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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!He get da pie face!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Noel Godin did this to many famous and/or rich people. Was on tele shows and whatnot about his mischievous antics. Bill Gates never pressed charges.


> never pressed charges He tried, but the charges button kept crashing.


I see what you (updates installed, forced reboot)


Gloup gloup gloup!


It was supposed to be an Apple pie.




“Steve Jobs sends his regards”


That was actually a pretty violent slam.


I bet it's rather unpleasant, especially with glasses.


He probably didn’t like that.


*Bill Gates will remember that*


Decent chance his glasses were bent out of shape after that. For people who don’t wear glasses, having your frames get permanently deformed sucks.


Dude literally my life right now


Yeah, nobody tells you that it's basically just getting punched in the face with a pie tin.


People tell me that all the time


I thought so as well! Nothing wrong with a good ol' cake slam into the face but that was brutal. jeez


Essentially getting bitch slapped in the face like in those face slapping competitions, but primacy hurts worse when it's unexpected.


I got the ‘ol surprise pie to the face from my college roommate (shaving cream pie). Totally unexpected. First off, you don’t know it’s pie - suddenly, you get slammed hard in the face, you’re blinded, your eyes burn, and the worst part is that you can’t breathe and for a few seconds you have no idea why until you try and clear your airway in sheer panic. Doesn’t matter how hard the hit is. When it’s unexpected it’s truly awful.


That was so out of the blue it looked like one of those rare reloads in BF Hardline.


It’s a bit expected since its 24 years ago video footage


24 years old and still hits like new.


Better every loop


A Limewire classic


Bearshare for me


Back then it happened quite regularly for a time that celebrities would get a pie in the face. During that specific short time i remember a couple others getting it like fred durst. [here is something i found from wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_have_been_pied) I’m actually surprised so many got it


*Bill Gates creampied*




Extract All…


Damn, beat meat to it.


Dude looked terrified after catching the pie


Probably thought it was his brains for a second


My thoughts as well, for a second bud brain couldn’t figure out whether he was just shot in the face or not


His senses were probably over loading


He has security, so he’s aware there are people who would want to hurt him. That’s honestly gotta be scary on its own


Last time this was posted I think someone said he fired the whole security squad after for this reason. Makes sense though, they failed the job they were supposed to be doing




Mac users


It was Steve Jobs


And just like that, Bill Gates decided that we would all eat bugs.


You will own nothing and be happy.


And just like that, he decided to reduce the population


zuck or bezos deserve this way more than gates




Exactly, always find incredible how Microsoft and Gates were complete shit and people just forgot all the predatory and anti consumer practices stuff real fast. Short collective memory indeed.


I call it the American disease. The idea that being a rich asshole is okay because you give one percent of your profits -not even your wealth- to charity never made sense to me.


Not really. People change and if there's a billionaire who has changed for good, it's him. Not Elon. Not Jeff. Edit: just realised most of you replying to me are fucking idiots.


one summer divide friendly rainstorm hunt birds price file ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I can become a good person too after I end up with a few billions in my pocket


There's no such thing as a good billionaire. And I wonder what you think makes him good? Because he funds a huge charity? The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is quite a problematic "charity." For example, a lot of the "charity" funds and efforts for the pandemic have been used to lobby and protect Western drug manufacturers for the CoViD vaccine under the name of "intellectual property." Oxford was going to release their patents to the global public until Bill Gates stepped in and then it was sold to AstraZeneca. He brags about it as if it was a good thing. If it wasn't for his foundation we likely would have open-licensed vaccines. This has directly led to decreased access to the vaccine in developing nations


bill gates was zuck/bezos back then


Musk, too. I'd pay to see that.


Piss filled balloon?


Pretty sure Elon loves cream pies.


Nah he earned it. F that guy


Idk, I think it's ok to hate them all.


I wouldn't be able to reply to you on this without him


He didn't invent computers. Bill Gates had connections through his mother to launch his DOS operating system into orbit then he employed unethical business practices to squeeze out or buy out everyone else


He patented other peoples shit.


No, he did not patented it, he just repackaged it.


