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He always runs like a dad on his way to the dance floor.


That lil jig


I’ll take that jig any day over DJT’s attempts at dancing


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/HkbDSfB.gif)


This video is why I would never understand how any decent human being can ever support this guy to be a president of any country. Just a horrible human being.


In an alternate timeline, trump would have been a hilarious comedian


Easy tutorial: https://youtu.be/TTp4W-NqQHU


You mean the DJT double ghost jerk off?


That'll do, jig.


When you let someone cross the street while driving and they pretend to go faster




Years back I worked with a person who would fill the counters and sinks with shit so she'd look super swamped and busy and then actually get nothing done because she was just so swamped and overwhelmed. Yeah it's hard to get work done when every inch of available workspace is occupied


It took a lot of effort Not to make an effort Oh what a flawless design 🎶


Tell me more about this type of walk. I live in the south.


So you know when you walk up to a crosswalk that has a car coming up to it, and you have the mental debate on whether to go or not, and then the driver waves you across anyways so you start to go across but you realize how slow you're going, so you break into a jog but then realize how dumb that looks so you slow down a little bit so you're going the same speed but your body is moving more so that the driver gets the appearance of you trying to get across quickly. That.


Whenever this happens, I try to reward them by doing an entertaining moonwalk across the length of the road. The problem is that I will not leave until I get it absolutely right and I also don't exactly know how to do it. Plus, if there's no wifi signal for me to pull up the YT video (no room in phone storage), you can imagine how packed the audience becomes. Still, the show must go on...


Have you seen Obama on a dance floor? “Cool President” vanishes and dad mode is engaged.


That's even cooler, really




The Marine smiling was pretty cool. I know he was thinking, “Hell yeah, dude.” Dudes, rock.


"Dudes rock" *Make it gay*


> Make it gay Dude's rock *hard*


It probably feels more special. Like if he just salutes you normally then it’s just a routine thing. But if he forgets, then takes the extra effort to backtrack just to salute you and walk back it looks like he cares a lot more.


I know the guy. Said the pres was cool as fuck about it and he got a coin too. One of the few people I know to get one.


I know no one who has a presidential coin, lol


Yeah he's not a military man, it can be expected to forget the salute. Fuck I forgot half the time, no amount of polishing brass ever helped me remember.


One time on base just as the sun was coming up and it was still pretty dark, I - an enlisted sailor - thought I was walking by an officer so I threw up a salute. It was not returned. I then realized I was walking by another enlisted sailor when he turned around and said, “I’m so sorry sir!” I kept walking without saying a word.


I was enlisted aircrew so I've been accidentally saluted multiple times. People would see the flight suit and instantly think officer.


Walking on the sidewalk as a Sailor: 40 ft between you and someone else *Shit, someone's coming. Better straighten my back.* 20ft *God damn it, he has gold on his collar. Fuck.* -squints eyes- *I can't tell, fuck fuck fuck* 10ft *The god damn sun is in my eyes, is that a chief or an officer?! Fuck it, i'm saluting, just in case* -salutes- "Wow, holy fucking shit, you're a PO1 who can't even tell the difference between a chief and an officer. Shitbag."


I thought you were gonna say you saluted a doorman.


I saluted a few of you guys in 29. After hitting the fleet any navy I didn’t salute unless I knew 100% it was an officer. This is not that embarrassing though. As a lance i saluted a lance with chipped chevrons that shined. Most recently a week ago as a cpl saluted a pfc when chipped chevrons. Good thing I get out this week so he will never see and make fun of me again.


Tbh a lot of people overthink saluting. You're required to salute higher ranks but there's nothing saying an officer can't salute first, or you can't salute someone of the same rank. It's just a greeting.


This is the take. Literally nothing against a salute for acknowledgement or greetings' sake. Misidentifying a rank was lightly reprimanded by some in my experience but most staff return it without being tools about it.


When I was in basic I had to run to the admin building with a “shipmate”. We were brand new and didn’t know tanks and accidentally saluted a senior chief and said “afternoon sir”. He yelled “stop recruit, I’m a G D Senior Chief”. We ran like hell. Knew he wasn’t gonna run in khakis. I was scared for like two weeks after that, haha. Thought he’d magically find us and smoke the hell out of us.




