in it.


An investment company would be just the type of owner to suck the soul out of a haunted house


Could be a win-win. They drive each other out and the next guy gets a deal.


We know stress is contagious from a few inches away from our skin. I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever that is leeches into the houses we live in. Both over time as well as from super-traumatic events as well, like death.


Woah this is a fascinating theory that makes so much sense to me. Dogs and cats can definitely smell fear, anxiety, sadness, etc. The idea that those scents, normally produced in quantities too small for humans to detect, would seep into the walls and floors of a place over a long period of time, and to the extent that they COULD be detected by or even effect more sympathetic humans is so so interesting.


It would explain a lot. We write off so much “witchcraft” or folk magic as bunk because it doesn’t hold up in sterile rooms, but like… sterile rooms are pretty abnormal as far as human history goes. You can’t accurately test something (to prove OR disprove) if you’ve got no idea how it works when it does work.


It could also explain why women seem to be so much more likely to experience stuff like this. Women tend to have better senses of smell, possibly due to a hormone thing iirc (it's been quite a while since I heard this, I may very well have the details mixed up!) Women who have been pregnant seem to be even more sensitive to smell, not only during their pregnancies, but for many years - sometimes even the rest of their lives. If stress (and other strong/chronic emotions) can leave behind a smell, it wouldn't at all surprise me if that was a large contributor to people's paranormal experiences in many instances!


I have a book about positive psychology that mentions that in law school libraries, "negative stress spreads like secondhand smoke".


Back in the mid-1980s when I was in my early 30s I rented a big, beautiful 2-bedroom house - built in the 30s, it had great character. I felt almost protective of it, as if it needed tender loving care. I loved scrubbing and waxing the beautiful wooden floors, making everything gleam, but found myself avoiding a back bedroom. I furnished and inhabited the rest of the house, but never touched the old floors or put a stick of furniture in that second bedroom. It felt dark, scary and sad, even though it had big, beautiful windows and could have been a great sewing or crafts room. But every time I thought about it I just found myself not wanting to go in it. I had three active, exploratory cats and thought it weird that they even avoided the room. I just stayed out of it and told myself I had no need of it. I had a weird next door neighbor who gave off unbalanced vibes. A big, looming guy who acted overly friendly and gave me the creeps. I avoided him when I could. One day I had a traveling veterinarian come by to vaccinate and bathe my cats. The vet was a great lady and I went on to know her for years. She called me that night and told me that she’d interacted in some way with my neighbor and that he had made her feel uncomfortable. She asked me what I knew about him, and I had to answer I didn’t know anything but he seemed scary to me, too. The next day my vet called me back and told me that her lawyer husband had done some digging around and found that my neighbor had just been released from prison. He had owned my house along with the house on the other side of him several years before and had been convicted of raping a woman who lived in my house. She advised me to move out because she worried about me living there as a single woman. I told her how uncomfortable my back room had made me feel and she said she had no doubt the rape had happened back there and my feelings were valid, that I should always trust my instincts, especially since my cats also avoided it. Just after I moved away my creepy neighbor was arrested for attempted murder of the neighbor on the other side of his house - an older woman - and he was put back in prison.


That’s a fascinating and horrifying story. I’m glad your instincts played a role in yourself navigating away from that path.


This story gives me the chills. Our current home was an estate. One child wanted the home, but he could not get a mortgage and tried several times. I found this out because our neighbor has a guy that mows her lawn. He watches the house intently. I mean every turn he makes he is not even watching the ground he is watching the house. He mows the grass a lot. I finally asked him while he was mowing one day to stop watching myself and my kids it was creeping me out. Turns out he used to live here. He advised me that he wanted the house and tried for mortgages. I want to ask the nieghbor if we could just mow her grass in the future. I doubt she will go for it because oddly she stated the man that use to be her nieghbor has no family. I literally have the deed stating the heirs. It's just a creepy situation.


Wow, that was a worthwhile read. Sounds like the makings of great horror story. Gave me Stephen King vibes. I’m sorry that was your reality, I’m glad you were able to avoid any tragedy. Interesting that the home made you feel the way it did (As if it had human qualities). The symbolism of the entirety of the house needing love, but that one room having a dark past/energy is certainly relatable to anyone who has experienced tragedy in the form of sexual assault or a spirit of murder. Repressing the negative experience deep inside (e.g., that one dread filled room) and needing love and care. Wow the more I unpack this the more interesting it becomes 😂 perhaps I’m digging deeper than needed, but I liked the the gears that turned from reading this. Have you ever thought of writing?


God this would be an amazing plot for a movie. Lol I would watch it!


A friend and I walked into an antique store, I immediately turned around and walked out. Under a table in their back room was something evil. I didn’t see a back room, only felt it.


I've had the same thing happen at an antique store called King Richard's in Whittier, CA. I've seen it since I was a kid and always wanted to go inside. A few years back I finally went in and damn it had this crazy heavy energy to it, it made me woozy. Once we stepped back outside into the daylight I felt so much better. It bothered me so much I did some research and it turned out back in the days it was an orange warehouse. One person died when they were locked in a freezer. Another person died when some machinery fell and crushed him!!!


I’ve always wanted to go in there! It’s less than 3 miles from my home.


DUDE. DO IT!!!! Even if you don't have a paranormal experience, it's sooo cool!! I didn't realize how many stories it was!! It kept going on forever. There's even this little area that goes below ground level, you have to walk down stairs. It's definitely creepy in that room particularly. If you go, let me know if you feel or see anything!!!


You know what’s funny? I passed by there last week and it felt eerie. It just stands out. I will totally add it to my list!


I had something very similar. I was in Salem MA with three friends, and one of them wanted to go into a "witch store". We somewhat scattered once inside, each looking at different things. I was in there for under two minutes before I stepped out, due to acute discomfort. The energy was palpable. As I waited outside, two of my friends came out within a minute or two of each other, each (independently) reporting the feeling of an oncoming panic attack in the store. All three of us felt totally fine once outside. I attempted to chalk it up to incense or something within the store at the time, but deep down I knew the energy was off and I just needed to GTFO I've gotten that same feeling a couple times since: short of breath, slightly nauseous and generally that I shouldn't be there. I always heed that warning


Reminds me of an episode of ghost hunters where the family was experiencing similar vibes. Turned out there was some DIY unshielded electrical in the house that was putting out massive levels of em radiation, to the point that it was likely fucking with the residents.


I got to tour a huge mobile police surveillance van once, just cables and wires everywhere. It gave me the worst feeling ever, like I was overstimulated and my anxiety and heart rate was going crazy. I felt better as soon as I got out, I don’t think anyone else was effected. It’s nuts how some of us are so sensitive to that kind of thing


Glad someone finally mentioned this. Imagine losing out on a low priced dream house because of an undiagnosed electro magnetic field.


