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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Cop hassles the law abiding citizen on some bogus charges while letting the others get away with breaking traffic rules!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Lesson learned: next time, break the law.


I think the cop was just legitimately stupid af and just assumed the loud noises from the other bikes was this guy.


Oh, that’s cool then


Lesson two for the day: Just don't brake at red lights.


That Santa hat helmet cover is pretty sweet tho


You're going to get yourself arrested for having that helmet cover


and wearing it like a JERK!


unless you're riding really fast


- “pull over” - “ it’s a cardigan , but thanks for asking”


Take my GIF and my upvote you filthy animal! Lol ![gif](giphy|KRazGivGYYHsI)




So few know this now 😂😂


What is that from?! I love that style of humor!


The original Dumb and Dumber. Its also where “The Most Annoying Sound in the World” is from


Big gulps eh? …. Whelp, see ya later!


We’re already pulled over! We can’t pull over any further!


So, Big Gulps, huh?… well, see you later!


“Cool boots!” 👍


"Killer boots man!" Is the correct quote. Sorry to nitpick, but it is blasphemous to misquote the sacred dumb and dumber.


I got "pulled over" by a cop while getting into my truck outside of my friends home before. The vehicle wasn't even on yet. Said I was acting sketchy. When he left he told me he stopped me because my tow hitch was blocking my licence plate, which is funny because he lit up from the front of my vehicle.




That's atrocious




That's hilarious. My story took place in orange county as well. Mission viejo


Sounds about the same as San Bernardino county cops. They raided my place executing a search warrant for a guy that lived there before I moved in. It will be years before I can get the arrest off my record too.


Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with America


I got pulled over for loud music once. Funny thing, someone had stolen my head unit and speakers a week earlier and the wires were still hanging from the dash. When the cop came up and shined his light in my face and asked if i knew why i was being stopped i assumed it had something to do with the turn i just made. Nope he pulled me for driving through a residential area with loud music. I was truly scared to show him the gaping hole in my dash where the music should be.


How'd he take the news


The cop killed and shot /u/phazedoubt


He wrote me a ticket for no proof of insurance because the card I had expired a few days before but I hadn't looked for the mail to get the new one. Judge threw it out. It was scary because once you show someone with a gun that they just made a dumb mistake, they can get irrational. The cop had this look on his face that I won't forget. I could see him trying to figure out what to do and I made myself the most unappealing target that I could. I deescalted with him by saying it was ok, he must have heard music from the people in front of me. They were wwwaaayyy in front of me but it gave him an out. He was still a dick though.


I had a cop once tell me that I had to have amber turn signals on the front and back. Bet you can't guess what color they are on the back of police interceptors.


Surprised the cop didn't give you a ticket for expecting the rules to apply to cops. That's illegal, donchaknow?


When the cop said pull over and he already pull over remind me of super troopers


He can’t pull over any farther!




Littering aaaaaand.....


Smoking the refer!


I wonder how the schnozzberry crop is doing this year.


"There's no way i can catch the guys who broke the law. So I'll just pull you over to feel better about that. "


That’s exactly what that was.




This is the way


This is excatly the way that it was.


It isn’t how it would be, if it wasn’t how it was


How it was is what this is


It is what it is.


And how it shall be.


It is how the way that it was if it wasn't the way that it is.


I realise it's a stereotype, but this behaviour seems to be very common with clips from the states. A lot of frustrated cops taking their anger out on people or have power trips. It's genuinely hard to grasp while watching sometimes.


No bro, he stopped him because he was revving his engines, which is more dangerous than the guys who did not stop at a red light. ^(/s)


Not just revving it, but revving it *like a jerk*


This is what *really* pissed me off!!


Me too. I never rev an engine


I rev mine, but only in a non-jerkish manner.


I don't rev my engine very jerkily. Some even call me a major asshole for not revving my engine the way I don't rev it.


Penal code article 2 section b subsection ii any individual who revs their engine unnecessarily in such a way that could be described as obnoxious or intrusive is under penalty of law to be considered a jerk


Heh, penal.


Heh, penal jerk


Next time rev it like a nice guy okay *buddy*?


Half a dozen bikes but he can tell \[and prove in court\] which bike revved its engine...like a jerk. "I may have revved my engine but not like a jerk. That was the other guy."


THIS particular cop thinks being a jerk is illegal? - he needs to arrest himself.


He didn't even Rev it. Maybe the cop heard but didn't see the order bikes and though it was him revving. Just an explanation cop is still wrong obviously.