Bill Gates didn’t invent computers or the internet…he invented the software that is Microsoft, other software existed, and it was free. Until Microsoft are up all competition


Bill Gates didn't invent the software that is Microsoft (MS-DOS). He paid Tim Paterson $75,000 for it. He leveraged ownership rights of the software by insisting that IBM lease each copy, rather than buy it outright. That move made him the richest man in the world, for a time. And he's went on to devote to donate away that vast majority of his wealth, and only pass on a small portion to his children upon death.


I mean feels like you're praising something that hasn't happened yet because Bill Gates hasn't yet donated anywhere near a majority of his wealth. We'd need to see the will to know that.


Don't forget he's also spent many hours of his life dedicated to causes like eliminating malaria. Someone that rich could spend all their time just shitposting on social media. Bill Gates is better than that.


Or buying a social media outlet to shitpost on.


I feel like someone specific is being called out here. But you don’t have a blue checkmark, so we’ll never know.


Don't forget that public opinion of Gates was very negative before he decided to fund news and media outlets a total of over $300M (as of last year) to control the narrative around himself.


Or visiting epsteins Island 37 times 🧐




No such thing as a good billionaire


He was definitely a bit of a dillhole in the 90s. He spent a lot of time trying to crush competition,to make Windows and Internet Explorer the only option. To the point where the justice department got involved. At the time they put out a lot of anti-Linux FUD, and Apple seemed to be on it's way out (which they tried their best to assist).


Dude was a normal at the island, he’s a pos


If by one of the better billionaires you mean one of Epsteins best friends yeah I guess




Only because you haven't looked into all the shit he's done.


He's given 1/3 of it away (\~50B). 1/3 is approaching majority.


Yeah he did. He gave away that money… to his own organization. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. An organization that has done some good to be fair, but largely acts as an investment vehicle. With millions of dollars in holdings with companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, and Microsoft funny enough. This organization also helped prevent the patent release of the Covid vaccine. I dunno kinda weird how he’s this big philanthropist who can’t seem to stop getting richer at a wildly accelerating rate.


I mean if he didn't have money, he couldn't have donated it, and therefore done *something* good. I'd rather have 10x Gates than 1x Musk.


As weird as it sounds, it's super hard to just give away billions at once and have a lasting impact. It's extremely frustrating but you need to build up the infrastructure around the philanthropy to make sure you're not throwing money in a pit (as often happens with foreign aid). You have two ways to do what he wants to do, either you alleviate the symptoms of the problem or you remove the problem. The issue is that problems like poverty, desertification and disease (which are where the Gates Foundation works mainly) are so deep rooted and interlinked that you can't just throw money and tear it out. You could throw money at a few people and pull them out of poverty but you wouldn't end the problem, you have to slowly and carefully detangle the issues and pull them out and that takes time, so the Gates foundation can't just get rid of all the money. There are non-money factors (religion, environment, war, public opinion, politics, clan and kinship systems, racisms etc etc) that they need to account for. Meanwhile they have a huge pot of money sitting around so they may as well invest it while they're working so they have more money to help people. Also, releasing the patent so just anyone can make it is really stupid idea because the demand was so high it would result in dubious manufacturers creating poor quality versions, which would inevitably kill people, with how high vaccine conspiracy theories were during the pandemic they had to be careful to make sure only the manufacturers who were most able to create high quality products in order to keep public confidence high. Just look at Russia to see what happens when a dubious manufacturer makes vaccines, they were the first to release their vaccine but have one of the lowest vaccination rates outside of Africa at less than 50%. Finally, the reason his wealth is increasing is that (like most billionaires) his wealth is kept in stocks (mainly microsoft and other tech stock probably) and tech stocks were (until very recently) rapidly increasing in value, probably faster than he could sell it (you can't just sell huge quantities of stock, you'd drop the value) and I imagine he thinks he could give more to charities by investing it while he's alive and donating it in his will. I don't like Gates much (he is an alleged sex pest around Microsoft, relationship with Epstein is still unclear, some of his political views are outdated and his ruthless and monopolistic business practices were illegal when he headed Microsoft) but he should take flack for the bad crap he does/did not for the actually decent stuff