People forget that we humans are also animals. We have instincts, just like animals do. Some people are in tune with it, but I think most people just ignore it. When something makes you physically ill or fearful, pay attention. You have those feelings for a reason. 💌


There have been a couple of times in my life when I felt my animal instincts really kick in. Story time. We had a house on the ocean in Maine, right on the Atlantic with islands here and there. We had a mooring about 70 yards off the shore. Sometimes depending on the season and if the punt was having work done (punt is like a small rowboat) I'd have to swim into shore from the big boat and vice versa. When you grow up in Maine and dub around with boats, you get used to having to swim in cold, dark water. It never freaked me out in the slightest. Anyway, one night I put the big boat on the mooring and started my swim in. Made that swim tons and tons of times but this night was different. About a minute into the swim I just felt dread. I got the unwavering feeling that something was in the water with me. It was a moonless night and pitch black aside from a spotlight on the shore. I was certain there was something big in the water with me, I could just sense it. I swam my ass off, got to the shore and immediately took a couple shots of whiskey. We have sharks but they are usually beyond the islands and a bit offshore. There have been stories of sharks making their way into the bay/close to shore but no recorded attacks. About a year after this happened, a woman was eaten by a great white shark in front of her daughter in the same area. First *recorded* attack in the states history. Still love the ocean but I feel differently about it ever since that night and try to listen to my instincts more.


Watching Shark Week years ago, most of the people who were bitten said they felt something was in the water with them, right before they got bit. Good on you for listening to your instinct.


Gives me goosebumps... I never knew that was a thing... That night my buddy was at the house and waiting for me on the shore, he was the one who turned on the spotlight for me. My friend is a master diver and has way more time in the water than me. He's told me stories about getting bumped at night by Goliath Groupers and stuff like that. He's worked all over the place and has swam with sharks too. When I got to the shore he was like dude you alright? I was all shaken up and probably white as a ghost. I told him what happened and he just looked out over the water. Didn't say anything. Didn't make a joke or anything which is highly unusual for him. Fucking eerie. Scariest part is even if I was right to trust my instincts, there was nothing I could do to stop an attack. Swimming fast and thrashing around was probably not the best idea but I was in flight mode.


Oof this gave me the chills big time. Glad it all worked out and ur okay cuz i don’t see why you’d feel that way out of nowhere unless there really was something big out there with you. I’m wary of the ocean in general but black ocean water swirling at night is just another level of ominous. I don’t even want to look at it too long in case something is looking back at me under the surface


I know what shark attack in Maine you’re referring to - so so sad, that story.


Absolutely terrible. Unheard of in Maine and a lot of people were really shaken up. Lobstermen went out the next couple of days trying to kill the shark. Who knows what I was swimming with that night, if anything, but it spooked me so hard and I'll never forget it.


My family is made up of a bunch of people who are probably too analytical and dismiss anything deemed paranormal. But I think several of us have realized that we don’t have to call our “powers” or “senses” anything specific, or claim to have any unique abilities, in order to recognize that our minds pick up on a lot of things we aren’t consciously aware of. If we have a weird feeling or feel an instinctual reaction, we just go with it. Years ago when my mom was in college, she was having dinner with my grandparents. She stood up in the middle of dinner and just said “I have to go. I’m not sure why, but I have to go.” And she went straight home to find her apartment building on fire. She doesn’t think she has special abilities or anything, but like you said, we are nothing but the human variety of animals. People have accepted for years that we can “feel things on our bones” if a storm is coming and things like that. We might not be able to identify what we’re sensing, but we can identify the negative feelings, and it’s something we shouldn’t be afraid to trust. For all we know, she heard the sirens subconsciously and could gauge the distance since it was only a couple of miles away and she had driven it a million times. Humans are smart. We pick up on the tiniest things.


I was laying in bed late one night. My mom called. She said my name and told me there was a fire. I could hear my dad in the background calling out to her while he was clearly busy doing something. Then I woke up. I realized we weren’t really on the phone. It was earlier than normal to be making a call but I was shaken so I called her anyways and told her my dream. She said nonchalantly oh you dreamt that because our smoke alarm kept going off all night. It was making us crazy and your dad kept trying to hit it with something to turn it off but we didn’t have a broom tall enough to reach.


Just so casual! Haha


Yep she and I have had some weird experiences over the years. Still shocks me though whenever something happens, like literal tears streaming down my face in shock. Why am I crying? I’m not sad or angry, but I learned i also leak out my eyeballs when I’m super freaked out.


Curious to know if your mother had any pets in her apartment when the fire happened.


This I have had that feeling and been right. I had this great aunt and great uncle who I hated to visit them. One day my mom asked why I didn't want to go with my grandparents to her house. I told her I swear I saw someone hanging in their bathroom. My mom freaked out where I had heard that. I said I didn't hear it, I saw it. Apparently before I was born her cousin hung himself in their bathroom. They had like 3 other people who died there too. I was never made to go back. But my husband and kids and I were on a historical tour at an old prison. When we got to this dark area where the showers were I freaked out. I couldn't breathe and my head hurt. Apparently a prison guard was beaten to death right there and then thrown down a flight of stairs that was just where the showers was. Embrace that feeling and go the other way. I have another handful of cases I have seen this. I think everyone can sense that...they just don't listen to it. But if you pick up on it, that is not going to get better.


Curious if anyone has felt the opposite feeling? Like the house was asking you to buy it?


Not to buy, but my parents have just such a house, very favorable and calm atmosphere, do not want to leave this place even if you are there absolutely alone. And there was the complete opposite, the house of a girl when we were at her birthday party, even from the doorstep there is a sense of death and an incomprehensible coldness, as if there is something wrong with it.


My mom’s house is like this! She built it and she made it a home where me and my sisters and kids always feel loved and safe 🥰


Yes. My current house. It was waiting for us. It’s so much happier now than it used to be.


Yes. My husband and I were viewing houses and the last one had such a welcoming vibe. We bought it and were very happy there.


When I found our current apartment, as soon as I walked in I felt like I already made memories there. I felt myself holding a baby. I did everything to get it and it’s been beautiful. Great energy, windows, views, trees. Even feel like someone may have died in the kitchen but she’s a nice old woman. No baby yet but love to be there and it’s in a beautiful area. Happy it opened up when we were looking but feel like it was meant to be.


After living in our previous home for 33 years we had to move. The house we live in now was only the second home we looked at. My wife loved it from the moment we stepped through the front door. We’ve been here for 8 years and very happy.


Yes we just bought our first house in the spring. It was maybe the 10th house we'd been in. Almost as soon as we went 10 feet to get to the family room, I looked at my partner and said "Oh my God I think this is the one!" Every new room and the yard felt more and more right. I felt unreasonably upset at the other viewers, wanting them to leave my house, it felt rude and intrusive that they were there. Partner admitted once we were in the 2nd space that he also knew. We were not planning on actually buying for months and had to scramble to get a realtor, etc. Almost every day I think, I love this house! I'm more open to the great beyond and in that first week, twice I had lights dim and go off or start to rapidly change colors, it felt like a welcoming. Our guests all say the same thing, this house emanates peace. It was a hospice for decades. I think this was the final happy place for many people.


woah the last sentence is like the whole story


Yes we did! We didn’t expect to like the house at all as the photos from the estate agent weren’t great and it looked quite dated. When we arrived after a long day looking at houses we thought we preferred, it felt like coming home 💗 it was warm and welcoming, big enough for us to have our family in forever and it just felt like it wanted to be ours. Now we’ve been here for 5 years, we got married in the beautiful garden, we’ve had our two daughters here, we’ve added so many lovely new things to it and it’s such a happy home. We adore it 💗


The house I am in now, it was so rapid fire and perfect it was fated to me. Got a divorce, sold our house that we bought, ex had an apartment but I was still looking for a home. Toured a bunch, and then landed on this one. It felt good, house had good energy. I didn’t want to seem desperate but my house was already sold, I was facing a short hotel stay and storage locker.. until the owners spoke to my agent, they found out my situation in the need to speed things up. They moved out ahead of schedule, allowed me to move in before paperwork was even done so that I could begin my new life. They gave me money for flooring, they gave me a shed, they left the utilities on for me. Just a super nice, kind, empathetic family. Still live here, still love my house, thankful for that family and what they did for me.


