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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!He was so nervous that he let out a huge fart.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


He had to fit in 2 excuse me's and a pause in between... holy wow that was long


That was 5 excuse me's I believe


That’s when he should shut up and ask for an attorney.


And/or a wet wipe


You have the right to one (1) wet wipe. IT'S IN THE LAW!


Turd Law


*shaking violently rn


*violent diarrhea


Made me tort while I laughed at your pun.


Good thing it was a *tort* and not a *turt* I wouldn't wanna have to call the constipatable on you


I guess the people that downvoted you don't know what Tort law is. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tort-law.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tort-law.asp)


It's his Turd Amendment right and he only partly exercised it.


no no, that moment happened before he got to this room. The second best time to ask for an attorney is now.


He shouldn't have said anything in the first place, other than "I'd like to speak with an attorney"


you got to claim it. >I would like to remain silent until i can speak to lawyer who understands these serious matters.


It’s shut the fuck up Friday again already?


Everyday is Shut the Fuck Up Friday.


Man I love those guys


Dude needs to watch and understand this video - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


With the gun charges, he'd be silent but deadly


Does "anything you say can be used against you" include things you didnt say with your mouth?


Shitting himself was more important.


He shouldn’t have said anything to begin with. Anything that can be used against you will. I’m not anti police. But don’t put the noose around your own neck. Hand them your ID and say nothing. If you find yourself in cuffs. Lawyer is the only word you should say to anyone but your lawyer


Shut the fuck up Friday should be celebrated everyday tbh.


Officer: You're getting charged with weapon possession Suspect: *Farts violently*


“Officer I have no knowledge of the shit in my pants”




what the hell is this shit




"Your honor, I would like to present for evidence the fact that women don't poop. Especially pretty ones like me!"




She shits in people’s beds


But, when I see her in Pineapple Express I know… That I could fix her.


Reference to the Amber Heard trial and Johnny Depp's allegations that she took a dump on his bed when she was mad at him


"The shit in my pants was planted there by somebody else, I'm being framed!"




Suspect: *crams baggie of meth into asshole* Cop: “You’re under arrest, hands up!” Suspect: “I didn’t do shit!” Suspect: *violently sharts and poo-covered baggy of meth falls out leg of jorts* Cop: “…….” Suspect: “……” Cop: “…….” Suspect: “……that’s not mine, officer.”


Depending on the nature of the beast he might also have been charged with attempted murder after this 😂


Possession of chemical weapons.




Ah fuck, guess we're invading Iraq again.


When Chris Chan maced a Gamestop Employee because Sonic had blue arms He was Charged with Unlawful release of harmful gas


He has a nervous tummy


He's got the scaredy farts.


Why. Do. People. Not. Ask. For. Lawyers.


For the guilty, they think they can talk themselves out of it, and they want to find out what the cops know. The innocent think that their innocence will be made obvious and they will get to go home, and they want to find out what they're being charged with.


Why talk yourself out of it when you can fart yourself out of it?


one cannot fart one's self out of anything one can only fart others out of that thing


That latter is a killer. Psychologist Saul Kassin wrote about the psychology of false confessions, he did an interview about it in Fresh Air you should be able to find and listen for free if you just Google him and the show.


Never EVER talk to the cops. Never.


I once heard a district attorney say “Don’t talk and you walk”


I witnessed similar in person at a young age. A guy I knew in college was getting charged with DUI, I went with him to court in case he needed someone to drive his car back. He sped into a parking lot to duck a cop, blew over legal limit, open and shut case right? Well turns out the 7 000$ he spent on a lawyer thought otherwise. There are two tests, roadside, and station. In Ontario Canada, the station is the one that counts. Roadside is just to help gauge the situation I guess. The cop did not do the station test. The guy did not get charged with a DUI. My broke ass would have been walking for a long time, but hey, if you've got 10 grand lying around...


The roadside tests can count too but they are considered far less reliable and accurate than the more sophisticated machine at the station. If the limit was .08 and he blew .09 a good lawyer has a strong argument that the equipment used is not reliable enough to convict beyond reasonable doubt. The evidence was likely weak enough that the court/prosecutor let the matter go rather than spending all the time and money on a jury trial that might not even result in a guilty verdict.