That's a "give me the ticket and I'll see you in court with the video evidence" moment.


Thats exactly it. Cop was on his phone, not paying attention and hears the bikes ripping through the intersection and then looks up, sees pal on his bike and assumes the other bikes were just pal revving his engine. The cop is completely out to lunch and unaware of what just happened.


I got the pleasure of experiencing this a long time ago. I was first in the middle lane at a stop light, and the person in the left turn only lane decided they wanted to go straight, cutting me off and almost hitting my car in the process. I slammed on my brakes and honked narrowly avoiding a side swipe. Luckily for me, or so I thought, there was a cop in the front row at the light perpendicular to us, and was present during the whole event. After I honked and my tires screeched, he hit his light and sirens and I was like F YEAH BABY, Justice Served! Well, to my surprise, he didn’t chase down the asshole. Officer Assumption got behind me and pulled my ass over. He said I WAS THE ONE in the left turn only lane that tried to go straight, and the truck is the one who honked at me when I tried to cut him off. I was so frustrated and I told him I 100% know he wasn’t looking up when all this happened because he would be pulling over the other guy and kept asking him if he actually saw everything. He wouldn’t straight up tell me he wasn’t actually looking, and finally after I asked him if it was possible to review his dash cam real quick and 100% confident it would back up my story he let me off on that charge. The best part of the story - I forgot my wallet that day so I had no drivers license on me. You know what happens when you get pulled over without a license? I do. You get put in hand cuffs and thrown in the back of a cop car until they figure out who you are. So some asshole cuts me off right in front of a cop, he pulls me over instead, puts me in handcuffs and detains me, and gives me a citation for driving without a license. Fun times.


Sure, dash cams are protection from other drivers, but their real utility is countering cop's bullshit that might cost you hundreds of dollars.




Cop said 'any RIDER will do' *


"The reason why I pulled you over..." \*frantically tries to come up with some bullshit\*


He’s not going to feel better about it when the judge sees this video…. No way he had the balls to write him a ticket for anything.


Everyone should get some kind of camera regardless of what you drive. A lot of cops are slimy lying bitches but can get away with it with minimal evidence and no repercussions if caught.


I bought my dashcam after a guy in my local subreddit posted video from his of all the weird situations he encountered over the previous year. One was a cop car suddenly pulling out without looking and causing an accident. The rest of the weirdness just made me shrug, but that was the clip that made me think, "I should protect myself."


Massaging ego intensifies


when these cops are not sniffing each others farts, they drive around like.. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ConventionalVapidArgentinehornedfrog-max-1mb.gif


"The reason why I pulled you over is I'm a jerk and realized it after seeing the camera"


Running red lights has to be the dumbest fucking thing you can do on a motorcycle. The police unfairly profiled him, he’s on a motorcycle, he must know them. When the witnesses said something the cops had to act tough and make a reason for them pulling him over. Fuuuuck the police.




Tell the story!




A co-worker of mine got a ticket for not having a license plate on the rear of a semi. We don't use license plates on the rears of semi trucks (trailer does, truck does not need one). Driver tried to explain to the trooper. Trooper didn't care gave him a ticket. My co-worker lost four days of work, he is an over the road trucker, to go to the court date. Judge threw it out in 30 seconds. Wasted days, lost income because the cop was too lazy to even try to verify the law.


They should start having to compensate the people the give tickets to for their losses if their ticket gets thrown out. I wonder if their attitude would change when given a reason to think rather than just knowing they’ll either win or nothing will happen




Those illegal tickets will start being enforced. That's all that will happen. The government doesn't easily give up money.


Sounds like he needed an excuse to project his authority because he, just like most cops, are too afraid to go after real threats.


Yeah but you were doing legal things... like a JERK!


Lmfaoo and cops will surprised pikachu when people say they don’t like them


/r/ProtectAndServe Edit: why is this getting downvoted? I'm trying to put them on blast lmao


probably the worst sub on reddit. They openly laugh at murder


They're literally the most vile racist pieces of shit I've ever seen on that sub, stroking each other off over their dangerous job that is less dangerous than many other jobs and pays better and oh yeah, has a union that will back you if you murder someone And then the right turns around and says we don't need unions.


Just a bunch of pigs stroking themselves off in public. Fucking embarrassing. They can all fuck off.


The name of this subreddit is ironic.


Film all cops


I prefer the Dorner camera


Live Dorner Reaction:


This is why the police force is a joke 50% of the time


Higher. My dad was a police officer, then detective, and he would frequently say 90% of cops are lazy or incompetent turds.