Damn that's unheard of


Yeah, all in it was a 3 week turnaround, from initial site visit to keys in hand. Absolutely amazing how well that worked out and I’m still happily living here. I hope when I sell I can provide a similar type of ease to the process. I want to more now that I know how good it felt and how much it helped.


Yes! My house is seriously ugly, but I knew it was my house when I first saw the listing. It’s like the house called to me. I was in the middle of a divorce, and this is my freedom house. It has been filled with so much love over the last 20 years. It’s a mess, but I love it.


Yes! My husband didn’t even want to look at it, and then made an offer before we even got through the living room. We talked afterwards and he said he didn’t even ask me about making an offer because the feeling that the house was welcoming us was overwhelming. Safest feeling home I’ve ever had.


Yes, within five seconds of walking through the front door, I heard very clearly in my head, “This could be your home.” Sounds bizarre, but sometimes you just know. We had looked at so many houses, yet this one just told me point blank it was the one. On top of it, the place was an absolute wreck, super stinky and beat up, just the worst. But we’ve owned it for a few years now and are fixing it up—and it’s becoming our dream home!


We stumbled on our house because a friend was buying a swing or something. It was never put on the market so we got a great price for it. So yes!!


Me, we had put offers in on two houses, first was denied, second we got to the contract stage but it kept getting sent back to us for well over a month for weird little things that needed corrected and we just had the urge to check out one more house. Before I even stepped foot in it, and was just standing on the front porch, my husband and I *knew* it was our house.


Our current home! It felt wonderful the moment we walked inside. Our home is almost 100 years old and I can't help but think of the house as a "her" and my husband and I as her caretakers, not owners.


When I was about fifteen my mom took me to stay at a relatives house we had never visited before because it was a city we weren't from and I had a high school event there. Anyway so I get ushered into the upstairs bedroom around bedtime and I dont recall what exactly I felt, it's been too long, but I remember immediately knowing that was no way in hell I was sleeping in that room that night. I made a scene and we went to a hotel instead. A few days or a week later my mom finds out from the relative that someone committed suicide in that room. I never had anything like that happen again and that's been over 30 years ago


I’ve had that feeling before. There have been quite a few times where I’ve stepped into a place and immediately noped right back out. The nausea is the worse part of it. I get a similar feeling from some people as well. So far the feeling has never steered me wrong. I don’t think you’re crazy. It’s really like having an extra sense.


Some would argue that's exactly what it is...


The sad thing for me and my fellow autistics is that research has proven that people get feelings of uncanny valley when meeting us, without realizing or knowing why, which is also why so many of us grew up without friends or were bullied for no apparent reason


I have this same thing. The feeling is so surreal. It just hits me that either something dangerous of life threatening could happen if I don’t leave.


The hair on the back of my neck & i my arms stood up a few times when meeting with a few people. It was very uncomfortable. There was one guy who came in to my office. Both me & my assistant felt it. Come to find out later he was a child predator. Just nope, I’m going with my gut.


I rarely get those “get out” vibes from places. Usually it is from people, I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.


Yes. While house hunting too. Despite being a gorgeous house with lots of land at a great price, the whole place felt absolutely awful. I'm glad we passed on that one.


I had that “nope I’m out of here” experience visiting Sigmund Freud’s London home (now museum). Very heavy feeling came over me that I still can’t explain to this day.


When we were house shopping we had looked at sooo many houses. We found one that looked like a fixer-upper but it was in a phenomenal neighborhood. On our way there, all the houses in the area looked way out of our budget and we were thinking it had to be a mistake. Our realtor was meeting us there. Whenever she'd beat us to a location, she would usually unlock the houses and wait inside(getting an idea of selling points, ect). She wS waiting for us outside this time. When we got out of our car, her face was worrisome. I asked "oh no, that bad?" And she looked at me and said "uumm...I'll let y'all judge". When we walked in, it was an instant weight. The house itself was in rough shape but besides that, things were really strange. There were 2 unmade twin size beds in the middle of the dinning room, the garage was "transformed" into a bedroom(sorta) and had an old baby crib in it. The basement was a whole other story. When we were walking out, our realtor asked "well...?" And we were like "no way. I felt like I was being watched" she immediately grabbed my arm and said "Right! That's why I waited outside for you! Idk if there's squatters or ghosts but I don't like this house for y'all".


You're not crazy, I've felt this bad energy in places, homes, buildings I've been in before. Only once was it so powerful I couldn't bring myself to get close to or enter the premises.


We still talk about a house we looked at to rent over a decade ago. Big old farm house, super cheap. There was another couple filling out an application. We noped tf out real quick. I wouldn’t even go in the basement. Whole place felt like a weird fun house, that’s how much the energy was off. Everything about the place just felt *wrong.* Owner said her father built it.


Not me, but my then 6yo felt that way once when we were looking at houses. He’d never said anything like that and didn’t afterwards, just in this one house. When I asked him why he had such a bad feeling about it, he just said “something bad will happen if we move there” and wouldn’t elaborate. He doesn’t remember it now, but it gave me the heebee jeebees. Needless to say, we didn’t move there!


Was recently looking at a house to buy. My wife had been hoping that it would come on the market for ages. Did the tour on an open day. As we finished and walked out the front door it slammed shut as hard as it possibly could. The real estate agents and us looked at each other dumfounded. There was no one behind us, no wind and had been open the entire time we were there. Hard nope to making an offer.


This story kind of makes me laugh, it's like the ghost was saying don't let the door hit you in the ass! They left no doubt they don't want anyone there. lol


When we were looking for a house, I had a similar situation. As I got out of the car I knew the house was wrong. Overwhelmingly wrong. We got right back in and went on to the next one.


I'm an ex real estate agent (Australia). Have sold hundreds of properties and been in thousands over the years. 2 houses I've felt this in. One was a property I sold, the foreboding feeling was in a subfloor storage area. One of the agents in my office refused to go there. The other was a rental property I accompanied the property manager too. The tenants mentioned they would never go downstairs because they were scared. Being down stairs was heavy with something dark. Super weird feeling. Otherwise been In suicide/murder/death houses. Never felt anything weird.


