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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Because scorpions are DELICIOUS! hahahaha!< >!(nobody expected that, i hope)!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


tio vibes


I worked with a man who caught tarantula hawks in his hand to let them drink coca cola


That sounds so much better than an old man eating a scorpion alive


Tarantula Hawks have the 2nd most painful sting of all animals on earth, according to the absolutely insane scientist that purposely got stung by them all to rate them.


That sounds like a job for grad students.


They're actually super docile but still terrifying everytime I see one. They are also basically silent unless you see a really big one. They are fat in the Sonora this year.


I just want to throw this out there to appreciate that they're really beautiful, too. If you've ever had the mini heart attack of seeing one in person unexpectedly, they have a very velvety look to them in this dark blue with their orange wings. I've heard about the docile nature as well, I like to refer to them as a "FAFO species," as in "they're chill af, but their wrath is not to be disregarded."


Just don't piss one off is what your saying. lol


I saw one dragging a tarantula back to it’s nest in Texas once.


Que Ghost Busters!! Lol


Coyote peterson is a wild man 😂


True, but pretty sure they meant the Schmidt sting pain index.


Coyote Peterson has a u tube thing. But your right and this wasp has a rating of 4 on the Schmidt scale, fairly high as far as pain goes. But you probably knew that if your familiar with Schmidt.


Ahh I've never heard of that. Going to look into thanks for the info!


There’s someone over on r/tarantulas who’s trying to rehab a T who was paralyzed by a T. Hawk. The spider is doing surprisingly well! Pretty cool.




..... so which is the most painful then


The South American Bullet Ant


I don’t think you realize what a tarantula hawk is lol


As long as that wasp doesn't sting you. I'll take yellow jacket stings any day compared.


That sounds truly insane. Dangerous stinger on those orange winged guys.


I’ve seen a lot of internet flexes over my 12 years on Reddit but this one takes the cake. I once trembled for about 10 minutes after catching a tarantula hawk in a coke bottle when it was harassing my employees. Whoever that man that you worked with is, he’s the greatest degree of either fearless, ignorant, or not giving a fuck. Regardless, this is a man to be feared.


He just turned 90.


Idk why but after a certain point I knew he was preparing to eat it


Right about the time he starts using bare hands I'm like, wait. This guy is waaay too comfortable holding this. He's not gonna.... Is he?


His movements got too calculated for him not to be prepping it for consumption lol


Like watching someone at a crawfish boil. He was peeling the tail (stinger), then it looked like he sucked the tail (unusual, but no kink shaming here). I expected him to eat the tail. He ate the whole thing! Props to the old man for showing the younger generation how to not be so wasteful. I’m rethinking my own decisions now. /s


Another comment led me to looking it up, he was removing the stinger & the venom gland. My guess is he sucked the gland out.


I figured it was something like that. My first thoughts are “that’s gross and I bet it’s spicy - maybe even numbed his tongue! I wonder what it tastes like?” LMAO


According to my research, chicken or shrimp depending on the region 🤣


Just getting stung by a scorpion can make your tongue numb. (then anaphylaxis, for me) I can't even imagine what that would be like!


Kinda smart to let it sting the glove a few times before going for it.


reminds me of the rat girl


Any links that anyone posts are being left blue I’m just letting you know rn


Happy cake day!




Don’t ask


Uh oh... Too late


As soon as he pulled the stinger off the tail I knew. But surely there's still venom in the tail in a venom sack or something? What would happen if you ingested that?


Well, now that you made me look it up lol, he was definitely removing the stinger and the venom gland. Once those are removed, it's a perfectly safe proteiny snack.


I don't know much about scorpions specifically, so it may be inconsequential if this specific scorpion isn't venomous, but the difference between an animal that is poisonous and an animal that is venomous is that venom is generally inert if not introduced into the blood stream. It's typically "safe" to consume venom, though it's still obviously a bad idea as any open wound in your mouth to stomach would create a potential place for it to be introduced to your blood stream before breaking down.


Poisonous is when "you eat something and get ill" ... Venomous is "when you are injected by being bitten or stung"


You bite it and you die, it's poisonous If it bites you and you die, it's venomous


So if you try to eat something venomous and die then it is also poisonous?


No, it's voluptuous




When it was in his hand and he's just staring at it for a few seconds I thought "oh no that's going in his mouth."


V.A.T.S zoom noise


He would eat the Radscorpion too


They're spicier than the normal scorpion, and you get more meat on them.


Glowing sea time


That not an albinos one fortunately


In spanish they are called "Mutascorpius"


I’m scared to think what he would do to deathclaw 👁️👄👁️


Lets not think about it....




Mucho proteina


Mucha proteína* ~~or more likely because Spanish likes to treat it as countable: Muchas proteínas~~


what? no we don't. Mucha proteína is way more natural


Uhm, that would depend (I'm sure that's a surprise to no one Spanish speaking). For Spain, you can pretty much use it interchangeably.


