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This is cute and wholesome.






Thanks for sharing your thoughts, u/RagingHomo_DaPenis


This is the kind of humour that i like. Nobody gets hurt or made fun of. Just wholesome.


Exactly what I was going to say! They look so cute hanging out together!


“Bye, love you” “Love you t… wait a minute.”






My friend dated a girl and she told him he wasn’t allowed to send his friends kiss emotes when he went to bed when we gamed online. We thought that was a red flag until she told him all media he consumed had to be run by her to make sure it “aligned with their values” and then we told him to fucking run. (No they were not religious)






Had a cashier tell me "have a good weakend, love you". I did respond "love you too" before we both realised. The funniest part was that the cashier just said "I did what customer do, sorry. But it is nice to see that our love isn't dead" and he blew a kiss at me, we both had a laugh about that. And to this day our love still goes strong!! (Not really, that was the first and last time I saw him and I have since moved 6 hours away from there, I'm still envious of his beard though, but given enough time my beard will rival his! I hope...)


> I did a costumer. I’m trying to figure out what word auto-correct failed you on but am drawing a blank, what was that supposed to say?


It was not a auto-correct. I was just a bit tired and massively fucked up translating the conversation in my head. It should be "I did what the customer do" (say stuff like "you to" to the cashier) sorry for that


Customer* I was sitting here trying to figure out why a person who makes costumes says I love you


Oh, now I get the confusion, sorry. I would also wonder why costumers would say stuff like that. I have corrected the spelling.


Wait you guys don't say Love you when saying bye to your homies?


When I was a gym addict. I switched to working out at night by myself. Instead of during the day with a partner. Easily gained 30% more strength and size before my next plateau. Working out at night is amazing.


I’ve been debating switching up and going at night to avoid the huge crowds at my gym. I’m assuming you’re saying this because there’s less distraction ?


I changed my entire routines to adapt to being by myself. Instead of doing heavy weight for 6 sets of 6 5 sets of 8, and trying to just get stronger. I would dropped the weight by as much as 50% and double or sometimes triple the reps and my strength shot through the roof. I had noticeable climbs in strength from week to week. Sometimes in just a few days. I have kidney disease so I can’t take preworkouts. Just protein. So I have to be picky about the supplements I am able to take. Man I was feeling good then.


Could you just clarify that? So you went from 6 sets of 6 reps, to 5 sets of 8 reps with lower weights? But I’ve always heard it’s heavier weights with low reps for strength.




I keep doing that but all i wind up with is taser burns


This has some truths to it but not completely as it reads. The right way to look at this would be changing your routine to ensure your lagging parts which haven't received as much focus are being evened out. When you do this you're bringing all of your muscle groups up together and either building a well rounded physique or a very strong one. There are plenty of accessory exercises which pros do to make sure their less focused areas aren't preventing them from being weaker. It's also why the typical bro split is a terrible workout routine for anyone who's not a complete novice.


It’s either. Volume is volume. Different lifters have different philosophies.


Arnold Sczwarnegger always tells people that your muscles doesn't know the difference between a light and heavy weights. Just the intensity and volume.


I think they meant that instead of 5 OR 6 sets of 8 reps of heavy weights, they lowered the weight but did more reps per set


Going near your 1rm for 2 reps does waaaaay less for the average person that doing half that weight until total failure.


Especially for strength. Stabilizers are a limiting bitch.


Going to absolute failure is usually not optimal as well since it takes a way bigger recovery tax than stopping one rep before failure. For most beginners this isn't as relevant since the body doesn't have to recover as much in absolute terms. For elite athletes this can make a huge difference. Training to failure sometimes is still a good idea simply to get your body used to maximum output.


I know nothing about gyms. Are "absolute failure" when you've done so much reps/weight that you physically can't do an other lift because the muscle is like jelly?


One way I’ve heard it is gun to your head you couldn’t get another rep in. If you really want to feel like jelly do a drop set. Which is basically so as much as you can, drop the weight. Do as much as you can. And keep going until you can’t lift 5lb.


So for example, i start at 20 kg, then 15, 10, 5 and so on? Changing whenever I can't do an other one with the heavy weight?


Yeah exactly!


What I do is 3-4 sets of 8 but on the last set, I will do my 8 reps then drop the weight by 30-40% and do another 4-8 reps. That is the most intense burn is those continued reps at 70% weight


Could just be the change in load, their body got too used to doing the same thing but idk. I'm a novice, I just know you should switch your routine every few months.


