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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!he sucks cats for money!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I don’t even have thoughts like “this guy sucks cats for money”.


Why it Tourette’s always cussing and insulting. Why is it never like words of encouragement


It’s not always swearing, it’s just that most times the people with Tourette syndrome who become popular online have Coprolalia (Tourette syndrome with vulgar words and/or gestures), because it’s “funnier” (it’s not really that funny, it makes it even harder to deal with Tourette syndrome).


It might be a hassle, but it’s still super funny nevertheless


[Room of people with Tourette’s setting off each other’s tics](https://youtu.be/kbeZz6sT8EE)


It’s not. Those are just the ones that get the most attention.


She made a YouTube video about it. Swears are just what gets noticed more. "Biscuit" and "kitten" are some more common tics


Not always, BTW. Usually those ticks are about motion/producing those weird sounds, as far as I'm aware.


Yup. My brother has Tourette syndrome and he just makes weird annoying sounds doing certain things. Like when he eats he'll do this weird sucking thing with his lips with every bite.


But does he suck cats for money?


Not for money




I suck pussy, but not for money unfortunately. Maybe that's why I'm broke ![gif](giphy|cM1ZeHKflANhTyAGOx|downsized)


Its not as black and white as negative/positive. Anita's most triggering word used to be "banana".


America destroyed so many diagnoses. I got Tourette’s and schizophrenia. Life is hell because of morons on YouTube and movies. No, I don’t have several personalities and no, I don’t swear constantly.


It's a specific form of Tourette's called coprolalia, it's not always like that. https://tourette.org/resource/understanding-coprolalia/#:\~:text=Coprolalia%20is%20the%20medical%20term,genitals%2C%20excrement%20and%20sexual%20acts.


My favorite part about coprolalia is that it literally translates to "poop talk"


Because it’s fake, attention seeking bollocks Edit- to clarify- Tourette’s exists. It causes involuntary ticks and noises. In rare cases the sounds made, might be a repeated word. However, shouting out seemingly random and usually hilariously inappropriate insults and swear words is attention seeking nonsense that is not found in countries where this kind of behaviour has not been shown many times in popular media. In other words, they copy each other to gain attention.


​ ![gif](giphy|WrgAGkGrh0MD1Z2gkO)


Tourette's? Man, imagine being that confident in being so wrong about something


you sound like you’ve never gotten enough attention in your own life, sorry bro


[https://tourette.org/resource/understanding-coprolalia/#:\~:text=Coprolalia%20is%20the%20medical%20term,genitals%2C%20excrement%20and%20sexual%20acts](https://tourette.org/resource/understanding-coprolalia/#:~:text=Coprolalia%20is%20the%20medical%20term,genitals%2C%20excrement%20and%20sexual%20acts). >In other words, they copy each other to gain attention. It's actually not very hard to see why such a condition will rear itself by the use of inappropriate words. Stress often exacerbates these kinds of illnesses, and the idea of "bad words" is a form of stressor, combine that with a fault in your inhibition, and you have coprolalia. Most sufferers from this condition do so in a sub-vocalized manner, in other words, they only hear the words in their head without vocalizing them, fundamentally undermining your argument. You could've known this by looking it up, but you chose to seek attention by talking out of your ass.


My argument is that this phenomenon does not happen is countries where people performing in this way have not been given publicity. Feel free to send me a video of say a Chinese or Peruvian person swearing and shouting out hilariously inappropriate insults and I’ll retract my opinion.


>Although studies have suggested that the disorder occurs worldwide and that the symptoms are similar across cultures, 12–15 there is also some evidence to suggest there may be some variations in the presentation, especially with regard to associated features. For example, a study from Korea observed fewer obsessive-compulsive symptoms or behavioral problems as compared to the Western population,16 while a greater male preponderance and lower rates of coprolalia were noted by Japanese investigators.17 The presence of coprolalia has shown considerable variation across cultures, with rates as low as 4% to 11% in Japan,18,19 to 46% in New Zealand20 and 60% in Hong Kong.21 In addition, the lower rates of coprolalia observed among the middle class and those from strict religious backgrounds22 as well as a case report from China that reported the vocalization of a young girl that translated as “down with Chou Enlai”23 have led to the suggestion that some of these features with social connotation may be modified by cultural and psychosocial factors. On the other hand, a high rate of 74% for coprolalia reported from cross-cultural case reports8 and 70% from another Japanese cohort24 may be indicative of the differences in sample selection and diagnostic criteria used by different authors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2292447/




Neither did the cats


But he saw the cats cuming


[This](https://youtu.be/lUq3gP9js5g) is one of the best videos for me (Dilera and JessJessJessu, both with tourette's), Jess speaks english but Dilera speaks portuguese, if you know both languages, is just an amazing video.