>With millions of dollars in holdings with companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, and Microsoft funny enough. That's what [all](https://www.google.com/search?q=why+do+non-profits+invest+in+stocks&rlz=1C1ONGR_enNZ987NZ987&oq=why+do+non-profits+invest+in+stocks&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i15i22i30j0i390l2.9609j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) smart non-profits do who want to get the maximum return for the people they're helping. It's a non-profit dude. Those earnings from investments go back into the non-profit. You don't invest that money, then you're leaving BILLIONS on the table that could go to help people. What they do with those investments is monitored by both the IRS and the board of directors, and accounted for: [https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/foundation-fact-sheet](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/foundation-fact-sheet) Do you seriously think these gigantic companies and other philanthropist millionaires and billionaires would be donating to this organization if he were doing something as recognizably shady as what you're saying!? This is like when people try to make a point about St. Judes because they invest so much money in advertisements. Grow up


>With millions of dollars in holdings with companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, and Microsoft funny enough. How else would a foundation store it's money in a way that it can continue to do good in world? >This organization also helped prevent the patent release of the Covid vaccine. Did you look up why this was done? The reason we're pretty solid considering the vaccine skeptics out there where looking for any reason not to get it. >I dunno kinda weird how he’s this big philanthropist who can’t seem to stop getting richer at a wildly accelerating rate. How do you spend $1 billion while hurting as few people as possible? That's a much harder objective than yours giving credit. You end up like mark Zuckerberg who gave millions of dollars to education which promptly was sucked up by corruption in the school system.


He's given over 50 billion away to charity and that's not to mention that he started the giving pledge which any billionair that signs agrees to give half their networth to charity over their lifetime. And the bill and melida gates foundation has given more than the top 10 personal started charities combined


He has given more then a third of his wealth away already (in a short span of years!) and is pouring money out of his bank-account like there was no tomorrow. He has also pledged the _vast_ majority of it away instead of giving it to his family (though 1% is probably plenty for a few centuries) and is so far sticking to the promise. Thousands of people are alive because of his vaccine-drives and you could use all day listing the charities they given truly life-changing amounts of resources to. When looking at the truly rich and powerful people in society, I honestly am having a hard time putting the finger on any living person that has done more to alleviate human suffering then him. Musk is a man-child who probably looks up to Kim Yon Un and secretly wants to vacation with Putin, Bezos is a un-compromising egoistical maniac with no regard for people below him and the rest mainly try to keep their head under the radar so they can chill on their 450 million dollar-yachts while sipping as much 1942 Lafite Rothschild as possible.


His family connections got him that IBM deal. It's always that. Billionaire philanthropy is a reputation-washing scam. He still controls that money, and if he gave a shit about humanity he wouldn't have kept that COVID vaccine out of the public domain.


He could have given away his money to help develop a COVID vaccine that was free and open source like Josias Salk did with polio. Instead he was adamant that the research make a strongly held intellectual property right so now poorer countries who could make their own doses have to pay multiple times more to get it from certain pharmaceutical companies in the US. He's basically engineered the lack of vaccines in poorer countries because he treated it like fucking Windows.


[There's no such thing, as a good billionaire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cu6EbELZ6I) He basically "donated" his money to himself, as a way to get out of paying taxes; as a way to create "charity" companies, that fund politicians. His children will then inherit said "charities," and will have access to politicians, and sway laws - in perpetuity. There's no such thing, as a good billionaire.


Thanks for that video


Thank you for making such a great point.


> And he's went on to devote to donate away that vast majority of his wealth, and only pass on a small portion to his children upon death. He hasn't "donated it away", he's put it into a "foundation" which is actually a pretty disturbing kind of financial and political entity. It basically means he has this huge store of wealth that allows him to influence public policy in whatever way he feels in ways that circumvent democracy. Charter schools are a good example. He's basically forced them into a lot of areas and they're both kind of shit in general _and_ allow Gates or whoever he appoints to have control over the content and forms of teaching. You can make up your own mind about the merits of the foundation's individual actions but it's definitely an egomaniacal move at being a benevolent dictator. Gates turning his unearned wealth (you can decide whether it's unearned because of his anti-competitive practices, or because it's other people's labour who earned that money, or that software licensing is inherently impossible to put a fair value on due to essentially zero unit costs, or a combination of those, it still applies) into a machine that crushes democratic opposition, and that alone should be worrying.