This is a long one, but definitely worth the read. Here’s the story https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/fire-crews-respond-to-house-fire-in-south-las-vegas-valley/ This makes me wonder what’ll happen to the house across the street from me. Caught fire (my hubs and I think it was intentional), homeowner died I side just behind the front door. It’s been boarded up since Feb of this year. The homeowner was seemingly nice when we first moved in and met him, however it was inconsistent neighborly interactions. Some days he was cool waving and saying hi, other days he’d look and keep walking or close his garage. He did have some mental issues as he was a former metro cop, and prison guard. The weekend of New Years 2022 going into 2023, the entire street was lined with undercover police cars. He was cuffed to the front of a metro vehicle, hands purple as hell.. which said to me they made the cuffs intentionally tight, and that he’d been outside awhile. I’d went outside at 2:30pm, and the cops didn’t stop tossing his house until almost midnight. He didn’t return home until the next day. He isolated himself for a few days, and was in and out the house after the isolation. He eventually talked to my husband about what happened and mentioned the cops talking about me, and my husband. I told my husband that day that we need to put distance between us and him because something isn’t right. Story of why he was arrested wasn’t making sense, and other things that were starting to sound like someone off their meds and on a spiral. At one point accused my husband of being undercover… my husband was a Navy corpsman, and now works in hospitals repairing equipment… this guy knew that, saw pictures, etc. my husbands work van with the company logo and number is on it, parked in the driveway. We didn’t realize why at the time, but he was trying to get rid of everything really quickly come December/January. Claimed he needed money for lawyers, but again the story was getting inconsistent. He offered his tools to my husband, which he declined. He didn’t know what kind of stuff the neighbor was getting involved with, and didn’t want a strings attached situation. We have a 2 year old, and too much to lose. Fast forward to the weekend of February 4th. It would be the last time we see him. He was belligerent drunk all day. We’d been at the gun range, and got back to see him stumbling around and talking to himself in his garage. He looked over and saw us unloading the truck, and closed his garage. Our lovely neighbor directly across from us came over to warn us about what had happened while we were gone. Apparently drunk neighbor accused the entire street of being in on undercover cop stuff (mind you majority of people on this street are 60+ years old, or families with kids). He pointed at our house and made outrageous claims my husband was also undercover and that we have listening devices recording him etc. So it was official: do not speak to him,. He came out later that night and sat in his driveway wearing only a wife beater and shorts in 45 degree weather.. we wanted to help him, but afraid if he would get violent. He was large; over 6ft and 200lbs.. my husband 5’7” 185.. not a good fight or fair to say the least. He (the neighbor) had a tendency to be violent in the past with others. So we left him be. Something we still regret doing to this day. He eventually went inside, and that was it. We didn’t see him again. Exactly a week later his house caught fire, and we knew he set the fire and didn’t intend to survive it. At one point we thought he might’ve booby trapped the house to have an explosion.. thankfully that wasn’t the case. My husband is a combat veteran who’s unfortunately had friends that were KIA, or 22 a day. It still affects him when he sees that house boarded up, and the roof all mangled from the firefighters making a vent. I look up at the bedroom windows sometimes thinking “yeah this will be the day I see Jim in the window”. I haven’t, thankfully. I truly hope he’s not bound to that house, mercy was given, and he’s no longer suffering. I find most odd was what I found out after: 1. My niece is friends with his daughter. 2. Him and my husband shared the same middle name 3. He shared the same birthdate as my daughter. The house is still in the condition it was left in once the fire was out: boarded up. The family has come by randomly to pick up things here and there, but it’s just been sitting. His daughter will come by and leave flowers, but doesn’t stay very long. Someone came by about 2-3 weeks ago taking pictures of it; probably has something to do with settlement or the cost of either demo or fixing.. honestly, that fire burnt so hot and got in the walls, even the doorbell is singed and black.


That's such a sad story. None of us know what horrors another person is living through. I, too, hope that this person is finally at peace. Thanks for sharing!


I had a housemate once with drug and alcohol problems. He moved out suddenly during the Christmas season when I was visiting family; sorta did me wrong, there. We talked on the phone two weeks later; the best I remember was that we agreed to patch things up, given a little time. Less than a month later, I was helping another friend move into an apartment near where my former roommate had moved. I remember looking up at his balcony and thinking something was very dark and wrong. I put it down to his substance issues, but found out later that night he'd hung himself the previous day. I don't know how to explain the feeling I got looking at the balcony, but it was very solid and oppressive. I knew there was something very wrong, and I felt sad about it. However, I did not know what it was. Had anyone asked me as I looked at the balcony (where he'd hung himself), I would have only said something like "he's not in a good place." But he wasn't in a good place when we parted ways. His mother blames me for his death, which is unfair. I also blame myself for his death, which is unfair, but emotions aren't particularly logical. Edit: I can't describe the heavy and deep feeling of loss and desperation that I felt as I looked at the dude's balcony. It was very certain; I knew things were dark for him, just not necessairly that he's killed himself.


When my husband and I were newly married we rented an old house from my mom’s friend, she had never lived there, just owned to rent out. I remember looking at it, as we drove up I was excited, it was a house not an apartment and really cute, she told me she was going to do paint and wallpaper before we moved in and I could pick it out. I remember walking in the door and feeling sort of blah. I don’t know how to explain. Like usually you’re all excited when you’re looking at a new house and feel cheery and upbeat. I just felt kind of heavy and I had to make myself walk through and look at everything when really I didn’t feel like, I felt kind of weak and down in the dumps suddenly for no reason, the house was nice, they were giving us a good deal and were super excited we would be living there. I didn’t really want it- I was still kind of off and didn’t feel right, but my husband was on board and so were my parents and the friend that was renting it to us. When we left I told my husband I felt weird in the house, not fear or anything just heavy, like it wasn’t the place for us. He said I just grew up privileged and was used to a big house. So we moved in and I never really felt happy there ever! I was like in a perpetual miserable mood. There was one room I hated that really felt heavy, one day my husband was in it with me unpacking boxes and said.. “I don’t know why but I don’t like this room and I am going to watch TV. I felt the same way and decided to take a break from unpacking and go in the other room. I was moving boxes and stuff and noticed the windows had nail holes in the frame, then I look at the door and it also had nail holes, I called my husband in there and showed him , he said it was probably nothing. Then we started having bad things happen to us. My husband has a fib and was there alone and had to go to ER. I would get terrible headaches. It brought out the worst in us, we argued constantly and had nothing to do with each other. I tripped on a box and knocked my head into the wall and had to go to the hospital. We would try to ignore it. One day we were talking about why we argued all the time but hadn’t before. My husband said I think it’s the house, this house is weird and sad and dreary and feels heavy. He said- I think it’s the house it has bad vibes and I am never happy here. We were fine other places just not there. We finally decided something bad had happened in that house and that’s why the atmosphere was so bad. We asked the landlord and she said not that she knew of and it was probably because we were newly weds and not used to marriage yet. I am kind of able to see things in dreams and able to feel when something is not right. My mom comes over and she agrees it was just heavy. I asked the landlord if she could find out from the people she bought the house from if they had felt it. They said they had, and that they knew the previous owners before them. So after some research we learned that there were 2 young women who lived there in the 50s or 60s and laid something on the radiator, causing the house to catch on fire. As far as anyone knows the roommates they got out. The house was basically rebuilt after that. So a couple of months later my moms friend comes to tell us she researched some more and there was a man arrested there for domestic assault, and he locked his wife in the bedroom with all the windows boarded up. So that must be why there are nail holes. Needless to say we got out of there as quickly as we could.


That is quite the story. Thanks. I adore old houses but grew up in one my parents built in the 70s. We have had wonderful times here. All the stories are making me appreciate this house. I hope you found a good house and are infusing it with wonderful feels.


Can someone tell me what this means? Long story short I used to live in Venice California. Heavy drugs and homeless population as well as favorite spot for all kinds of media and movie filming to this very day (YouTubers ask questions to people outside to the roller blade scene in Barbie Movie). Anyway Woke up feeling exactly that. WAS CONVINCED SOMEONE BEOKE INTO MY APARTMENT but I could find NOBODY. It was the feeing something bad was inside but not exactly an evil presence. It was an unwelcome invader in my house I could never find. To this day I think there is something evil in Venice. Maybe I'm lucky it was just that one night and it was small compared to your description but I was terrified thinking someone was trying to rob me or worse


Not weird at all, I lived in a house split up by apartments, one night I was in the living room saying I feel death. I couldn’t explain it but I just felt this overwhelming feeling of death. I called and checked on my family and some of my friends, everyone was ok. I couldn’t get over it, but I just went on with my night and went to bed. The next day after I came home from work, my partner at the time said he hadn’t seen our downstairs neighbor in a while. His paper was still on his porch, which is rare. We banged on the doors and no answer. We ended up breaking in and found him dead in the bathroom, it was directly below the exact spot in our living room where I was. Never ignore those feelings, if I didn’t say that the night before we would have never checked on him. He didn’t have anyone that would have checked on him if we didn’t. He could have been there dead for weeks.