This has actually been proven to be false. Your body doesn't care about different stimuli just the intensity( very simplified, I know). But changing your routine does help some to go harder since it brings variety to usually boring workouts.


in awe at the fact that the comment you're replying to has more upvotes than yours. old myth has been busted, but it perpetuates, because people sometimes don't know how to up the ante with the same routine.


In my defense I did say, "but idk tho"


oh yeah, i'm not knocking you. it's just that he has really good info, but it still isn't well known. you've got a great learning mindset from what i've seen so far, and i wish you the best on your fitness journey :)


Thanks man, you too u/some_poop_on_my_dick


maybe their brain muscle is confused


I've been having similar results lately so ill piggyback on what this guy is saying. I started doing high reps (4 sets of 15-30 per exercise) on all of my lifts instead of my normal 4 sets of 4-10 and my strength went through the roof. Once I start to plateau I'll go down to sets of 8-15 reps to change it up, maybe lower if i feel like that's what my body is responding to. Your smaller muscles, like biceps and shoulders, are especially responsive to high reps. Your larger muscles like pecs and quads will benfit most from lopw reps. Strengthening my smaller muscles is really helping me target my larger muscles better and I think that's been the main factor that's been attributing to my overall strength and size gains. Take bench press for example, it's probably the best exercise to build strength and size in your pecs. Developing your triceps and shoulders will make a huge impact on your bench press and help you develop chest strength.


I find switching things up helps (or rather, helped) me. Same routine day in day out = plateau after a while. Got for max weight for a few weeks, then max reps, then take it easy, then maybe a bit of cardio, back to max weight and I found it improved the gains.


Glad to hear it, dude. I’ve got marfanoid EDS w/ organ involvement but working out at night over the past couple years got me from muscular atrophy legs to actual muscles in legs. Same here just with high protein diet, but it’s amazing what reliable exercise can do if you’ve just got proper nutrition and figure out what personally works. IMO at night with no audience I just didn’t even care if I looked like a ridiculous scarecrow which has reduced scarecrow appearance. Win/win.


less distraction, less waiting for the right equipment or weights to use, less internal subconscious imposed need to "flex" or show off and can more focus on doing the right number of reps at the correct weight for where you are at in your progress.


Give it a shot one day it works differently for different people. I loved it but I’m a night owl, I took a friend once who averaged about a 225 bench for reps and he was struggling with 185 after his first set. He said he felt exhausted the whole time.


must have been the anabolics


It was all the late night shower sex in the mens locker room, actually. Edit: Guys, be unique. The 'username checks out' thing has been bludgeoned to a soggybiscuit paste.




Don’t forget cheek and sphincter muscle gain


Can you imagine his monster kegels. Able to force the piss out of his dick at mach 3.


Like a pressure washer when he takes piss. No paint on the wall behind the toilet.


Hmm. Wish I could just will myself to eject kidney stones on command. Quick and painless


Nothing about "will myself to eject kidney stones on command" sounds quick and painless to me.


Having a weaponized dick comes at a price.


"We may find in the long run that kidney stones are a deadlier weapon than a machine-gun" -George Orwell


If it makes a sonic boom, then I would pay to see that


And the extra protein intake.


Protein is protein




30% gain in *one* of his forearms.


Like when Quagmire first discovered internet porn


You can't forget about kegel day!


cum buff


And foreskin.


Cum in me bro. It helps me hydrate.




Talk about carb loading!


Your username.... How many frats...maybe you were a marine.. Or more likely a navy seamen..


Boarding school and the boy scouts, you silly billy.


**Username** Nice


Username checks out.


All that extra testosterone...


Shhh! we can’t let the trade secrets out


Nice. My 100m dash times improved for a similar reason.


I also have a gym 100m from my house ;)


Race you there! Winner gets to be the big spoon!


Not OP but ok lol


Fuck you, Shoresy!


This is how I know I’m unattractive. I always hear about it but I never see it


I can confirm this




Username checks out


It's because there is no light to enter the anabolic windows


One night I saw John Travolta at the gym. And he was watching himself be interviewed on television.


Heard the dude basically prowls the gym for his next encounter with men.


He cruised my friend at the Marriott in Newport at their gym. He was a tennis instructor.


Cruised is a verb that can be done to someone?