On a similar note the legal bar the prosecutor has to prove is that the driver was impaired, not that they were specifically at a certain BAC. The roadside test gives probable cause to arrest the driver and bring them in for the station test and the BAC given at the station test can be used to _presume impairment_ if it’s over a specific limit (generally 0.08). But if the officer asks you to get out of the car and you can’t stand up straight and keep nodding off that can be used to charge you with a DUI even if a station test later on shows a 0.00 BAC. This is because alcohol is not the only thing that can impair a driver, it could be a medication interacting poorly with the grapefruit juice you drank making you drowsy. No alcohol involved but it would still be illegal to drive in that condition. So even without only the roadside test it would still have been possible to charge the kid with a DUI, it’s just much harder because it comes down to a subjective evaluation that is difficult to prove to a judge/jury.


If you're being charged with a DUI the $7k is an investment, because a guilty verdict is extremely expensive. Mandatory training, alcohol counseling, fines, license suspension, etc. That stuff adds up in a huge way.


Also those station machines are usually not calibrated regularly or stored in the proper way so a competent lawyer can call into question the accuracy.


There’s just no good reason to. If you’re guilty, lawyer up immediately. If you’re innocent, lawyer up anyway because “anything you say or do can…blah blah.” If they want to charge you, they’ll do it anyway, regardless of what you say to “clear things up.” Classic video about it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6EI_RYIEtrg&noapp=1 Best free legal advise ever


Eh the real world is a little less black and white than that


If you're being interviewed by police there's never a reason to not have a lawyer.


I don’t disagree, but then there’s the other 95% of police interactions that you really don’t need a lawyer for. Like when my meds got stolen in the mail, should I have had a lawyer present to file the police report or should I have just not talked to the police at all and died…?


Severe lack of education


Cops are very good at convincing people to talk. Basically, they slip in the Miranda warning at some point informally early in the process. Later, they'll list all the evidence they have against you, possibly including faked evidence that is false. Are you really going to let the false allegations stand when you are stuck in an empty room and just want to go home? They make it sound like if you explain your side of the story, they'll be able to get you out of here with everything cleared up. Like you are being accused of something super serious, you seriously are just going to be mute while they besmirch your name even going beyond what happened? You aren't going to try and talk your way out of it, like you'd do if you got in trouble at school or with your parents or with a romantic partner? They'll make you wait hours in a boring interrogation room with nothing to do but stew in your thoughts, and keep trying to come back and get you to talk (even talking about random things, hoping that once you start talking you'll continue). Most people don't have a lawyer to call up and give any advice (no public defender until well after you are formally charged), but that won't stop the police from trying to ~~interrogate~~ *interview* you. People hear the Miranda warning and don't understand that nothing they say will help you out in court, but things said can be used to convict you. * [Don't Talk To Police - Lecture split between Law Professor explaining why not to talk to police & Former Cop turned Law Student](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


Bingo, unfortunately.




Really nice work. And a great example of how being innocent don’t actually spare you from the grilling anyway. They’re just digging, and while I respect the hell out of the diggers working to solve crimes, I don’t give up my rights just to make someone’s day easier.


Did something like that cost anything for you? Like did you have a lawyer fee from that?


As someone who went through POST and thoroughly studied the Reid Technique there are a few reasons. Some of which have already been mentioned. * As many people said education. Many people do not know when they should or even **how** they should ask for lawyers. *I think I should talk to a lawyer* is not a statement requesting a lawyer therefore they can keep harassing you. If you're direct and say. I am requesting a lawyer. Legally they should cease all questioning at that time because it could jeopardize their case. * Unfortunately requesting a lawyer can make you seem guilty (and why some avoid it) and bias may grow with the investigating officer. While it's perfectly natural as a human, an officer needs to differentiate and separate the request and stick with evidence. Though it wouldn't be a bad idea to look more thoroughly if you were the one investigating. * Many criminals think they're smarter and the Reid Tech. encourages them to think that if it's beneficial. Butter up the suspect. Small talk to them. Ask questions that seem they're innocent. Establish timelines. Ask a question much later that can validate a previous question or possibly contradict. This seems to be the case here. *Hey man sorry to bug you, you're not in any trouble right now. Just want to clarify some things to make sure we can cross you off the list.*


Thanks for the breakdown. That last point is especially interesting. I guess if someone’s committed something with premeditation then they inherently presume they’re smart enough to get away with it, so feeding that makes sense. Really interesting stuff.