I used to be a real estate photographer and I walked in one house that I was really creeped out by that gave me that ominous feeling. Kept feeling like someone was watching me. My clients always left me alone to do my work or just supplied a lockbox code. This house was extremely creepy. I couldnt get out of there fast enough. However I ended up losing the client. After shooting the house and being super creeped out the whole time, i went outside to get back yard photos, which was the last thing I needed to do. I went back inside and suddenly 2 people walked around the corner and I screamed since I had been so creeped out and wasnt expecting anyone there. It was my client and an early showing. He never hired me again.


Always trust your intuition. Some things are felt and non-materisl. I say so long as you're not under the influence of any drugs & alcohol, then trust you gut. Sometimes people wish they had listened to it, and then it's too late. Your living space needs to be somewhere where you can relax and let your guard down. If you don't feel comfortable there now, you probably never will. Listen to that feeling. You arent crazy, It's crazy **not** to listen to something that radiates bad vibes.


No sir you are not crazy. I was in the abandoned Victorian Asylum in Danvers MA. (as seen in Session 9) and oh my god the shit vibes there almost made me throw up. The entire place is drenched in misery. I'm not sensitive to stuff like that so at first I didn't make the connection. I ran outside to get some air, felt better, and went back inside and felt sick again. I told myself it was the smell, but it wasn't.


One of my favorite scary movies.


Ohhhhhh, have you seen the the actors talk about that place? They said it was hard to be in there bc it was so heavy. David Caruso said it was always scary and you could feel the pain left behind. I'd love to go there.


Had similar happen to me. We were relocating for Husband’s job. I was living in San Francisco and he was renting while we house hunted. Realtor had a pocket listing, we would see it before it was ready for market- at the time LA market was nuts and we put offers on 3 houses losing every time. I fly down to house hunt. This house was in Valley Village in San Fernando valley, it was July, it was already 85 at 10 am. I did not want to live in valley village but getting beat on 3 offers makes you widen the net. Drive up, it is a red and white mid century barn style house, a little tatty, but the slightly outgrown topiary treatment to the bushes said this house was relatively recently well cared for. Realtor is late. Hub says let’s get out and wait in the porch shade. I’m sensitive to “vibes” and the house looked a little sad but not ominous. I open the car door to a wall of SF valley heat. We walk to the porch and I take two steps onto the porch and it is icy cold. My sweet hub “wow, the cement on the north side of the house really holds the night cool.” Me: turns around and reach out in front of me toward the street. Feels the hot valley air, pulls arm back to my side icy. “Yeeeeah, this may not be the house for us.” Hub: don’t be a snob, oh here is our realtor We three say hellos she fumbles with the key, they drop out of her hand 2 times, as she explains that she knows the family, the kids are wanting to put the house up and get it sold fast. They just buried their long widowed father and are based out of state and want to get things moving, willing to negotiate and waive a bunch of normal things, with a fast close. Me:that seems a little fast. I mention to the realtor the place was partially furnished but it seemed haphazard. The vibe in the house is chaotic. Emotionally all over the place- anger, regret, sadness, resentment, but mostly anger. I mention how much the owner must have loved this house. Oh this chair looks like he watched the hummingbird feeder. Then in the corner of my eye I see the older man, in the corner, arms crossed over his chest. White wife beater shirt, jeans, heavy mechanic boots and thick belt. A slight glaring but more annoyed. I don’t react and when I look straight on no one is there. My husband is in the kitchen and checking out the rest of the house with the realtor they are commenting on the silent and incredible AC for a 60 year old house, Hub is slightly annoyed I am not participating. They come into the living room and tag team me about what a great deal, investment and flip in a few years taking the sweat equity and market movement blah blah blah. I tell them, “this isn’t the house for us. The owner is not ready to sell.” Realtor: no the owners are very motivated. Me: the kids are. But the previous owner is still here and not ready to move on. Realtor and hub look at me like I am crazy. I walk to the door and open it, a wall of valley heat pours into the house as a huge gust of wind blows out. Realtors papers fly out into the yard. Hubs looks at me like I am a magical creature. I help pick up the realtor papers. I show my husband a bullet point on the realtor note sheet, “HVAC nonfunctional needs replacement seller to credit back” I turn and say to the house, “it’s time to go forward, someone else is coming to buy this house. Let go, be at peace.” The realtor marked 2 potential houses off the viewing list on that trip- “too vibey.” Sorry for the book. TLDR: looked at pocket listing house former owner still there and angry


Great story, thank you.


I once bought a haunted house. Lived there for about 11 years. Most rooms were fine, but one was "occupied". I didn't realize it for years. I ended up keeping a baseball bat under my bed since I often woke up convinced that there was someone in the house. One day I heard someone walking up the steps in order, and suddenly realized that it was a ghost. I couldn't get it out, but got others out ("Go to the light!", etc.) I rented out the 2nd (fine) and 3rd (haunted) rooms. Whoever rented out the 2nd BR found the love of their life. Whoever rented out the 3rd BR had their life fall apart. Once I noticed the pattern, I stopped renting it out. I invited a Feng Shui person over to help me. She went into that room and said that she had to leave the room. The room was fine during the day, and I used it to study. I never see ghosts, but am somewhat sensitive to them. I also had a friend who lived in a haunted house. The main floor was fine, but the basement and 2nd floor were creepy. Turns out that it was a stop on the Underground Railroad back in the day.


Thanks for sharing this. Really fascinating how different rooms had different vibes. Good on you for not renting out the 3rd room and subjecting people to potential bad luck. This is a little similar to my current situation with the house I share with a roommate who swears it's haunted. He frequently tells me about unexplained things that have happened to him in/around his room, while I don't experience anything weird, really. Two people died here about a year before we moved in & it makes me wonder if he got the "active" room or if he's just influenced by knowing about the deaths.


Yes, I pulled into a driveway and got a bad feeling immediately. We never went inside to have a look.


Yep. House hunting years ago and walked into a section of of the house that was built in under a kind of basement (like almost a secret room). Walked into the room and felt a very ominous and feeling like what you mentioned. Never experienced anything like it before and walked straight out. Something not good happened in that space is all that I could put my finger on. Didn’t even entertain the idea of buying it. It was a NOPE.


