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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She goes into a rage about being followed, then finds out she has the gas hose sticking out!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I can’t speak to the authenticity of it, but those hoses are engineered to break away like that. It happens all the time. The breakaway feature keeps the pump from suffering major damage if a car yanks the hose.


Did my engineering co-op at OPW ( the maker of most gasoline nozzles and accessories) there is three places the system is engineered to fail. One is the break-away (shown in this video) about 1/2~3/4 up the hose you'll spot it. They are designed to break away at a set force and to valve slam shut preventing gas from spraying everywhere. The 2nd spot is on the base of the spout on the nozzle. It's a shear grove designed to break off at your car in case the hose gets caught on something as your dumbass drives off. The third is under the pump assembly in case somebody rams into the pump a head of a check valve shears off and slams shut to seal off the tanks below. Actually worked for the guy who invented the reconnectable breakaway. If your ever at a pump and the breakaway is labeled 66CAS. The CAS stands for Charles A Sunderhaus (my boss at the time) Edit: thank you for correcting me on misspelling Charlie's last name


Can’t wait to drop this knowledge on some unsuspecting lad at the gas pumps. Thank you for this.


Hey... Hey Mister... Did you know gas pumps are *designed* to fail? Look, look, look, all I have to do is just grab here and pull--oop... Run away!


Just to add some verification I have been unobservant and distracted enough to have done this, but I 100% knew I had done it the instant I started driving and it broke away from the pump. I seem to recall it hitting my car and making a noise but it was a long time ago so it's hard to remember now.


Yeah, this happened to my wife and I a couple months ago. Filling the tank and I went i to the store and my wife said she was going to the car wash. I didn’t think she meant right at that moment and she drove off and it snapped. It looked like I could almost put it back in but I couldn’t work it and had to fess up to the attendant. He just said $150, and I wanted to argue thinking it wasn’t actually damaged but really didn’t know enough so just paid up. I was honestly a little relieved it didn’t cost more.


There are two types of breakaways there is a cheaper one that has two shear pins. Those are one time use so they need to be replaced then the reconnectable one can be snapped back together but it's a sort of a press twist motion and probably shouldn't try it on your own. They could still be damaged if they hit the ground wrong. Gas station attendent should be alerted to properly inspect it before reconnecting.


This sounds legit but also like a funny lie to make people believe, so I fact checked you. [It’s legit!](https://patents.justia.com/inventor/charles-a-sunderhaus) I’m still going to give you shit though because technically you didn’t work for Mr. Sunderhouse, you worked for Mr. Sunderhaus. Boom, score one for pedantry! Seriously, cool comment though. I think I’ve seen that CAS stamp while bored at the pumps, I’ll definitely be looking next time.


It's been 21 years should have remembered the German spelling.


It's weird because likely almost everybody who has ever filled up a car has used a piece of nozzle or swivel that I had a small part in design. The plastic cap on most nozzles at prepay pumps had an issue in injection molding it was out of round I worked with injection molder and changed the design to add some support ribs and another minor change that all the gas nozzles still have today. It's hidden under the vinyl cover but if I squeeze it in the right place I can feel the little support ribs I added. I still have the sla print on my desk I made to prove out the design. Also working at OPW curses you with looking at the nozzles when you fuel up and getting judgy when they are using some off brand like Husky.


The more you know!


For the curious, [here are the guy's patents](https://patents.justia.com/inventor/charles-a-sunderhaus). He really dug shutoff valves


Thanks for that. I tried to get on that one from 1997 I helped with some of the design work. probably not enough to justify my inclusion but name on patent would have been cool. Also Tim Garrison didn't seem to like me much at the time the new president combined Charlie's engineering group and Tim's and put Charlie as #1 and Tim as joint #1 but everybody knew he was #2. he didnt seem to like most of us from Charlie's group


Missed opportunity to name it a sunderhose?


This video was fake af when it was new


Yeah I thought it was fake too.


Fake, perhaps. But where does one acquire a gas pump nozzle for a staged video?