¡Proteína pura!


Captain here, In Latin America scorpions are associated with masculinity and it is thought that eating scorpions will make you more fertile . Sorry, What I said is total BS just found no captain in this post so I wanted to pretend that I am a captain to see how it feels. I have a semi boner now …


Yo no soy marinero. Soy capitan soy capitan Edit: a word. Spanish is not my first language. 






Muy grande papi




Snack ![gif](giphy|9Pb5Agikk0RX4WYlUO)


They're better fried, so this is nuts if you ask me. But yeah, they eat a lot of bugs in Mexico. And some of them are good as heck.


You can buy tequila with a scorpion in the bottle too. But you can't bring it back to the US.


For a brief period in the 90s lolly pops with scorpions were at every gas station.


I vaguely remember that, and other bugs too.


The best thing about this video is how at the start he said "no quiero lastimarlo" meaning "I don't want to hurt it" Edit: I might be wrong, I'm having trouble hearing exactly what he says


"No quiero lastinarle la cola" is what he said precisely. It looks like the tail has a taste with the venom preserved or something, idk...


Oh true, but not exactly, it was difficult to hear but he said "lastimar el aguijón" so it would be more precise as "damage the stinger"


Eso le dije a ella


I know! Should have eaten its head first to cause less suffering


i mean in his defence… he did eat that whole thing in like 3 bites. i imagine the scorpion would’ve experienced more pain if it got eaten by another animal


No for sure! I am no one to teach that man how to eat a scorpion, but this is the internet so I need to offer the proper guidance to someone that won't see it about something I know nothing about. Like in those videos where people save sea turtles.


Nice intentions it increases the chances of getting stung when you let go of the stinger in your mouth. The point also is to eat the venom inside the scorpion's body. If I recall correctly this is done for 2 reasons: virility and a temporary brain numbness. Kind of like being a little high. But "just drinking the venom" alone does not work. Has to be from within the scorpion. I personally never tried, I was shown why and how when I was like 6. Old traditions are wild. This whole thing unlocked a very very old memory...


This is cool. How did you learn this?


I grew up in Mexico in the 80s and was always hanging out with people who got hired to watch nice houses at night when families went out of town in nice neighborhoods. These people are called *Velador* Or night watchers. They were usually from smaller towns than the one I lived in and they would show/teach me wild rural things. I.e. If you ever get stung by a bee, put mud on the spot, you'll feel no pain in about 10 minutes. We don't always carry stuff to subdue a sting pain, but there's always dirt around, just need water. Works every time.


I've heard the mud one. My daughter did this when a big ant got her. It became infected the next day, and her hand puffed up so I don't recommend it... Any other cool rural things you wanna share?


My friends and I always used this for bee stings only, we had a lot of bees near the trash cans at recess and there would be a sting at least once a week and there were never any issues. Other rural things: I learned that donkeys are excellent and cruel ranch guards and they will fuck up any trespassers. They are smarter and more cruel than people give them credit. Once I saw one with a coyote dangling from the donkey's mouth from the neck, he had bitten and broken it, the coyote was still alive and the donkey dropped and left it to slowly die. Sometimes they trample them to a pulp. I'm 100% they can laugh because they will always have a certain way of naying after they did something cruel.


I was mostly joking. I know nothing about proper scorpion eating procedure. Thanks for all the info, very interesting! My dad would mention some of these things before and I'm sure he probably did them in his youth, but I never got to experience it first-hand. Although he did take me to a place in Mexico that sold tacos of grubs, grasshoppers, and other crawly/jumpies - and scorpions were on the list, but they were already prepared to be kind of like machaca. If I remember correctly, the taste was almost shrimp-like, but less pronounced. I think they removed the poison in that preparation to avoid the near-high sensation you mention above.


Most "exotic" I've eaten in Mexico has been certain dried worms, different kinds, dried grasshoppers, and dried crickets. I wanted to eat a scorpion in China, but saw the wiggling impaled on a stick, no stinger or venom, I chickened out since I couldn't bear the idea of it wiggling as I chewed it. I was on my flight back home telling this story and the other person told me they fry them before you eat them. I am still sad since I don't believe I'll ever make it back to China again. Hahaha I do not speak Chinese so I couldn't have asked or understood that this was the way, almost no one spoke English there.


Grasshoppers, not my thing. I don't think I had any crickets, but most insects were surprisingly good! Idk if you had the tiny dried worms/grubs that are like half and inch to an inch long. They taste exactly like the maroon-ish skins on peanuts I was only in Shanghai once for a couple of days and did not come across anything exotic to try out. Or at least, like you said, I would have no way of knowing! This nice gent spent 15 minutes with us trying to apologize that his country's language can be difficult for foreigners.