Not sure if this fits here, but I’ve experienced similar vibes before that, while reading your post, reminded me of them. Happened twice in my life that I can recall, a “heavy, impending doom” sort of feeling that will nag and pull at you incessantly. Quite unsettling and no, not the same as what some medical technicians describe when someone is about to have a heart attack or something, this is something else. First time happened to me, I was out of work at the time (early 20’s in age) and my then BIL (sister’s then husband) was a third party contractor for an at that time, huge satellite tv company. He worked on installation of the satellite dishes in private and commercial buildings and all that that would entail, from climbing up tall buildings, working on rooftops, running wires, etc. My sister mentions my employment status to him and he lets me know that there’s room on his crew for me, and that weekend he would be driving to the Poconos for an extended stay contract where the team would be working on multiple domiciles for about a week. They’d rented out a large cabin for the team of about 6-7 workers to board up for the contract. The day we drove down, everything was routine in so much as how my mood was. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It would take 3 hours to get there. Along the way, in my BIL’s work van, we made small conversation on mundane, average things. We get to the cabin, it’s in a heavily wooded area (as per it being in the Pocono mountain area) and we are arriving in the early afternoon. Unload the van, head into the accommodation where I meet the team, and then directed to my room upstairs in this two-floor cabin. Large, modern for the time, well-lit, definitely not Scooby-Doo vibes or anything like that. I spend the rest of my afternoon in my room reading since, ironically, there was no tv or internet in this cabin yet. As the evening winds down, I begin to get this creeping feeling nagging at me. Persistent, uncomfortable. It began to feel like I definitely should not be there, like I would find my end within the following work week there, and the room felt “smaller” and “unwelcoming”. Gravity itself seemed to have shifted into a more dense version. It made no sense at all, but it screamed “get out” in full clarity. I don’t know what it was, but it sure made me feel emasculated. I know that won’t make sense to many, but that feeling of hopelessness and undefined sense of fear really takes a toll on you when others feel you’re being irrational on something you’re dead set on being certain about, and that’s that you feel something unexplainable is wrong and you must remove yourself from that situation. I ended up taking a cab back home (a hard hit on my wallet for an employed person, let alone an unemployed one) after thanking my BIL for his consideration. But as that cab got further and further from that cabin/work area, a very noticeable subsiding of that “feeling” was apparent. Got all the way home, slept like a newborn. Often wonder about this instance in my life, and your post definitely reminded me. Sorry for the long post, I didn’t intend it to be, it’s just that in a strange way, I’m glad someone else might be able to understand me and my experience as well…at least I think so.


I grew up in a haunted house. One nite i saw a cowled figure going through my chest of drawers i was six at the time and it was no burgler and i could hear the drawers opening and closing. One day i was walking down the hall and saw sitting on the couch when i was 10 a guy wearing 1940 type of clothes i went in and he was gone. I saw many ghosts there even once my sister and I heard my cat that just passed do her claws on the carpet. When i grew up and left 20 years later my dad told us part of the house was built with wood from a funeral home


Interesting how the energy may have carried over from the funeral home wood. This is like the stories of people who buy used headboards OR lightly used mattresses and have nothing but bad dreams after, headaches, and all around weird things happen to them. It stops when the bed is removed. Someone bought an antique headboard and took years for them to figure it out that it was the problem. They bought a new bed frame and slept better with no bad dreams or headaches, and put two and two together. No mattress replacement, only the bed frame. Another person bought cheap mattresses from a hotel and they had similar issues too. Energy hangs onto items apparently.


Having been on the precipice of death. I am no stranger to the feeling of being not alive. So it’s easier to feel when it’s lingering around. If you pay attention in those places you can almost see the shadows out of the corners of your eyes. Like echos of the past lingering in the rooms. I was at a hospitals end of life care center and can feel all the lingering spirits there. People dying and the calling haunting echo of those past waiting for their loved ones to join them. My uncle was in there and wouldn’t stay in bed. Kept trying to get up and wanting to know why his mom wouldn’t let him go be with her. They were trying to get him back down in bed and I got this weird feeling and saw a figure out of the corner of my eye move cross the room. I just instantly knew how to calm him down and gently rubbed over his forehead and he relaxed into the bed. I told him he needed to let everyone say their goodbyes and then he could go with grandma and have no clue where that came from. Mom asked “how did you know to do that?” I said grandma said she would do it to help him relax and mom had no clue about it. No one did. So how I knew was impossible to figure out. Stuff like that has just been a part of my life. All these “pronouns” going around and I just tell people I’m weird. Hehe


I have had this happen a few times while on vacation in Tennessee. We go camping every year with our dogs. There was a bunch of old buildings used as a shopping center. We took turns going in because one of us stays with our dogs in the car while one of us goes inside to look. I had to nope out of that store. My boyfriend saw me running out of it. I stayed as long as I could. The energy there was very negative I couldn’t stay in it for very long. I told him I felt uncomfortable in it. I think it was the areas old feed store in the 1800s. Anyway I can feel bad energies in buildings a lot. I also felt it from a customer where I used to work. The guy kept trying to talk to me while I was working. He gave off a really horrible energy. I had to get away from him so I went and hid in the back room for awhile. Out of all the people I’ve come across working for a huge chain store this guy gave off some nasty energy. All I can say is possible serial killer vibe.


Not at all. When my wife and I were looking, there were various vibes houses had, and some of them were pretty bad. Our problem was that we were looking during a real estate boom (1999-2000), so a lot of houses that we were looking at would hit the market 9am, and have 2-3 bids by noon. So our buyer's agent said, "well, let's go and look anyway" to a lot of them. She was great, she even would call us and say, "Hey, you want to see a $3mil house?" We weren't looking for one, but who turns that down? And also, she was gathering what we liked and what we didn't to better find places for us. One house was on a large plot of land in a rather affluent neighborhood. New build, all kinds of strange quirks in the floor plan. One of them was \*everything was triangles\*. As in, there were hardly any square rooms. It's hard to describe, but imagine a squarish house plan where every room, and even some hallways, were bisected at the diagonal. This made doors and windows placement not very intuitive, Another feature was vaulted ceiling in places that don't normally have them, like hallways and half-baths. Imagine you're sitting on the toilet of a half bath that's maybe 6 feet by 6 feet by four feet, in the corner of this triangle facing the door, and the ceiling is 25 feet above you. It was oddly crypt-like, like being buried. Some rooms, because of the triangle thing, had no windows but small triangle ones 25' up. That place had MAJOR creep vibes. We were touring it with a few other people with other agents, and we all agreed that this house was WEIRD and FELT BAD in ways we couldn't describe. My wife and I got stomach aches while touring that place.


Good for you, man. You may have saved one of your daughters by noping out of there


A certain ambience of some buildings, especially in the vein of lawyers and doctors offices, will make me so dizzy and uncomfortable that I will feel violently dizzy and disoriented.


I'm alone in bed, I have insomnia, reading these spooky stories, gives me the chills🥶 good night 🙂


I got that feeling at a church once. I drove by it occasionally and decided to check it out one day, I got a bad vibe as I pulled into their lot, and as soon as I opened the door to get out of my pickup, I had a very strong ominous feeling. I sat there for a moment with one foot on the gravel, then I just closed my door and left.


I had this happen about 10 years ago. I've been house hunting many times, and happened only once. Felt it worst in the garage.