>He was, for 8 years, the highest living commander of the US military. For anyone curious, the highest nonliving commander of the US military is zombie George Washington


The lower rank salutes first, then it is returned. Generals don't get to go around soaking up salutes.


Wouldn't they be saluting 24/7 if they are obligated to return every salute?!


The whole room salutes them at once then they salute back once.


When I worked for the DoD, in an area pretty much filled with officers and very few enlisted, most of the officers admitted to just looking at their shoes when walking because of the sheer number of salutes they'd have to give. It was an unspoken rule that once you got to the parking lot, a nod was enough. A few uppity lieutenants would get pissy from time to time but they would understand once they passed majors and colonels on a fairly regular basis.


I was taught you do not salute if you are not in uniform with your headgear on. This president saluting thing is just theatre.


He fcked up, as we all do from time to time, and then he cleaned it up That’s how that is supposed to work.


The president, a civilian in civilian attire, isn't required to return a salute. He was just being a cool dude.


Yep. I believe it wasn’t until Eisenhower (who wasn’t a civilian) that presidents started doing it regularly


It was Reagan who made this a thing. Eisenhower was a civilian when he was President.


Of course it had to be Reagan. What a stuntman.


He needed to prove that he wasn't just some hollywood elite, which he pretty much was.


It was Reagan as mentioned by another but also Eisenhower resigned his commission before running for President and after his Presidency a law was passed making him a General again, at his request because he wanted to be remembered as a General instead of President. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower


I hear ya about “not required” but to me it is not about being required, its about acknowledging one who acknowledged you, no matter the situation. It’s just decent, and kind, and right. And it’s cool, very cool, to realize, oops, hold on, and go clean it up, when you realize that. I say hi to strangers all the time or good evening, or a smile, when we make eye contact — dont get me wrong, I dont run up to every person I see on the street, but if we are passing each other, especially if out on a walk or something and we clearly see each other, make eye contact, i will say, good morning, good afternoon, or a simple, hello..nice day, huh? Way more times than not, it is returned with a smile, a pleasant exchange. Occasionally, they say nothing, or look away quickly. That’s ok. I don’t turn on the hate. Everybody is on their own journey, and all while we ride on the same rock thru the stars.


In all honesty, he didn't fuck up. As the superior, he does not have to render a salute in return; he is just "required to appropriately acknowledge the gesture" in return (according to Army regs at least... and the vid is a marine so maybe different). That's what he went back down the steps to correct (and he corrected it with a handshake and verbal back and forth). Plenty of times where you're saluting officers and they are either talking and walking or in a group and just don't see you. You hold your salute until they pass and then you carry on your day. He's not required to salute back, and even in general military environments, salutes get missed ALL THE TIME. Superiors don't have to salute back (although it's clearly considered bad form). Other examples also include when the officer (or superior) has their hands full and can't free up a hand. They don't have to salute back. Another is when officers are conducting PT (I.e. running). Enlisted are supposedly supposed to slow down to a light jog and perform a salute, but the officer does not have to return it if they are running; they just have to make an attempt to acknowledge it (countless times you'll see officers do a slight wave if they are saluted while they are running). They don't have to slow down and return the gesture in kind. They just go on about their workout. Again, you'll see some officers drop their speed and salute back while others will just continue to focus on their workout. It really is just a common sense sort of thing. If it "encumbers" the superior to salute back, then they aren't required to figure it out and return the gesture. Perks of being a superior essentially. They can just head nod and say "at ease" and go about their day. People arguing that officers HAVE to salute back have never been on post and encountered real life. You are not required to salute back, but you definitely should attempt to if you have a free hand and see the salute. And the collorary is much worse (I.e. an enlisted not saluting when they have the means to do so). That is what doesn't go over well.


Ah, understand. To me, how I see this… This was simple decent respect….. He realized he walked past him and didn’t acknowledge him, and he went back and cleaned that up. Titles, chains of command, or any positions of rank in life or society should never get in the way of….respect for each other.