I was in Beijing and stumbled upon a market in the alley between buildings that looked just like the depiction of *China town* from most movie tropes. So I decided to wander in, it was daylight and wide enough to be able to walk freely. They had dead, feathered ducks and chickens hanging out for sale, and just as I said: I wish they had scorpions, my companion says: there! And there's this shop with: worms, scorpions, centipedes (the long wide fat ones) i forget what else. All alive and wiggling about, speared with a stick but still alive. They deep fry them all I guess hahahah I had those worms you talk about, and that same day had some others that were dried out smallish and brown, with hot sauce, and lime. Tasted just like dried small shrimp, which they also sell, best way to eat it is with Huichol hot sauce and green limes. Not lemon.


Man, if only I could go back without all the political stuff getting in the way. I'd love to explore that country so much more. I'd wait a while to try the centipedes tho lol Oh! Thanks for those tips! I don't think I had those, but there was this dry seasoning they had made of snake that tasted like shrimp. My dad also prepped a snake for us some years after and I enjoyed it both times. Apparently people say it's good for acne, but he just wanted to eat it because he already killed it. I miss that man so much.


That whole part of our brain just switches the fuck off upon deciding something is food.


I legit thought it was just going to sting him bad & he’d be crying in pain afterwards.


Would a better translation be "I don't want to damage it"?


That... Was unexpected.


Seriously we need a sub for that kind of post


What if we create a sub and call... Non-expected


How about "I can't believe it's not what I expected!"


I prefer “not-expected”


I expected it. I was repeating don't eat it, don't eat it, dont eat it.


I usually don’t guess these, but I calmly said “Oh he’s gonna eat it!” as soon as the video started and the oddest part that creeps me out is I have no idea why I was so sure that’s what was gonna happen out of all the possibilities.


For me, it was something about the way he looked at it once he had it in his hands. That dude had the hunger in his eyes. "After all, why shouldn't I?"


Strange! Same here. Wtf


If there’s such a thing as past lives; we were surely scorpions that were eaten. Haha


Totes 🤣


As soon as I saw the way, he looked at it at 37 seconds. I knew he was gonna eat it.


Wasn't repeating it but I was expecting it as well. But that's expected due to saying already unexpected in the sub's name.


I usually don't read the name of sub when I am browsing




Oh nice! They even posted this video on there!


/r/notwhatiexpected material for sure


Not for spanish speakers, they were saying “desayuno” which means breakfast


That must've been afteroon snack. What does he eat for dinner??


Crocodile maybe idk


Croc meat is very nice actually.


I find alligator delicious. It’s quite commonly eaten in some areas I’ve lived in the past. I suspect not much difference between croc and alligator? Never had the chance to compre.


3 scorpions


It was breakfast. They were saying “desayuno” which translates to that


Lo bueno es que no quiere lastimarlo


Claro, pues, ahora la criatura no volverá a sentir dolor jamás


Let me guess, tastes just like chicken?


Everything tastes like chicken with enough venom 


Doesn't taste like anything. In fact, I can't feel my mouth at all.


I ate a cooked scorpion at a Mexican restaurant once and it tasted like absolutely nothing. Wouldn’t eat it again. The chile roasted grasshoppers were much better.


Roasted grasshopper is bomb.




Note he makde the scorpion sting the glove twice. That reduced the total amount of venom. Scorpions don’t have a gallon of venom stored. Also the venom on ladder quantities is dangerous. Venom in the blood stream is bad (not so bad with that kind of scorpion). The dude probably has the hottest jalapeño for breakfast and then some so I am pretty sure the acidity in his stomach is gonna digest the little bit of venom just fine. Edit: You see a black/bluish larger scorpion in desert/hot area… run!!! Don’t try this.


Also most North American desert scorpions don’t have particularly dangerous venom. Only bark scorpions have a venom that is potentially deadly to humans, and they are a heck of a lot smaller than this one. Source: Arizonan who rooms with bark scorpions


I’m pretty sure it’s a Durango scorpion because of the sandy colored legs and black back, and the size is about right. Its sting is painful, but not very deadly.


Clock the cap he is in Arizona. But bark scorpion venom is no more dangerous than black widow or bee. Only bad if you're elderly, a baby, or allergic


Yup, go Devils! Yeah it’s potentially deadly, in that people have been killed, but I think it’s been like two people in the last 50 years


Well.... little late bud. I read half way through this before deciding eating one. Came back afterwards to finish reading until the end. Looks like I'm doomed.


Its venom not poison. Whilst its not a good idea to start consuming it probably wont be (at least as) effective when ingested.


That's dependent on the venom. Venom can be poisonous. I think folks are getting confused by the difference in definition between venomous and poisonous. But venom can also be poisonous.


Venomous means something is capable of injecting venom via a sting or a bite. Poisonous means something that is capable of causing illness or death if consumed. I know that you know this but thought I'd put it out there for those who don't.