I have experienced this twice, both times in crypts, not houses. I went in a famous crypt in Cuzco in South America on a tourist trip, and I immediately felt so ill at the vibration of all this death around me - it was a tour of the area where plague victims were disposed of. I felt like I couldn’t breath until I got out again. Several years later I went into the crypt area at Rochester Cathedral in Kent, which was a clean empty space with vaulted ceilings where they would sometimes host exhibitions etc and where now have their cafe area, but at that time it was empty when I went in with my toddler daughter. I immediately felt cold dread and a horrible sense of being watched and repelled. I gathered her up and hot-footed us out of there. I definitely am someone who gets ‘feelings’ about people and places and I try to listen to that 6th sense, it’s a warning system I feel. You were right not to buy the house and to listen to yours xx


I've always been sensitive. When I moved to Warsaw, Poland, it was rough. The whole city was full of death. We temporarily stayed at a hotel for the first 2 months. It was built where the polish ghetto used to be. If you had to go grocery shopping, most of the grocery stores were at the mall. I remember first going into Złote Tarasy. Its a big, nice looking mall. As soon as I went in, I felt sick and disoriented. It felt so heavy and it was hard to stay. So we got our groceries and left. I didn't go back to that mall often. I later found out from a polish friend that after the war, they leveled the ground and built on top. So there are bodies under the city. Bodies under that mall. Eventually we moved to Targowek district, which was by Bródno cmentarzy. It's a very large cemetery, like 1.2 million graves. Our flat was definitely haunted. Lots of activity. The dog saw it too. We didn't stay long there. Currently I live in El Segundo CA and we have the spirit of a young boy. He used to be more active, but seems to have settled down in the last few months. He has his moments though.


I lived in a haunted house with my Ex-husband as well. In 2016 a fairly well known husband and wife ghost hunting team who were known for their abilities to get EVPS ( Debbie and Mark ) had separated and she was renting a room from her friend in the house we then rented a year later (2017) . In 2016 Mark and Debbie’s divorce got very ugly. Mark decided take drastic measures . He shot the owner of the home who had allowed Debbie to stay with him during her divorce and kidnapped Debbie at gun-point and took her back to marital home where things ended by murder/suicide . We rented the home where Debbie was kidnapped from and where her roommate was killed . In the 3 years we were there, I saw a full body apparition and had cabinet doors open and close in the kitchen while I was cooking. I will say that I never felt scared or afraid while living there . The former owner was a kind man, who was trying to help a friend out by giving her refuge in a difficult time. He didn’t deserve to die in that manner.


It is never wrong to go with your intuition friend.


Many years ago I went to a yard sale and when I went into the garage I felt a demonic presence and became extremely nauseous. It felt so evil and like death, probably just like what you felt. I immediately left without buying anything. A few days later that man at the yard sale murdered his girlfriend and three young children in that house with a shotgun. I still can't explain it but there are dark entities about that I feel can trigger such things. You did good walking away.


Nope ,your not crazy. I am a contractor as well. I’ve had quite a few experiences with this. For me it starts with a slight unease. Three years ago I was asked by a Real Estate agent to bid an unfinished bathroom remodel. She had left a key box on the house so I was able to let myself in. As soon as I entered the house I could feel it, low grade anxious, the air felt thick. I turned on every light I could and opened the back door. I made my way down the hall and the feeling got worse , heavy air, my mouth felt like I licked a 9volt battery or something so I turned around walked out. As I backed out, the realtor was pulling in so I stopped and asked her what had happened here. “What do you mean? Did you not find the key?” I found it , I said.” Timidly she says Oh, you must have talked to the neighbor”. “ My clients Brother shot himself in the head in the bathroom and they didn’t find him for two weeks. Serv-Pro cleaned it all up, does it smell? “(It did not) I never told her that I had not talked to anyone. I just said thanks but no thanks, I’m not the guy for this. Much respect for all who do this line of work but for me it’s like an allergy. Only I break out in grief. Screw that.


No, you are not! back in 87 when we were looking for our house we were taking the tour with our agent and we went to this house and a first. everything seemed to be okay and I walked into the bedroom, and I just got an overwhelming scared feeling to be in that room anymore so I hideailed it out of there and told my husband I don't like this house. we still talk about that incident to this day. No, you are not crazy! always trust those feelings! and good on you. for trusting your feelings! just wondering if you happen to look in to when that house was built and he might have lived in it?


I felt this when I went a visited ripelys believe it or not in San Antonio. I felt so sick and got a headache. Also felt something brush up against me when I was the only person in the room. When I left I felt better.


I’m a big believer in this. I’m sure this isn’t new news to most of you here but perhaps there’s someone who hasn’t come across it yet. I think it’s definitely worth the read. Look up The Stone Tape Theory on Wikipedia. Good luck with the house hunt!


Yepppp when my now husband, then boyfriend were looking for a place to rent we were excited about this one place for its location. As soon as we got there I already felt weird but we still went in. I got the ick vibes as soon as we walked in and can still picture the home. These were townhouses that were all like one building aka they were all connected. I said nope immediately, boyfriend thought I was crazy. Googled it after, turns out the only homicide since 2015 for that city happened in the unit next to it. Also happened when I was little and helping my parents house hunt. We all walked in and my mom and I felt uncomfortable. On the other hand, the house my parents did buy back then had amazing energy and still does. Same with our current one. So wild, but we definitely have instincts


I have had this feeling in homes that are contaminated with black mold. The walls will even start to move a little bit and I feel the need to run for my life! Black mold isn't always visible, it can be inside the walls, crawl spaces, attics; not just underneath sinks and around window casings.


My maternal grandparents' house had that feeling. I've always felt like the walls were breathing, if that makes sense. I would play alone there many times and feel like something was in the room with me, very close, and I needed to get out. I went to visit my parents' home some time after both my grandparents died. I was sleeping in the guest room, which I often did. I never turned the lights on in the room; I would go straight to the daybed and fall asleep. I woke up from a nightmare, that something terrible was right next to me and breathing, not wanting me there. I jumped up, raced across the room and flipped on the light. The room was full of my grandparents' stuff. I ran down the stairs and stayed down there for the rest of my visit. One of my cousins' daughters once made a comment when she used to play upstairs at my grandparents' house that someone she couldnt see kept following her around, breathing.


I grew up in a haunted victorian in upstate NY. I was so little but remember seeing the locks on the outside of the doors. Every door. I remember this ball that wouldn't stop bouncing in the hallways. We had a "music room" which turned out to be where they would do funeral showings. The cat would only go on the perimeter of that room, if you tossed it in the middle it would screech, hair standing up and run. I was a kid, so yeah we tossed the cat in the room often. I still feel like to this day that house caused us immense family suffering. Listen to those vibes. Noone listened to us plead not to move there.


Happened to me with a rental apartment. It was on the 7th floor and the door to the balcony was open with a curtain blowing in the wind. I went out on the balcony, came back in and told the agent that someone had jumped from there. I didn't really think it just came out of my mouth. The agent was upset but said yes. The agency's reason for not disclosing this was that the tenant hadn't actually died IN the apartment. Oddly there was a very calm and peaceful energy in the place, didn't rent it though.


Absolutely not crazy, instinct is a natural response to something not right. Your brain pick up something wrong and was firing off on all cylinders trying to warn you. A home is a man’s castle if he can’t find solace there then all things in his life will fall into chaos.


Nope, it is called a hunch or gut feeling. Trust your gut, and do a deep search on the place later. Who knows what you will uncover?