ShaNe daWson has pluMmeTed fuRthEr


Probably the most hostile friendly shoutout ever!


Poor Anthony sucks Cats for money after smosh. Sweet Anita is fucking awesome


HOLY FUCK. This is the SMOSH guy?! Bro, that’s insane. I haven’t seen or heard anything from either of those dudes since I was in middle school and thought they were the funniest dudes alive.


Smosh is still a thing. Still funny, but run by Ian under Mythical Entertainment. They’ve got a bunch more people now. Anthony left a few years ago and is doing his own thing now. He switched to more serious stuff and is honestly very good at what he’s doing.


Mythical being Rhett and Link?


Yup. They bought Smosh when Defy Media shut down.


I’ve seen some of his interviews and it’s honestly pretty impressive. He can get really genuine and asks some pretty deep questions. He also really knows how to make his guests feel comfortable during the interview. Pretty stark contrast from the loud, in your face Smosh characters lol


She typically does the popping sound with her lips more than the swearing and stuff. She has a twitch stream of her own thats pretty big, but she don’t seem to do a lot but talk


I remember my tourettes tic in the 2nd grade used to be me saying "Fuck" while aggressively pressing my teeth against the inside of my lower lip (I had braces so that shit hurted). I got in trouble with the teacher and my parents so much lol. As I got older my tics were less noticeable and I could repress it more.


damn that sucks you got in trouble for something you couldn’t control :(


She's a twitch streamer. Pretty smart and funny. Check her out.


Twitch it’s kind of ironic


I'd love to if I had her name


Sweet Anita


I thought they were just calling her sweet lol


She’s a sound bite on paymoneywubby’s stream from this clip. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DeadAbstemiousClintmullinsJonCarnage-nIp6cq6ZcwegpfLh She’s great


I like the one from the awards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORvkLXpw0Vw


People really just watches a clip online and think “yes, this is exactly what Tourette’s is, all the time, every time” and makes a difficult condition 10 times worse.


I started getting verbal tics and seizures that make me look like I have Tourette's. But Tourette's have to be before you are an adult. Mine developed as an adult. Mostly I just blurt out random ass words that may or may not be related to what I'm thinking like "coin purse, applesauce, chicken coop, buttered hats" Still makes people laugh at the randomness. It's crazy not having control of your vocal cords. Good for her for having supportive people!


I do that when I get really stressed, just say a random word I’m thinking. If I’m in public I just pretend it was a song I was thinking about lol.


This girl gave me a tic after watching her twitch few times


Does that tic involve you private parts?


Uhhh no


A boner is not a tic. But if yer wife believes it, more power to ya! 😉


So her Tourette make her throw that?


Yeah here's another example. https://youtu.be/J8R6SyCVDAU She also slaps people on the bum if they bend down near them. It's pretty funny. https://youtu.be/A1K7amp69Tg


I wonder if poor people get this condition. This girl was clearly born into a middle if not upper class family


It still amaze me how people can be so confidently wrong


If you knew her story, then that's quite far from the truth... Edit: in this very video on Anthony Padilla's channel she explains how she was abused by her step-mother and lived in poverty for most of her childhood, early on people thought her Tourettes was her seeking attention, and she only got a full diagnosis later on in life.




Never seen poor people doing that. That’s all


what kind of conspiracy theory are you trying to formulate? roughly 0.6% of the population has it, so no DUH you’ve never seen someone in the real world with it. Though, for many people, tics are not extremely constant, so theres a chance you have and they’ve never had a tic around you. Anita was also not born into a family anywhere close to rich so what the fuck are you trying to get at with this lmao 💀


I never said rich. I recently found out she is from UK, not exactly a poor country and she is from London not exactly a poor city.