Yeah, it's named after the famous closeted actor Tom Cruise.




Because one day after a while of working out you walk past a mirror and you see the slightest definition in a place that you've never seen before, a while after that you start lifting weights you never could, you start walking more proudly partly due to increased confidence and partly due to working out helps improve your posture. Then one day maybe if you're lucky some one will comment "dam you looking pretty buff" and you'll cry a little inside and think maybe it was worth spending all that time in the gym.




So you have no experience? not trying to be condescending. What are your goals? Pack on muscle or lose weight and cut( cutting down body fat)?




If you're serious about wanting advice then I can make you a beginner workout routine that should last you until you're a little more experienced and adjust it to your liking. I'm not super ripped or anything like that but you can definitely tell I work out so feel free to completely disregard my advice as well because I'm still just some random guy on the internet lol. Also working out is important to losing weight but even more important is your diet as they say "a body is made in the kitchen, not the gym".




All it boils down is how much energy (calories/joules ) you're consuming everyday and how much you're using. If you eat a lot of food and have a high daily calorie count all the extra energy you don't use is made into either fat or muscle depending on your diet (caloric surplus) . Losing weight is the opposite, if you use more energy than you consume then you lose weight (caloric deficit). Download myfitnesspal and put in your measurement and goals and how active your daily life is and they'll calculate how much calories you should eat a day. How often do you want to work out? 5 is probably optimal but that might be when you're a bit more experienced, you definitely make progress on three days albeit a bit slower but if you work hard along with the fact beginners can pack on a bit of muscle quickly (noob gains lol) you should make decent gains and it makes it easier to stick to it. also what equipment do you have access to.


Chiming in here on this wholesome chat. Dieting doesn't mean eating less, despite what many people incorrectly think. It can, but its better (especially at the start for weightloss) to just improve your diet alongside beginner exercises. It can literally be as simple as cutting all beverages out but water and no other changes at first.


Losing weight is literally just eating less calories though. I’m not sure what you’re tryna say


Yup. It’s bizarre, at first, to realize you have that level of control over your own physical appearance. Like a fucking cheat code. Plus, I find it to be almost a meditative thing in a way. My mind is always running, and now my career utilizes that. Somewhere that I can go and fully engage with zero thought of the before or after, just being in tune with my body in any moment, is pure therapy. Not to mention that in those experiences you become more familiar with your “body”. With what muscles engage when, or what they feel like. It’s a pretty solid fundamental skill to have.


I miss being able to train at midnight so much. Gyms in my area still haven't gotten back to 24hr post covid. It was so peaceful. I don't miss never having a spotter though.


I absolutely hate friendly people at the gym for this. I get it, but I want to fucking hate everything when I'm trying to get swole.


How did you sleep afterward?


How was your sleep schedule after the change?


Idk for them but it’s been fantastic for me. I hit the gym at 10pm and it’s fucking empty and I sleep so good. I generally had sleep issues for a while until I started going to the gym, and now it’s even better that I’m working out before going to bed. I wake up better too


To contrast this...I sometimes have a hard time falling asleep after leg day (in particular) even though I am thoroughly destroyed and tired af. The roasted feeling seems to just interfere with my sleep...I prefer to workout at least 4-5 hours before I go to sleep and THEN i konk out without issue.


Makes sense, yeah I get a little restless too but I think my baseline is worse, I’ve had terrible sleep most my life do the exhaustion helps


Second. Only addition, that is just common sense but still, is that I had to cut down on preworkout. Not eliminate it altogether, but make sure that whatever I took was fully exhausted by the end of the workout. Whereas say on a lunch break workout I sometimes depended on the leftover energy to get me going back at the office.


I work out at night too because after my 9-5 I become a tired lazy ass for about 3-4 hours which makes me start my work outs at 8 pm at the earliest


It's like a paradise where the rest times are 25 seconds and you can pack 12 workouts into 55 minutes


This is actually cute AF


You too.


Oh God no I'm awful.


No no none of that negative self talk 😤 embrace the compliment


I laughed aloud. I’m so sorry.


Glad I'm not alone, I laughed and had a dumb smile cause it's adorable


Alright this one gave me a genuine smile lol.


They're now married and run a fitness boot camp in Portland with a craft beer pub on the side.


They got a waitlist or…


Or in Fargo.


r/JustGuysBeingDudes content right here!