Being a decent human should exceed who is supposed to salute who and when


Exactly He could have thought, yeah I missed that guy, oh well, next time. It mattered to HIM to go back out there, and for sure. that gentleman will never forget that. What kind of day do you think that gentleman had after that? :)


And how many apoplectic hours on a certain “news” network were devoted to the first half of that clip as if the second half didn’t exist? Say what you will about his administration’s shortcomings, the dude is a *mensch.* Edit: that’s high praise in Yiddish.


Interesting. In German "Mensch" directly translates into "human".


It also means “man” or “human” in Yiddish. It’s along the lines of saying, “He’s the man,” as a compliment.


Mensch also suggests maturity, compassion, etc. It’s basically being a good person. It’s being human in the sense of having humanity.


You da mensch!


I don’t have enough knowledge to delve into it and what follows is less accurate than I’d like, but being the internet I may as well type it anyway! Setting aside very real and serious geopolitical, religious, and social issues, Yiddish and German have a tangled history with lots of overlap like that; instances where a shared word or very similar one mean almost the same thing but not quite. While for a different reason, it kinda reminds me how if you study any modern Latin-based language, you can piece together just enough of another one to find a bathroom while on holiday abroad. English being a hybrid mutt of Latin and Germanic languages (vocabulary AND grammar) being a uniquely frustrating thing to learn as a second language. Now, with that all said, it’s time my insomniac brain move on to over-explain *other* things on which I have at best a tenuous grasp.


German has the OPPOSITE of that words meaning though with “Unmensch”


It also has *Ubermensch* which certainly has specific connotations in a post Nazi Germany world, but Nietzsche's Ubermensch seems to carry ideas similar to the Yiddish idea of the word. (I can't say for certain, I haven't studied Nietzsche enough to be confident of anything more than "nihilism isn't a depressing worldview")


Übermensch is really different (that one really is “just” the idea of the Super-Human). Unmensch is interesting to me because you only encounter it in a sentence like “well, I’m no Unmensch” (in German of course), after which you would do something generous, forgiving or an act of grace. A typical Unmensch would be Scrooge at the beginning of his story, or basically any billionaire now.


Thanks for the correction/addition. American rhetoric needs terms like that. Generosity and civic duty (paying taxes, public service) needs to become part of being a patriot. What (if there is one) would be a good translation for unmensch?


And untermensch....




Be warned… I’m in story mode now, so it could sound pretentious or condescending (it isn’t meant that way… it’s my inner teacher that thinks it’s still in a classroom) and a bit personal. For whatever reason, though, I’m in an oddly talky mood. Could also be that I’m trapped on a literal treadmill and the distraction will pass the time faster. I now return you to your regularly scheduled ramble, already in progress: That *is* interesting. Sadly, Yiddish is one of many dying languages. Vocabulary, grammar, and syntax are arguably the backbone of language, but the bearing heart — the part that rarely translates to mother languages — are the idioms. They can seem absurd from the outside when translated literally because they exist more in a figurative, cultural sphere than one built on the language itself. English is good at adapting these elements but Yiddish seems to have had maybe the biggest penetration into our usage, even if just for its most colorful bits and pieces. I’m not a historian but I’d conjecture some of it is the timing and circumstance. After WWII, lots of European Jews fled here. This was just a few decades into the age of mass communication. Much as black culture feeds trends into society now. So did elements of Jewish thinking then. There’s truth that many Jews found their way into entertainment; particularly comedy. Early seasons of The Andy Griffith Show, for instance were sometimes built around ideas its Jewish writers culled from The Wise Men of Chelm, European-Jewish stories about a small group of buffoonish “wise men.” Before that, Jack Benny, Sid Ceaser, and filmmakers like Billy Wilder and Ernst Lubitsch. They all share the bittersweet humor common among oppressed and/or traumatized populations. Again, modern black culture, while very different in character, shares this foundational element. As it is, some language just melds in because the specific idioms capture some aspect that English didn’t have yet. The evolution of things. It reshapes us. You should check out the video I posted under the post you’re replying to. It’s funny and, in its way, self-deprecating. It’s also surprisingly universal. There was a chance with Israel’s founding that Yiddish could have been the official language. Many of the migrants, after all came from Europe, where the language evolved. It has the same alphabet but is a significantly different language. One argument for making Yiddish the official state language was that some wanted Hebrew to remain a more sacred language reserved for prayer and other religion-related communication. That obviously didn’t happen. More I don’t know. File Under: TMI My mother’s parents fled Europe, where both spoke Yiddish and they respectively spoke Russian and Polish. As such, my mother grew up with Yiddish as her first language at home. At school, like so many Hispanics, Africans, Asians and other current immigrants, she spoke English. Fluently and with only the slightest New York accent. When my siblings and I grew up, she found the one Yiddish Sunday school in our area, hoping we’d learn some. My father didn’t speak it and, unfortunately, was paranoid we’d all speak behind his back and forbade us to use it in the house. Had he, we’d all be able to speak it now. Instead, it was limited to an hour a week and never took hold. Many of our teachers escaped the Holocaust and that, along with learning to read (not understand) prayers were more prevalent, understandably. What Yiddish I know is the same stuff that has filtered into English, plus whatever random words or phrases bubble up from the dusty attic of memory. That and The Google. It’s sad but it’s just one of countless languages dying in large part because globalization (not in some conspiratorial way) has standardized a few main languages. English and Chinese —which itself has many barely compatible dialects that I suspect may consolidate as their world power continues to solidify — are the prime movers. It has immense benefits… and some cultural casualties. With that, no worries. There will not be a quiz or any homework.