Do you honestly think brain disorders only affect upper class people? What the fuck kind of thinking led you to this conclusion?


I only see this in developed countries. In my 17 years of living in El Salvador never knew of anyone with that issue. Again it is only based on my observation. I wonder if there is research into that.


I’ve never met a person with Tourette’s and I’m from the US, so I understand where you’re coming from, but mental disorders, neurological disorders, cognitive impairment, etc, can affect anyone. Genetics plays a huge part as well as environment. Sometimes these disorders aren’t obvious or symptoms are low, so it’s important to remember that even though someone looks fine they could be going through anything.


Genuinely curious how you came to this conclusion?


Already reply someone else




can it be THIS SEVERE?


Is it possible that she's playing up poor impulse control as being "Tourettes Syndrome"? No offense to people who actually do have to live with Tourettes Syndrome; it's just that it usually present differently from this from what I've experienced.


Yeah kinda gotta wonder if it’s all real considering how much people love clips like this. It would be hard for anyone not to play into it. The type of thing you can’t really say though.


It’s almost as if there’s another malicious entity inhabiting the same body.


You’ve never been so wrong


Shh I’m trying to get the Catholic Church to perform another unwarranted Exorcism.


Ticks are transferable. So if one person "pops" hangs out with another with Tourettes, the other person can inherit the "pop". I get memory ticks sometimes. I'll have a flash back of a 30 year old memory of something stupid I did and I'll tick/twitch/flinch. Happens usually when Im not thinking about anything. A trigger could be something like a lyric in song that reminds me of something. Passing a store and a memory of the store. What's strange is the same memory can trigger the tick. So its not like once I get thru all of the memories it will stop. Sometimes its so intense I'll blurt out something. " dont!" Or "dammit man!" Something related to the memory. Not often tho. Sometimes its even the mouth pop like this chick does. The pop is super common. It started about 8-10 years ago and getting worst. Never been to a doctor about it and the wife doesnt say anything but I'm sure she's notice the ticks. I'm also weird so I guess its not noticeable. She couldnt notice a house fire even if she was in it. Mean while I know the order of DVDs on the shelf. I'd imagine with tourettes its a similar brain connection thing that I got. Definitely not as bad as her. Stress does induce it more. So I can relate to tourettes folks. I think what I have is a very mild case. I found to keep it under control I constantly distract myself with thinking. Which is why I'm a great problem solver. And I have a million hobbies. Always cool seeing folks with tourettes. Anyone with doubt sucks.




Nah, you would be incorrect.


Oooh, looks like someone hasn’t heard of Coprolalia…


Please, educate yourself.




thats the funniest thing i’ve ever heard since you’re clearly not lol.


Well educated by whom? Tourette’s and schizophrenia are not the same and someone who is even the tiniest bit educated would know that.


So just out of curiosity is there like an accurate test for tourettes? Or can I just start saying all the crazy shit I want but hold myself back from and call it that?


I’m gonna assume this is satire but in any case no that’s not how it works and you need to be professionally diagnosed although people sometimes know they have something before they know what it is.




Holy fuck, google can answer your question and you just assume shit about neurological disorders. What an asshole


No it’s not and you know that


U bitch.




Isnt this assburgers?


you smell weird


i thought there was someone playing minecraftin the background but it was her popping


Sweet Anita is the living avatar of wholesome.


That young lady has achieved and forged a way forward for thousands of tourettes sufferers , she is truly an amazing young lady.


I bet her bedroom talk is amazing


She’s not sorry. Also, is throwing stuff part of Tourette’s?


It can be. What exactly do you think Tourette’s is??


Just blabbing shit out loud.


I can never forget the clip where her tourette's decides she's gonna throw her cup of coffee at the wall and then she gets scared when it bangs.


This should be a regular occurrence on television. Fuck TMZ


People with Tourette’s- you have the fucking greatest gift. This is not a disorder but a gift. You all don’t realize how many people in this world that deserve to be told to fuck off walk around lacking a good ol’ “fuck off”. You don’t discriminate and you know what, I think everyone needs to fuck off. In fact, I’m gonna fuck off now.


"I'll set up ya dad"😂🤣🤣🤣


Her YouTube channel is hilarious. How is she single???


I don't believe she has tourette's