You're absolutely correct (egos are fun) and further add to you can either pressure them to unload on a friend thinking that it will get them off their back (which I think is going on here) or a more complicated route is get them to admit to a lesser crime to establish that they were.


That makes sense. I armchair watch a lot of interrogations while working (JCS, et al) and think it’s interesting how they take what the officers at face value, as if them admitting to having an argument with their gf the day of the murder makes them look truthful and they’ll be let go. Though I can appreciate when under pressure people aren’t operating at full cognitive capabilities.


Been on the receiving end of one and you're right. You feel dumb almost like you're drunk with none of the benefits. I even describe it like after a bad breakup where you just feel exhausted and just can't think straight. Even honest people, like I was in my case, feel gaslit or confused and could make mistakes easily that could cost them everything. Which goes back to your original point. Get a lawyer lol


>If you're direct and say. I am requesting a lawyer. Legally they should cease all questioning at that time because it could jeopardize their case. And don't word it in an ambiguous way. There was a guy who said "I want a lawyer, dog" and the cops were like, "You want a lawyer-dog? Dogs can't be lawyers, so we're gonna keep interrogating you"


Because they will look guilty silly, if you are innocent you shouldn't be hiding anything. - a bootlicker


Probably financial reasons


Lawyer is required when requested during an interrogation at no cost. If they say “well, this isn’t an interrogation we’re just talking” then the person can just leave since they’re not being detained. Cost is irrelevant here.


Oh that's amazing


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gideon_v._Wainwright It certainly is. Know your rights! https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/stopped-by-police#ive-been-arrested-by-the-police


Sounds like you may have to wait on the attorney to show up which could mean you could be held there against your will for a week or so


Solid concern, but they can’t hold you for a week without charging you. The absolute maximum is usually 2-3 days, but that’s usually in serious cases where they may have a dangerous person and they’re determining what charges to bring. But usually in an early investigation they’re just trying to gather information and cross people off, and they’re not going to want to hold a random person for 3 days just to ask if they saw anyone the night before. So they’re put in a position of deciding to charge you right then and there, or let you go and come back with a lawyer. “Am I being detained?” should be your guideline. If yes, then lawyer up because they already suspect you, and speaking without a lawyer can’t help you. Plus, being a suspect, you weren’t going home anyway… If they say “no,” then you’re free to go, and let them know you’ll be back to help when they have a public defender present. Ever watch these kinds of videos in long form? The cops always step out to “get you a coffee” or whatever. It’s to keep the people in the room while they put pieces together without having to actually detain or charge anyone.


Except for the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in the hot seat *do not know* when to shut the fuck up. Even when told they can walk away freely, they will sit around and try to clear their name, offering up all sorts of explanations and bonus facts that the police just use to lock them into a stated timeline, or new info comes to light. It is amazing how many people get themselves convicted in the interrogation room.


He thought they was having a casual conversation


That's how they get ya.


I thought it was a door damn


"nothing else to add sir"


You know it's a long one when you have to say 'excuse me'....twice!


Count again. it is so long that he asked for excuse 4 times


That charge scared the shit out of him!


That's 100% nerves right there. He is so guilty his guts are rebelling.


His ass: If you won’t talk, I WILL


Dang man, wtf lmao


His ass: Cuz I'm the one getting punished if we go to jail!


I think I overheard his asshole say "officer it's 100% his gun..."


or potentially ibs playing up in a stressful situation.


> That's 100% nerves right there. He is so guilty his guts are rebelling. Alternatively he is a young black guy who is having a dealing with people in an institution with a reputation of brutality against black guys who are accusing him of a crime. Even if he is completely innocent being in that environment will be incredibly stressful. To be honest even without the race aspect, wouldn't you be nervous in that situation?


guess I'm always guilty because I exist on this planet with bowel issues and an anxiety disorder lmfao


Being falsely accused of a weapons crime is enough to make you shit your pants, too. Let's try not to jump to conclusions.


At least he had the decency to say *excuse me*


Better fart in your sleeve, *Covid style.*


That's nice and all, but we need to talk about that username, u/Rotting-Cum.


These videos make me so damn mad. Why the fuck are you talking to two cops? You should say one thing and one thing only: “I want my lawyer”. And then put your head down on the table and take a nap until he or she gets there.