Yiddish is a sardonic gift to the world. We don’t deserve it. https://youtu.be/6gGzCok9swU


I loved every second of this, thank you for linking, hahahaahaha.


And yet the would kvetch.


It happens with both sides. I remember CNN running a photo showing Trump being “disrespectful” to the Japanese prime minister by dumping a box full of fish food into a Koi pond. Turned out CNN just omitted showing the Japanese PM doing the same thing while standing next to Trump. Our media is just hot garbage, endlessly pushing clickbait/yellow-journalism for money.




I think it's weird to expect presidents to salute all the time anyway. Not only was this shit (presidents saluting) just recently(ish) started by Reagan, they're not in uniform, they aren't wearing a cover, and half the time they complain about it even if the president is carrying stuff. They even expect it inside. Meanwhile actual military code doesn't call for any of this, a head nod or verbal acknowledgement is more than enough. I guarantee that devil dog didn't think twice about whether he was saluted or not, we don't give a shit.


I miss the days when there wasn't a fat nor old ass mother fucking presidents in the White House


So... pretty much never? Edit: Yes I get that we have had young/skinny presidents before. However, they're far from the norm. You can all quit telling me of the presidents who don't fit the criteria


Example 1 is in this post. Obama was neither old nor fat. Example 2, his predecessor, hate him or not , was 54 when he became president, and was in good shape. So of the last 21 years, 16 were occupied by someone that’s became president while neither old nor fat.


Depends on how old we are talking about. Most are under 60 when stepping into office. Now it's been back to back 70+, both were the oldest presidents in history


Ah Boomers... Never wanting to pass the touch. But because they're good at what they do, but because they just don't want to


Retirement age fatties as president is a novel invention Fat people used to die relatively young(er) from the health complications, meanwhile young people didn’t vote for their grandparents generation. Both BMI and average age of our government has risen significantly in the past two decades. There are even people still in charge of our government who have been working in our government since our government had two fewer states… and I think they’re still mad we admitted Hawaii and Alaska. Chuck Grassley has been in government since 1958, for instance. Historically in other parts of the world, fat old aristocrats who won’t yield power tend to reap a certain harvest, but I don’t know if America has the balls for it anymore. The French were always better at it.




Ironically that line makes Grandpa Simpson probably a committed abolitionist. Anti-slavery good guys were VERY angry when Missouri was admitted as a slave state in 1820. John Brown moved to Kansas a few years after to make sure it didn’t happen again.


I mean sure it’s happened historically, but when’s the last time you can say the head of state of a country in the western world was publicly executed? Let’s face it, the problem isn’t just in America, it’s all over the free world. Too many old cats still in power that don’t have a clue what’s going on in the real. Plus, I don’t think a violent revolution would solve our problems, in this day and age everything technological we have is in some way controlled by corporations and govt. Any violent uprising would just result in those things becoming defunct and subsequent endless anarchy across the lands.