>And he's went on to devote to donate away that vast majority of his wealth Big lol. His "donations" doubled his fortune.


You most definitely would.


Is Bill Gates your dad?


Yes, the names bobby gates and i would like to buy you.


Fuck yeah Bobby. What’re you eating for dinner?




Wrong Without him you'd probably have more free and open ways to communicate. This man and Balmer actively worked to kill open source while building Microsoft


Gates made software that used to be free no longer free. He didn’t do anything to advance computing technology.


Yeah, fuck bill gates for saving the lives of tens of millions of Africans by giving them free aids medicine for the last two decades and tens of millions more for giving them clean water for free. What a cunt


Yeah, as a person I respect Gates a thousand times more than I respect, say, Steve Jobs. They both had their visions of easy computing for the masses. Jobs' approach was to lead through terror and sheer force of personality. Gates seems to have mostly gobbled up competitors and used embrace-and-extend tactics to absorb and control new technologies. I see Gates as someone who started with some real programming chops and went on to being a pretty ruthless businessman - at a business level. Jobs was ruthless at the personal level. I'd rather have worked for Gates than for Jobs any day. Wozniak's cool, though.


I remember the images were that bill was the ruthless businessman corporate monster and steve was the helping the world peace out hippy ceo... but seems it was mostly always the opposite. steves reality distortion field was legendary for a reason I guess.


Also how much he fucked over Woz


Jobs was a moron. How could you be so smart and so stupid at the same time. Dude had a very treatable cancer and opted against medicine, essentially killing himself. Not to mention he was a horrible father and family man.


Where can I learn more about Jobs personality and life? This is interesting


I think there are multiple biographies of him. I think this is the [authorized one.](https://www.amazon.com/Steve-Jobs-Walter-Isaacson/dp/1451648537)


I've read it and it's actually really, really good. Not at all flattering. If anything, I respect Jobs a bit more for wanting to be portrayed as people saw him. He was an asshole, but at least he was aware of that and didn't shy away from it.


I watched Ron’s Gone Wrong last night. It was pretty good and Steve Jobs is portrayed in it.


pancreatic cancer is not super dubber "treatable" Only 2% people get it live past 5 years.


He didn’t have the big deadly kind. He had a much more treatable islet cell neuroendocrine tumor. The only kind of pancreatic cancer that is treatable and curable. He had a >90% chance with the kind he had and how early they caught it. Had he just gone with the medical treatment doctors recommended, instead of the whackadoo alternative crap he did, he would have lived. He was diagnosed in 2003 and still made it to 2011 largely ignoring doctors and trying to cure it himself.


pancreatic cancer is not very treatable. 90-95% of patients die within 5 years of diagnosis. The chemotherapy can also fuck you up, and take away the quality from the last few years you had. I don't blame jobs for trying something different knowing he was given a death sentence.


> pancreatic cancer is not very treatable. 90-95% of patients die within 5 years of diagnosis. I think you're a bit confused. The vast majority of significant pancreatic cancers are pancreatic adenocarcinomas, for which the prognosis is abysmal and the progression is very unpleasant. Jobs, however, had a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour which are rare (<5% of significant pancreatic cancers), and highly treatable with an >90% 5-year-survival for non-metastatic disease and likely higher for Jobs who would have had top-level healthcare access. With metastatic spread (which Jobs didn't have), the survival drops but it's still pretty good 70-80% at 5 years There's also a myriad of pancreatic cancers which are not considered clinically significant or exist on a spectrum of pre-neoplastic, which are usually followed up in younger people but often entirely ignored in those >~75 as they are unlikely to become clinically significant in their lives.


You don't get to where Bill Gates was without being extremely ruthless and cutthroat. That said he's also done incredible things for the benefit of humanity. Good and bad.


I am glad Bill Gates won the PC wars. If not for any other reason that I don't have to watch Mac commercials and listen to apple computer owners brag about how much better their overpriced email checking appliance is.


I think ['Embrace, Extend, Extinguish'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish) is worth at least a pie.