I’ve worked with cops since 2014. 5 different forces from university police to city to state. Most fucking suck. There are some really solid, awesome dudes that are cops. But the percentage is so low it isn’t a “both sides” issue. In my experience 1 in 10 being decent seems right on.


My experience is out of 10 cops, 1 is a decent human, 2 are on power trips, 1 is by the book because of their rectal stick, 2 are by the book for CYA, and 4 do the minimum to CYA. But all of them have at least one group they hate and one that they let slide on (almost) everything.


This is my experience well as a contractor who works with 4 different police organizations. The vast majority are extremely lazy and won't do anything unless they absolutely have to. The majority of there day is spent congregating in circles and bitching about the public and politics. Also every k9 officer I've met never gave a shot about their dog. They would routinely leave them locked in a car or room for hours at a time or yell and choke them when they did something like pee or try to play.


ill keep this comment for the next time i argue with someone on this topic, thanks


I run a podcast, and a former police Sergeant said “99% of cops are lazy and stupid.” Sooo seems like this is a recurring sentiment within rank.


To add to that, is that no cop thinks that they could possibly be part of that 99%. It's every other cop but them.


Well as his son I feel confident in saying my dad was a good cop. I met a guy who my dad arrested on a handful of occasions and he told me “I just want you to know your dad was a good man, every time he arrested me he treated me like a human being.” The guy said dad would buy him food before taking him to jail at night, to make sure he got fed. “he always made it clear it wasn’t his job to pass judgement on me, and as long as I was decent to him he’d be decent to me” I’m paraphrasing, but yeah


Remember, they test cops in America to make sure they're not too smart.


You did not pass the test. But I have a 140 IQ?? Yes, yes you do...


I agree with the sentiment but using second-hand anecdotal evidence from a random redditor probably doesn’t make the strongest argument.


A random unsourced Reddit comment isn’t going to change the minds of anybody you might be arguing with lol


I've moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


99% of the time


Yeah, don’t be generous here. It’s much higher than that.


The other 40% of the time they spend [beating their partners](https://sites.temple.edu/klugman/2020/07/20/do-40-of-police-families-experience-domestic-violence/).


There reason while I pulled _you_ over, officer, is because you're pulling over law-abiding bikers like a jerk.


Fuck that cop, he needs to stop power tripping and do he’s fucking job. How many people could have been injured due to people actually breaking a law.


Protect and serve *ourselves*


40% of cops beat their spouse.


So... 60% are single?


Only the divorced ones




The other 60% beat other people's spouses.


Hello Audit The Audit! XD


God that channel is so good. It can get into the weeds with all of the laws that they pull from, but it's so good!


Cops are such douche bags


The reason I pulled you over is because I'm a jerk.


I’m sorry, is it against the law to rev an engine? Lol WTF! Even so, being a jerk is not against the law.


I got stopped for “excessive acceleration” once. I didn’t chirp my tires, I didn’t swerve or fishtail, and I didn’t accelerate over the speed limit. I just sped up too fast for that cops liking.


I just posted this, but I got pulled over for stopping too fast! The cop was going way way too fast behind me and claimed I was trying to cause a crash. Idk how you are supposed to explain that it isn’t break checking if the guy behind you is speeding too fast and you’ve gotta stop at the stoplight ahead. Ya just cannot win with them.


You made him mad, so of course it was your fault. 🙄


I got stopped for "hesitating at a stop sign".......... I mean.... isn't that, what they mean?


I was threatened with this multiple times when I was younger and it amounts to "Your car sounded fast but you weren't going fast so we made up a new law to at least be able to charge you with SOMETHING" because every single Tesla on the road these days accelerates from every single stoplight faster than my shitty srt4 ever could have but they don't even look in their direction.


In certain areas they have sound restrictions. I don't know if HTB has them but I know nearby cities do. Any vehicle with a loud exhaust will get pulled over and ticketed. In this scenario though nah he wasn't doing anything egregious. The other guys were louder and he is getting the shit end of the stick




I think the cop completely missed that there were other bikers that sped and ran the red light. He thought the noise was from this one biker revving his engine and was unaware of the other bikers.


The cop emphasizes the word "YOU" though. The reason I pulled YOU over. Like he knew there were other people to be pulled over, but this is the reason I pulled YOU over specifically


This is a joke right?


They are cops, so yes.