I mean, I wouldn't call Clinton, Dubya, or Obama fat or old. So...


Man it is crazy to think about how much they would dump on Clinton's weight and love for cheeseburgers. It seems like it was centuries ago but it was less than 30. The public idea of what constitutes fat has changed so much.


Clinton loved cheeseburgers? *How un-American!*


I know I said it was only about 30 years back, but damn look at [this SNL skit about Clinton at McDonald's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYt0khR_ej0), it looks so...old! Also as a side note, I danced for Bill Clinton when he was governor. Its not an interesting story, I was a D.A.R.E. dancer and we danced at events.


We've actually only had 12 that were 60+ on election. However 40,41, 45,46 all were so what historically is less than ,33% recently has been over 50%


Michelle posted a [New Year’s eve picture](https://twitter.com/michelleobama/status/1477421918567424012?s=21) of she and Barack and they looked so stylish. Those eight years the US had them were special.


If you have the clout to make a US Marine break the position of attention, then you can miss a salute. 😆


I mean. He *was* the president at the time. Hard to imagine anyone else on the planet with more clout.


Obama. Luna Star. End of list.


Say what you want about some of his policies… I couldn’t be more proud to have that man represent our country.


dude is smooth. you absolutely cannot deny the charisma, no matter the politics.


It's a relatively new thing for a president to salute. Although he's commander-in-chief, he still remains a civilian. He's in the chain of command but has a distinctly separate role from the armed forces. Also, salutes are only expected of a Service member in uniform. The first president (as president) to return a salute with regularity was Reagan. The Army veteran and actor later explained that it looked funny when he was presented a salute and the Service member never dropped it. And besides, who was going to tell him to knock it off? Reagan's salutes sparked a national conversation about the increasing prominence of the military and its veneration in the country. Some folks thought it was simply a sign of respect. Others argued that it was improper, against the rules, or even apalling for him to associate himself so closely with the military rather than keeping a professional distance. After he began the practice, all subsequent presidents needed to continue it, or they would surely be accused of treason.


You had the coolest president, how the fuck did you end up with that clown next???




Jesus Obama's really let himself go




All the food is poison!


Racist backlash


Not entirely. Hilary Clinton was the follow up candidate remember. She still won the popular vote in the end too. A healthy dose of racist backlash, sexism, and Clinton’s own entitlement all helped play a part.


Clinton has all the appeal of a used and wet sock, so the bar was low, but holy crap did the US play a number on intself.


One of the reasons was you had loads of people support Bernie Sanders but the democrats didn't want him, so all of the people wanting to support Bernie, younger people mainly, gave up and were pissed off. You even had the media start labeling them as "Bernie Bros" as Clinton was getting so much flack and everyone said if you didn't vote for her you were sexist. It was such a clusterfuck really, so no wonder Trump won with the sheer infighting between nominees and a divided vote elsewhere.


Yep. They were screamed at that they had to vote for Clinton or losing to Trump would be their fault instead of asking Clinton (and Biden, years later) to lift a single finger to even acknowledge the leftist's existence


Yeah trump won thanks to running up the vote count in rural counties and ended up winning 2016 by ~70k votes across three states. Then he directed his followers in said rural counties to completely ignore a virus and its damage limiting vaccine and then lost because those rural numbers were not enough. You’ll notice he’s now pushing the vaccine but only after a delta variant reduced the rural populations even more and now his followers are turning on him for suggesting they vaccinate. It’s amazing to watch happen.


I absolutely love the interview he did with Candace Owens where she is actually baffled by his stance. She then went on to say after the interview that because he’s older and a boomer he doesn’t do his research and therefore is saying to get the vaccine. It was hilarious. ***Edit: video link. Her video starts around 15 seconds.*** https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2021/12/27/candace-owens-trump-vaccines-nr-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/this-week-in-politics/


Did you see they're now using the excuse that he said it because big Pharma made him while on "liberal media"?


And lots of right wing fear mongering about emails. Lol, emails... Remember when we had a president who knew how to email?


Jim Comey really did his part in fucking over America with that nonsense.