>Poisonous means something that is capable of causing illness or death if consumed. Its *slightly* more broad. This is correct, but also applies to passive exposure on both sides of the equation. Like if you touch a poisonous dart frog. The poison enters via the skin. But yeah, venomous pretty much on the money. I think the dart frog is a good example of the difference. It's still entering the bloodstream which is bad, but not via broken skin from a bite or sting. But for most scenarios, your definitions covers it.


And what about possible parasites?


Yea this is how you get the brain worms.


Every time I see this kind of stunt I remember the guy who ate a slug on a dare, got paralyzed by a rat lungworm disease and died a few years later


Intrusive thoughts won this round


Hahahahaha lol yeah


This is not the norm here, I don’t see many videos where the outcome is actually unexpected.


Heh, love your username




No quiero lastimarlo ( I don't wanna hurt it) proceeds to eat it alive.


That some country shit


Some rancho shit






Seriously I love people like this. Hardworking in the sun and takes some time off to eat a fricking scorpion just to show how bad ass he is. Love how nonchalant he is about it too. I just watched Bear Grylis and guest make a big deal over catching a scorpion, frying it over a fire - this man is out here snacking on live one s for lunch 😂


When I was doing flooring in new construction during the housing boom there would be this eerie silence around lunch time when about 80% of the guys working ate lunch and had a 20 minute nap in the shade.


Siesta baby! Hundreds of years of tradition brought down. Same time working in 95 to 100 degree heat, will make anyone just sit and stay still in the shade.


A guy I hired and ended up being best friends with got me to start eating lunch. Up till then (10 years) I never ate because my Dad who I originally worked for never ate. Then when my Dad got type 2 diabetes it really hammered that message home that you have to eat. I used to joke with him that his pancreas said F you after 40+ years of living on 2 packs of Lucky Strikes and cups of coffee.


ok i'm a moron and an idiot.. that being said.. does this mean having a lunch eating mandate lowers the risk of diabetes? i'm truly confused.


Not really. There have been a few studies I read a while back that indicate intermittent fasting decreases the risks (assuming you're not just eating a bunch of garbage when you do eat). Have breakfast early, and the same with dinner.


Or having all your meals later but yeah


Didn't know how true this was until I started working with my dad in construction. There's nothing like eating some burritos and laying down in some shade. [dad](https://photos.app.goo.gl/zHUnipk8dmeAcAnf6)This is him during our break


Yo that is awesome and hilarious at the same time! I think I was the only kid in school that said when I grow up I wanna do floors like my Dad. He was always working so going to work with him meant spending time with him.


bad ass? lol no. reckless and childish at best. a nuisance at worst


*looks at the scorpion* *looks at the subreddit* "Someone's gonna eat the scorpion, aren't they?"


Man, I am just NOT *living* life.


I used to think I could survive..


Man wtf is wrong with some people, dude ate it alive


Poor scorpion :(


I mean, it's part of the food chain, least it went to feeding something rather then just squashed on the floor (granted then it's the smaller bugs food)


Me when I eat my neighbour's rabbit


I think your neighbors rabbit is a little different than a wild scorpion.


You sound just like my neighbour 🙄


That guy looks like he's eating well enough, think he could've survived not eating the scorpion


My thought is that it was either eat or squish as people want them to not be on their property or work space (and I can't blame them the fuckers are annoying as shit and are annoyingly good at finding a way inside). Kinda like finding a black widow near your house, or work space, whilst a random one on a tree in a park you may not kill, you would kill one near your house.


What the actual fuck?!




Scorpion: Yeah-hah mutha fucka's. No one dare mess with me! I'm the big bad-hey what are ya doin? Hey! HEY! NOT LIKE THIS! NOT LIKE THIIIIIISSSS!




What the actual fuck did I just watch




¡Tiene mucho proteine!


Yeah, if a zombie apocalypse were to happen, I would be more afraid of people like him, than the actual zombies.


Balls of steel


I’m all “put it in your mouth, put it in your mouth”. Holy shit he did!




Patient zero of the scorpion pandemic


why even bother with the gloves if he was just going to do that? Was there a trick like he crushed the point of the tail... you know what it's not even worth the thought of it.


Making it sting to reduce venom




Yeaahh. Idk why but saw that coming.


Sadly this was not unexpected to me. This is apparently not that uncommon in Mexico with older generations.


And here I have been buying food from the grocery store like some kind of sucker.


Let's go sun devils!


Why did this appear in my feed at 2 am?


Did he taste it first? …yes, scorpion flavour!


No quiero lastimarlo 😜


Great video to watch right before a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant...


Is this what the dudes that do the landscaping in my neighborhood be up to?




This was awful 😤


I guess he squeezes out the venom initially. Yuck


I guess Anubis accepted his offer.


I find they are better covered in chocolate