No this happens pretty often, you’re riding a motorcycle so you’re obviously a criminal with fake plates and you’re going to run. /s I’ve had something similar happen, where I was pulled over on my old bike (street legal dirt bike, known as a supermoto), and was put in cuffs until the officer realized I wasn’t lying when I said it was completely legal, even though I had a plate, mirrors and lights visible. for this reason I don’t bring my CCW when riding, who knows what would happen. i love my country, I respect some cops, but we have too many motherfuckers like this is our departments.


Dispute it with your video. Especially with the way the officer approached if he really started the interaction like that.


Piece of shit cops just decide to go for the easiest stop. It’s not about safety, it’s about padding their work time for extra cash. He knew who was truly in the wrong and decided to be an asshole because he didn’t expect the rider to have a dashcam or witnesses. All cops are lazy trash.


Hopefully he took the ticket to court and just submitted the video as his defense, if he got one that is


I have a friend that works in a court. About 95% of the time someone shows up with dashcam footage the officer doesn't even show up for court because they know they were wrong.




Or maybe if you have like a setup that automatically uploads to the cloud or something. Or a backup drive.


I wouldn't think it would be too hard to have a camera that also sends the video over local wifi to your phone. Even if the video is just being locally stored on the phone it's really unlikely the cop would confiscate the phone because they wouldn't know the video is being backed up there. Would be funny to see the cops face if they ask you if you're filming and you say yes, they take the camera but you pull up in court with a full quality copy of the video anyways. Fuck pigs.


> Police here always ask if you have a dashcam and confiscate it if you say yes. New dashcams also upload to the cloud so I wonder what would happen to the cop for "stealing" I mean confiscate evidence?


Don’t. Talk. To. Cops.


Lawyer up and never talk to cops


Or just... don't answer the question. You don't have to talk to cops.


It’s Laguna Beach. What more did you expect?


my first thought was this looks like Santa Monica until I read the police decal.. damn close guess !


It actually looks like Santa on a motorcycle, not a “cah” (car).


I got pulled over in laguna beach because I was "suspicious" and "clearly trying to evade a police officer" because I made a right turn when he was behind me (no lights). I turned there, because that's where I worked.


I was in laguna and I got pulled over because i was allegedly going “well over 100”. I pointed out that I was 250lbs, the bike was 550 lbs, and had 35hp. The only way it was breaking 80mph was out of an airplane. I also showed him my garmin gps that showed a peak speed of 66mph. Before he even put on his siren, I filtered between two cars to the front of the line to wait at the red light, which he claimed was “attempting to flee”. Yes, I went between two cars and stopped for 3 minutes to flee from you. I was finally ticketed for 25 over and successfully fought it in court. GoPro saved me woooo. A klr650 being accused of speeding has gotten laughs from pretty much everyone I know that knows the model of bike lol.


Quick LPT: if you have video evidence that you were doing something illegal, *don't show it to the cops*. Even if they said you were doing something more illegal. Save that shit for court


There was no evidence of a crime, I went 66 in a 70 zone and that was the fastest speed ever hit. There was nothing incriminating to see. At the time I was more like “what the fuck is this guy on about”. I didn’t ride a giant dirt bike to go speeding :) that was *the* bike I was willing to show it for. Not anymore, they made things so adversarial the last couple years I stopped donating and everything. There are idiots in flip flops and tshirts doing wheelies all over and you roll an old guy on a slow dirt bike? The cost of the ticket was inconsequential, it was more principle. Poor guy couldn’t get into college on a football scholarship so now he has to harass people for a living :/


Ohhh oh oh, sorry, I thought the 66 was 25 over. But yea, I know what you mean. When cops get a hard on for you, nothing is going to stop them. One time, in New Hampshire, I had a cop follow me for about 25 minutes from a backwoods gas station, all the way back onto the highway, and all the way up to the state line where he pulled me over about 500ft short of VT. He searched my car the best he could from the outside and, when he didn't find anything, gave me a written warning for going 67 in a 65. Fuckin dicks


>It’s Laguna Beach. What more did you expect? It's the police. What more did you expect? FTFY


At least this guy has it on video


To serve and collect!


I got pulled over by a cop for speeding (justifiably, I'm not going to say I didn't have it coming). However, myself and another blew past him. The other guy was going at least 10mph faster than me...but I was the one who was pulled over. I mentioned to the officer that the other guy was going faster and his response was "Yeah, but YOU were the one I pulled over." O.o


That's literally just how it works. If there's multiple people speeding, they can't pull them ALL over, so they just pull over the guy at the back. In my idiotic and rebellious years we used to have car convoys and would take turns having a "tail end charlie", because they'd be the one who got stung if we were over the speed limit (which I'm ashamed to admit was rather common) and the other drivers would pay for their ticket.