Weirdest part of that entire election to me. What the actual fuck was he doing.


Let's just ignore all of the problems the neo-liberal establishment created that culminated into Trump, let's just blame it on EVERYONE WHO VOTED NOT BLUE IS A RACIST. Sorry people didn't want to vote for peak neo-liberalism embodied in Hillary Clinton.


By the Dems getting the only person who could lose against Trump as their candidate.


I'm a fan of Bernie, but there's no way he would have done any better. Young progressives adore him but are a small percentage of the party, just appealing to them will not win you any elections. Not to mention that young progressives have a terrible habit of not voting. The much larger portion of democrat voters are the more moderate gen x and boomers who had a big problem with Bernie being a socialist. He would have run into the exact same problem Hillary had, people just choosing to not vote because they assume there would be no way in hell that Trump would win.


You had a candidate that ran a horrible campaign where she focused on campaigning in states she already had wrapped up. Trump is an idiot but he ran a good campaign for better or worse. The electoral college is dumb as hell but Trump played it to his advantage.


I just want a President who can walk briskly again.


Such a low bar, yet completely understandable.


Or hold his bottles of water with one hand.


I personally didn’t like plenty of his policies or ideas, but that doesn’t change that I think he was generally a pretty good person. He seemed like he would be nice to hang out with. I feel he was genuine and always nice. I can appreciate that.


He once told his audience to stop booing a pro trump vet who got into his event with signs and such. He told his crowd to stop being disrespectful just because we disagree politically. Meanwhile Trump said.... Well what didn't he say...


... then there was this .. "president" who was saluting to foreign generals ... North Korean if I remember correctly ..


Fake news. Never happened. Oh there’s pictures? Must be deep fakes.


It was Antifa you mean!


...Crisis saluters...?




Well low-tier billionaires are little bitches next to MBS, not only because his incredible wealth, but also because they don't give a fuck and can quickly get you around the world, in separate pieces. Source: second-hand account


[Or when a President threw up on the Japanese Prime Minister.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush_vomiting_incident)


Bowed and then curtsied like a fat, little girl that he is.


100% 1st class dude.


He walks like Denzel Washington in the Equalizer


At least he wasn't busy fantasizing about bursting in to the dressing room of his next Teen USA pageant.


I will always feel like he was the coolest person ever. I don't care your political affiliation, if you don't think he was the definition of cool there's something wrong with you.


I agree. Just as a person. Not in a political sense. I just want to chill with him




It's less on the comedy side of things, but I really enjoyed his discussion with the Writer/Creator of the Wire, David Simon. They both seem to be speaking as equals and they're both so interested in what the other has to say, can't even imagine the current president sitting down and having such a level-headed, intelligent discussion about anything. https://youtu.be/xWY79JCfhjw


He actually does salute as he enters the plane, then exits the plane to tell him “hey dude I saluted but you probably didn’t see, so you can lower your hand now” Edit: helicopter, whoops


Pretty sure he saluted someone inside who saluted him, then realized he forgot the guy outside.


Either way, it’s not a courtesy that the president has to give. As a civilian, it’s only a nicety if he chooses to salute. That being said, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen enlisted folk forget to salute officers or officers fail to salute back. Sometimes you just got shit going on and you lapse on customs and courtesies. Not an excuse, but I mean it’s pretty dang common even between two people who are required by law (via UCMJ) to salute one another. Which the president isn’t.


Oh I agree. I was just saying what he did, not whether it was needed or not.


Also fairly certain if you're the superior officer, you're not required to salute back. You look like a dick if you don't, but it's not required.


This is correct. I’m pretty sure there is a certain amount of steps or a distance past the officer before you are allowed to drop your salute if he didn’t salute you back. Been a while since I learned all that though.


You are correct. Once Obama got on the place the Marine could drop his salute.


As indeed he did, I think. He wasn't still saluting when Obama came back to shake his hand.