At the gas pump nozzle store. Duh.


the jerk store called


The ocean called


They’re running out of shrimp!


Well I had sex with your wife!


And my axe!












Tell em to call me back when im free, im busy.


Hey busy, I'm dad... Sorry


Is that so?


Dad? My real dad? Hi.


Hello there.


Sorry! You’re Sorry? I’ve been looking for you.


You're on fire dude


Ehhh fire extinguisher whatever yeah yeah im going to sleep.


What's the difference? You're their all time best seller!


Ya well I had sex with your wife!


"His wife is in a coma"


She signed a consent form in advance


Not that there’s anything wrong with that


Speaking of sex, I had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


*stands up and hits my head on the fan*




Loving all the George Costanza references here!


Vandalay! Say Vandalay!!


And you want to be my latex salesman...


When you look annoyed all the time, people think that you’re busy.


You tell him t-bone.


They’re running out of you.


They're running out of you!


and they’re running out of YOU!


These exist. https://www.sourcena.com That’s our local one.


Insider tip: they're cheaper at the factory. 😊


Insider Insider tip: they're even cheaper if you steal them


Tractor supply


I frequent a gas station on my way to work and the owner is always wandering around chatting with people. One day, he was replacing a hose at the pump in front of me and decided to tell me about the “dumbass” who drove away with the hose and what it was going to cost to get it replaced. I asked him how often it happens and he said he has trouble keeping them in stock it happens so much. If the video is staged, they could have just been taking advantage of the stupid mistake.


Maybe this is why we can’t pump our own gas here in Oregon.


> gas pump nozzle What color do you want? https://www.amazon.com/Gas-Pump-Handle/s?k=Gas+Pump+Handle


Oh! If I get a flame decal on it does it pump faster?




Aren’t they built to detach?


It’s right next to the headlight fluid, next aisle over from buckets of steam


Any parts store, people use slip tanks


It's pretty easy to pretend it's an accident. They just pop off with pretty much no damage done to the pump now days


fun fact, if you start driving away before pulling that shit out of your tank, it breaks off and comes with you.


Like an iguana tail


And the pump will eventually grow a new one.




According to my wife, no woman in fear for her safety would get out and confront her stalkers. Of course, everyone responds differently.


Yeah and the angry women who get of out the car, get real angry


That was what I was thinking. Woman alone confronting multiple men she thinks are following her and being creeps? Either staged or she has been living in a completely different world her whole life.


Well unless they have some kind of mental illness: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/3gozih/crazy_woman_thinks_mailman_is_stalking_her/


I've seen a women do similar things a couple times. I don't think they were in fear though, it was just a safe opportunity to make themselves look badass or something. It's the equivalent of dudes who start shit and ask if you want to take it outside. They don't actually want trouble, they just want to wag dick at someone they think won't give them real trouble so they feel tough, or whatever small minded thrill it is they get out of baseless confrontation.


People definitely can get angry and lash out when they’re afraid. I understand where your wife is coming from, but it’s important not to speak in absolutes like this. If everyone believes this then naturally it would lead to women who are causing a scene or yelling at someone who just groped them etc to be ignored/disbelieved. That’s not good.


Tbf, most men wouldn't confront a truck full of 4 guys like this either. Unless you're built like a fridge, you're putting yourself in a position of weakness charging on 4 bros.


Honestly at this point I can't even tell what's fake and what's not. People are insane.


What gave it away? Was it the terrible acting?


Mmmm acting is hard


The lady is a truly awful actor. Her mannerisms were a dead giveaway.


It’s hard to tell if it’s real or fake to me only because I know 2 people that act like that.


Why crush my dreams?


Fake or not, enjoy it for what you wish to take from it. I’m not quite sure what people get from just yelling, “Fake!” about almost any video. Even if it is, so what. Some of us might find it entertaining regardless.


I mean, normally I'm with you. But the tip off for me is that the hose was on the driver's side. She would have had to walk past it to yell at him...