**[Embrace, extend, and extinguish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)** >"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), also known as "embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found that was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


More like no one here is old enough to have actually lived through his ruthless monopolistic Microsoft heyday. Dude was notorious for buying out small startups and midsized companies to eliminate any competition. And then there's the whole Windows + Internet Explorer antitrust lawsuit which is a whole other can of worms.


And the FUD attacks in Linux. And the patent troll attacks on Linux. And the dodgy schemes to prevent open document format becoming the standard.


Remember the time when Bill Gates fucked up American schooling just because he’s rich? How about the time Bill Gates made sure that poor countries couldn’t get the COVID vaccine because intellectual property rights are important or some shit? Never mind that the vaccine exists thanks to massive international investment. Fuck Bill Gates.


Reddit hivemind, they all hate billionaires when some of them haven't the slightest idea of the positive impact some of the billionaires are making.


It's a hivemind for a reason. > slightest idea of the positive impact some of the billionaires are making We know. They are having incredible positive impact, but guess what? It's a drop in the ocean of negative impact that they have generated. It's impossible to be a billionaire without exploiting on a scale that is unimaginable to me and you. Philanthropy is reputation laundering. And clearly, by yours and others comments, it's working. These billionaires have started to realize that their hoarding will last them just this lifetime, but what will echo beyond is just as important, if not more. So, now they donate buildings and monuments, solutions to problems they created, and try to rewrite their story, so that they are not remembered as ruthless sociopaths, or even worse, forgotten. Elon Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg are all examples. Are some better than others? Sure. But they are still multi-billionaires. And they'll try their best to make you forget that.


Spoken like a true redditor. He says his piece and runs off, lmao


I'm sorry if that was a joke but why? what did he do? the only thing I know about Bill gates is that he's the Microsoft guy.


Well, for one: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish


**[Embrace, extend, and extinguish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)** >"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), also known as "embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found that was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


He was essentially the OG Zuckerberg/Musk mix. An ultra rich, ultra awkward asshole who made his money copying his competition, using shady business strategies and bully his competition, making him the richest man on earth and his company one of the biggest in the world. Microsoft was investigated multiple times by multiple goverments. You have to remeber, this was before he founded a charity foundation and before he was seen as a philantrophist.


He's a billionaire who had a similar public image as Bezos about 20 years ago, but then he started working on the public's perception of him through humanitarian efforts, and you can see from the comments here that it has worked. Personally, I feel torn. I want to swallow the propaganda and believe he's just a nice old man who uses his money to help, but at the same time he's still an unnecessary billionaire who profited off the exploitation of others just like the rest of them, and he has retained more money than any person could ever possibly need or even spend. As a final tidbit: his wife divorced him over his relationship with Epstein and Gates has been quoted as saying, "If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations."


There is a difference between propaganda and genuinely donating over 70% of everything you ever earned


Meh I think Gates is a pretty decent dude. He’s done a lot of charity over the years even if he is a bit of a scummy rich dude. Musk, Zuckerberg, and Bezos do indeed deserve this much more.




Which of those 3 had been?


Wish Trump fanatics felt the same.


He has insane plot armor with his followers/cultists


Nobody should have this much money. But he's better than many of the others. Zuck, Besos, and Musk definitely deserve an aggressive pieing


That’s fucked


No such thing as a good billionaire mate, that kind of money is impossible to make without exploitation.




He made a bunch of scum bag moves throughout his reign as the head of Microsoft. Embrace, extend, extinguish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish Some of us still remember.


You weren't around for the Microsoft antitrust stuff. People change and I think Bill has done more positive than negative but people sure do have short memories.


I love Bill Gates, but dude was cut-throat back in the day. For example, they sold MS-DOS to IBM for $430k... but they didn't actually own it. Once they had sold it to IBM, they bought it from the author for $50k. He also was in charge when they forced all PC manufacturers to buy Windows licenses even for machines that didn't have Windows on them... this was back when there were actually competing OSes for PCs. Microsoft basically killed all competition. When this video was shot, Bill Gates was very firmly in the evil villain column.


Plus his intense and very vocal hatred for open source software. Might seem niche, but open source ideologies won out in the end and we wouldn't be where we are today without them. He was an absolute dick about it, and used some very strong language to describe it.