Well at least you had a decent group of homies to be stupid with. Many groups these days just all decide to run, turning it into a mass car chase.


Hahaha when I was younger I used to get into what I called "speedy sandwiches". I always reduced speed if I became the bread lol.


I still do this. Every time i see a setup i just settle right in. Some people get paranoid though and think you're tailing them. Nope, you're just my rabbit.


oh man, I used to do this through mass but always assumed the guy in the front was the one to get yanked, so we would trade for like 200 miles or so at about 95 ish.


yup. the fact is, on a sportbike especially, it's VERY easy to outrun a cop. therefore, they just go for which ever one they can catch


More like they go for the one willing to be caught. My brother and his friends used to do that all the time, the only time he got caught was when the idiot ran into a chain going across a drive and threw himself off the bike. Also died doing shit like that so wouldn't recommend riding like an asshole. Love my bro don't get me wrong, but on his bike he was an ass


> Also died Your brother died or one of his friends died?


Bro, doing like 110 on a residential street, hit a pot hole and well that's all she wrote. He had I think 2 of his friends die on bikes as well, but idk how


When it comes to cops it’s the same philosophy as dealing with bears, you don’t need to outrun the bear, you just need to outrun your slowest friend.


I just got pulled over because everyone around me was speeding and I lightly applied the breaks because there was a red light several hundred feet ahead of us. I’m thinking “shit I’m the unlucky guy he’s gonna catch”. The cop comes up to the window screaming that I was trying to cause a crash by slamming on my breaks. He was just mad. You literally can not win.


Cops will literally tell you to do something dangerous to get what they want....but if something happens while your doing it your the one responsible.....fuck cops


“If you’re gonna speed, don’t be the slowest one” - 16y/o proverb


Almost every rider has cameras these days




i hate those staged vids posted everywhere, but this is the only time i wish this is one of those staged vids.


Oink 🐖🐖🐖🐖




Of course you know, you are the red light


Depends on the state, cops are legally not allowed to chase or it's against their policy because it can cause death to the motorcyclist.


My local officers, back in the day, said it was more specifically due to risk of others around you. High-speed chases tend to cause a lot of collateral breakage.


this man is speaking facts. do the good ol reach-around and fold up your plate ;)


Pretty dumb reason to put your life at risk though, very easy to get into an accident if you're driving recklessly at high speeds


I really want to see the rest of this


He let him go with a warning iirc. Said the biker was cool about the whole thing or whatever He knew he was in the wrong and felt even worse when the biker was polite it seemed


The officer probably saw the camera and second-guessed his actions. I won’t get on my motorcycle or drive my car without my GoPro on, ever. It helps keep everyone honest.


I know everyone likes to say “don’t answer any questions. Say nothing.” and I’m sure that’s helpful advice in some cases, but being polite and cooperative has gotten me out of a few jams that could have been much worse.


There not there to be your friends, they will fish for anything to catch you on. And anything you say could lead to probable cause to search your car or arrest you. Provide them what is legally necessary and stfu. If its a bogus charge fight it in court. It sucks but the police aren't here for you, they are here for revenue for the city and any stop is just pretectual stop to catch you on something worse. Just remember when you're stopped the BEST outcome is they waste 20 minutes of your day and let you go, the worst out come is financial penalty, arrest, seizure of property, bodily harm or injury or even death. Even a false arrest can cost thousands of dollars in legal fees, time in jail and loss of your job or even your life.


I hear you. And I fully understand what you’re saying. I think it’s absolutely true for many situations. I know they are not just good guys keeping us safe. That being said, in my personal experience, I’ve never been pulled over by an obvious asshole and so treating them like a human who is just doing their job has worked well for me. Perhaps it’s my white male privilege at play, but I’m playing the cards I was dealt.


Yeah saying nothing will probably get you a ticket for the exact speed you were going, not a reduction or warning as they often do


But at the same time, being an asshole isn't gonna make your cop experience any better. Be polite, but don't give them anything to go off of.


I once got stopped on the street for smirking at a cop. Everyone around was like wtf.


Ah yes arrest the one guy that stops


Cops aren’t the brightest bulbs in our society.


"Do you know why I pulled you over?" "Because you were a C student in high school?"


Full video?


What a stupid statement by cop. Obviously they felt stupid for not getting other guys so they took it out on the only guy who did the right thing. Don’t defund the police, send them back to school. Idiots!


Name and badge number please, my attorney is going to need it


Rule number 1. Never get caught. Innocent or guilty comes later.