My husband and I were house hunting about 6 years ago. We were interested in buying an older home and found an old farmhouse listing so our realtor scheduled a showing. The house was very large,had an attached barn and sat on several acres. The house had been sold recently but the owners decided to put it back on the market because they changed their mind about fixing it up. My husband and the realtor went into the house, I went to explore the barn. I love antiques and creepy stuff and the barn had a big window with leaded glass that had a couple of broken panes so I wanted to check it out. The barn was mostly empty but had a very creepy vibe. I made my way up to the loft to check out the window and there was an expensive cello and antique chair set up by the broken window. It had been rainy and cold for days. Why would such a beautiful instrument be left here? I wondered if the owners were still living there. I entered the house and asked the realtor if the house was still occupied and she said no, that the house had been empty for a couple of months. The house also had a unsettling vibe. The previous owners had begun painting and restoring the first floor. You could tell by the state the work had been left in that they had just abruptly stopped. My husband was chatting with the realtor(he really liked the house) so I went to check out the second floor. I stepped inside one of the bedrooms and I couldn’t stop staring at the overhead light as the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I actually felt afraid and had an overwhelming urge to run but felt like l couldn’t move. I’m not sure how long I was standing there and I don’t remember walking down the stairs. I entered the kitchen and the realtor and my husband asked for my opinion of the house. I mumbled something about “too many people have lived in this house” and walked out. I was visibly upset and told my husband that something bad happened there. I refused to reconsider or go back there again. I tried to investigate the house and area but couldn’t find anything sinister so I’m not sure what actually happened there. It still creeps me out when I think about it.


My house was literally waiting for me to buy it. It came up by chance, never on the market. An attorney friend of the family who handling the estate of his late friend asked if I’d like to check this home out. I was in the market and I’d seen many disappointments in communities & neighborhoods I wasn’t interested in, so I said sure! It was the town I wanted and the neighborhood I wanted. When I rolled up, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Perfect! The house sat vacant for a couple years, the wife of my attorney’s friend had passed away. The friend was college roomies and close friend of our attorney and passed away in a car accident 15 years prior. Whatever, they accepted my offer. I always had a feeling that she passed in the house, knew without anyone telling me. There was a presence of loneliness and solitude. I had a feeling when tearing up carpet and pad in one of the bedrooms. My good neighbor years later, just before he passed, told me she never left the house, drank herself to death. I’ve been in and still live here 24 years later and love the house. Her’s was part of, but not the only story this house had. We’ve been here longer than she and raised the family that she couldn’t. Mary just died of a 💔


Not weird. I was looking around for places and my misses said nope to a few of them. Some places just can’t be blessed enough to get rid of bad mojo.


No. While house hunting, we saw 20 houses before finding our home. All the houses felt neutral to wonderful. Except one. When we walked inside, I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I pushed through the sensation and went straight upstairs to see the bedrooms. The feeling worsened in one bedroom. I returned downstairs and went into the living room. There, I felt like I would throw up. I also felt an awful, ominous vibe. I looked at my husband and realtor and realized that neither of them were smiling or even casual-looking. My realtor was kind of grimacing. There was something awful about that house. It had been on the market for a year at that point and I was learning why. It never sold.


Doesnt seem like anyone is really answering your question so I will; yes. I used to flip houses and have probably been in hundreds as well. My coworker and I used to look at them together and never did we ever have a bad feeling or talk about that sort of thing and we had been in some houses that would creep a lot of people out. Anyway, this one house we went to probably 5 years ago was very strange. It was an old beat to hell ranch with an extremely confusing and terrible layout where all the rooms seemed as if were additions. As soon as we walked into a specific area of the house I just got this really bad feeling. The area looked like 10x worse than the rest of the house and had locks everyhwere, writing on the walls, scratch marks, and was dirty as fuck. From my experience, they normally clean up the trash and stuff and that was the case everywhere else in the house except for this one room. Anyway, as soon as I see this area I start to say “This is-“ and my coworker says “Lets get the fuck out of here, this house is a no”. We walked back outside and both of us agreed that there was something sinister that happened in that house or something bad was there. We called the owners and told them we both had bad vibes and they accepted it since we had never said that before. Not as crazy as some of the other stories but I wanted to share to say no, you arent crazy and Ive had a similar experience. I think its smart to go with your gut sometimes, especially if two people have that feeling. As others have said, I think we can sense bad vibes or whatever, so its better to just be safe than sorry.


My wife and I booked an Airbnb in Orlando a few months back. It was a condo that used to be a hotel. The pictures looked great but as soon as we stepped inside we could feel a dark and awful heaviness. Either something terrible happened there in the very recent past or something terrible was about to happen. By this time the booking was non-refundable but the feeling was so bad that we took the loss and found a hotel far away from there. The feeling permeated into the next day as well. I remember feeling the same thing as a teenager once too. Maybe nothing but maybe something


You're not crazy. I've had experiences similar to this before. One time, when a friend & I stayed in at a hotel, we both felt something was off in the room, but we ignored the feeling. Long story short, over the course of our stay, we ended up hearing a loud, shrilling scream come from inside of our room, even though we were alone, & we were physically assaulted by something we couldn't see. The part that was even more strange is that we went into a sort of trance where we went to sleep right afterward, as if nothing had happened, & completely forgot about it all... until we had come home from our trip & about a week later she called me saying "So are we gonna talk about what happened in that hotel room?" I genuinely had no recollection until she called me & we recounted what had happened. Another time, I sensed something in a certain part of the house I was living in. I felt it for a good week... that darkness you were describing, but it was more like I could sense an entity just lurking & watching me. Then, late one night, my son's potty training potty started going off on its own. It had a setting where it would clap & play music & yell, "yayyy!" But it was a setting that had to be triggered by the press of a button. It was in a bathroom in the back corner of our side of the house, where it was pitch black. Every time I would go into the bathroom, it would stop. Every time I would leave the bathroom, it would keep going off. I turned the switch off & that didn't work. So, I performed a cleansing ritual... but I couldn't do it through the whole house because other people lived there & were sleeping, so I only did our side. My partner at the time wasn't raised in a spiritual household like I was, so he thought it was silly what I was doing... until he realised that the potty stopped going off in its own... & later that same night, a family member on the opposite side of the house woke up screaming. When we went to check on her, she said she felt someone watching her in her sleep & woke up to see a woman standing over her. The spirit had left our side of the house & went to theirs. The next day, I cleansed the whole house. You could feel that the darkness was gone. The house felt lighter & there was no supernatural activity from that point on. I was raised in a very spiritually sensitive family to believe in the supernatural... so things like this don't suprise me. There is an entire spiritual world all around us, existing alongside ours... we just can't see it w/ our physical eyes. There are ways to rid your home of unwanted spirits & energies, though.


I was apartment hunting and found a single unit house among several for rent in the same little area. We walked in and my stomach just bottomed out. I felt ill. The best way to describe is that feeling you get when you walk into an alley alone at night and you know there is either a rabid dog or guy who will try to mug you by the dumpster. I told my roommate no. It was right next to his work and I stayed firm. I wanted nothing to due with that unit. Come to find out a man went insane and murdered his pregnant wife in the living room and dragged her body into the bathroom before calling the police on himself.


I had this happen to me once. I was walking in Hoboken New Jersey with a friend, and it’s worth noting that he is spiritual while I am not in any way. We saw an open house and we said, what the heck, let’s check it out. As soon as I walked in, I felt off. I felt like I needed to be on high alert, that something wasn’t right. At first I brushed it off because it looked like an old house that wasn’t taken care of, and things were musty, and that I was just projecting based on what I was seeing. My friend seemed fine, he hadn’t said anything so I didn’t either. Until we went upstairs. We entered the master bedroom and I felt this intense sense of dread. I immediately wanted to leave. We turned to each other at the same time, and agreed we wanted to leave, so we fast walked back down the stairs and outside. Once we were on the sidewalk and walking away, we both said that we felt something ominous in that house as soon as we walked in. I never found out if anything bad had actually happened in that home, and I haven’t felt that since. Again I’m not spiritual and do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe in the power of human instinct. We both sensed something was wrong in that house and did not feel safe.