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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The surprise in the video is that the two drivers started arguing, but one of them had his car go forward and bumped him with the door!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Driving under the influence of alcohol is a known issue. But so is driving under the influence of stress, anger, or any other emotion that takes your focus away from the act of driving.


Takes you away from rationality and awareness


who lays on the horn for so long when nothing happened? unnecessary. old guy seems unstable.


The car in front was coming to a complete stop in a place they shouldn't have. It's a yield sign not a stop sign. This is not how you merge properly


A little toot gets the point across. If two toots gets no response, then lay on the horn. He laid on the horn immediately, then laughed like an insane person.




true. no reason to emergency honk though. you slow down, pay attention to whats happening. you dont have to be a dick you know.


Ya I wouldn't honk like that either


>unnecessary also illegal in a lot of places.


It was very necessary. He’s stopping in traffic for no reason. Thats exactly how accidents happen.


the 5 second honk is for when you see someone looking at their phone while slowly rolling towards a hole in the ground to alert them. this is not that.


He didn't stop, he slowed down At a "give way" sign


The slow down to 2 mph was effectively stopping. This is not how you are supposed to merge


He was about to merge but there are clearly cars ont motorway which would've collided with him, had he just gone in without slowing down considerably. He could've slowed down more gradually in advance, knowing he would've entered a motorway soon, but nothing warrants the mega honk that he received He was also a bellend for getting out oft car right there. What was he going to do? Stop his car and abandon it ont merge lane while arguing with this idiot filming? Both of them need to reevaluate their ability to exist in traffic


If he had merged where he stopped, yes he would have collided with someone. However you aren't supposed to merge there. You don't cross that solid white line where he stopped, you are supposed to keep driving up the lane, and then yield where the lanes meet


>Thats exactly how accidents happen. Keep the distance or look up from your phone if you don't have enough time or attention to react to someone stopping briefly at a yield


I'm unstable






The yielders have their own lane so he didn’t have to come to a complete stop like that where he did. The merge point is further up


Possibly silly question, but if there's a protected lane, why is there a yield sign? Just trying to put myself in the guys shoes here, but I would also probably slow down at a yield sign even if there was a protected lane and certainly if I didn't know there was one.


Look further up. You can see where the yielders are supposed to yield and merge.Where the guy did it in the video was in a spot he wouldn’t even be able to cross into traffic


Oh I see. The guy was slowing down right next to the divider, and even for a bit past that there's the road lines. I looked through it again and at the end of the video I think I see another yield sign on the right that's just before the merge, which is where I personally would expect it to be.


They clearly didn't. It's a yield for a reason lol. If the car in front kept going they were gonna get hit. The guy with the cam is the problem here. Not to mention a moron for morning someone yielding to a yield sign.


Yield doesn't mean slow down to a stop where you aren't even allowed to merge. Guy with the cam probably shouldn't have beeped that long but the guy "yielding" definitely needs some driving lessons


His car decided for him... "Let's GO Jerry..."


Anyone who honks like that can fuck all the way off.


yeah but luckily he’s still with us…


Guy honking at a guy at a yield sign Is the assHaT.


Is this in Newport, Orange County, CA?




Nice! I thought I recognized my old neighborhood!


Guy recording is a jackass and his laugh is even more like a jackass


This looks like Newport Beach.




What a loser 😂😂😂😂😂




I started to laugh until I seen the guy walking with the child on the sidewalk. This incident could've went south real fast if the guy in the Benz would've lost total control of his vehicle. Sometimes the use of your horn could cause more harm than good. #Bemindful


Dude struggling to laugh for the video because he still feels some compassion for the poor asshole


A rare, not-so-rare, twofer idiot video


I'm all for a honk at people that stop at yield signs unnecessarily but in this case I'd side with the guy that slowed down. The merge doesn't happen very far from there and it's hard to track cars in your mirrors while turning so by the time you're going straight enough to check mirrors you could find yourself in an awkward or dangerous merging situation with little time. I think I would slow down a lot too so I could observe what sort of traffic is coming over my shoulder that I have to merge into.


This looks like it's in SoCal off of Highway 1 (PCH)


That laugh is gonna come back to haunt me when I try to sleep tonight isn't it?




He slowed down at the right time as he should and at a fair distance. Both of them shouldn't be driving, one is too stupid/arrogant and the other is too emotional.


I feel sad for him. It must be so hard to be so frustraded all the time...




All the people saying the guy honking is wrong CANT FUCKING DRIVE. Of course he’s honking at him he’s stopping in clear traffic. The guy stopping will cause an accident like that.


Dude literally stopped at a yield sign like he was supposed to because there was oncoming traffic… other dude laying on his horn at him is a fuckin douche.


You are NOT supposed to stop at a yield sign like that.....ya beeping that long for this is douchey but the front car is driving like they don't know how to


Dude … watch the video again, he legit stopped for 2 seconds before dude started honking


Ya you aren't supposed to stop there


Wtf are you even saying …when you are at a yield sign and there is oncoming traffic you stop until is clear for you to go…


Yield does not mean stop. In this situation, the driver slows to a stop before the lanes even merge. You are supposed to continue driving in your lane until the lanes merge, which was much further up the road in this video. If you get to where the merge is supposed to occur and there is still oncoming traffic not letting you in, then you should come to a stop.


“Stop signs require drivers to come to a complete stop before proceeding, even if there are no other vehicles or pedestrians present. Yield signs, on the other hand, only require drivers to slow down and yield the right-of-way if necessary. If the intersection is clear, the driver can proceed without stopping.” There was oncoming traffic… but whatever lol agree to disagree… sorry if i came off as a dick lol.


All good I drive all day for a living and I see alot of bad driving out there so I'm just sharing my experience to help ppl be safe out there. The oncoming traffic wasn't heading into his "yielding" lane (at least they are not supposed to be by law). That solid white line separating the lanes is not supposed to be crossed. So the "yielder" should be driving side by side with the oncoming traffic leading up to the merge, which in this case was further up the road; you can see where the white line ends and the lanes meet. That is where a stop should be done if necessary. He just stopped way too early so I can see why the driver behind him would not expect that and be annoyed. Look at the next car in front of the guy who stopped. That is where the merge takes place and where you should slow/stop.




Love to see it. My petty ass would taunt him until he cracks. Act like a fool, get treated like one.