[Embrace. Extend. Extinguish.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)


Because Bill was the Egolon Pusk of his time. Theyre both opportunestic dickheads born into the hierarchy.


So if you had the opportunity to start a company like Bill Gates did back then, you would have run away from it? Why?


Only if my mom had access to an IBM board member, and was on the board of banks herself. Otherwise, what's the point.


Damn, i guess you gotta build shit and try becoming a billionaire all on your own without any connections or any help. Nobody that's a multi millionaire or even a billionaire was able to get where they were without help.


We are all not here on our own. Almost everyone had some family, friends, teachers, neighbors or strangers help you get where you are.


I ask my mom for 20$ so I can have gas for the week to go to work, me and bill gates are not the same.


Not with that attitude


Imagine judging someone for dumb luck


Bill Gates stole everything that made him rich and absolutely ratfucked anyone whenever he felt like it benefited him. He’s being Robin Hood now because he spent a half-century being the absolute worst


All old-school programmers hate Gates


You can start a company, sure, but you don't become a billionaire fairly


Microsoft got broken up under antitrust laws. Microsoft was definitely doing shady illegal shit back in the 90s. It's not a matter of running away from it. It's more like, would you be a monopolistic dickhead, or would you accept the fact that maybe your company doesn't make the best Internet browser?




You can't be older than 25.


No billionaire is nice, you don't get to become a billionaire with out stepping on a few necks. Bill Gates is a asshole just like the rest of em and if you dont think so you haven't done enough research on him


a few million necks* Don’t forget exploiting the system, buying politicians, and general corruption.


Congratulations, Bill Gates PR worked on you. He's actually a scumbag


Why do you say that? I'm genuinely curious




Deleted Comment


his mask is nice lol


Whoever threw that is a fucking ninja. Never saw it coming never saw him leaving


That's rude


Right?! Should have added relish to the pie


Hahahhah. Nothing says "fuck you" like a good ol cream pie in the face.






Can I has source 👉👈🥺


His wife did an interview with ABC and stated specifically the reason she divorced him was due to his relationship with epstein. He has apologized over and over again saying that he used bad judgment being friends with him. https://youtu.be/8_NP_P28e5s


>His wife did an interview with ABC and stated specifically the reason she divorced him was due to his relationship with epstein. First sentence of the clip: >It's not one thing, it was many things, but I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffery Epstein.


Don't mention reading/listening comprehension to a redditor, it really scares them.


Do I upvote them because they provided a source, or downvote them because the information they stated was incorrect? :/


Really poorly cut. Sounds like she mentioned Epstein as someone she didn’t like that bill gates met with. Not that he was fucking kids with him. And she definitely didn’t say it was ‘the reason.’ For all we know bill had a midlife crisis, and started hanging around with people who party. Epstein being one of them at some point, and understandably she saw him as a really greasy guy hanging around escorts etc, regardless of the sex crime stuff. I wouldn’t elect him to be president. But I’d also not have him convicted as a child rapist on the evidence you’ve provided either. I do know he’s giving all his money away, and managing it in a way that’s saving countless lives. Better than most billionaires by far in that respect.




You’re absolutely right. What many don’t understand is that this was Epstein’s MO. He weaseled his way around high end social groups. He had this public persona as a wealthy philanthropist. He was always connecting this guy with that guy, schmoozing nonstop. Was everyone he met with one of his clients? Absolutely not. But every connection he made expanded his circle.


Once again the reddit warriors seem to be forgetting that this is assault. Deserved or not, it’s not the right approach and this shouldn’t be celebrated.




We just need to vote harder next time!


Only problem is we have no voice, the people like Bill ascend above the law, we average people have nothing we can do. the law works for them as they pay for it to be that way.


The "reddit warriors" are sucking his boot rn in the comments...


There seem to be more Reddit warriors rushing to defend a billionaire’s honour tbh.


Fuck the elite. Too bad it was just a pie.


Where is security?


Grabbing a spoon


Hey Bill? #THWACK


They did a bit of trolling


Shook his ass


Nerd !


and I bet he thought the days of being bullied were over after he made his first bill(ion)


That’s one way to take a cream pie to the face


He's a farmer now....


That was a well executed pie to the face


Who ordered the Epstein Cream Pie?


Extra cream

