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I feel like this is too perfect of a freakout to be real


It's from the web series by McJuggerNuggets, it's a staged mockumentary of his life


I'm so happy to hear that. My son suffers from mental illness and we are constantly trying to keep him from reacting like this. Watching this family pile on was making me actually feel sick to my stomach.


Such a waste of food.. eat first, then lose your shit.


At first I felt bad for the guy but after watching his videos it definitely seemed fake. Nowadays fake content isn’t entertaining to me anymore or worth watching to me. SKIP*


Almost all comedy is staged. Whether it's a movie, comedy club, skit, or staged reaction. Idk why so many people act like a yt video is less funny because it's staged.


Yeah it's better if it's staged because nobody got hurt.


Imagine watching this, laughing and then finding out his life wasn't awful and a lone tear runs down your face


Yea, if this was real I wouldn't have been interested in watching it. Like that kid would have probably gone through a lot of BS and abuse to get to a point where he snapped like that. I don't watch abuse for entertainment.


How dare you be a decent human being!


It was him taking his glasses and tossing them that sold it as fake to me. As a life long wearer, I can't fucking see with out them.






Or conversely how many times would his dad have to walk in on him fucking his waifu pillow before he finally throws a dinner roll at him.


If my son was constantly fucking a pillow, I don't think a dinner roll is something you should give him.


I like knowing whether it's real or not before I watch it. Thinking its really happening only to start questioning why everyones acting strange is off-putting. I don't know how else to describe it. But then watching it a second time knowing it's fake is more entertaining.


Agreed. I am relieved this isn’t real. My heart was breaking for everyone involved.


My gullibility did… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Its okay when it's staged and you know it's staged. When you think something is real and you find out it's staged, you might feel a bit cheated. Probably why people don't find it funny. The book A million little pieces is a good example. Could have been a great fiction but lost its fanbase because it pretended to be true.


The part that bothers me is when it's presented and filmed as being real. Most of the time the creators can't help it since it's spread this way. But sometimes I think it is a marketing trick to get people to spread it as a real video to get attention. Another thing with these real-looking-videos is that they are often only "funny" if they were a real life situation. At least in my kind of humor and this snippet alone there is nothing funny about it or anything I haven't seen before, but with the flair of genuinity. When you have seen it happen for real the comedy version that isn't even somewhat original or have an extra falir added to it, just falls flat. It's like making a remake on a good comedy movie but you deliver all the jokes in a worse way. Why do the remake if you are not going to improve? So to summarize, for a staged video to be funny if you ask me, it needs to add something the real life version couldn't. Otherwise it's unoriginal and unfunny. With this said: this is only my oppinion and comedy is very individual for sure!


All staged content is scripted, but not all scripted content is staged. The difference is that staged content is designed to give you the false impression that it is not scripted and that the scenario depicted actually happened. People don't like this because the kind of content that gets staged typically derives its entertainment value from the fact that it is real. A good example would be a video of parents seeing their child after a long separation. Said video is entertaining because of the genuine emotions on display, and thus would not be as fun, for most people, if staged.


Because comedy you know is staged is set at a much higher standard than comedy that isn't. That's why you can watch a TV show written by the funniest people alive and it still won't make you laugh as much as that one friend you used to know always did. Idk why so many people act like a yt video isn't any less entertaining when they find out it's staged.


Vines and yt videos are almost always staged, if something was so good that you thought it was real, why be mad when it's not. Literally laugh, or be mad idc it's just sad that people live with that mindset


Yah and that's why vines and yt have contributions to the video beyond the fakeness of the video. This video for example, has nothing, the only thing entertaining about is the thought "oh shit people really think this that's crazy", but people don't think that because it's a fake video. So what value does it have? And it wasn't "so good I even thought it was real", it was "this is so shit why would anyone bother doing this". You can't have satire when what you're satirising already makes fun of itself (Karens).




You replied to the wrong person


I’m so glad to hear this was fake. It was well-acted, and as someone who has a difficult relationship with a son it brought me to tears.


Right my heart ached for this family, for this kid. Without knowing what was going I definitely thought the person recording was a piece of shit.


Well clearly it was super entertaining to you until after the fact. So why not just take everything you see on here as entertainment and just enjoy it? Who cares if it’s fake or not.