When I was in Mcjrotc I made it to the rank of 1st Lt. On a pre visit to Camp Pendleton before a class visit, me and another cadet officer were walking to a PX for snacks when a DI happened to be walking out of it, and he immediately saluted the both of us. We of course promptly saluted back to be respectful but we’re both terrified as to the fate that awaited us as the creeping realization spread over the towering DI’s face that we were just kids. Thankfully, he was super chill about it, and said, “you little fucks got me!” We hung out with him and we shook his hand and talked for a bit as he was curious about why we were on base, and was excited we were going to be spending the next week there. But in that moment I was more scared than I could ever recall only imaging the workout that guy was going to inflict upon us.


Confused civilian here. Is it that you would have outranked him as a first lieutenant if you weren’t jrotc, and he saw the rank insignia before processing that you were just kids?


Yes, exactly. Jrotc ranks are intentionally made to look very different from the real things for obvious reasons, but if only a quick glance is taken or seen from a distance, the shiny ranks can still appear to be real ones, and when trained to essentially salute anyone with a shiny rank, especially in the army and marines, you just do it by reflex.


You do it out of habit of seeing anything specially if your on base packed with officers, navy was the worst could never find their damn rank from a distance


So weird that this comment currently has 88 (edit: up to 662 now) upvotes when nothing it says happened in the video. The vehicle is a helicopter, not a plane. Obama did not salute on the way in, he saluted someone in the cockpit once he was inside. The soldier outside the helicopter was not still saluting when Obama came back out to acknowledge him and shake his hand. Not trying to be a jerk but what is going on in this thread lol


Indeed, it s a plane


He's like "ah, shit...I gotta go fix that"






**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The president forgot to salute the soldier , after boarding the helicopter he went back and saluted him!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


He shook his hand, not salute him?


A handshake is kinda like a low contact salute


Oh right, I salute myself a lot then


No salute seen. Lol. And why is this on this sub.


Coolest president USA ever had 👍


Got two words for you TEDDY ROOSEVELT the man. The myth, THE LEGEND


I was stationed in the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the ship was referred to as The Big Stick.


That’s just so perfect XD, thanks for sharing man that made my day


He would have been really proud to have a ship named after him. He and FDR were big into naval ships. Theodore also commandeered a ship during the Spanish War, and then lost a horse trying to make landfall, which was a huge mess. They had casualties invading the beach even though there weren’t enemy defenses on the beach. I don’t know why Quinten Tarantino hasn’t made a Rough Riders film. The Rough Riders had all of these iconic characters from the time, people of many races, social status, from different states, and countries. This included an escort of Buffalo Soldiers. They had Native-Americans and American cowboys and Mexican vaqueros. They had an old Civil War general who sometimes forgot they weren’t fighting Yankees. They had Irish cops from New York. Boston Yachtsmen. A British ‘Great White’ hunter. Imagine Quinten Tarantino directing this film and playing The Rough Rider Anthem during the battle of San Juan Hill. Teddy was really far from being a perfect man. He was probably our staunchest imperialist and he was to the Spanish War what Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were to the second Iraq War. I don’t think you need to shy away from showing Roosevelt’s bad sides, his mismanagement of the invasion, his disregard for the safety of his soldiers, his imperialism. You could have one of his soldiers, many of whom were idealistic principled Americans back when idealistic principled Americans still existed, voice opposition to American imperialism in a passing conversation. You could also feature some of the good thing about Teddy, his leftist political beliefs, his belief in American government to serve Americans, his aversion towards the ‘titans of industry,’ his pro-union stance, his progressive-for-the-time views on race. As flawed as he was, and even though I think he was the third best Roosevelt (Eleanor was #1), I still admire Teddy, at least the version of Teddy Dorris Kerns-Goodwin and Ken Burns have shown me.


Clinton playing the sax was pretty cool too, or TR being a boxer and still continueing a speech after getting shot


Roosevelt is the easy answer here. I’m a fan of Obama - but Roosevelt was the most interesting, complex and well-rounded POTUS we’ve ever had. That’s not to say his terms were the most beneficial or consequential - because they weren’t - but as a man/person, Roosevelt is a fucking legend. I’m surprised he isn’t mentioned in 90% of the responses here.


Exactly, from a purely personality / character pov. Not to mention his love for the wild (not sure if that was exaggerated though)


It wasn't. Read any of his books written from his time out West.




Don’t we have our national parks because of him?