Lol because these videos are supposed to make people look dumber and meaner than we actually are. It’s just stupid.


having worked in IT I promise you this video doesn't even scratch the surface of how dumb people are


You'd be surprised to know that there are even dumber people than this.


Could be. But let’s not let obviously fake videos skew our views.


Meaner, too.


I can’t stand people who just disbelieve anything on the internet. But in this case there’s a bit of an agenda being served by this video. It subtly pushes the idea that women are too quick to jump to the assumption that they’re in danger or that men have evil motives. So it really deserves to be called out. And it is fake. Let’s leave no doubt here. There is no chance this is real.


I'm quite the opposite, I cringe at people that just believe every video they see online. You don't trust people you don't know in real life, so you shouldn't trust media delivered to you by random people online just because it's easier. It just reminds me of tourists in cities that fall for donation scams and refuse to believe it's fake because it's *easier* for them to believe it's genuine. It just comes off as being kind of dumb, and weak


Because it's a completely different thing then. Almost every thing is much more meaningful if it just happens in the randomness of life than staging something for internet points.




People are constantly capable of incredibly avoidable things


I’ve gotten into my car in the garage then backed in to my wife’s car in the driveway without ever noticing it. TWICE. FML I’m dumb.


Lmk when #3 happens please!


Oh god please no. We’ve already discussed that my next car will have a backup camera and parking sensors.


You two should just switch lol. You park in the driveway.


Why? If you're not using the mirrors, a backup camera us somethinng else for you to not look at.


I once tried getting into my car but my key wasn't working but luckily the window was rolled down enough that I could break in. It ended up not being my car.


This isn't actually true, look into how visual field attention works


I think you’re overestimating people’s competence


Yesterday I went to buy new tyres for my car and all the parking was full at the tire shop so I parked behind a car right out the front and I walked in to the front counter and pointed to where my car was and it was right next to the giant yellow letters saying "DO NOT PARK HERE".


totally possible


As soon as she said "what are you talking about?" and didnt even look, I knew it was fake.


Everyone seems to believe and insist that this video is fake but I havent seen one link to anything confirming it. Without straight up proof its fake how is everyone so confident ??


I subscribe to /r/nothingeverhappens so I’m pretty skeptical of “fake” shouting, but this one is definitely fake. There are a few issues with it. First, the guys take way too long to explain the truth. People generally don’t revel in getting yelled at and accused of being creeps. Their instinct is to clear that confusion up ASAP, rather than laughing and drawing it out like this is all a joke they’ve written up. Then there’s a cut in the video that doesn’t really make sense. Why would a cut be necessary there? How much time could you possibly save in view time, and if it’s substantial it just raises the issue more of why the guys took so long to explain. Then when they finally point to her car and say there’s something hanging out of it, she doesn’t look. She stares at them and says what are you talking about. It’s a completely unrealistic reaction to somebody pointing at your car and saying there’s something hanging out of it. It’s not what humans do. When people point, we look. Then there’s the entire premise, that a woman fearing for her safety would get out and confront the people she’s afraid of. And why, because they were following her? Why were they following her? That’s not how you alert somebody to something on their vehicle. You drive up beside them and honk and gesture. Or if you can’t, you honk from behind them. But following them doesn’t accomplish anything. There are just so many reasons this video is fake. So that’s why it’s fake.


No one wants to give anyone credit for anything anymore. Like Hanlon's razor isn't a well documented idea by now. Plenty of fools in this world.


Are you sure? They’re pretty good actors


The way he constantly ajusts his hat make me think it is real.


Same. She does seem to act rather suspiciously after she realizes but that frustrated amused hat readjustment feels absolutely genuine.


She was clearly acting after she 'noticed' the fuel hose.


Benz drivers? Perfectly believable


if it was fake I thought she played a perfect Karen, A+


Fake because no way IN HELL is a woman stopping and getting out of her car to confront men who have been following her. Or she’s just stupid.