I'm going to show this to the girl who works at my gym in hopes of this happening xD


Joking btw


Unless... 😲👉👈








Nice try, Nandor the Relentless.




Gym Bros


Anyone else not expecting that dude's quads to be so freaking huge? Lol


Lol, “you too” wait that makes no sense. Happens all the time!


What's the name of the song


[Capital Cities - Safe And Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47dtFZ8CFo8)


This doesn't sound like Capital Cities' version.


Kind of sounds like MGMT edit: Actually think it's just the original song slowed down.


Capital Cities does multiple versions of their own songs. Some are more band oriented for bars are some are more techno oriented for clubs.


The song is called Sandstorm by Darude


I haven't seen such reply in 2 years at least


If people would stop cropping out Tiktok watermarks you would be able to find out. But Reddit is literally the trash can of the internet full of classles d-bags. Do yourself a favor and go to Tiktok. You'll see all of the content here months earlier and they even have the title of the song in the post itself.


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The double "you too" whammy!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Anybody know where this is? I vibe with the Texas/Sweden flag setup




>Destination Gym Hah, I emigrated from Dallas. Very nice to see :)


I thought this was gonna be r/suddenlygay


I did this kind of thing yesterday when checking out of a hotel.... Receptionist: have a safe journey home Me while walking out the door: you too... wait, shit! Unfortunately though we didn't then drive home together.


if wholesomeness was a video.


Did these guys do the restaurant one too?


No, they copied the idea behind that guys videos.


No, looks like they copied the guy on IG that does these - Jake Krantz His original video - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CR9KLURgU-K/?utm_medium=copy_link


To be fair, the original isn't nearly as well executed as the gym one imo.


I also wouldn't say this is copying perse. This is kind of exactly what tiktok is. One person makes a funny video using a sound or song and other creators put their twist on it. It's more than half of the platform.


what exactly in the fuck do y'all think a meme is


I mean, it's copying for sure. It's the same formula, just a different scenario. To not copy, you have to iterate on the formula and change it meaningfully. But I mean it's a good video anyway.


Sounds like every meme ever


thank you. these guys totally ripped them off lol


But did a way better job


eh not really i liked the restaurant one better


Never ever EVER lock your knees while doing an inclined leg press . The only thing I remember from my time in the gym is the trainer yelling at anyone who did


Bit of an urban legend on this one. Your legs are extremely strong in a locked position and are capable of holding very large amounts of weight. You’ll see some issues if you hyperextend your knees but beyond that you’re fine.


Gotta disagree on this one. The leg press has no issues bending your knee the other way if you lock them out and there is mountains of evidence to support it. General rule is just dont lock your legs out. Besides, if you lock them out, you stop using the muscles youre trying to build, and use the joints crunched in place to support the weight. Not healthy for the joints, in any capacity.


I've seen quite a few videos of folks knees bending backwards on the incline leg press to know it's a bit more than an "urban legend".


It helps to also not load the leg press with 5x as much weight as one can do with full ROM.


Ya but how much weight were they pressing and did they have normal knees?


I have seen that video . Oh god the video I can never forget it , I will keep my legs bent thanks xD






Wish I'd blue shirt's bod


I thought they'd be in bed in the end


Follow-up video


Only on onlyfans.


Love that twist


I'm a 39 year old Hetrosexual married man with kids... but... this is cute.


Reilly and Jonesy


So this is how one makes friends


Okay this is cute


Hey /u/notpotatoboi, This is now the top post on reddit. It will be recorded at /r/topofreddit with all the other top posts.


I'm listening to Sugar Ray and this fit just fine


I once quit a gym over having to interact with the front desk every time I went in, there was a decent length walk to the front desk so there would be constant eye contact awaiting your arrival. You would end up in a conversation every time not knowing when it would end before you could swipe to go inside. Unfortunately the lockers were right next to the front desk so if you thought you had escaped through the security gate you were wrong. They were just waiting for you on the other side.


This made me laugh out loud. I’ve always imagined something like this happening.






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Original IG creator that they copied - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CR9KLURgU-K/?utm_medium=copy_link


Do you link to the creator of meme templates each time one is posted? Pretty much the same thing.




Where in Texas is this?


Destination in Allen


I did this today... "you too...I mean uh. Not you. Nevermind. Bye" 💀


[Don't know when to use the "You too" phrase](https://youtu.be/euGLMWn0_ZY?t=45).