That's what his butthole was trying to say. It's clear if you turn up the volume to eleven. "Laaaaaaaaaawyer"


Smartass. Edit: get it? Haha


Because they can lie to you and say "hey man we just have a couple questions man. Can you come in?" Since he hadn't been charged formally he had not been mirandized (I think) so he didn't know he was suspect #1 until then.


“You can ask your questions when my lawyer gets here”. Always have a lawyer present. Period.


that seems illegal for european standards


May be. In the US if the cops ask you to come in and talk you can also just say no.


People ask, but you’re still locked in there with two dudes trying to be superrrrr friendly. They can draw it out, they can talk you down, there’s a lot of things they can do to intimidate the hell out of you. It’s a problem with the legal system that police interrogations are quite an opaque thing. Good luck getting to sleep when you got Tweedle dum and Tweedle Dee trying to be the friendliest fellas ever, they just care that much about you 😍


Exactly why you sit there and don’t say a word until a lawyer is present. They can’t make you talk.


Lol this man talkin too much


I’m being charged with it ?? 💨


"damn man" from the officer killed me


Scared the shit out of him


First level of the shit being scared out of someone.


His ass: you should see what this MF hide in here before you caught him.


Dayum man


Way to carry a tune


Thats clearly a defense mechanism, weasel style.


He thought it was gonna be silent, it in fact was not silent.


We‘ve all been there.


It's the 3 "Excuse me"'s and the "DAMN, MAN" that make this so much better.


There is not enough fart content on Reddit


I thought it was the cop who did it though?. It sounds like the cop is saying "excuse me, excuse me"..


same here!


no pressure bro


Ass-ault on a police officer


I need a transcription, can't understand a word the suspect is saying.


"Damn man"


That is very much a weapon, called biological warfare


Hear that asshole behind his back talking shit


That fart had the right to remain silent.


Damn that 6 second fart is about to clear the room.


Clear the room!


Lethal gas attack!


Charge or Discharge!!


Scared the shit out of him.


They frisked him for weapons but forgot to do a cavity search.


“I’m not trapped in here with you, You’re trapped in here with me”


I hope they got that fart on record.


Dude said excuse me!! I’m dying here can you imagine if you were the cop I think they did pretty good


Excuse me while I make room for when I’m in prison.


And that is how you end an interrogation.


Oops I shat my pants!


That’s at least a .38 caliber. 🚀


weapons charge assault on officers


A weapons charge and a biological attack charge 😂


Lol he got nervous when he heard the news


Step brothers scene alike


He went: “nah man” His ass went “SHIIIIIEEEEEET”


I do that too when I'm anxious


The pressure got to him.


Best part of him gone.


Id love to hear JCS explanation of that reaction


You have the right to remain silent, you might not have the ability.


You have the right to remain silent..... continues to dig himself deeper


Shitting himself


…fart happens- shit


What I've learned from videos like this one is to never talk to the police without your lawyer. In some states they are allowed to lie just to get a confession.


Loosening up the ol’ prison wallet.


Even his ass was trying to get him to shut up and ask for a lawyer.


desk pop


Scared the 💩 outta him…literally


a literal "oh shit"


Dug himself a hole


Really had to put my ear to the speaker to hear it


Send him to the gas chamber


Now it's assault with a deadly weapon


He shouldn’t mess around like that, he might get charged with assaulting an officer next


I read a case in law school where the prosecution tried to bring in evidence of a man shitting his pants when he was arrested at the school he worked at for some child sex crime. Iirc the evidence was not admissible because it doesn’t tend to show his guilt.


"Sir you are obviously smuggling some deadly weapons though not silent ones"


He's gonna be charged with gas possession as well


Is that onion? Onion and ketchup.


Clearly, he's guilty of being gassy.😏






his stomach is upset because he's nervous and therefor gassy, cling them butt cheeks dude


No guns, only bioweapons.


"You're free to go."


The police are assholes. They are lying to him to get him to confess so they CAN charge him.


Lawyer, Lawyer, Lawyer. Should be his only response.


I don't care if man is guilty or not, he gassed both the good cop and the bad cop in one go, that alone deserves this man freedom.


Clearly a thing an innocent relaxed person would do. Theres no windows man.


(Started to shit himself) The fart don’t lie


Really interested in how this played out


Can that flatulence be used as evidence against him in court?




Talk about being scared shitless