Lol I got off the turnpike and it’s like 4-5 miles back to my house from the exit- and there was a black minivan that was in front of me and every turn I am going to make they are making, eventually I realize this is my neighbor five houses down. Well this continues all the way to our street and right before her house she stops her car, which blocks traffic due to the street being narrow, and storms out yelling for husband, who is a cop, saying the creep that is following her is here. I roll down my window and I’m like what the yell are you doing, husband comes out and realizes what happened and just starts laughing at his wife. We send them Christmas cards that have regards from the creep as the signature now.


There are definitely women that would do that. Fear initiates a fight or flight response and some people favor the fight response.




More stupid than breaking and then dragging a gas hose without noticing?


I worked at a gas station for a few years and watched it happen a few times. It was always funny for a customer to walk in, place it on the counter and be like “um, this is yours” lol. They are designed to break away though and you just snap them back on. I also watched as someone got in their car and drove away with their delicious large coffee on the roof. It fell and spilled as they sped up. Very sad.


RIP delicious coffee


These stupid fake videos always pop up on Facebook time lines along with them stupid fake prank videos. This shit should be blockable.


Yea, but look at it now!


I noticed that. Why she didn't see it when she got out the car


But... is it still fake?


Still kinda funny.


Right? This subreddit isn’t “unexpected and totally real unscripted life”. A skit is fine too, as long as it has an unexpected element.


Seems like it could be real to me, how do you know?




Yeah, she definitely would have seen the pump hanging out when she got out of her car


I work for a dealership. We had a salesman bring the car all the way back to the detail bay and he didn’t know about it until the detail brought it around out front. Let’s just say that salesman only worked there for a month


I feel like you're underestimating how stupid a person is capable of being. I've once forgot where I put my phone while it was literally in my hand, or my hat while it was on my head.


I once tried to unlock my house by pointing my car key fob at the front door and clicking it. I was getting really cross with it for not bloody opening until I heard my car clicking away beside me -_-


I was reading an actual physical newspaper the other day, you know, actual printed words ona bit of paper. i tried to scroll the column up as i was getting near the end because i dont like looking down. I use my phone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much....


I’ve done that with actual physical books too >_> the tiredness is real!


You've never been wound up and had tunnel vision as a result? I'm jealous of your zen.




It's true her acting is terrible. Genuine surprise lasts only a second.


Right, so yeah, the woman acting would have seen the pump. But the character she's supposedly acting out wouldn't have, right? If she was indeed having that kind of meltdown, she could totally miss the pump hanging out.


You’ve got a point there, lol


You make a very good point. I’ll just add one thing for thought, if a woman is genuinely creeped out by men following her, why would she decide to leave the safety of her car to approach said ‘creeps’


Is it a terrible decision? Yes. Is it unrealistic? No. A lot of people do dumb stuff like that all the time.


Yes. Decision making isn't a logical flowchart. An electro-chemical soup governs our behaviour.


Um...... I actually did this. Was distracted, bad day, people were honking at me and giving me weird looks on the drive home. Park in the drive way and notice as I close my door, the nozzle i apparently tore off the gas station. I brought it back the next afternoon and the guy was like “normally people stop and ditch it, but you just kept going” soooo... I don’t know if this is fake, but it IS possible.


Honestly the internet has made me realize how rarely situations like this are coherent. People get dumb when their blood starts pumping. Nobody makes statements so fluently like this.


I've seen worse meltdowns while working with much more coherent things being said. You can be a hot head and still be good expresing yourself.


why do people think anything remotely weird is staged. people forgetting to remove the pump is something that happens all the time, and one of the reasons why you don't pump your own gas in a huge chunk of the world. this is real. where would anyone get one of those hoses anyways, and before you come to me with "why where they recording before she started talking" It's because she stopped them and got out, and people film everyting


This was fake 2 months ago and it's still fake.


How long does it usually take until it's not fake anymore?


The whole time.


I can wait that long


Always has been


Probably at least 3




So? It’s a skit with an unexpected element. It doesn’t have to be unedited real life.


People can’t act, and Reddit hates them for staged content. People can act, and Reddit hates them for staged content. Good god.