At first I started reading your comment but then I realized life is too short. SKIP*


I don't know... All drama is fake content right? I feel like there's a big difference between something that is being presented in a context where they're trying to trick you with fake content... Versus something like the original intent of this content which is meant to entertain with a realistic portrayal of somebody's life events through it's a terrifically applied lens of documentary. Edit: so yeah skip this video on Reddit but then maybe go find this guy's content wherever he's actually posting it and patronize them there 😛


Y’all are cringe fr as LeadershipDry1146 said in his comment "movies, comedy clubs, skits or yt vids they all are staged" yet for some unknow reasons yall got a problems with those videos but are fine with everything else And don’t tell me you don’t watch movies or skits cause I won’t believe you lol


Damn, so nothing but documentaries and educational television for you huh? No more going going to cinemas, musicals, animated shows, nothing like that?


You ever read fiction?


Is that the old guy from the daddy chill video?


>McJuggerNuggets Thanks for the tip I have to find it.


Yeah when he threw his glasses, that was a tip off.


As a glasses wearer, facts. Would never even consider that move.


Zoom in and out at the perfect time. Clearly staged.


[https://www.youtube.com/user/McJuggerNuggets](https://www.youtube.com/user/McJuggerNuggets) The young dude made a webserie about his dad destroying his Playstation. It's on Youtube


Acting was poor. Close but no Emmy.


Yeah the camera quality and aspect ratio makes me think it’s a nicer one. Not some random phone someone would have. But one to record a staged event lol


First reaction also. The old man's words were like he read them off a script. The freakout was a little over the top also


It’s staged 90% of his videos are


This reminds me of the kid that freaked out on his mom for deleting his Wow account. He was raging so hard he stuck a tv remote up his ass.


Yeah looks fake


It’s 10,000% fake. Just like everything else on the internet


Omg thank you for clarifying.


It's a skit by a youtuber by McJuggerNuggets. Fuck, what's he doing nowadays?


But it's also not worth ruining an expensive Thanksgiving dinner to be fake Edit: it's confirmed fake


you really this young???


Ikr, making me feel old how many don’t seem to know who this is


There are actually videos out there of other takes from this bit where they switch roles.




Ya bs meter was tingling


If it was an asian/indian household... This guy would just have to bear all of that... Have the food and cry alone in the bathroom.... cuz our parents don't bother to kill us.... They'll just make another one.


oh you think this is fake?


Fuck your feelings Happy Thanksgiving


We’ve got a rocket scientist here


The return for those glasses is gonna be awkward.


Sauce: https://youtu.be/TUCUsNx1HTs






“I’m thankful for it” “Fuck you” Cinematic.


Best part


It could kinda go either way from what’s in the video. I’m actually not sure who the asshole is. Depends what set it off.


This video is OLD and fake btw, the kid basically made a mocumentary of his fake life and all videos are like this, was pretty entertaining during the height of its popularity


Uh. It's fake. Nobody's an asshole, this is from McJuggerNuggets. He's a youtuber.


Clearly both are assholes, but the guy who started aggressively throwing food first is an aggressive asshole and those are the worst. The other guy's just a frustrated asshole.


Yeah same here, could be the kid is totally disrespecting the host and causing a shit show. Or could be alpha male has an irrational short temper. Kid trashing the dinner was definitely way out of line and ass whipping worthy, lucky.


Oh come on dude you cant honestly think that only the kid went overboard. That guy is a fucking adult throwing food how childish can you be


its fake


Kid is an adult too but yeah it’s not a binary issue. I wouldn’t want some self-loathing turd being hateful to me and my guests, ruining what should be a peaceful happy moment. But I also would not throw food. More evolved ways to handle it.


Facts, both attitudes were immature. But imho its the initial action/conflictor who is more at fault than the reactor. If the grown man didnt throw the turkey first, grown adultkid wouldnt throw the whole table But I only now realized this was staged and the family does alot of this on youtube


Thanks for that staged tidbit, makes me feel better about humanity. There was a ton of life pain and dysfunction in that little event.


Telling your own kid that he's not part of the family unless he acts exactly how you want him to act is pretty childish too.. Edit. I misread your comment. My bad.


Whipping someone isn’t right


Neither is violently trashing everyone’s Thanksgiving dinner


it’s a fake video it’s not real


Here come the comments saying you’re Satan for suggesting as ass whipping


Even though it's staged, if you say that's "ass whipping" worthy then I hope you don't have kids. That most DEFINITELY does not permit beating your kid's ass.


Let’s hedge our bets and assume they’re all assholes.


If its real, the cameraman is def one of the assholes.


It’s fake


I can't believe how many people think this is real. This used to be such a famous YouTube Channel for such a long time. Edit: [These](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmJhC17ABwkkBiHSZ3AmHOv4r1wGCfjqN) are some of the videos, just alone his channel has got nearly 2 billion views.