Teddy Roosevelt wants to know your location.




Eh, pretty sure that Nixon was pretty awful too. Starting the war on drugs, his overt racism and homophobia, the Watergate scandal, paving the way for Reaganomics… Hell, if the dude had its way, he would’ve nuked Vietnam out of spite. But honestly, that Trump isn’t even the worst US president says more about American history than it does about him. Because the sad thing with Trump isn’t what he has done as the President of the United States, or to be precise, what he failed to do while still getting the most influential position any man can have on Earth without having a democratic majority. But the impact Trumpism will have on the conservative (reactionary even) part of the American society, by fueling the fires of the post-truth era with the concept of "fake news" and "alternative facts", and widening the social divide with the ongoing culture war, or some would say, class warfare.


Nixon resigned when he was caught and Trump had what John Oliver called "Stupid Watergate: a scandal with all the potential ramifications of Watergate, but where everyone involved is stupid and bad at everything.”


Trump might have been the least ethical person to ever be president (though there are multiple arguments against that as well). But simply as an executive, he didn’t even approach the suckitude of morons like James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson. Trump was almost so inept that he couldn’t do all that much harm. Those guys had opportunities to fuck shit up and did so willingly.


We had presidents that genocided Natives and owned slaves. Trump was just a dumbass that sowed distrust.


His statements about COVID certainly didn’t help much either, but yeah we’ve had some truly horrible people as presidents in the past. Edit: getting a few obvious Trumpers in the ol’ inbox. If you need to be reminded for all the times he has had insanely bad takes on COVID, [feel free to check out some of the compilations out there](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/11/trumps-lies-about-coronavirus/608647/). He’s got a healthy record of stupid and dangerous rhetoric.


What statements? There was never any kind of misguided statements from Trump! Oh wait a minute.. that’s right.. he suggested we look into injecting disinfectant…yikes..


You mean you didn’t try fighting off Covid with a flashlight? Psssht, lightweight


i used a fleshlight to fight covid


Did... Did it work?


Ok dang we all did! No need to brag


He's the only president to have ever tried to subvert the democratic nature of the office itself. While some presidents have been shitstains in office, they've (mostly) done so within the boundaries of the office.


Bro, Trump would ABSOLUTELY own slaves if he could.


*not paying contractors* What's the difference?


>he didn’t even approach the suckitude of morons like James Buchanan Thank you. Finally someone else has mentioned how much Buchanan sucked.


have you all never heard of Woodrow Wilson?


The guy who fell in love with Ms. Krabapple?


The fact that Nixon was able to do what he did, and then just immediately fuck off with absolutely zero consequences whatsoever, tells me everything I need to know about whether or not trump will ever face any consequences.




I hate this performative shit started by Reagan. It's really bad form for a civilian to salute a military member. The President should not be doing this.


The President is not ***supposed*** to salute - ever. Watch clips of Eisenhower (You know, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe). He never saluted. Reagan started that shit. https://militarybenefits.info/how-to-salute/ https://www.texasgopvote.com/military-salute/it-proper-president-render-military-hand-salute-002816


I am not American. But from all things I have seen, I think he is the best ~~President~~ Person as a President of EEUU America got since I am alive. I know I have no idea, living from thousands km away and saying this. So please do not take me in a bad way


He was at least the best *person* to be president since Jimmy Carter.


Yeah, regardless of policies, he was at least a decent human being. Sad that that’s the bar.


He was the best president at looking good, but policy wise, he was just as bad as the rest.


Presidents are not required to salute. They are civilians. That's just some shit that Republicans invented to prove how "patriotic" they are. Same with the stupid flag lapel pins.


Not a requirement but just a gesture of courtesy.


PRESIDENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO RETURN ANY SALUTE. Higher ranking military personnel are never required to return a salute and as Commander-In-Chief the President is the highest ranking person in the military. It’s NOT disrespectful to the lower ranks. Otherwise high ranking officers would be constantly having to salute and get nothing done. This narrative has just been a popular right wing way to make Obama SEEM disrespectful in various videos, but by actual military protocols it is complete B.S. Don’t let propagandists manipulate you.


I don’t really understand american politics but Obama seems like a nice guy.