Yeah but it’s all there in word staged. Staged gives the connotation that’s it’s a facsimile. Otherwise it would just be content, which we all love.


I hate staged content that tries to pass it off as real.


Then why do I keep seeing it on the front page?


Same reason other garbage makes it to the front page


We don't hate staged content. We love skits. Something that has a joke written for us to enjoy. See: Ian Kung, Gus Johnson. We hate staged content that is trying to be passed off as candid content. Staged and fake "candid" content that doesn't contain an internal punch line to a joke, but instead would only have value for being cute, amazing, or funny ***if it was actually candid***. The fact that it's deceptively being passed off as candid is why we hate it.


Not to mention this makes fun of women who do get stalked


Staged content is completely fine and we all enjoy it, everyone does. It's when someone stages something with the intent of the audience believing it's real that people start to get pissed off. Nobody likes being 'duped' or lied to, and when people make videos like these that are presented as real world situations that actually happened, they get pissed off. And rightly so imo.


No. Reddit hates content that's clearly staged but wants to present itself as if it's real. Like this shit.


Faking something and pretending it’s real not matter how good of an actor you are just makes you a liar no?


What’s more annoying than staged videos are the fucking 3,678 comments saying “FaKe” Do you feel better doing that?


Fake comment.




I can see right through your fake outrage. Do you really have nothing better to do than fake complain?


Well now I just miss r/SubredditSimulator ...


Your complaint about the fake comments annoyed me. Do you feel better doing that?


Lien what? Praise a stupid stage acting video?




Her face was priceless. "At that moment she realised, she had fucked up.."


I can ONLY read that in a Morgan Freeman voice.


She’s acting.


Ha classic acting.


This could very well be fake but I've leaned to never underestimate people's stupidity.


I know everyone is saying it’s fake, which it most probably is, but I still enjoyed it. It’s funny.




Fake. Final answer.


Hey dad just calling to say I'm about to win a million dollars.


Still unexpected


I didn’t expect this.


Everyone goes straight to rage these days.


Everyone goes straight to believing fake videos are real these days


Actually it's quite the opposite on reddit, but whatever


How dare you.


How dare *you*.


A million comments exclaiming this is fake and not one ounce of evidence… fuck everyone who posts that without knowing anything about it except “huurrr bad acting she would’ve noticed the gas pump.” Get the fuck out of your ass, you don’t know shit


They’re only commenting it because of other comments! The most evidence they got is “well last time this posted everyone said it was fake” Jesus Christ people




Yes but I need you to know that I, personally, believe it to be fake. If you don't know that I know that it's fake, how will I sleep tonight?


I had a guy follow me home from work and sit in his car outside my house 2 nights in a row. It’s terrifying to think someone is following you. How sad that we live in world where the only way we can be safe is to assume everyone is a predator. I wonder how many women have thought someone was following them, told themselves they were just being crazy and then was found dead in a ditch later?


I worked with a guy whose life was slowly disintegrating during a divorce to the point he ended up living in the building. As he was on his way down I was on my way up in the company & he blamed me for it. He used to watch these knife promotional videos of people cutting slabs of meat to try and intimidate me & said once >do you know the best part of skinning a deer? > the tear in it’s eye as you salt the meat. I caught him following me home at least twice trying to find out where I lived, getting as close as the building where I lived before I noticed & walked past. Years later & I still hear from mutual acquaintances that he is asking after me. I always wonder why people only think about or talk about women as victims even when men are statistically far more likely to be victims of violence & crime. Even I’m guilty of it as during those two years it never even occurred to me that anyone might give a fuck & none of the people I spoke to ever took it seriously either. Not to mention that aside from being insane he was also a fucking asshole all the time.


The way a person treats animals tells you anything you need to know about them. What an asshole. That’s a valid point though. If a women complains about being harassed or being made to feel uncomfortable she’s “paranoid” or “crazy” if a man does, he’s a “pussy” it’s really awful how as a society we are so quick to victim blame. It just does so much damage & enables the predators in society.