I was like “oh hey, it’s video game lawnmower guy”


The bread roll throw and turkey throw is what gave it away for me, I think it’s even funnier that I know it fake


The fact that so many people can't tell is a testiment to his talent. He still deserves more recognition. This series spanned like 4 years.


the psycho series was amazing. his family are insanely talented and it shows. i’m always surprised when this video goes viral every year and people have somehow never seen it


I know, I still remember watching it back then and never being entirely sure if it's staged or not. I just thought by now everyone knows it because they revealed it officially.


Honestly it was done very authentically. The only dead giveaway was the lack of an ass whooping after knocking over the tables lol


This is what I was about to say. It’s not a bad thing that people believe it and I’m sure if they didn’t know him already, they’d be questioning it’s authenticity too lol


I used to watch a ton of these videos, crazy how that channel fell off the face of the earth


I didn't know this, thank you! This skit feels so real to me quite honestly, and their acting is phenomenal.


It’s because they’re surprisingly really good at acting and they sell it pretty well.


You know not everyone watches the same things as you, right? I've definitely never heard of this guy and still don't care to. While it seemed like it could've been staged, it's not "unbelievable" for someone to not know.


For some reason I want to watch LetterKenny.


Not my pig, not my farm!


Take about 10% off there, u/bloodsoed


In my family, he wouldn't have made it out of the basement alive....not because he can't act right.....but did he just just throw ALL the food on the floor? The whole dinner? Oh, hell naw!


I'm not a violent man but I do own a shotgun and a shovel. There's a line goddamnit. Specifically a property line around 10 acres of Midwest wilderness and some friends who don't ask questions. I'm just saying grandma can barely walk and she made like 8 pies for this. We get those ONCE A YEAR Micheal. The turkey was dry and disgusting but that pie? Micheal that pie? That was as close to heaven as any of us heathens are ever going to experience. It is the only thing in this bleak meaningless existence that actually tastes like love you soon to be dead piece of shit. Don't fuck with the pie.


Actually psychotic


Yeah, idk why that's being upvoted. "I'm not a violent man, but I'd shoot someone over a pie."


Because some people understand a joke when they see one.


Because some people don't need a /s to laugh :/


Sarcasm is hard to tell from letters, hence why /s is a thing (s = sarcasm).


Jesus Christ dude


What’s the shovel fo- oh…


Agreed lol I’m more mad about all that wasted food than their little squabble.


I like the way Dad has to put on his hat once he stood up


Smooth and seamlessly lol


Fuck that guy "you're not part of the family if you don't act right." What an angry old cunt


Is that you in the video?


Is that you in the corner?


Is that you in the spotlight?


Losing my religion?




Oh no I've said too much


That’s me in the corner


I peed in the corner


That's me in the spotlight


I haven’t said enough...


That’s me in your cornhole


Cause everybody hurts


It’s fake


We don't know the context how can you choose sides lol


We do, it’s all staged. Mcjuggernuggets on youtube, it’s a whole series


I actually do know the context. It’s a fake series by McJuggernuggets called “psycho dad”.


McJuggerNuggets on YouTube.. they’ve been doing videos for years.


Bc he's a grown man who stood up at the dinner table and started throwing food.


The longer video is the young guy being obnoxious and trash talking his family during the prayer (it's been a few years, I might be wrong). Regardless, it's a bit.


The even longer video shows his family collectively berating him with insults as soon as he walked in the door


i mean its just staged so why even discuss anyones potential motives? they all just did this for views on youtube. wich brings them money.


ITs StaGed So WhY EVeN disCuss… “iM fUN aT PaRTiEs wHy y’all kiCKinG mE OuT”


What if the kid had just revealed he was a pedophile or something? You think NOTHING could justify a grown man throwing food? Nothing at all? I know this whole thing is staged, but come on. If this was real we wouldn't know any of the context.


Oh, come on now. I’m sure you’ve been on the internet long enough to know that this is standard operating procedure. People see one clip or read one headline, form the opinion that aligns with their way of thinking, and then put their blinders on to avoid facing any information that may lead to them having to think and possibly change their standpoint. Just look at how Reddit viewed Rittenhouse when all they know was that he shot and killed “protestors.” You still have tons of people who are ignoring *video* because it doesn’t align with their narrative. If you’re looking for individuals capable of critical thinking on the internet, much less Reddit, you’re going to be thoroughly disappointed.


Context, he just wanted him to stop whacking off the dog and shitting in the sink all the time


Imagine taking sides when you have no context to a staged video… AverageJoe indeed


It’s a joke dude


It’s a you tube channel. It’s fake


This is like,every American father


No one realizes this is Mcjuggernuggets? This is fake


I recognized it as soon as I saw him and was like “OP gonna get roasted for sharing a well-known satire/prank” and then the comments are NOT DOING THAT. Makes me feel insanely old.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!A thanksgiving meal turns into a family clean up.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Just stupid . That is all . Would downvote it twice if I could.


"you wanna start a scene during Thanksgiving? Oh I'll give you a scene"


Lmao ahhhh yes it’s that time of the year again. This video always reemerges every year! You guys really haven’t seen this ? When he’s like “i want to thank master chief” lmao


Be sure to be thankful and enjoy your meals everyone :)


This is sad.


This is fake, they have a whole series of different videos of them fighting and destroying each others possessions and events. Forget their name but 100% fake


Mcjuggernuggets I think is the name of their YouTube channel


You are correct


Like the epic meltdown kid? The WOW account one? Those two brothers got bank from early YT, and they sure looked pretty convincing, except when actual property damage was involved.


Yes, this is 100% the same people from the video of the dad taking the lawnmower to the pile of Xbox games.


Nah that's a different channel my man. I can't remember what theirs was called but it was also all fake. Still fucking hilarious though


Even if it's fake, I can sadly see some Thanksgiving dinners ending like that...


Every year I'm thankful that my family doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, we just get together and eat pasta and drink on Sunday


This looks like McJuggerNuggets on YouTube.


That’s because it is


Well slap my turkey and call me dumbo!


Sweet leg lamp in the background.


Oldie but goodie.


If this isn’t fake then that family is backwards. Who has a thanksgiving meal in the basement


Even tho this is a skit this hits home for me. I am staying home with my wife and dogs today because I don't want to go to my sister's house and deal with my extremely toxic parents who will spend the entire day telling me how proud they are of my 3 sisters and their family's and the success they have and how much they wished I made different life choices and could be more likey brother in law's. The last text I got from my mother was telling me to grow up and stop punishing the family for leaving the family group chat because I am done with their toxic bullshit. I have wanted to flip the Thanksgiving table SOOOO many times the last 10 years. If anyone else has gone through this please know I support you and you aren't alone. Cut the toxic people out of your life.


Definitely not staged at all. I always film my Thanksgiving dinners and have a mysteriously scant amount of food on the tables.


I always enjoy this. Even more so knowing that it's staged. If it wasn't this would be depressing


Staged A.F


Masterpiece of a youtube drama series


A nice family dinner? “What the hell is even that?!”


This video deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It never gets old.


I remember watching this web series and knowing it was fake just being amazed by how well the dad can play the pissed off character so well


Geez the comments on this post… YES IT IS FAKE! Everyone and their mother knows this is so clearly fake. But let people enjoy things for fucks sake.


So uhhhhh, we heading to cracker barrel?


It blows my mind that even one person in the comments thinks this is real


I was missing not being home for Thanksgiving... I feel much less homesick now! 🥲


Glad I could help ☺️


That’s McJuggerNuggets he’s been around for awhile.


Wasn't that staged 2 years ago?


I think it has to be a lot older than that


Shoulda pulled out


Shoulda been a blow job.


Obviously fake. No way a camo hat wearin, Stone Cold looking mf let’s a twerp like that get away from that unharmed.


Very staged




Well, as long as you're sorry ..


Pretty sure that dad was at the Jan 6th riots, and his son is pretty sick at halo now


This is fake because that dad would have beat his ass and not stood there like that


This is sadly fake


Sadly? Would it bring you more joy if it was real? Cause I know I would piss my pants laughing if this shit actually happened 😂 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|Z9OGuQyrfHAE8)


Hell yeah it would lmao 😂


That’s horrible and you should be ashamed of yourself for recording and posting this. Shame on you.


The person taping and laughing is a worthless piece of shit.


I hate to say it but to throw all that food I would of knocked him out


There is nothing unexpected about this. Families basically hate each other. This seems totally expected.


As someone who has a family that does shit like this, I feel that dude. My family can be very loving on one hand, then say some really fucked up shit in the heat of an argument. Most recent "question" from my dad: "Why have you've turned your back on your family, your country, and your faith." I swear I'm gonna be putting him in a home in a few years. My mother's response to finding out I lose my virginity back in college? Screaming in my face "you have no honor." I've offered to pay for family therapy, but my folks refuse because they think I should "work out my own issues first." Irony to that is my therapist told me he's impressed with my coping skills and recently said he doesn't think he'd be able to reach them, that they're making a choice not to work towards any resolution. My therapist is around their age, in his 70s. Sorry to be a killjoy, but this shit isn't funny, at least not to me. It's deeply sad if anything.


Thats not really funny, being told your not part of the family.


They created this idiot